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    For the "Tall Grass Scene" in TLW, Michael Lanteri's effects crew were responsible for planting and growing 8 acres of "elephant grass". The project was started a year in advance to make sure that the grass would be at sufficient height for the scene.
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    Super-Mod III (Part 6)
    By CastorTroy

    The building that the Save the Rainforest Gala was being held in, was one of the tallest buildings on the Site, however only the bottom floor was being used for the Gala. Bright lights shone from inside and hundreds of people, all dressed in their best outfits and dresses, were massing at the door, taking their time walking in. A helicopter flew by overhead, shining a light down on the crowd below, as a TV crew got footage for their news report on the event.


    Inside the building, the Gala was going full swing. At least a few hundred people had attended, all dressed in their absolutely fanciest clothes. A band played soft jazz music from some where inside the room. There was a table set up near the main entrance, with pamphlets on how to help save the rainforests and the room was decorated in such a way that it, itself, looked like a jungle, with fake trees set up, and paths leading through the area. Every once in awhile in the make-shift jungle, there was a section of the path that would break off to a small indented clearing in the ‘jungle’, which was be devoted to a display that was set up to give out facts about the rainforests and their animal and human occupants. Each section had it’s own facts and topics.

    Aragorn, wearing glasses and dressed in a black tuxedo, with Shiva hanging onto his arm in a blue backless dress that sparkled like diamonds – or ice crystals - was walking along one such path. The display table for this area was about the various Native tribes found in the rainforests of the world.

    “Lovely fellows,” Aragorn stated as he read the display and looked at some of the pictures.

    “Excuse me?” Shiva asked, wondering where Aragorn just got that from.

    “Natives,” Aragorn stated. “I had a run-in with one tribe when I was in the Amazon.com.” (Note to the reader, this will be covered in the upcoming Super-Mod: The Series)

    People passed by on the trail behind them, a few stopping to glance at the same display. Aragorn and Shiva remain in silence, pretending to read, until the other people continued on their way, leaving them alone again.

    “You’ve been to the Amazon?” Shiva asked, skeptical.

    “I was looking for…” Aragorn trailed off. He had the strongest urge to explain everything about JP3 Girl to Shiva, but knew that this wasn’t the time. Maybe after. “…someone.” Aragorn paused as he looked into Shiva’s eyes. He never noticed how beautiful her sparkling green eyes were before. He also realized that he had never once had the urge to talk about JP3 Girl to anyone ever before. “But that doesn’t mater now,” he added softly.

    Shiva looked back into Aragorn’s eyes, getting just as lost in his. She moved her hands to his side and they closed their eyes, leaning in to kiss when…

    “Aragorn?” Aragorn’s eyes opened instantly, realizing that his plan didn’t work. Someone did notice him after all! Seth had been right! He pulled away from Shiva, whipping around. JPJunkee stood a few feet away, wearing a tux. Aragorn tensed, holing Shiva close to him, tightly. While he was relieved that it was on JPJunkee, as JPJunkee already knew of Super-Mod’s true identity, last time Aragorn checked, he and Shiva were also wanted by JPJunkee for murder and terrorism.

    “Relax, I’m not going to arrest you,” JPJunkee stated. More people entered the same area and JPJunkee moved in, also pretending to read. When the people moved on, JPJunkee turned back to Aragorn and Shiva. “I believe you. We’ve been given some intel on Dark Element. He’s the mercenary trying to kill you.”

    “I know who he is,” Aragorn replied coldly, still unsure if he could trust JPJunkee. “I have my sources too.”

    JPJunkee motioned towards Shiva with his head. “What about her?”

    “She was blackmailed into robbing the bank by this gang called the Winterstorm Gang,” Aragorn explained. “They’re Ice Mutants just like her…” He stopped in mid-sentence as another group of people entered the area. This group consisted of Mayor Dan Finklestien, his wife, and a few of their closer friends.

    “Ahh, Chief JPJunkee!” Dan exclaimed joyfully. “Always a pleasure!” JPJunkee and Dan shook hands firmly. Dan leaned into his wife and friends to explain. “This man is the one responsible for cleaning up this Site.”

