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    300 Dalmatians part 6
    By CeratosPit

    *The small army continues on its way*

    Clopinos: *narrating* We march. Through the Hot Pants we March. Past Hell’s Crotch where the two rivers meet and head out to sea. Into--

    Aladdinos: Hey, stop narrating for a second, I think we’re being followed.

    *Aladdinos points out a hunchback 15 feet away carrying a wilted little bush to hide behind*

    Herculidas: Yes, he’s followed us since Zadar. How did you not notice until just now?

    Aladdinos: Really? I must’ve been…preoccupied. *stares at Mulanos climbing a small ledge and proptly smacks himself* Keep it together, Al. Hos before bros. Hos before bros.

    Mulanos: Look! Goths!

    *Mulanos points out a camp of Goths at the far western end of the great gorge where the river meets the sea much to everyone’s excitement*

    Herculidas: Good eye, Mulanos!

    Tarzanos: Indeed. It’s good to know that SOMEBODY here has decent powers of observation.

    *Aladdinos is hurt by the remark. Clopinos feels a drop of rain and looks up to see gray clouds*

    Clopinos: We had better make camp on higher ground. I have a feeling it’s going to start coming down hard pretty soon.

    Herculidas: Lucky for them. I hear Goths like rainy nights.

    *Later, a monstrous thunderstorm pours down into to the gorge throwing the Goth camp into disarray as it expands the river and drowns several. The Dalmatians, meanwhile, find refuge higher up on a ledge. Faganos and his animals take shelter in a cave while Herculidas’ men shout and cheer wildly*

    Clopinos: *narrating* Jupiter stabs the sky with thunderbolts and treats the Goths like a child dumping a bucket of water on an anthill. Glorious. Only one of us keeps his Dalmatian reserve. Only one.

    *Herculidas stares in deep thought at the chaos before him as everyone else throws up their sPears and yells like drunken frat boys*

    Hawkinos: Hey, isn’t that a really bad idea!?

    Phillipus: Isn’t what a really bad idea!?

    Hawkinos: Waving an iron-tipped sPear around during a lightening storm!?

    Phillipus: Why would that be a--!? *gets struck by lightening and falls off the ledge screaming*

    Tarzanos: Huh. Let’s go inside.

    *Everybody complies. Meanwhile, back at the Palace in Zadar, an aging councilman named Grimsbus steps out of ex-queen Belle's bedchamber, tying his touseled hair back in a ponytail. Down the hall, Pocahontasas stands stands as if waiting for him*

    Pocahontasas: Councilman Grimsbus. I was hoping for a word.

    Grimsbus: My queen! That would be most irregular at this late hour.

    Pocahontasas: ...You just stepped out of my mother in law's bedroom at two in the morning. If that's not irregular, you need more fiber in your diet.

    Grimsbus: My dear queen, if you only saw what that woman was doing her late husband's pelt, you would have left no later than I did.

    *Mowglis pops in*

    Mowglis: Mom! It's a miracle! My eyeballs grew back! *barges into his grandmother's room* Grandma! It's a miracle! My--*pop! pop!* ...Son Of A Bitch!

    Grimsbus: Now then, what did you want to talk to me about?

    Pocahontasas: I'm worried about my husband. This whole midlife crisis thing is going to get him killed.

    Grimsbus: Isn't he, like, 20?

    Pocahontasas: This is ancient Rome. We're not exactly known for our ample life expectancy. I need you to help me convince the council to overturn the Magnificent Seven's decision and sent more troops to aide him in his suicidal endeavor.

    Grimsbus: Listen, the King went off to war without the consent of religious midgets and...and frankly, I don't even know how the hell our screwed up government works anymore.

    Pocahontasas: Well, it's a three branch system of checks and balances...

    Grimsbus: ZzZzZzZz...

    Pocahontasas: Oh, forget it, I'll just seduce Gastonus.

    *The following morning, Aladdinos, Mulanos, and Faganos stealthily climb a ledge overlooking the Goth camp partying. It has doubled in population*

    Faganos: That's impossible! They should have drowned like rats in that storm!

    Mulanos: Goths tend to have asPhyxiation fetishes. It makes them difficult to drown. And the utter disarray this place is in has only attracted MORE Goths to the scene.

    *Aladdinos laughs*

    Faganos: Why do you laugh in the face of such impossible odds?

    Aladdinos: Faganos, I've done some crazy shit in my life. Bungee jumping off a waterfall, shaving my balls while horseback riding, ripping tags off mattresses, the works. And I've done all that hoping for a death so crazy, the gods would hang a picture of it in the stars. And maybe, down there among those sado-masochists, I'll find someone who can offer what I'm looking for. A truly badass death.

    Faganos: You're nutty.

    2 B Contininued...

    9/18/2008 11:14:39 PM

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