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By Michael Crichton
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    InGen University part 12
    By CeratosPit


    From behind Ian and Amanda, Roland ran into the kitchen with Juanito and Enrique. “Do NOT go in there!” Roland warned. “Whoooo!”

    “Well we’re no safer outside!” Alan argued. “Not unless we have something to divert the attention of that sPinosaurus outside.”

    “Wait a second!” said Malcolm. “I…I have a plan! A brilliantly amazing plan!”
    Chap 12

    Without any warning, Paul Kirby found himself yanked out of the refrigerator and tossed out of the sliding door. “Thanks guys!” he expressed to Ian and Amanda. “It was getting kinda hard to breath in there and--hey! Look! A dinosaur! AAAAAGH!!!”

    Now, the sPinosaurus was reasonably upset with his failure to obtain Elle’s manacle. But it was not in this animal’s ability to be angry at it’s self. So instead, he sought to vent his misPlaced anger at the little be-mustached biped he saw jettisoned from the building. And Paul Kirby ran away because, as foolish as he was, he did not wish to be eaten. Meanwhile, inside what was being left of the beach house, Nick summoned up all his brain power to ignore Elle’s dental floss bikini and ask a serious question.

    “Hey, so can anybody tell me why we’re all suddenly in a poorly-written B-Movie?” he questioned aloud.

    Juanito stepped forward. “This is because the creature we have feared for more than 10,000 years has been reawakened and--”

    “Well, my curiosity’s been satisfied!” Nick sighed. “Next question, how do we get out of here?”

    “I suppose we can make a dash for your van.” Elle said. “That whatever-it-was seems busy chasing Amanda’s regrettable choice for a husband.”

    “Aye, that one does, but what of the rest of ‘em?” Roland asked.

    “There are MORE undead dinosaurs!?” Alan asked incredulously.

    Amanda temporarily opened the door to the hall and let those unapprised with the situation peek at the turmoil happening in the adjoining hallway with the zombie teens and dinosaurs going Apeshit on everything. Then she closed it.

    “You got your keys Nick?” Ian asked. Nick reached into his crotch and pulled them out. “That, ah, that leaves me with a question for another time. Let’s jet.”

    Roland reopened the door, took quick glances to his left and right and motioned everyone else too follow him. Like monkeys freed from a smelly closet, the eight scurried out of the beach house to the Van Owen Van as fast as they could with their heads held low. But it would not be fast enough for one of them. Standing on one of the torn down walls of the beach house was the reanimated Dilophosaurus. She recognized the blond female with the manacle on her arm as the one Imhotep. Dilophosaurus extended a sPider-web like frill from her neck, reared her double-crested and hocked a massive black loogie with marksman-like precision. In fact, it would have hit Elle square in the back had Enrique not come between them at the sPlit second that he did.

    The slime had hit Enrique like a sack full of bunnies and knocked him down. Juanito stopped for a moment and turned back to see if his friend was alright. Enrique was not alright though. He screamed in anguish as he rose from the ground, transforming into another hideous zombie creature! He would have bitten Juan and infected him as well had Roland blasted a hole in the back of Enrique’s mouth. The two continued running to Nick’s van. Roland grabbed Alan who had paused in astonishment, saying to himself, “It’s sPitting poison…they DO sPit poison!”

    Everybody pushed and shoved as they piled into the van. Nick nervously sorted through his key chain, trying to find the key he would stick into the ignition. The Dilophosaur, meanwhile, gave the van a new coat of black as she sPat on it. “I just waxed this thing, asshole!” Nick cussed as he stuck in his key and started the van. Within seconds, he turned the van around the corner of the beach house and set it on the driveway leading to the street. But there was an obstacle in his path.

    Therizinosaurus had his berserker rage quenched after poking holes into several surprised teens. Now, he was back to business mode. He had seen Elle Sattler pile into this strange compartment on wheels and now it was his turn to collect her. Nobody in the van, however, even knew that this beast had a goal in his mind but to cause general havoc. Nick was afraid, but more than anything, he was angry. These…things had ruined his party and turned his guests into hordes of the undead. So upon meeting the gaze of his once extinct foe, he floored the gas pedal and unleashed his secret weapon; he pushed the big red button.

    One can only imagine what went through the mind of the Therizinosaurus when he saw two large chainsaw laden pinwheels pop out of the van’s hood a few feet in his direction. But the creature’s brain must have operated on that reawakened instinct and lightening quick reaction time which had made him such formidable prey all those eons ago. With blinding sPeed, he had leapt over the van and chopped off those deadly pinwheels in one fell swoop.

    The one on the right had flown off and inadvertently saved Paul Kirby’s life by chopping the sPinosaur’s elongated jaws clean off. This gave the young man a little bit more time to run. The one on the left flew into the grove of palms and decapitated the Brachiosaurus by the base of the neck. When the surprised Therizinosaurus had landed in the van’s tracks, the last thing he expected was to have a gigantic neck fall on him. But it did.

