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    A (joke) warning sign on the street during the San Diego scene in TLW says 'No Dinosaurs, Skating, Skateboarding.' Interestingly, a blown-up picture of this shot ran in a Time Magazine article about the movie, allowing millions to see the joke if they looked carefully.
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    InGen High p6
    By CeratosPit

    Ajay pointed behind Rob to a scene unfolding in the back of the cafeteria. A rather muscular looking kid of average height and a magnificent head of hair was pulling a frustrated girl away from some grabby teens. He said something nobody at Al’s table could here. And the jerk boys laughed at him, sPouting insults. Right then, the “gentleman” tackled the first kid on the bench, pushing the one behind him and the other three crashing into the wall at the end of the table. Muldoon didn’t look to pleased about this.

    “Dear God, Roland.” Rob muttered.

    Roland Tembo walked up the cafeteria to his table. He came up to Muldoon with his hand in a high five position and asked, “What’s bloody happening G-dog?”

    “Roland, you know quite well you cannot simply tackle unsavory lots of people whenever the opportunity arises.” Rob complained. Roland raised an eyebrow. The tension between the two Brits seemed to be a dangerously thick. Al wondered if he should slowly back out when everybody at the table burst with laughter. Including Rob and Roland who were patting each other on the back. What a relief.

    “Hold up now, Robz, Who the F is this bastard?” Roland asked of Al.

    “Roland Tembo, Al Grant. Al Grant, Roland Tembo.” Muldoon introduced them.

    “What’s popping?” Roland extended his hand.

    “Hey.” Al shook it.

    Bobby Burke, who looked at Al susPiciously, as though trying to place where he had seen him before. “Hey, man…” he asked. “Aren’t you that kid who won the Science Fare?”

    “Well, yes. Odd as it was.” Al replied.

    “Hey. Hey, did you catch Bob Bakker’s Icthyosaur sPecial on the Dinosaur channel last week?”


    “Dude! I totally look like him, right?”

    Al looked at Bobby from a couple of different angles, but shook his head. “No, I don’t see it.” Burke fell back in his seat.

    Meanwhile, Roland pulled a case of coca cola bottles out of his school bag and passed them to everybody at the table. “Yo, Al. You into football?”

    Al wasn’t really, but he just yes too be nice and hopefully, not get kicked out of their table. Roland handed him a bottle. Al thanked him and took a swig. But the taste was off. “Wait, this isn’t Coke.” he observed. “It tastes more like…beer.”

    “You don’t drink Al?” Rob asked.

    Al was outraged. “No, I don’t drink! I’m 16 years old and this is a high school! How the hell can you condone this, Rob!?”

    “Look.” Muldoon explained. “It’s in a Coke bottle, so as far as I can tell it’s just really smashing soda!”

    “Smashing is bloody right, Homeslice!” Roland laughed.

    “So what’s it going to be, Al?” Muldoon asked. “You gonna drink with us or report us?” Rob and the football team eyed Al almost threateningly. But he was a brave kid and didn’t back down easily. One of his less intelligent traits to be sure. He stood up from the table holding his trey.

    “No, Rob.” Al answered. “I won’t report you guys. You may be incredibly corrupt, but you saved my ass today, and I owe you that much. I’m just sorry it had to be like this. Goodbye.” Al walked away from the table with dignity. The football team looked at Rob to see if he would let Al go off. He nodded. Al was trustworthy from his standpoint.

    Scarcely five seconds had passed when Al walked away from the jocks when he was confronted by the doe-eyed El Sattler. “Hi!” she smiled. “I heard you could get beer. Can I get some?” Al couldn’t resist her plea. But wait, he thought. Al looked at her table and Nick Van Owen was gone! She was his at least for now!

    The InGen High Superclones sat and drank with little to talk about when Al slid over on the floor like some wacky sitcom character. “Hey, guys!” he said with a big grin. “Guess who was just kidding!?” Rob and the football players all rooted for their new pal and the hottie he brought over to their table. Al was so happy to be accepted and all it cost him was a thread or two of his moral fiber. He chugged down the bottle of “Coca Cola” with El, Rob and the Superclones cheering him on. Nothing could sPoil this moment.

    Well, not nothing. During Al’s fine moment, Dennis Nedry walked over to the other side of their table and set his piled up trey on it. The trey caused a bit of weight shift which attracted everyone’s attention. But it was too late. Dennis sat down on his end of the table while the other lunged upward, sending Al, El, Rob and the Superclones flying off the attached benches. Nedry saw this and wore a smug expression on his face. “Oh very funny, guys!”

    When 4th period ended, Al stumbled out of the cafeteria amongst the various other kids. The Superclones and El were behind him. “So, Grant.” Carter asked. “You will be at tonight’s big football game, yes?”

    “I dunno Cartman.” Al replied. “To tell you the truth, I find football kinda--”

    “That’s too bad, Al.” El cut him off. “I was really looking forward to seeing you there.”

    “When does it start?” Al asked.

    “It begins around…” Ajay checked his watch.

    Before he could say anything, Al said, “Oh, yeah, I’ll totally be able to make that then!”

    2 B Continued...

    2/18/2003 7:46:42 PM

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