    Dan’s wife extended her hand outwards and also shook JPJunkee’s hand. “You have done this Site a great deed.”

    “I’ve played a very little role,” JPJunkee said. “My men are the ones that deserve the compliments. I’ll be sure to pass them along.”

    “Modest!” One of Dan’s friends said loudly. “I tell you, modesty is a trait hard to come by these days.” They all chuckled.

    Dan seemed to notice Aragorn and Shiva for the first time. “And who are these fine young people you were chatting with?”

    JPJunkee glanced back at Aragorn and Shiva, and then back at the Mayor. “This is my…” he paused only for a second to think something up. He didn’t wish to betray Scott’s intentity. “…nephew; Aragorn, and his…girlfriend…” He trailed off when he realized that he didn’t know her real name, and looked back at them for support.

    “AngelsPheonix,” Shiva filled in the blank as she stepped forward. “Allison. And it’s a pleasure to meet the Owner of this fine Site.”

    Dan blushed and chuckled. Shiva extended her hand and he shook it, but quickly retracted. “Wow, you’re so cold.”

    “She’s recovering from a flu,” Aragorn said almost too quickly.

    Dan’s wife frowned sadly. “Retched things, flues are. I had a bad one not even a month ago. Good luck with that, dear.”

    Shiva smiled back politely. “Thank-you.”

    “Well, we must be off,” Dan stated. “I expect these people are expecting a hefty Donation from us by the end of this.” He laughed. “May as well see what my money is going towards. Keep up your good work.”

    JPJunkee nodded and kept his smile. “You can be sure of it. Have a good evening.” Dan and his crew continued on, out of sight. JPJunkee turned back to Aragorn and Shiva, continuing in their conversation. “I suppose this gang is responsible for all the things I’ve been blaming you for, young miss?”

    “Mostly,” Shiva answered, but shrunk back a bit. “The attempted bank robbery was me.”

    “If you have any ideas on how to stop them, I’m all ears.”

    Before Shiva could say anything, a small radio came to life with Seth’s voice. “Aragorn, you there?”

    Aragorn reached into his pocket and pulled out a very small radio. He had left Seth had a certain spot near the Gala building, to keep watch out for the Winterstorm gang. “What is it?”

    “I’m out here by Rick’s Meat Market and I do believe the Winterstorm Gang just passed by.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “Well if that wasn’t them, then I’m seeing things,” Seth’s voice replied. “Cause snow is falling around them. And one of them is a light-blue-colored girl. I’d say they’d be your way in about ten minutes.”

    Aragorn put the radio away and turned quickly to JPJunkee. “Empty this building. Get everyone away from here.”

    JPJunkee nodded. “What about you?”

    Aragorn frowned. “Being Aragorn in public again was fun while it lasted, but it’s time for Super-Mod to make his appearance again.” Aragorn removed his glasses as he and Shiva took off running, brushing right past a couple of people, almost ramming right into them.

    JPJunkee also ran, but instead of following the trail, he ran through the fake jungle trees until he emerged onto the other side of them, where a stage was located and the band was playing. He took the MIC from center stage and started tapping it. The band quickly died down. “Everybody! Everybody, can I have your attention please?”

    Everyone that could, turned to look at him. The many that couldn’t as they were in the jungle area, started making their way to an area where they could see him.

    “My name is JPJunkee and I am the Chief of Mods, and…”

    He was cut off by a collection of voices, “Hello JPJunkee.”

    “Yes, hello,” JPJunkee went on, “I have just received word that there is a very dangerous gang headed this way, and they plan on doing as much damage to us as possible.” There were low murmurs and everyone looked around, wondering if this is some kind of publicity stunt. “I assure you, this is no joke. Now nobody panic, I have officers on the way and they will be here shortly to protect everyone. But in the meantime, I’m going to need you all to exit the building as orderly as you can, and hop in your cars, and drive away. This gang is VERY dangerous and could be here to kill people. Do not dawdle.”

    And that was when the chaos began.

