By Michael Crichton
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    Two dinosaur names that end in "saura" (the feminine form of "saurus") are Maiasaura and Leaellynasaura. Because Maiasaura means "good mother lizard" and Leaellynasaura is named after the discoverer's daughter Leaellyn, the feminine names seemed appropriate. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    InGen High part 14
    By CeratosPit

    In the hallways of InGen High, John Hammond and Peter Ludlow were chased up to the second floor by a creature, unbeknownst to them as a Baryonyx. This smaller version of monstrous sPinosaurus attacking the bleachers outside followed them through the corridors, up the stairs and into a small classroom with two doors on opposite sides of the same wall. Hammond opened the door, ran inside with his nephew and they pushed a teacher’s desk in front of it. Hopefully, the creature wouldn’t notice the other door into the room, which had only a lock keeping it shut.

    The two relatives stood flat against the wall between the doors. This way, the creature wouldn‘t be able to see them. But the baryonyx heard the commotion in the room and smelled them. They were definitely behind that door.

    “Principal Uncle John, what on Earth is that thing?” Peter asked.

    “Well, Peter, you know those legends about Alligators in sewers?” Hammond explained. “Apparently, one of them came into contact with magical chemicals and turned into this cheeky devil.”

    “Magical alligators!?” Peter exclaimed. “Principal Uncle John, are you sure that you are quite well?”

    With a powerful head butt, the baryonyx nearly broke the door off the hinges and knocked the 250lb desk over on it‘s side. It was now easily about to step inside.

    “Peter, freshen my memory would you?” Hammond asked. “Have I ever taken your blood sample?”

    The baryonyx stepped inside.

    “I really don‘t think that matters now, Principal Uncle John,” Peter reluctantly answered, “but yes you have.”

    “Fantastic!” Hammond sounded more cheerful. He picked up his confused nephew and threw him into the heavy claws of the monster, who eviscerated Peter. “Trust me, Peter, you’ll thank me for this someday! Well, not you, actually, but your clone will!” And with that, Hammond ran over to the other door, unlocked it and ran out while the baryonyx finished dining on the late Peter Ludlow.

    Back outside, Al and El lay side by side on a few rows of bleachers beneath the sPino‘s face. Thinking quickly, Al pulled his trophy out from his backpack and chucked it into the creature‘s open mouth. Caught off guard by this, sPiney began to choke on said trophy and thrashed even more wildly.

    “Al, is that what I think it is?” El beckoned.

    “I dunno, El, what DO you think it is?” Al retorted.

    “Well, I’m a tad rusty, but I’d have to say that it’s a sPinosaurus aegypticus!”

    Al was stunned that she recognized the creature above them. “Would you marry me?” he asked back. But before she could answer, somebody grabbed them both by the back of their shirts and yanked them away from sPinosaurs jaws as they crashed down inches away. Al, El and their mysterious savior rolled down eight rows of bleachers and landed next to a stampede of frightened people. Luckily, no one was injured.

    Al groaned as he said “Thanks for the assist pal, but I wish you would have found a less painful way to..” and then he saw his old friend Rob Muldoon getting up. “Rob!”

    “Am I going to have to make saving your ass a regular thing?” the hall monitor half joked.

    Al noticed something different about Rob, and then realized that he was sPorting something new. “Hey, nice hat, bro!”

    “Well thank you. I saw you wearing one, and I must admit I was rather curious as to how I would appear in such a fetching fedora. Pretty snazzy, eh?”

    “Not too shabby!”

    El felt it was her duty to interrupt. “Hey guys, I hate to break up the male bonding, but we really should be getting as far away from here as possible.”

    “You’re absolutely right.” Al concurred. “Say Rob, you haven’t seen little Billy around here, have you?”

    Rob turned over to look at the screaming mob a few inches away from him. He scanned all the people that ran by, until he saw an eight year old boy crowd surfing atop the heads and arms of people. To be honest, Billy actually looked like he was having fun until Rob grabbed his strap, pulled him off the crowd and presented him to Al. “This is the one, right?”

    “Thank God you’re alright!” Al sighed.

