Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    It is beleved that TLW scribe David Koepp is one of the several uncredited writers who helped sort out JP3's script. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    Jurassic Krap 3: part 16
    By CeratosPit

    Last time...

    Stranded in in the aviarylike Children's Television Workshop, Alan Grant, Billy Brennan and the Kirby family were attacked by the aggressive, airborn mutant Big Birds and ravenous Tickling Elmos. Billy, sadly, was shot in the chest by one of the 9-foot giants, but the rest of the group managed to escape. And in a moment, it seemed, so would the Big Birds. For next to the exit was a gaping hole in the wall!

    Grant: We're cursed, aren't we?

    *The monstrous muppets gathered around the opening. The Alpha Big Bird was about to pass through first when, 'THWIP!', a sPider-web instantly appeared and covered their avenue of escape. Not to far away, Billy crawled out of the river in the cage and used his newly acquired powers to save his friends*

    Paul: Oh my gosh, It's Billy!

    Billy: *weakly* rr...run...

    Grant: Billy! For heaven's sake, what happened!? Where's my hat!?

    *Angered, the alpha Big bird turns to Billy and flies over to kill him. Billy reaches into his vest, and throws Alan's hat like a frisbee at the creature. The sPinning hat chops off the avian's head and cuts into a bar of the giant cage. Grant pulls it out and puts it on*

    Billy: Y...your hat... r..rescued me... Go, now...

    *The Big bird's flock around the dying young man and tear him to peices. The Kirbys turn away, but Grant can't. He watches his best friend die. Amanda pulls him away*

    Amanda: Come on. There's nothing we can do for him. And that web won't keep the birds in forever. We have to go.

    Grant: *breaking into tears* He had my vodka! Waaaaah!!!

    *The group moves on into the woods. Eric walks up to Alan, whose ahead of them all*

    Eric: I'm sorry about Billy. Did you know him long?

    Grant: Well, we just met 3 days ago. I was resurecting a friend's dead cat, and he fell from the sky. It's a long story. Ya know, Eric, there's two kinds of boys in the world. There are those who want to be Super Saiyens, and those who want to be Pokemon masters. Now, the super saiyen kids grow up with 7 dads, and suffer from severe body odor.

    Eric: But then they never get to train Pokemon...

    Grant: And that's the difference between selling hot dogs and figure skating. That's all Billy wanted.

    Eric: What the hell? To be a figure skater?

    Grant: No, to go up into sPace? Weren't you listening?

    *Amanda runs up to them, looking worried*

    Amanda: Guys, where's Paul?

    Eric: I dunno. Thought he was with you.

    Amanda: PAUL? PAUL!

    Grant: Paul Kirby!

    Eric: Dr.Grant, how many Paul's do you think are on this island?

    *Paul Bowmen (the british yacht guy from TLW) and his wife Diedre step out of the bushes*

    Bowmen: I say, were you 3 calling for me?

    2 B Continued...

    2/25/2002 10:15:50 PM
    (Updated: 2/25/2002 10:18:32 PM)

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