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    C-Men part 1
    By CeratosPit

    "Mutation. It is a process of biological change which may be triggered by a sPider-bite, sex with an extraterrestrial, sticking one's head into a microwave oven or just having idiot parents who did this stuff in high school. Across the planet, the debate rages on. Should these mutants be intergrated with society, studied under scientific scrutiny or eaten? Whatever the answer, stuff is bound to get blowed up."
    -Professor Raphael Nunez Chavez Diesisiete


    *Our story begins one evening on a ninth floor apartment in the Shibbyville Projects. An overweight HisPanic father casually addresses a serious matter to his four young children from the comfort of his couch*

    Senor Lencherrez: Listen up, mis hijos, I have some bad news. I oversPent a little on our nylon carpet, wool sweaters and dehumidifier...

    *As he sPeaks, his eleven year old son Omar, who sits on the floor, vigorously rubs his socks on the carpet*

    ...And recently it comes to my attencion that I cannot afford to keep you all...

    *Having built up a sufficient charge, Omar turns to his older brother Hansel and playfully discharges an unusually powerful bolt of static electricity on the unsusPecting fellow*

    ...So I decided to sell Omar into slavery.

    *Before he can get out a single chuckle at his brother's expense, Omar turns to his father with a startled expression*

    Omar: Huh? Are you joking, Papa?

    Sr. Lencherrez: I'm afraid not. Your new masters will be here any minute.

    Omar: But-but why are you selling me into slavery?

    Sr. Lencherrez: Because you left the water running in El Bano all night! Do you have any clue how high the water bills are here in the not too distant future?

    *Suddenly, three men burst in through the front door. One is of average size with a thick mustache. His two lackeys are large mercenary types, one white and one black*

    Mr. Udesky: Mr. Lencherrez? We're here for the kid.

    Sr. Lencherrez: Has the ten grand been transferred to my bank account?

    Udesky: That's a big 10-4 good buddy.

    Sr. Lencherrez: Take him, he's your's.

    Merc Nash: C'mon kid.

    *The black Mercenary picks up little Omar with one arm and carries him by the hip. The boy struggles and protests*

    Omar: No! Dios Mio, no! Daddy, no! Don't let them take me!

    *Senor Lencherrez and the three other kids ignore their abducted brother*

    Sr. Lencherrez: Put on your coats, ninos. We're going out to get some Ice cream!

    3 kids: *in unison* Ole'!

    Omar: NOOO!!!

    *Suddenly, a strange sensation fills the atmosPhere and it comes from Omar's struggling body. Everyone can feel the ions charge in the room and all their hair stands on end. sParks begin to fly off and surround Omar's body like a bizarre electrical aura*

    Nash: What the hell…?

    *As hair to a television screen, all the fabric in the room flies over and latches onto the protesting child. Dust, a rug, his little sister's sweater and even the post-it notes off of the fridge come to him. Omar’s black cornrows unravel and take on the form of an afro. Finally, the white mercenary clenches his fists together and knocks Omar unconsious. Nash drops him*

    Merc Cooper: Shit...

    *Everybody looks down at the unconsious child lying on the floor covered clothing and carpet. His once black hair now a silvery white. Nobody knows what to make of it*

    To be continued...

    -Mutant file
    Name: Omar Lencherrez
    Alias: Estatico
    Nationality: Mixed HisPanic
    Distinguishing traits: White hair and unibrow, clear blank eyes
    Known mutant abilities: Manipulation of the electromagnetic sPectrum which allows him to set off bolts of lightening, cling certain materials to one another with static or magnetic forces, control radio signals, allow quick bursts of sPeed and limited flight abilities
    Affiliation: Founder and leader of the Persecuted Mutant Society or PMS
    Think the unholy fusion of: Magneto, Electro and Static Shock.

    -On Scales Of One To Seven-
    Intelligence: 5.5
    Strength: 1
    sPeed: 5
    Durability: 2
    Energy Projection: 7
    Fighting skills: 3

    12/16/2004 11:32:08 AM
    (Updated: 12/16/2004 11:37:53 AM)

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