    “Oh, hello, AL!” Billy said bitterly, still hanging in Muldoon’s grasP. “I was just hanging out with my FRIEND, the hysterical mob! I trust you know each other?”

    “No time for formalities, man, we have to follow this mob and get out of here!” Al said.

    Then, Mandy came into the group’s presence and sPoke her advice. “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” She said in her own little unsurprised way. She pointed to the head of the crowd, where they all saw two large Tyrannosaurs taking full bites out of the crowd as it tried to escape. “See what happens when you follow the herd? You get chased off the cliff with the other buffalo.”

    “Alright.” Muldoon admitted. “There’s an effective metaphore.”

    “What exactly is a metaphore?” Al asked, feeling sheepish.

    “It’s for cattle to graze in!” Paul Kirby replied as he jumped into the fray. “Hello my darling!” he told Mandy. “Did you miss me?”

    Mandy sneered and pushed the boy into the mob where he got trampled. Muldoon grew tired of holding Billy up in the air. “Can I put this chap down, now?” he asked.

    “Can we all get out of here, now?” El asked growing impatient.

    “The question isn’t ‘can we‘,” Mandy explained. “it’s ’where do we go’?”

    That’s when Enrique Cardosa stepped in. Enrique was the kind of guy who would try and make a buck out of anything, as Rob would testify. He would often catch this sleaze ball trying outrageous business ventures on school property. The latest was parasailing in the cafeteria. “Maybe I can help you fellows. You see, the safest place to be right now is in the school. Those monsters can‘t get us in there, you know?”

    Back in the school, Ian Malcolm walked cautiously threw the halls with Nick, Eddie, Bowman, and three other kids behind him. “This has got to be the most, ah, dangerous school in the world you guys.” he assured them. They were searching for the other exits, but all of them had been locked so far.

    “Excuse me,” said one of the boys Ian didn’t know. “But why are there dinosaurs running around in this school?”

    “Ah, well,” Ian answered. “You see, it all has to do with Henry Wu’s devolving birds. Now, as Al said, birds actually…”

    “…evolved from dinosaurs.” Al explained to the kids following him. Enrique was leading them out of the football field and Al thought he might explain to everyone where all the dinosaurs came from. “Now, according to Wu (before we had him committed) somebody from BioSyn High fed the birds something that would cause them to mutate and breed at an accelerated rate…”

    “…and this caused them to breed dinosaurs that mature faster than any animal on Earth. But from the looks of it, this mutagenic substance wore off and their just normal run of the mill carnivorous dinosaurs.” Ian finished.

    “Wow.” said the kid behind him. “This is just like that book, Carnosaur!”

    Ian turned around. “I’m sorry, ah, what are your names?”

    “I’m Mike.” he said. Then indicating the girl and the other strange boy, he continued. “This is Kat, and that’s Zim.”

    Zim was a strange looking boy. His skin was sort of green, and he didn’t seem to have any nose or ears. “Hello, friends! I am a perfectly normal human worm baby and you have nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to fear from me! Just pay no attention to me, and we’ll get along just fine!”

    “That’s right!” Kat reassured Ian. “Just pay no attention to any of us minor background characters, we’ll get through this much faster.”

    “Suit’s me.” Ian said. “More useless character development is the last thing we need.”

    “Say, Ian.” Nick added. “Have you noticed how much bigger the grass is outside then it was this morning?”

    Ian stopped in his tracks and turned to Nick. “Dude, we’re in a school populated by vicious dinosaurs, and you’re thinking about grass?”

    “’The Hell is wrong with grass?” Eddie asked.

    “Not a blooming thing.” Bowman replied.

    “See, that’s just the thing.” Nick explained. “Earlier today, my super fertilizer was stolen from the gym. I think that maybe the guy who took it might have sabotaged Wu’s birds too.”

    “Hmm.” Bowman wondered. “The plot thickens.”

    He was right. The plot WAS thickening. Ian knew that it was time for time for some mindless action sequence to take place and dumb down the story again. “Hang on to something.” He told them. “This is gonna be bad.”

    2 B continued...

    2/28/2003 11:08:12 PM

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