    People, beginning to panic, started screaming and rushing for the door, some following the path, others barging right through the ‘jungle’, knocking down trees left and right, which sometimes almost fell on other people running through the jungle. The ones that decided to run along the path, pushed and shoved, others being knocked down, and barreled right into anyone in their way.

    “Orderly fashion!” JPJunkee shouted. “Everyone calm down!”

    But he could no longer be heard above the screaming and the shouting, and the falling props and trees.


    Aragorn and Shiva fought their way through the stampeding crowd, being the only two people in the entire building that was trying to rush deeper into the building. Shiva got knocked away by a strong muscular guy, and she went flying into the jungle.

    “Shiva!” Aragorn turned directions and ran sideways across the mass of people, getting pushed along with them more and more with every step he took towards the edge. By the time he reached the edge of the jungle, he was much further back then he wanted to be.

    Shiva went to stand up, but got caught in a small crowd of people barging through the trees, and was one again, knocked away. She slammed right into one of the trees, turned around, and fell, A cluster of the trees started falling towards her from almost every direction, and while they were fake, they were still capable of doing quite a lot of damage to a human’s fragile body.

    Aragorn heard a crying and whipped his head to see a little girl sprayed out along the path, getting trampled. Who should Aragorn save? The little girl or Shiva?

    Shiva screamed, but only for a second, as Aragorn shoved one of the display desks towards her and it slid across the floor, stopping right by her head. The falling trees slammed against that, resting just a few feet above Shiva’s head. The second after he shoved the desk, Aragorn had turned and ran back towards the stampeding crowd He jumped and laid flat against the floor, reaching his hand towards the girl.

    “Grab my hand!”

    The girl looked at him and started to reach, but then Aragorn screamed as someone ran over his arm. Then another person. His arm was soon being stepped on by just about everyone, until one person’s foot accidentally kicked it away, and Aragorn quickly pulled it back towards himself. He looked on at the girl, hurt and desperation in his eyes for not being able to do anything. He held his hurt arm up to his body, suddenly feeling useless.

    Shiva arrived, and without even hesitating, dived right into the crowd, fighting her way towards the girl. “Shiva!” Aragorn shouted

    Shiva was battered and bruised and tugged away, but always managed to get back on track. She put all her weight into it and slammed her shoulder into someone just about to run into the little girl, sending the person flying back. Shiva reached down and grabbed the little girl, slinging her onto her back and quickly rushing back off the trail and into the jungle just as the crowd began to die down a bit.

    Shiva let the girl down and pointed.. “Just head that way and you’ll come to the exit, ok? Be careful cause it’ll be dangerous over there.”

    The little girl rubbed tears from her eyes. “I can’t find my parents…”

    Shiva looked at Aragorn, who shrugged. Aragorn knew they should help the girl, but they really needed to prepare against Winterstorm and were running out of time. Besides, somebody outside should be able to help her. Chances were, her parents were looking for her too.

    “Ok, head on outside and someone out there will be able to help, ok?” Shiva said. “Just follow the path I told you to. Be strong. I know you’re brave. You’ve been so brave so far.”

    The girl wiped some tears away, nodded, and headed off, getting a burst of courage. Aragorn and Shiva rushed through the jungle trees, to the back of the room.

    They emerged from the jungle into a wide open part of the room where there was nobody left, and ran in the direction of the bathrooms. There was an area set up for jackets and coats to be hung up, and right on the floor below them were two bookbags. Aragorn grabbed one, and Shiva grabbed the other as they ran by and into the respected bathrooms.


    Outside, hundreds of people poured out into the parking lot, a few going flying as they squeezed through the doors at the exact same time as dozens of other people.

    “Look!” one of the people in the crowd pointed. Everyone froze as they looked off into the distance and saw a group of four people heading their way down the street, snow coming down around them.

    “Is that them?” Someone else asked. “Is that the Gang?”

    “There’s only 4 of them!” a third person exclaimed angrily. “How much damage can they do? This is a load of bullshit!”


