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    InGen High p18
    By CeratosPit

    Over on the second floor, Principal Hammond was tiptoeing through the hallways, trying to make as little noise as possible. At least as far as the walking went. He didn’t seem to have any inhibitions about talking to himself. “That magical alligator may think that he’s playing a game of cat and mouse with me, but if that’s the case, then he is an immobile pansy of a kitty while I am a genetically enhanced cyborg rodent with plasma cannons! Hee hee hee.”

    “Come off it, John!” his alter ego told himself from a different angle. “You’re a middle-aged man with an amber-tipped walking stick! Why, you couldn’t rough up a snail!”

    “Why would I want to do that?” he replied to himself. “Snails are icky! And I might bruise myself on the shell or something.”

    “You know something, John? All this talking to myself has made me thirsty. Let us go to the water fountain and un-parch our throats.”

    “But I want a Hawaiian Punch!”

    Hammond punched himself in the face. Roughly thirty five yards behind him, the magical alli-- er, Baryonyx that had been persuing Hammond caught a glimpse of him taking a left turn further up the hallway. The surprisingly quiet dinosaurs continued silently stalking him. Seconds later, Hammond had reached the water fountain in the middle of the adjoining hallway. He opened his lips next to the fountain faucet and sipped up the water.

    Seconds later, a startling scream from ahead of him caused Hammond to bust his tooth on the fountain. He moaned in the sudden agony and looked ahead of him to see Juan Rostagno, Mark Degler and two other kids running in his direction. “What the heel are you boys doing up here!?” Hammond asked. “And do any of you have tooth glue?”

    “Senor Hammond, “ Juanito explained. “You’re not gonna believe this, B, but we were downstairs getting our projects, eh? And then these Dinosaurs came out and went ‘Ragh Ragh Ragh’ and ate a bunch of kids, it was cool, ese. And then they ate Ray and one of them chased us up here from out of the gym and here we are, homes.”

    “Okay.” Hammond replied. “This time, say it without the accent.”

    Right then, from the corner in the hallway Juanito and the gang came from, a persistent Ceratosaurus slid along the floor, roared at the humans, and commenced chasing them. Hammond and his students screamed and continued running away from it. But forty feet ahead of them, Baryonyx stepped out from the adjoining hallway on the right. He roared at the humans as well.

    Hammond and the kids ran into a janitor’s closet on their left. Those janitors never locked up behind themselves! But by now, the two dinosaurs had forgotten all about their potential meals and focused on each other. What erupted was a territorial disPute fought with tooth and claw. The Baryonyx swiped with deadly claws and the Ceratosaurus snapped with his mighty jaws. Hammond and the kids opened door a crack and watched the fight go on.

    Back downstairs, in shop class, the rest of the people trapped in the high school were waiting up in Eddie Carr’s High Hide for the hundreds of Compies below to leave the room. At least most of them were. Eddie Carr was toking with his pal, Paul Kirby. Roland Tembo finished telling the gang about how he and Ajay fought the raptors and only he escaped while Ian finished telling Sarah where all the dinosaurs probably came from.

    “Wow.” Sarah said. “I wonder what Wu was doing out in the street in his underwear.”

    “Well, he wasn’t selling his ass, I know that much.” Billy told her. “At least not to us.”

    “Hey.” Cooper interrupted. “How much longer are we gonna have to wait up here?”

    “As long as it takes.” Muldoon told him. “Until they get bored and leave, or until one of us thinks up a way to get past them.”

    “And then what?” Mandy asked. “Where do we go when there are dinosaurs inside this school and out?”

    “That’s right, sucka.” Nash said. “How the hell we gonna get out of here when we can’t even leave the school?”

    “One step at a time.” Grant advised Nash. “Maybe we should stay here until they send help or--”

    “Or what?” Nash finished his sentence. “Bomb the school into the ground? Gas the town? What makes you think that they‘ll bother sending help for us? You seen how many folks got eaten out there. What‘ll give ‘em the idea that anybody could survive in a damn building full of these things? Sucka?”

    “Well, I certainly doubt they would just blow this place up without making sure nobody’s in here.” Al explained

    “Oh, sure they would.” Mandy said matter-of-factly. “Once they realize this whole thing isn’t a prank, and send troops down here, they’ll identify this place as a nest inhosPitable to human life and nuke the place. Our government is run by morons who wouldn’t give this a second thought.”

    “I still can’t believe this thing isn’t an overly elaborate prank!” El said breaking up. “My life can’t end like this! Dammit, I was going to be a world famous Botanist!”

    “There, there, El…” Nick tried hugging her, but she just pushed him off.

    “Dammit, Nick, we broke up remember?” El told him. “I’m with Al now!” She leaned over and caressed Al’s chest. “And we’re going to get married, and dig up plant fossils together, and have kids, and endorse biological preserves together…”

    Al smiled at first. The smile slowly faded away and he gulped. Nick looked over in his direction, raised an eyebrow and sighed. “Whatever, man.” Nick told him. “Good luck. I’m not into fatties anyway.”

    Paul snickered. “Like, sPeak for yourself, man! We’re totally into fatties!” Paul then continued smoking his fatty.

    “Hey Paul.” Eddie pointed. “Check it out. We have a new Paul in our club. Bowman’s trippin’ more than any of us.”

    Paul Bowman, meanwhile, was wearing his shirt on his waist, his pants on his arms, boxers on his head and socks on his ears. He was cross-eyed and babbling. “Tuna fish eat the sun for cloobdydooobdoodoo! Where‘s my gorilla!?”

    “Whoa, man!” Paul Kirby exclaimed. “What’s he been samplin’?”

    Roland had enough of these stoners conversation. “Would you bleeding foolios shut the F up!? You‘re stupid marijuana isn‘t going to help us out any, so you might as well just throw it down to those little buggers!”

    Ian, who was in deep thought, was stirred by what Roland just said. “Wait a second. That’s it!”

    “What’s it?” Sarah asked.

    Instead of answering her right away, he turned to the stoners club. “Eddie! Do you have anymore weed?”

    Eddie pounded a box next to his head. It opened up afterward and revealed a 5lb stash. “Dude, I’m a connoisseur. I always keep a fresh supply.”

    Ian looked him square in the eyes. “I promise I’ll pay you back.”

    Back upstairs, the Ceratosaurus/Baryonyx brawl raged on. Hammond and the kids were watching from the closet, eating popcorn and rooting for their favorite predator. Both of the fighters were bloody and bruised. Finally though, the Baryonyx closed his jaws around the Ceratosaur’s neck, twisted it and snapped it like a twig. A really big, thick twig. The Ceratosaur’s body collapsed onto the floor and in one last effort, his tail knocked the three aligned water fountains off their foundations.

    Gallons of water sPrayed into the air and a minute later, ran along the floor. Of course, being the second floor it didn’t flood. The insanely huge amounts of water poured down the stairs and began collecting on the first floor. Within minutes, there was a five foot deep flood on the first floor. Luckily for the kids in shop class, the door was flood proof. Convenient, huh?

    2 B Continued...

    3/6/2003 11:36:46 PM

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