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By Michael Crichton
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    While JP fans may recognize Jeff Goldblum's famous line from JP, 'Must go faster', during the climatic scene in 1996's 'Independence Day', in fact, the director of ID4 sampled it from JP and inserted it into the scene. (From: JS)
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    M:IS- Episode 2 (Part 1)
    By Carnotaur3


    Episode 2: Searching!

    The young people’s snoozing in the quiet night jungle was the only thing odd at the moment. Dozens of small animals scurried about as they slept, not even hearing their little footsteps.

    But Bill woke up from a nightmare. A nightmare about a yacht crashing into an island and him and his friends finding a place to sleep. Suddenly, he looked to see around him the dense foliage of the trees and the other surrounding plant life. He recalled what happened, not from the dream, but from what really happened just hours ago.

    Bill was sad that it wasn’t a nightmare after all, but that it really happened. Wonder if this was Galapagos. Oh, who was he kidding? They would’ve hit that in hours to come if they kept going and not his this island.

    He checked his watch. To bad he didn’t have those light up ones. Those things would be good for a time like this.

    He stopped thinking when he heard the feet running in the jungle. No, it wasn’t the little feet. This sounded bigger. Couldn’t be a man. Could it?

    He only saw a glimpse of the creature, the it left. There was not way he could tell what it was. Trying to go back to sleep, he laid his head back on the tree trunk. It hurt his neck terribly, such an awkward position.

    Slowly, and very slowly it was, he began to sleep again, putting all his thoughts to rest.

    The night slowly faded to light. It was day, and a new day at that. The leaves on the trees had little drops of water on them, making them glisten in the bright sun. Bill’s eyes opened to find Kyle having a fire going. Kyle was popping in sticks like it was winter. The fire blazed before Bill’s eyes.

    Kyle looked over to Bill’s awakening.

    “The girls are up, they’re at the beech.” Kyle said, reassuring Bill that they were still ok.
    “And Ben is at the yacht. He’s looking for things that might help us. Man, the yacht is trashed. Totally trashed!” He added.

    Bill rubbed his eyes.

    “What’s with the fire? It’s not exactly cold out here.” Bill asked.

    “Oh, I’m hoping I’ll find something out here and cook it.”
    “Good luck with that. I’ll probably be looking for beer and trying to get wasted.”
    “I’ll need you to be sober.”

    Bill showed his nice birdie, then got up on his feet.

    “I’ll need you to shut up. You really think you can take charge out here.”
    “I’ll sure as hell try.”

    Bill said nothing and ran up to the girls out on the beech. The girls said nothing. He noticed Tricia’s eyes and how dark they were. She looked to have been crying to a day or two. She looked real bad and torn up inside, he wanted to comfort her, but he was concentrated on to much.

    He took a look at the yacht before him. It was torn to pieces, parts scattered all over the beech and rocks. By the way this morning was turning out, it seemed they will probably never make it off this damn island. Bill cursed as he saw Ben enter the yacht.

    Inside the yacht, Ben looked around for a weapon. Any weapon would do fine. He saw before him a shotgun at the right side of a seat. He took it in his hands, pointed it to the wall of the boat, then cocked it. He took an aim for the wall, then fired.

    The bang went in one ear and out the other. Outside, the group became frantic. He could hear their screams. Ben ran to the door fast and opened it.

    “It’s all right, I was just checking the gun.” Ben announced.

    The girls stopped screaming and calmed down.

    Ben went back in and started back on his work. He searched all around for food or water. He opened the fridge. Out spilled bottles of water and meat. The meat would have to do as well as the water. They were gonna have to ration the food until it was all gone. Most of the food looked to have spilled out into the ocean when it was wrecked.

    But then what? What would they do when the food and water was gone? Sure, there would be a lake or water source near by, but wouldn’t that water be bad for them? Well, it was the only option after the rations. And what about the food? Catching a dinosaur and eating it wasn’t what Ben had in mind at all. But they needed to survive.

    “I wish Freddy was here, he could always get a laugh going,” thought Ben, “and he always knew how to turn my attention to him. Boy, would I love to get away from this situation.”

    He looked over and saw a beer bottle. It still had a half of it left. He picked it up, examined it, then shook his head. He threw the bottle against the wall.

    Screams rang through the air when Ben found a stash of bullets hidden behind a book shelf. He ran to the door and looked out.

    6/11/2002 12:12:18 AM

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