    Super-Mod and Shiva emerged from the bathrooms at the exact same time, dressed in their costumes. Shiva’s costume had been Seth’s surprise for her earlier. It involved a black toque, black rubber around her eyes, with blue plastic lenses resembling goggles. She has a dark blue skin-tight leotard and top covering her entire body, with a black mid-section covering her chest, black ‘hooker’ boots, light blue gloves, and a light blue neck cloth.

    “Come on,” Super-Mod urged. They rushed through the nearly-empty building and through the exit doors. When they emerged outside, they were shocked to see the hundreds of people still in the area.

    JPJunkee ran over to them. “I’m sorry, I tried. They don’t think the Winterstorm Gang poses a threat. The way they see it, it’s four people against four hundred.”

    “They’re idiots,” Shiva murmured.

    “Keep trying, Chief,” Super-Mod urged. “We’ll try to head them off.” Super-Mod and Shiva reached the motorcycle and Super-Mod pressed the button on his remote and slipped it back into place on the bike. He and Shiva climbed on and they roared off towards the approaching gang.


    On top of a building not far away, Dark Element stood, welding the Tripod gun. He had a scope attached to it now and had Super-Mod in his sights.


    Super-Mod and Shiva zoomed down the street, the Winterstorm gang getting closer rapidly.

    “Hey, is that Shiva on there?” Blizzard asked as the bike neared.

    Chill squinted her eyes. “I do believe it is.”

    Frostbite smiled and lifted one hand up, swirling white mist leaving it. It shot out towards the approaching motorcycle and the bike began freezing over into ice.

    “Jump!” Super-Mod and Shiva jumped off just as the bike completely turned to ice and a split second later is riddled with holes, and shattered into thousands of tiny little pieces.


    Dark Element spat onto the ground of the roof, angry that he missed Super-Mod. He looked through the scope again and saw the Winterstorm Gang squaring off against his target. What do we have here?


    Shiva hit the ground kind of hard, but Super-Mod, who was used to doing so, came up in a roll and returned to his feet, facing the gang.

    “Well looky-here,” Frostbite voice. “Seems Shiva’s gone and got herself a protector.” He scoffed and sent a white swirling mist towards Super-Mod.

    Shiva screamed and yelled with concern, “No Super-Mod, you can’t! He’s more powerful then me!”

    The mist hit Super-Mod full-on, and while he was not freezing over as quickly as most things due to his internal jacket heater, a very light layer of frost developed on him. If he didn’t do something, it wouldn’t be long until he was frozen. He tried to lift his arm to get something from inside his jacket, but found it difficult to lift his arm.

    Shiva growled and sent her own white mist out towards Frostbite, but was blocked by Snowman jumping in the way and turning to an ice figure. The white mist hit him and did nothing, as he was already ice. Shiva re-aimed, only to have Snowman re-materialize, jump in her path, and again turn to ice. Shiva screamed with frustration and glanced at Super-Mod who seemed to be losing ground.

    “I commend you,” Frostbite said to the vigilante. “Most people last no more then a mere second against my powers.”

    “I’m not most people,” Super-Mod strained to say through clenched teeth.

    Shiva side-kicked the Snowman ice figure and it shattered into tiny pieces. She ran around them, but get clothes-lined by Chill.

    Behind her, the pieces of ice morphed into piles of snow, ran together to form one big pile, and then raised upwards as it morphed back into the flesh and blood version of Snowman.

    Shiva returned to her feet just in time to block an attack by Chill. They two fought back and forth, using a series of punches, kicks, and blocks.

    “Ok, this is just getting boring,” Frostbite sighed when he realized it would take a long time to freeze Super-Mod, for whatever reason. “Blizzard, you know what to do.”

    Frostbite ended his attack, and Super-Mod slowly started warming up. He reached into his jacket just as Blizzard raised his hands into the sky and the snow falling around began to grow larger and in much more quantity. Super-Mod took a few steps forward, removing one of his guns, and aimed it at Blizzard. He fired, but Snowman put his hand in front of Blizzard and his hand turned to ice, stopping the bullet.

