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    InGen High p15
    By CeratosPit

    Back in the gym, Ray Arnold, Juan Rostagno, Mark Degler, Steve and Joey were hiding under a stacked pile of bleachers from a trio of Ceratosaurs. Ray was smoking his cigarette, and this made Mark nervous. “Would you put that out!?” he whisPered. “Their gonna find us because of that thing!”

    “I’m trying to think of a way out of here.” Ray calmly explained. “Smoking helps me think.”

    “No, it doesn’t, homes.” Juan replied. “I seen what that shit can do, ese. It took my abuelo away from me cuz he lit it up like, every day since he was fifteen, know what I’m sayin’? And when he died, his lungs looked like the La Brea tar pits. It was messed up, eh.”

    “I don’t wanna die.” Steve said. “I have a whole future ahead of me. I’m gonna be famous and get my toes licked by beautiful women.”

    “Yeah, me too.” said Joey. “But if you don’t shut up, those dinosaurs are going to hear us and find us!”

    “Man, heed your own advice!” Mark whisPered. “I think I can hear them getting closer!”

    “Hey, Steve.” Juan asked. “Any beautiful women in mind?”

    “Well, we can start with the WWF divas and go from there, I guess.” Steve replied.

    “I wouldn’t mind some of the tasty pieces of ass in this school, either.” Joey added. “Like that girl, Anne who’s always tresPassing into places, or that Limey chick, Diedre. Daddy like! Who else got a nice ass here?”

    “Harrison Manly.” Mark said without even thinking. The other four guys looked at him. “I mean, uh, El Sattler!”

    “Dude, you’re gay!” Steve said, pointing at Mark. “I knew it! Cough it up, Joey!” Joey groaned while he passed $20 to Steve.

    “No, no! I’m seriously not!” Mark protested. “I just, um, misunderstood the question! In fact, I’ll marry El and prove it to you guys if I have to!”

    “Somebody under these bleachers is a homo…” Joey taunted. “And that somebody is--”

    “And you believe it’s this boy?“ Ray interjected. He shook his head and stood up. “That does it. Nobody talks, everybody listens. It doesn’t matter whether this kid is into girls, boys or porcupines right now, because we’re in a moment of crisis. Now, I know that there’s a couple of dinosaurs out there, and I know that their looking for blood. But if you idiots want to belittle each other over some childish crap like this, then do it on your own time! Or better yet, just stab yourselves and throw yourselves into the jaws of those animals! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen nature do some terrible things, but it doesn’t hold a candle to man.

    “Now, we’re going to forget about all this ‘is he or isn’t he’ bullshit, and think up a way to get away from these dinosaurs! We are going to band together as a team, come up an idea and work it out! I’m not saying we have to be friends or anything, cuz personally, y’all annoy me for real. But we’re going to work together, get out of here, and we are no going to fight anymore!”

    The wooden bleachers snapped like twigs as a Ceratosaur’s head crashed through them and ate Ray Arnold up after his insPired sPeech. All that could be seen left of the brave teen were some flailing limbs sticking out of the dinosaur’s mouth as it pulled back out. Juanito and the guys were shocked by this, but this being a comedy, they just sat around doing little beside staring until one of them broke the ice. That one of them was Juanito. “Okay, I say we just run like hell out of here, eh?”

    Everybody concurred and they all ran out of the bleachers and headed for the back door that Ian and the rest of the gang escaped from, minutes before. sPeaking of Ian, our favorite chaotician in the making had a bad premonition about standing around in the hallway. And as he would find out, he was perfectly right to feel that way.

    Ten feet ahead of his band of students, the hallway sPlit in opposite directions. And from the right side, a foreboding shadow resembling a young T-rex crawled against the wall rather quickly. Instead of turning back to run, everybody stood absolutely still, as if knowing that any attempts to move would cause the creature to chase them. Either that or they were paralyzed by fear. So one cane imagine how relieved these guys were when they discovered that the author of this sPine-chilling silhouette was the tiniest dinosaur they had ever seen.

    “It’s some sort of…” Eddie was at a loss for words. “…Chicken-lizard.”

    “Is that a dinosaur?” Nick asked.

    Ian nodded. “Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that some of them were about the size of house cats. I don‘t remember their names, though. Compy…saurus, or something.”

    Bowman walked over to the little fellow and got down on one knee. “Good evening, little Compy.” he said presenting a stick of gum. “Would you care for a Juicy Fruit?” The little dinosaur tilted his head and examined Bowman’s gift. It didn’t seem to appetizing, but his fingers did. So he took a bite out of Bowman’s thumb.

    The young Brit jumped to his feet and yelped at the Compy’s bite, shaking him off. “Why you vile little monstrosity!” he scolded the little dinosaur. It ran back into the hallway. Bowman sucked his thumb like a sixteen year old infant and returned to the group. Ian seemed concerned.

    “Hey man, you better wash that.” Ian advised. “It, ah, might get infected.”

    Bowman looked at the little bite mark. It didn’t even hurt anymore. “No, no. That’s quite alright, I feel fine.”

    “You sure?” Ian asked.

    “Yes, of course. Everything is…rather groovy, actually.”

    “Okay, that’s good to--wait. Did you just say ’Groovy’?”

    A creepy smile was growing on Bowman’s face. “Yes, marvelously groovy, as a matter of fact! Everything is pink and the world smells like flowers!”

    “I’ll have some of what he’s having.” Eddie said, putting out his blunt.

    “Hold the phone.” Nick thought he should straighten something out. “Did that creature’s bite make Bowman high?”

    “That’s what it looks like.” Ian answered. “Apparently, it’s bite delivers a mild venom that throws the brain into a euphoric state so that it’s prey could be easily overpowered.”

    Bowman was jerking left and right, smelling the air. “I say, Edward. Is this what your tripping on acid is akin to?”

    “I dunno.” Eddie told him. “Do you see the talking dog?”

    Bowman looked to his right and saw a blue Great Dane chuckling at him. “Reah! Reah! Ralking Dog!” it said before it chuckled some more.

    “Of course,” Ian continued. “This type of neurotoxin is rare in nature. It’s usually found in swarming animals.” Ian then stopped and realized what he said. The ground shook a little bit. He and the rest of the gang knew what was coming. Well, all except Bowman. “Go.” Ian said. “As fast as you can.”

    The gang ran back down the hall when behind them, a green wave made of little dinosaurs swarmed after them. The Compy had returned to his pack and his story must have sParked their interest because they all seemed very eager to meet the seven humans it encountered. And from the looks of it, Ian and the gang wouldn’t be very safe from these bastards for long.

    2 B Continued...

    3/1/2003 11:39:34 PM

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