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    Dan programmed 'DQL', one of the first add-on game launchers for the 3-D game, Quake.
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    InGen High part 26
    By CeratosPit

    Back at the staircases, the Dilophosaurs were making short work of Cooper’s body and the kids watching grew worried. “Should we sPray the beer on ’em?” El asked.

    “I don’t see any other way of getting past them.” Al told her. He then turned to Roland. “Do it.”

    Roland shook the beer can for it to sPray hard. But as he shook it, one of the Dilophosaurs turned back from it’s meal and took noticed. Just when Roland was about to pull back the tab and throw it, the dinosaur sPewed the gooey black substance onto his hands from ten feet away. “Blimey, that shiznit stings!” he cried. x

    “Well this is rich!” Al complained. “How’ll we sPray them if we can’t get near them?”

    “I propose we just run away for now and regroup with a new idea.” Nick proposed.

    “I concur.” Ian concurred. Heh heh. Redundant word… Ian put his arm back around Nash’s shoulder and they continued to run as they had before. They were soon followed by everyone but El, who hel a can of beer.

    “El, come on!” Mandy shouted. “You can’t sPray them, remember?”

    “Dammit, Mandy, have you read this story thus far?” El inquired. “So far all I’ve done is given Al a love interest and mud wrestle with you! It feels like everyone has had some brilliant idea so far, except for me! Well I ain’t just another pretty face, I can--”

    “You know what?” Mandy asked. “Now isn’t the sPeech. Just do your plan.”

    El pulled the tab on her can of beer and sPrayed the floor with it. She then turned tail and caught up with the rest of the group when the Dilophosaurs seemed to be finished with Cooper. She was just out of sPitting distance when they looked at her so they followed.

    But when the first two or three stepped on the beer, they felt their feet burn and stepped back. One unfortunate Dilophosaur slipped and fell on the alcohol. It shrieked like a demon as it’s hip dissolved. The other dinosaur’s took notice of their dying friend. This liquid wasn’t safe to step on. They would have to go in a different direction and hope to cut their prey off.

    “…So then my father locked himself in the hall of clones with the raptor. I left the office and that’s when I ran into you guys.” Sarah told Hammond and the boys what she had been doing up until then. The compies were still scratching on the door, trying to get in and Hammond was looking nervous. But not from the little dinosaurs outside.

    “Why that is the most ridiculous story I’ve ever heard, Sarah!” Hammond told her, chuckling and sweating a little bit. “The very thought of me cloning my students is utterly preposterous!”

    “Yeah.” Sarah smiled. “Yours had six fingers on one hand.”

    “Your father cloned ME!?” asked Hammond, shocked. “And gave it a sixth finger!? Unacceptable!”

    “No, he didn’t.” Sarah admitted. “I just got you to confess that you knew about.”

    Hammond squinted at the clever redhead. “Well played, Sarah. Well played.” Suddenly, Hammond pressed a button on the wall expecting a trap door to open up beneath the girl and drop her into the lion pit. But nothing happened to her. She pointed to his feet and he noticed that the floor he was standing on wasn’t there. “Who moved the trap door!? AAAAAGGHH!!! Lions!!!” Hammond screamed as he fell in.

    “Tch. Yo, that hombre’s stupid, Homes.” Juanito said.

    “Yeah, we’re gonna have to get him fired.” Mark said. “But in the meantime, how’ll we get out of here?”

    The scratching sounds of the compies at the door turned into shrieks of pain from the little green bastards. The three teens wondered what could have happened to them. Just then, Roland Tembo opened the door, stepping over melted bodies of the compies. “They looked a bit thirsty.”

    “Roland!” Sarah cried. “Is everybody else--”

    “Yeah, we’re cool.” Ian told her as Al hoisted him up. “What about you guys? We heard a lady scream.”

    The effeminate scream rang out amongst roars of lions coming from the trap door. John Hammond climbed back up, covered in scratches. “Do NOT go in there! Whooooo!” and suddenly, he got pulled back down by a large golden paw. Screams and roars ensued.

    “Kitties!” Paul Kirby shrilled back out in the hallway before being slimed in the face by the black sPit of the Dilophosaurs. He fell to the ground, grabbing his face in pain. Everybody in the hallway ran into the Nurses office.

    Nick stated the obvious “They followed us! Everybody inside!” When they all ran in, he grabbed Paul Kirby by the arm and tried to drag his body in. Nick closed the door while pulling in Paul’s body, but before he could bring the stoner in all the way, a Dilophosaur bit his foot and pulled him back out. Nick had no choice but to shut the door.

    “Damn.” Mandy said softly. “Just when I was starting to…not hate him so much.”

    Roland and Nash pushed Dr. Harding’s desk in front of the door to make sure the Dilophosaurs couldn’t get in. His office was larger than that of most school nurses, nearly the size of a classroom. It was filled with couches, tables, filing cabinets and a couple of large desks. Everybody sat down in the couches, figuring the room was safe, except for Al who leaned against the wall.

    “So, ah, Sarah?” Ian began. “Aside from that terribly out of place pit of lions, would you say this room is safe?”

    “Actually, that raptor from the kitchen followed me up here.” she explained. “But my dad managed to trap it in the cloning room behind the walls over there.” she pointed to where Al leaned. The boy suddenly looked very weary.

    “Ah, cloning room?” Ian asked.

    “It’s a long story.” Sarah told him. “Let’s just say it’s trapped back there, unless it learned how to use remote controls.”

    Relieved, Al leaned back against the wall. He shouldn’t have though, for it began to open and a pair of clawed hands pulled him into the other side. “Al!” El screamed. But it was too late. As soon as the walls had opened, they had closed. And Al was gone behind them.

    As everyone in the nurse’s office sought to reopen the door, Al found himself being thrown against a large glass tube by the velociraptor who pulled him inside. He had only a few seconds to scour the area, and it was incredible. Huge glass tubes lined the floor, containing bodies, illuminated by green lights. Many of the tubes were broken, and the bodies inside were limp and dead. This was all Al could see before the raptor was upon him.

    Al regretted not carrying a can of beer on him to destroy the last raptor with. He got up and zigzagged around the broken tanks, evading the raptor who was obviously playing with him. There were broken shards of glass on the floor that Al’s sneaker’s let him step on, but the raptor would have to watch out for. So this was the clone lab Sarah sPoke of. For a moment, he recalled that joke Billy told him earlier in the day…

    “That’s right.” Billy’s flashback repeated. “He’ll try to clone you in his secret lab!”

    Maybe Billy wasn’t joking. Before Al could ponder this anymore, he slipped on a puddle of the liquid the clones were susPended in. When he rolled on his back to look up, he saw a leaping raptor about to fall on him! Then, out of sheer instinct perhaps, Al reached into his pocket, pulled out the raptor claw he collected earlier and held it over himself. Surprised in midair by this move, the raptor sPread his legs to land on either side of Al’s body instead of stabbling him with his toe claws.

    But it was too late. Though his feet fell firmly on the floor, Al’s claw had pierced the raptor’s heart upon landing. The scaly body went limp and collapsed on Al’s. Al breathed heavily, with adrenaline still surging through his body. He was just relieved to be alive. But what to do with this freshly killed dinosaur, he wondered? “You might make a nice pair of shoes…” Al suggested.

    2 B Continued...

    3/21/2003 11:44:05 PM

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