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    InGen High p8
    By CeratosPit

    Last time, as you recall, Al Grant won the annual InGen High Sci-Fare that everyone expected Wu to win. El got Grant to drink when Nick Van Owen mysteriously disappeared. And strangest of all Dennis Nedry came to lunch late! Coincidence? If ony it were that simple...

    Meanwhile, in the gymnasium where the Sci-fare had taken place, Nick Van Owen walked in to find Principal Hammond, Peter Ludlow and a school security guard standing by his booth.

    “Hey.” Nick said. “I understand you guys wanted to tell me something?”

    “Nick my boy,” Hammond put his hand on Nick’s shoulder. “I’m afraid that your super fertilizer has been stolen.”

    “Stolen!” Nick exclaimed. “That’s awful. Will this affect my grade?”

    “Oh yes.” Hammond said in a strangely comforting tone. “Very severely.”

    “Damn.” Nick said under his breath. “Is there anyway I can bring it back up?”

    “Maybe. If you give me your blood sample, I would be more than happy to pass you.”

    Nick didn’t really know what to say just then. Luckily he didn’t have to say anything when Henry Wu walked into the gym having heard the same news.

    “You guys wanted to see me?” Wu asked.

    “Henry my boy,” Hammond put his hand on Wu’s shoulder. “I’m afraid that your devolved birds have been stolen.”

    “What!?” Wu cried. He looked to his exhibit and saw that the bars on all ten cages had been mangled and torn apart as if something had bent them open. Henry had looked for clues as to who might have done this, but found little evidence of any human interference. It looked more like the birds did this themselves, strange as that sounded. Otherwise, somebody would’ve just opened the cage doors and took them. Every last seed in the scratched up bowl had been eaten. And there were molted feathers all over the place. It almost seemed as if all the birds became aggressively hungry, much more powerful and broke out of their cages. But was that even possible?

    “So, anyway,” Hammond interrupted. “If you want a passing grade, I’ll need your blood sample and--”

    “My birds weren’t stolen.” Henry explained. “They escaped. Was anybody here in the last 45 minutes?”

    “I can assure you,” Peter Ludlow assured, “that nobody has been here during that time. Or at least that nobody was supposed to--”

    “Then it’s true. I don’t quite know how, but if you let me investigate for a few hours--”

    “Okay, my turn to interrupt.” Hammond interrupted. “I’m afraid that’s out of the question Henry. In five minutes, the school will be closed to all personnel until tonight‘s big football game. If you want to ‘come back and investigate’ then, you have my permission.”

    “But it might be too late by then!” Wu protested.

    “Nonsense!” Hammond answered, pushing Nick and Wu out of the gym, into the hallways, and out of the school. Ludlow locked up the main entrance as Hammond escorted the boys through the school grounds, which were showered by sPrinklers. “There will be plenty of time to act out your Hardy Boys fantasies later tonight. But for now, let us all get home. I have no intention of missing Oprah today!”

    And so, Hammond walked over to his car in the parking lot, followed by Ludlow. Wu just crossed his arms and looked back at that school. Nick wondered what was going through his head. “You think your birds went crazy and got out all by themselves?” he asked.

    “No.” Wu said grimly. “I smell sabotage.”

    “That ain’t sobotage, buddy, that’s the sPrinklers.” Nick smelled the air. “Although I have to admit, it does smell sort of familiar…”

    There was something familiar about the scent the sPrinklers gave off alright, but Nick couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Under the school, though, in the little irrigation station, Dennis Nedry stuffed the final bag of Nick’s powdery super fertilizer into the water tank. “Alright, that should do it.” he said to himself. “I can't believe I almost missed lunch to do this.” Nedry turned around to leave when his Cell phone went off. He knew who it was and reluctantly answered it. “Helloooo Leeeewwwiiiis.”

    “You finish the job?” Dodgson asked.

    “Yeah. Now can I go home? Oprah's on.” Dennis whined.

    “Of course you can. I just wanted to congratulate you.”

    “All in a day’s work.” Dennis walked towards the exit. But before he could step through, a shadowy creature appeared and blocked his path. “What the Hell?”

    “By the way Dennis…” Dodgson advised. “I hope you brought bird seed.” And with that, he hung up.

    The creature stepped into the room and was bathed in light. Dennis could now see it’s features perfectly. Five feet tall, it was some strange dinosaur-shaped bird with little claw tipped wings, a long bony tail and two thin crests resting on it’s head. The monster eyed Dennis like a wolf eye’s a deer. A really fat deer. The flabby, flabbergasted teenager pulled a bag of Ritz cheese crackers from his pocket. “Uh… Polly want a cracker?”

    Appearently it didn’t. A stunning disPlay of peacock-like feathers extended from it’s neck, accompanied by a demonic shriek of fury. Dennis’ screams were just as loud and could be heard on the first floor of the school. Too bad there wasn’t anybody to listen.

    2 B Continued...

    2/20/2003 5:51:33 PM

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