    The air got massively colder, so cold in fact that some of the people further back, in the parking lot of the building, shivered and huddled together.

    Shiva and Chill continued their cat fight, with Chill catching Shiva’s foot in mid-kick, and then throwing the foot up, flipping Shiva flipping in the air. While in mid-flip, she slammed a fist forward, punching Shiva and knocking her to the ground, hard. While on the ground, Shiva rolled over onto her back, swinging a foot out and tripping Chill. When both were back on their feet, Shiva back-kicked Chill away.

    Blizzard smiled as he saw Super-Mod drop his gun, take a couple stumbling steps forward, and then fall to the ground. Even his heater was no match for the deathening cold seeping into his brain.

    Shiva got a punch to the face by Chill, but returned with a knee-butt in the gut, doubling Chill over with a gasp for air. She then did a round-house kick to Chill’s lowered head, knocking Chill away. She slammed into the ground, rolled, and painfully returned to her feet, glaring at Shiva. “Give up, bitch. You’re alone,” Chill hissed. “Or haven’t you noticed that you little boyfriend there is just about dead?”

    Shiva whipped her head around and saw Super-Mod laying motionless on the ground. “Aragorn!” she shouted, not caring about giving out his real name. She was too concerned for his life.

    Chill casually walked over to Shiva and leaned in. “He’s a goner. Nothing he can do, and nothing that you can do for him, but watch him die.”

    Super-Mod strained to lift his head and lowered her handkerchief bandage from his mouth as he gasped for air, uselessly. After a few gulps, his head fell and sunk in the snow.

    Shiva had tears in her eyes when she yelled out, “Stop! Stop, please!” Blizzard did no move to. The air got even colder still. Even the other Winterstorm members shivered slightly. “I’ll willingly hand myself over!” Shiva offered through streaming tears. “I’ll join the gang again! Just Don’t kill him…” she trailed off, tears choking her up too much

    “I’m not sure we want you anymore,” Frostbite said back to her. “You’re a traitor. How do we know you won’t switch sides again?”

    “I just won’t!” Shiva screamed, desperate for Blizzard to end his attack. Super-Mod could die any second, if he wasn’t already dead. “I promise! Please, leave him alone.”

    Frostbite purposely took several minutes to think it over, even though he already knew what he’d pick. During his thought process, he allowed Blizzard to continue his attack. “Well five bodies are better then four,” he said out loud, but quietly as if talking to himself, although with every intent for Shiva to hear. “And then we’ll have another person if we ever need to sacrifice someone. Ok, alright, fine. Welcome back.”

    Blizzard looked disappointed, but lowered his arms and allowed the air temperature to return to normal. Shiva ran over to Super-Mod and bent down to make sure he was ok. She removed his sunglasses and saw his eyes, caked with frost and ice, flutter open weakly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered quietly to Super-Mod.

    After putting his sunglasses back on again, Shiva stood up, turned away sadly, and walked away as Super-Mod rolled over onto his back, gasping for air.

    Snowman eyed Shiva as she walked by. “Hey Shiva, welcome back.”

    Shiva glanced at him, scoffed, and then looked away again. He last thing she wanted was for Snowman to continue where he left off with trying to convince her to date him.

    “I guess it’s time we go hit the bank,” Frostbite stated. “But not without a parting gift to our masses.” Frostbite aimed his palms and shot the swirling white mist out and it went towards the Gala building. But due to the distance, and the massive height of the building, Frostbite had trouble. He stopped his attack. “Hey Shiva, a hand here please.”

    Shiva hesitated. She had no desire for anymore terrorist activities. Frostbite looked back at Super-Mod, who was starting to sit up, and aimed his palm at him. Shiva’s eyes went wide, silently begging Frostbite not to fire.

    Giving in, she walked over next to Frostbite without saying anything. Frostbite smiled a smile that sent more chills down Shiva’s back then any coldness. At the exact same time, both he and Shiva, who kept a depressed expression on her face, raised their hands and began turning the Gala building to ice.

