Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The establishing shot of the dig site in JP3 was actual footage filmed in early summer 2001 at Jack Horner's dinosaur excavation. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Jurassic Juveniles
    By CeratosPit

    So this one time, Alan Grant Ran into the dreaded sPinosaurus! But he wasn't afraid. He told the dinosaur...

    Alan: I will shoot you Dinosaur with my gun.

    sPinosaurus: I love you.

    Gun: Meow!

    *Alan shot the sPinosaurus, but instead of killing the beast, it only made him dance*

    sPinosaurus: I'm dancing!

    Alan: Oh no this is a dancing gun!

    *Thinking quickly, our paleontologist pal whips out a lovely bouquet of green roses*

    Alan: Ok have these roses.

    sPinosaurus: They're pretty!

    Roses: BLAM!

    *The bouquet of roses kill the sPinosaurus who falls back*

    Alan: Ha Ha I am bad!

    sPinosaurus: Oh no I am dead!

    Alan: I am going home to eat food.

    sPinosaurus: Wait Please My tummy hurts.

    Alan: That is because you are dead.

    sPinosaurus: Why am I dead?

    Alan: You are dead because you are not alive. Silly Silly sPinosaurus

    sPinosaurus: Why am I not anymore alive anymore?

    Alan: That is because you are dead.

    sPinosaurus: Why am I dead?

    Alan: You are dead because my magical flowers made you not alive anymore.

    sPinosaurus: Oh ok Why did your flowers make me not alive anymore?

    Alan: Because I hate you I don't like you.

    sPinosaurus: I am sad.

    Alan: Why are you sad?

    sPinosaurus: Because you don't like me and you hate me.

    Alan: Don't be sad.

    sPinosaurus: Ok lets be friends.

    Alan: Ok.

    THE END!

    8/29/2002 9:33:15 PM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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