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    InGen High part 11
    By CeratosPit

    Last time, on Ingen High, Sarah's new attitude got her a little more attention then she hoped, Nick and El broke up, Wu was about to have a very rough evening, and the boys dined at a rat infested pizza place...

    “So, Al,” Ian asked. “I take it you’re sober enough to remember where you live now?”

    “Yeah.” Al said looking down at his feet. “Too bad once I get home, my parents will probably ground me for a month, ruining any chance I have of going to tonight’s game and meeting El.”

    Billy looked at his watch. “Dude, the game starts in 20 minutes. If you’re parent’s are gonna ground you for not meeting them after school and coming home, you might as well just go to the game and go home at midnight.”

    They all stepped inside Ian’s ride. Al realized that Billy made a point. “Dammit, Billy, you’re right. So far this has been the bast day of my life, and if I could get a chance to make out with El Sattler behind the bleachers, then dammit, I don’t care if they ground me for the rest of the year! Hey Ian, I know you’re not going to the game, but would you--?”

    “Drop you off?” Ian finished his sentence. “Sure thing. I have to go and pick up my science project anyway. But that’s all. I can’t pick you up afterwards, cuz I ain’t staying.”

    “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you, man.” Billy interjected. “Weren’t you gonna take your girlfriend to this game before she left you to go to France?”

    “Kellita likes football for some reason. I don’t, but, ah, that’s how relationships go. It’s give and take.” Ian started his car and pulled out of his parking sPot. He checked the mirrors, and drove back to InGen High.

    Meanwhile, over at the Dodgson residence, Lewis Dodgson rested comfortably in his bed with Wu lying next to him, looking totally violated. The wig was still on the young genius, but he didn’t feel very smart at the moment. When Dodgson began snoring, Henry was quite sure that his ’butch’ was asleep, so he got up and pulled on his underpants. “It’s a good thing he likes flat-chested girls…” Wu said quietly to himself. “…or is it?” It certainly wasn’t a good thing to him. This was not how he planned to sPend his evening.

    Suddenly, Lewis began to stir. His heavy eyes were about to pry themselves open, and Henry had no intention of sticking around when that happened. So the little cross dresser tiptoed as fast as he could to the window, grabbed Dodgson’s secret folder and jumped out. Dodgson finally awoke, to find himself alone. “Henrietta?” he called out, but nobody was there. “Must’ve been a dream.” he whisPered. “A wonderful, wet dream.”

    It was getting pretty dark as Ian continued driving. He and his pals were going down a road in the more residential part of town. Ian Malcolm was normally a focused driver, but he found Al to be distracting as he laughed to himself in the passenger seat. “What’s so, ah, funny?”

    “You trippin’, son, straight trippin‘!” Al said in his best impression of Ian’s reluctant admirer.

    “Ah.” Ian discovered. “Yeah, that Sarah. She’s priceless. Hey, ah, if things don’t work out with you and El, maybe you can give her a whirl.”

    “Something tells me she has her heart set on somebody else.” Al reminded him.

    Ian considered what Al said. True, Sarah was cute, bright and had a sweet personality. What she lacked in T&A she made up for in heart and mind. But Ian was already in a relationship, and he was happy with Kellita. “Maybe.” he told Grant. “But I’m already taken.”

    “Dude.” Billy popped up from the back seat. “She left for Paris, France without telling you in advance. I mean, what if you guys get married someday, have a kid and she sPlits on you again?”

    “Billy,” Ian told him. “You’re living in a fantasy world if you think that’ll ever happen. Besides, I don’t like Sarah like I like Kellita. We have more of a platonic thing going on, and, ah, quite frankly I ain’t into white chicks. It’s not a racial thing, just sort of a preference.”

    “Hey man,” Billy explained. “You said it, not me. Hell, I’m into Vietnamese hoes. Yeah, baby!”

    Al looked back at his 8 year old friend. “Billy, we’re gonna have to get you fixed once you hit puberty.”

    Outside of Lewis’ window, the hardly stealthy boy fell one story into the rose bushes below. The only things he had on him were his glasses, his boxers, the folder and the log black wig which he forgot he even had on. Henry got back up and dusted himself off with the folder. A pair of high beams caught his eye coming from the road. Somebody was driving right by. His first impulse was to hide, so he bent down in the bushes. But as the car came coser to the house, he recognized the driver. Fellow school intellect, Ian Malcolm!

    Ian drove his car by Dodgson’s house as he would any other. It wasn’t until after he passed it that he noticed somebody in the rear view mirror run up, chasing his convertible. He raised an eyebrow at this development.

    “Yo, Ian!” Billy exclaimed. “Pull over, man. There’s a flat, topless, Asian chick trying to get our attention!”

    Ian stopped his ride, and Wu ran up to his car with his long black wig waving behind him. He got up to the left side of his car and tried to catch his breath. Billy slid over to the fairly androgynous character. “Hey baby.” he said, trying to be smooth. “I want Soki Soki! Five dollar!”

    Henry looked over at the little perv, not delighted, and pulled off his wig. Billy realized what he just did and threw up on the floor. Wu turned to Malcolm and sPoke with an urgent voice. “Ian! You’ve got to get me to the school and hurry!”

    “Uh, you sure we can’t stop at the Men’s Warehouse and get you some pants, first?” Ian asked, a bit uncomfortably.

    “There’s no time for that!” Wu yelled hopped as he hopped into the back seat next to Billy.

    “There’s always time for pants, Henry.” Ian continued to drive.

    “No, you don’t get it!” Wu explained. “My birds! They were sabotaged by an old colleague of mine from BioSyn High. He had somebody feed them a mutagenic substance called DX. It will cause my birds to breed into aggressive pre-evolutions of themselves that will mature and multiply at an alarming rate!”

    Grant had a startling thought about Wu’s birds becoming predatory dinosaurs. “What if they--”

    “Hey!” Wu interrupted. “I wasn’t talking to you!” he was obviously still angry at Grant for upstaging him earlier that day. “And I seriously doubt they’re gonna turn into dinosaurs, ok?”

    Before Al could say anything in his defense, Ian pulled over. Everybody looked out their right and saw the Shimmyville Mental HosPital. “Henry, you’re obviously not well.” Ian told him in a calm voice. “You should probably stay here for a few days.”

    Wu could hardly believe what Ian said. It dawned on him, though, that Ian’s impression was justifiable. “Hold, on Ian, I’m not crazy. Let me explain…”

    Two minutes later, Wu was being dragged away in a straight jacket by two large men in white. His screaming pleas for attention were unheard by Ian who just signed a few papers at the front desk. Later, he was back in the car, driving Billy and Al to the game.

    “Poor, Wu.” Al said softly. “My award must’ve really gotten to him.”

    “I guess so.” Ian concurred. “That boy is nuttier than Chinese chicken soup.”

    2 B Continued...

    2/24/2003 12:16:56 AM

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