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    Other actors considered for the role of Alan Grant in JP included Sean Connery, Richard Dreyfuss and Kurt Russell (rejected because their price tags were too large) and William Hurt (who turned down the role). (From: 'Dilophosaurus' + Oviraptor)
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    Escape from Explosion Island! part 2
    By CeratosPit

    Narrator: And so our intrepid heroes enjoy yummy fruit pies in Dr. Scientist's shack. Who am I? I'm the narrator. I got stuck in traffic so I couldn't make the beginning of the story. Not my fault by the way but we can discuss that later. Anyway, our heroes venture out into the jungle and make their way to the valley of the Dinosaur People!

    Zombie girl #4: Rahh! Brains!

    Zombie King: Amber, you just ate!

    Bogey: I thought that that one was Amber.

    Zombie King: They're all named Amber. Funny, isn't it.

    Zanzibar: Well, we're here. The Valley of the Dinosaur People.

    Dinosaur Robot #1: Halt! Intruders!

    Bogey: What the-!? Dinosaur robots!? How can that be!?

    Dinosaur Robot #2: We were created to serve the Dinosaur People.

    Dinosaur Robot #3: And now we serve them to you. *unvails dinosaur head on a platter* Bon Apetit.

    Zanzibar: Thanks, no, we just ate. Listen do you guys still have that airship the Zombie King sold to your...creators?

    Dinosaur Robot 1: Affirmative. We have modified it to better serve our needs...as a tennis ball cannon.

    *robots 2 & 3 drag the airship onstage*

    Dinosaur Robot #2: Are you game?

    Zombie King: Maybe tomorrow. Listen, robot dinosaur people, Explosion Island is about to... *dramatic pause*

    Bogey: Explode!

    Robot #1: Warning! Warning!

    Robot #2: Danger! Danger!

    Robot #3: This does not compute! We were programmed for Tennis at four.

    Zanzibar: Donald, can you still fly it?

    Zombie King: Zanzi, I'm a super villain, not an aviator! My last pilot turned out to be a secret agent and I had to--

    Zombie girl #1: Rahh! Amber pilot!

    Zombie King: What? You are? Well that's great! Get us out of here, baby!

    Dinosaur robot #1: Negative.

    robot #2: We have been programmed for tennis at four.

    robot #3: Interfere and be terminated!

    Bogey: But we don't have until four!

    Zanzibar: Dinosaur robot people, surely we can reach some sort of compromise.

    Zombie King: Compromise this! Zombie girlfriends #2,3 & 4, attack!

    Zanzibar: That'll do. Pile in, everyone! Amber, get us out of here!

    Amber: Rahh! Ugly lady not boss of Amber!

    Zombie King: Pookums, you be nice now and fly us out of here!

    Amber: Rahh! Zombie King complete Amber!

    *Everybody, including the robots and zombie girls end up in the airship and "fly off" the island*

    Zanzibar: Well that was a close one. I sure am glad we escaped that pickle.

    Bogey: Here here! And according to these readouts, we've got about five seconds before Explosion Island...explodes!

    *everybody looks offstage where the island should be and hear a loud rasPberry*

    Zombie King: Huh. It just...deflated. Like a basketball.

    Zanzibar: Well that's not very scientific at all.

    Bogey: So what are we gonna do now that it...deflated!

    Dinosaur robot person #1: We will play tennis at four.

    Amber: Rahh! Tennis!

    Bogey: And after tennis?

    Zanzibar: I know! Let's all be pirates!

    Zombie King: Sounds like a plan.

    Robot person dinosaurs: By Your Command.

    Everybody: ARRRGH!!!

    Narrator: And so they all became pirates. Scientist, zombie, robot dinosaur pirates who sailed the seven seas and made unpleasantness for all who crossed their paths. Then their medications all wore off but that's another story.


    4/11/2007 9:40:40 PM

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