    The crowd in the parking lot stared on at the building as it is changed, each person with a shocked, scared, or curious expression on their faces. Even JPJunkee seemed to be mesmerized, as he had never actually seen any of the Mutants turn something to ice before, just the aftermath. Everyone was rooted to the spot, having never before seen anything like what they were witnessing.

    After several moments, the building was complete and they ended their attack on it. “Winterstorm, move out!” Frostbite bellowed.

    The gang, Shiva included, converged together as they walked away from the area. By the time Super-Mod got back to his feet, they were out of sight. He retrieved his gun and placed the handkerchief back in place as he looked back at the building.


    Dark Element, surrounded by falling snow from when Blizzard unleashed his powers, re-aimed the gun from Super-Mod towards the frozen building. He fired and riddled it with holes.


    As Super-Mod looked back at the area, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and looked up. He couldn’t be sure at his distance, but there seemed to be a crack in the building.

    That was when three more, extremely large, cracks formed with a deafening sound. Super-Mod looked back down at the crowd below.

    “Chief JPJunkee!” he shouted at the very top of his lungs. JPJunkee looked over at him from his spot. “Get those people out of HERE!” Super-Mod pointed and JPJunkee looked up at the building, seeing a large piece of ice, cut off from the rest by two intersecting cracks, begin to slip away.

    “Everyone run!” JPJunkee screamed. “It’s coming down!”

    The crowd began to panic and make a run for it. Super-Mod also raced against time as he rushed back towards the crowd to help JPJunkee get everyone away. JPJunkee was helping the more elderly to get away faster by lightly pulling them by the arms or pushing them along the backs.

    More bullets slammed into the frozen building and just as some large pieces began to slide away from the rest, an energy blast slammed right into it, shattering the entire building and raining large chucks of ice down on the evacuating crowd.

    Some chunks slammed down onto the vehicles, crushing them and sending glass flying everywhere. One such event happened just as Super-Mod ran by a car, getting showered with exploding glass and ripping parts of his costume, light blood trickling through.

    Super-Mod jumped onto the hood of another car and then jumped off it as he ran into Ground Zero, ice chucks ranging from minuscule to the size of cars, rained down all around him, some of the smaller ones even pelting him, and the others still left in the area trying to get away.

    The helicopter from earlier, a News chopper with a cameraman leaning out, filming everything, flew a bit too low as it zoomed lower to get crowd shots, and flew right into the path of two falling chunks. The first one slammed into the propellers, getting cut to the tiniest pieces but also damaging the rotors. The second piece that slammed into the copter broke it in half, causing it to explode and the debris to rain down.


    Super-Mod whipped his head around and saw the little girl from earlier, having just narrowly been missed by a car-sized chunk of ice. She stood in her spot, frozen with fear as she bawled her eyes out.

    Nightshade rushed towards her, but was flung away when an energy blast hit the ground right in front of him. In mid-flight, his back slammed against a falling ice chunk and he was knocked forward slightly and to the ground. Just as he got back to his feet and started to run, another energy blasts slammed into the ground where he had just been, sending him flying forward.

    He landed in a heap just a few feet from the girl. He looked up and saw the burning debris of the chopper, along with the ice chunks, falling down right towards her.

    “Get on!” Super-Mod grabbed a chunk of ice about the size of a wagon, and slid it across the ground towards her. While he got back to his feet and ran in her direction, she climbed on, and the second she was on, Super-Mod was there to shove it away. “JPJunkee, head’s up!”

    JPJunkee, who was at the edge of the dangerous zone, having just gotten the last of the elderly away, looked back and saw the girl sliding towards him, ice blocks crashing all around her as she screamed. When she got near enough, JPJunkee ran towards her, avoiding falling ice, and picked her up into his arms, running away from the area.

    The debris and half-dozen large chunks of ice consecutively slammed into the ground, shattering even more. Super-Mod went to move around them, but an energy blast flung him through the air like a rag doll, until a chunk of ice slammed into his body, forcing him to the ground, pinned under the chunk. Other chunks of varying sizes fell into the same area, burying Super-Mod under all the rubble.

    And then everything went black...

    8/12/2006 10:36:32 PM

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