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    Dilophosaurus is the only dinosaur genus in Jurassic Park not to return in a JP sequel. (From: Oviraptor)
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    Jurassic Krap 3: Epilogue
    By CeratosPit

    Well, Grant and the Kirbys finally made it to an airship. And along the way, they met up with some returning friends! Enrique, the T-rex, Ian Malcolm, and finally, Billy.

    Enrique: Hey, jefe, I'm gonna start up the engine. Let's get outta here!

    Malcolm: You said it pal!

    Enrique: *starts the engine and begins to sing again*
    If ya feeeeel like leavin'
    behind all the dinosaurs,
    just tryyyyyyy to remember
    you'll just wind
    up back here
    when they make
    Jurassic Park 4!

    Paul: Eric, Amanda, we're finally going to go home!

    Amanda: And leave all our problems behind!

    Grant: Well, not all...

    Paul: Say what?

    Grant: Let's see, under false pretenses, you folks kidnapped me, smuggled me into a restricted island, had one of your mercenaries shoot me in the head, disturb a wildlife preserve, and, oh yes, you set a last of it's kind endangered sPecies on fire... anything else, Billy?

    Billy: Child Endangerment.

    Grant: Ah yes. My attourney is going to have a field day with you guys. Soon as we get back, I'm suing Kirby Enterprises.

    Amanda: What Kirby enterprises? Paul owns a couple of lemonade stands in Ohio. He's not a CEO!

    Paul: ammmaaanndaaaaa...

    Amanda: Shut up. You know Dr.Grant, we actually divorced last month. We just pretended to stay married for this whole idiotic plot of his. So if you have any legal trouble with us, it's all his fault.

    Malcolm: Hmm. The plot thickens.

    Paul: Heh heh, you know heh heh, Dr.Grant, heh heh, this whole thing is just a BIG misunderstanding, heh heh.

    Eric: *snickers* Dad, you are so screwed! Ha Ha!

    Grant: What are you laughing at? You've lived on this island for 8 years. US immigration is just going to send you back.

    Eric: Huh?

    T-rex: Have fun kid.

    *And so, the airship lifts off and begins it's flight to the mainland. But standing on the beach are a father and son who are pretty much condemmed to this island for the rest of their lives*

    Paul: You know, this place isn't so bad. It just needs a little carpeting, maybe. A fresh paint job.

    Eric: *walking back off into the jungle* Shut up, dad.

    Paul: *following him* And maybe some futons. You know, you can never have enough futons. Futons are what really make a room...

    Eric: *annoyed* Shut Up, DAD!

    *Back on the airship, Malcolm, Grant and Billy look on ahead at the sunset. "I'll fly with you" by Gigi D'Agostino starts playing. Obaw Obaw theng, wha ben ob en sPeng, wha ben en ben sPeng, wha be obwa to be theng. I still believe in your eyes...*

    Grant: So Billy, what do you plan on doing once we get home?

    Billy: Amanda.

    Grant: So, I take it you're not gay anymore?

    Malcolm: Nah, I programmed him to be straight. Anyway, it was kinda nice coming back to that island.

    Grant: sPeak for yourself! You're just a cameo!

    Billy: Ha ha! Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've had enough of Jurassic Park! If I never see a raptor again it'll be to soon!

    Amanda: *calling from the back* Guys! You better get over here!

    *The guys hurry to see what's wrong. They stare out into the air with their jaws dropped*

    T-rex: What's all the hullaballoo about?

    *He positions himself up to see what they're all looking at. And he can't believe it either. Not too far away, the S.S.Bowman is floating through the air with TT on the hull, and the raptors partying inside. Limey stops for a second and looks at the humans*

    Limey: Tootle pip! *he goes back to partying*

    Billy: Well, I'll be darned.

    Amanda: I dare them to nest in Kabul, Afghanistan.

    Malcolm: Knowing that alien, they probably will.

    Grant: It's a whole new world for them.

    T-rex: And I smell another sequel.

    And so, two great ships in the sky head for tomorrow. One carrying raptors, and the other humans. You might wonder who'll reach the rest of the world first. But does it really matter? Like the T-rex said, I smell another sequel.

    And I'll fly with yoooouuuuu...

    The End

    3/2/2002 1:47:47 AM
    (Updated: 3/2/2002 2:01:13 AM)
    (Updated: 3/2/2002 9:49:23 AM)

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