    Alan and Elle were looking out of the back windows at the unholy scene they had just deserted. Their curiosity temporarily subsided by the relief of safety, they both sighed in relief. “I sure hope the worst is behind us.” Elle said softly.

    “Then don’t look ahead.” Amanda said in that wry voice of hers.

    Obviously, Elle didn’t pay heed to that advice. The streets of Cancun were fraught with horrors. Zombies chasing people, cars crashing into buildings, buildings crashing into zombies, it was pure chaos. At this point, Juanito had taken notice of Elle’s ornament. He grabbed her arm and asked, “Where did you get this?”

    Elle pulled her arm back, alarmed slightly at this strange young man’s forwardness. “It was a gift. He gave it to me.” She said indicating Alan.

    “You gave her the Manacle of Canubis to wear?” Juanito inquired in a grave tone. “Then she is what those creatures were after.”

    “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Whoa!” Alan said, cutting Juanito short. “Who are you, and what’s going on here?”

    “I will keep this to the point.” Juanito began. “My name is Juanito Rostagno. I am a member of an ancient order called the Medjai, who have sworn to protect the world from an ancient evil known as Imhotep should he rise again. His body had been lost for several decades after a somewhat recent attempt at reincarnation.”

    “Imhotep!?” Alan asked incredulously. “You mean that mummy at the Museum of Big Dead Things?”

    “Museum? That may certainly explain where all of the dinosaurs came from. Listen. If he gets this manacle twelve hours after his resurrection, he will be unstoppable.” he then turned to Elle. “If we can keep you safe until morning, we might find a way to destroy him forever. Although that’s quite unlikely as well.”

    The people in the van were silent for a moment. They crashed into a zombie who rolled off the windshield. “So, ah, is this-this Imhotep guy the reason Sarah’s a zombie?”

    “He plays with life and death like a game.” Juanito explained. “Your friend, these dinosaurs, the masses we are plowing through right now, all of them are under Imhotep’s control. If he gets this manacle, you can be quite certain that the entire world will look like this in a week.”

    “And if we do, ah, somehow destroy him?” Ian asked with a glimmer of hope.

    “Sci-fi / fantasy rules apply. Everything goes back to the way it was before.”

    “You said you were a member of some group called the mojos or whatever.” Amanda brought up. “Are there any more of these guys and can they help us?”

    “The Medjai number in the thousands and sPan the globe.” Juanito told her. “Sadly, they are all at a wedding and I’m the only one on duty.”

    “Now that the back-story’s out of the way, where the hell am I supposed to go?” Nick impatiently asked at the wheel.

    “As far away from the zombie hoards as possible.” Juanito directed. “Head west and don’t stop until sunrise.”

    Just then the van stopped. “How ironic.” Nick observed. “We’ve run out of gas.” Then he looked at where he ran out of gas. Right next to a gas station. “Whoa. Double Irony.”

    “We shall have to refuel.” Juanito pointed out, desPite the blatancy.

    “Gee whiz, you think so, brainiac?” Amanda groaned. “One problem. To do that, one of us has to go outside. There are hungry zombies outside.”

    “I will go.” Juanito offered. “But I will need your back-up.” he told Roland.

    A minute later, Juanito was outside, filling up the tank with gas while Roland stood out through the sunroof firing his high-impact paintball gun at the slews of zombies who so much as looked in their direction. “How’s she filling up!?” Roland asked.

    “I need more time.” Juanito demanded. “We require a full tank to make our journey.”

    “Well I just shot my last paintball!” Roland warned. “I’ll need to reload. Grant? There should be another paintball jar in my bag. Can you find it?” Alan unzipped Roland’s bag to find it filled with nothing but jars of paintballs. Time was of the essence and he handed his friend a jar without question. Roland hurried to unscrew the jar and fill the container of his gun with ammunition. All around them, zombies began to gather, sensing safety. Juanito was holding his scimitar ready to defend himself and the van. They would attack soon, he knew, so he stopped pouring in the gasoline and closed the tank.

    The zombies took advantage of the silence and fell upon Juanito. He cut a few into ribbons, but he could not stop the scratches and bites from affecting him. “Drive! Drive now!” he demanded while he still had control over his senses. I am sorry I could not be of any further---RAGGGHHH!!!”

    Nick hit the gas pedal and drove off, mulching several zombies beneath his tires. Now, more than ever did the gang realize what trouble they were in. If the only person who knew what they were up against got slaughtered, what chance did the rest of them have? Roland took the loss most seriously. He admired Juanito’s courage and skill. So as a final tribute to his fallen friend, he had aimed his Masterblaster at the gas station and fired. The zombies saw a quick flash of light and were all incinerated.

    2 B continued...

    5/20/2004 12:01:00 AM

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