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    The Dr. Burke character in TLW is believed to be a subtle 'dig' by Spielberg towards dino expert Robert Bakker, who has written that he consulted on JP when he really did not.
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    InGen High p7
    By CeratosPit

    Al then parted with El and his new dinking buddies as he staggered down the hallway among other students. His coke bottle was empty and he reached into his pocket to get out his schedule, to find that his vision had blurred. He squinted at his schedule and then noticed Billy walk by. “Hey. Short dude.” he beckoned. “Read this for me. What class do I got next?”

    “None, bro!” Billy exclaimed without even having to look at it. “Today’s a half day! We’re all going home!”

    “Khhhhh…iller!” Al exclaimed. “How the Hell do we get out of here?”

    “Billy pointed to the big exit a few feet away. “Hey, Al?” Billy inquired. “Are you…drunk?”

    “Bobby, I…think that’s a question you should be asking yourself.”

    “Whatever, man. You’re funnier like this!” Bobby guided him to the exit which all the other kids were passing through. Now, Al may not have been very sober, but he was able to make out certain things, like his parents standing on the hood of their minivan holding up a large sheet of poster paper with his name on it, and calling his name out on a megaphone.

    “Oh, man.” Al groaned. “My lame-ass parents! Bonnie, is there another way out of here?”

    Little Billy scratched his chin and came up with a plan. Albert and Alice Grant searched amid the crowd of teens for their son, but nobody looked familiar. There was one strange looking child who must have been about seven feet tall. He wore a long trench coat and seemed to wobble as he walked. His arms were very short and he had the face of an 8-year old boy! But the really familiar thing was his shoes. He had the exact same shoes as their son Al. He wandered behind some bushes and shrubs surrounding the student parking lot and left Al’s parents with questioning looks.

    “Say, honey?” Al’s mom started. “You don’t suppose that was--?”

    “No!” Albert answered. “No, that would be ludicrous…”

    Behind the bushes, the tall wobbly kid came up to Billy and Al waiting for him. He then bent over in a weird posture and high fived Billy.

    “Thank’s for distracting Al’s parents, bro!” Billy thanked his older brother. “Your creepy stance was just the thing to divert their attention from me and my buddy Al here coming up behind them.”

    “Billy,” he said,”I’m just glad that my growth sPurt defects could come in handy!”

    Al came up to Billy’s big brother and thanked him too. “Yeah, man, seriously. Hey, nice shoes!”

    “Thanks.” Billy’s brother replied. “Hey, you’re wearing the exact same pair! Cool.”

    Al looked down and threw up on Billy’s brother’s shoes. “Heh heh.” he laughed. “Not anymore, they don’t!”

    “Oh, that’s real mature!” Billy’s brother snapped. He walked off. “Now I’m gonna have to wash ’em and…”

    Al saw him walk off and turned to Billy. “Becky, your brother rules. Even though he’s ’dideously hisfigured‘. But, um, now that we’ve, you know, avoided my parents, how will we get home?”

    Billy rubbed his chin again in deep thought. Just then, Ian Malcolm drove by in his red convertible. “Hey, guys! You, ah, need a ride?” Ian asked.

    Al looked at Billy again. “Ba Ba Booey, you’re a genius!” He and Billy hopped into Ian’s car.

    “Well, I did skip 6 grades.” Billy bragged.

    “Word to the smart, Betty, skipping is gay. Heh heh. Hey, um, Malkovitch. Take me home.”

    “Where do you, ah, live?” Ian asked.

    “In a house or something.” Al resPonded.

    A little concerned, Ian turned to the back seat to ask if Al was drunk. “Has he been--?”

    “A little.” Billy answered. “Just don’t let him drive.”

    “Well,” Ian said turning on the radio, “until you sober up and remember where you live, I guess I’ll just have to take you with me.”

    “Where are you going?” Billy asked.

    Ian shrugged. “Raid the town.”

    With that, Ian hit the gas and he, Billy and Al drove off to what would be a fun filled afternoon.

    2 B continued...

    2/19/2003 7:21:35 PM

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