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    Jurassic Krap 3: part 10
    By CeratosPit

    Grant watched a couple of raptors that stayed behind from a large tree stump. He wondered why the raptors were so pissed off. Would they present a threat to him? And what were they saying. He crouched down and pulled out a pair of binoculars from his pocket. Maybe he could study their body language. He gets back up and peeks through a hole in the bark. Through the binoculars he sees the Velimeyraptor looking his way.

    Grant: Uh oh. I hope I haven't been sPotted.

    *Grant continues looking at the creature whose now, appearently, standing only 5 feet away and looking back at the paleontologist!*

    *Team Raptor continues gloating over their capture of the other three humans*

    Paul: You'll never get away with this!

    Vanessaraptor: Oh, but we already have!

    Velocirupert: And now we're gonna hand you over to the boss!

    Smurth: That's right!

    Amanda: *sigh* Well, as long as we're making anime references...*She faces her hands towards each other and creates a glowing ball* KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...

    Team Raptor: Hmm?


    Smurth: What's that?


    Billy: Uhhhh


    Paul: Ohhh


    *Amanda releases a glowing blast of concussive energy from her hands, the Kamandamanda, that blows Team Raptor away, and breaks open the cage*

    Vanessa: It looks like...

    Rupert: Team Raptor's...

    Smurth: Busting Ass Agaaaaaaaiiiinnn!


    Amanda: Well, that took a lot out of me.

    Paul: In that case you should get some rest, honey.

    Billy: Then we better go back up the tree. We'll be safest up there.

    *So the weary trio climbs the nearest, and breanchiest tree as the sun begins to set*

    *Alan was tied up and being lowered unnecessarilly slowly into a pot of boiling water by the hungry raptors*

    Alan: Asses to you! Eat me and you'll be poisoned, you Velocibastards!

    Limey: Are you implying that you become venomous once you're deceased and consumed?

    Alan: I have HIV! A drop of my blood is deadlier than cobra venom!

    Limey: We've discovered a cure for you Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

    Grant: Really?

    Limey: Well, we ARE smarter than dolphins, or whales. Smarter than primates.

    Grant: Um, can I have some then?

    Limey: Certainly. *Motions for a raptor to come fourth and shoot a blowgun into Alan's neck. The dart cures him*

    Grant: Wow! I feel better already! Thanks!

    Limey: Your welcome. Consider it your last request.

    *And so, Grant continues to descend into the Raptors' pot of IMPENDING DOOM!*

    2 B continued...

    PS, Happy AIDS Awareness Week, Everyone!

    2/5/02 6:11:08 PM

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