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By Michael Crichton
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    Jurassic Park IV: Costa Rica (Part 6)
    By Carnotaur3

    PART 6


    Through the foliage came Baron, Kyle, and Anne, scrapping aside the leaves and plant life around them, trying to get their way around. The afternoon climate was humid and dry, making their thirst for water greater. If Baron had taken his bag to the facility then maybe they would have had some water with them here. Thoughts raced through his head like a speeding train. His other thoughts were betraying his main thought. Kyle stopped in his tracks. Baron and Anne looked at him awkwardly.

    “You don’t hear it?” Kyle said.

    “Hear what?” Baron asked

    Kyle paused and listened some more. There was something near, something beyond those trees to the left. It sounded like…

    “Rushing water.” Kyle shouted.

    “A river?” Baron asked as he watched Kyle jump up on a rock, trying to look over the trees.

    “Do you see anything,” asked Anne, jumping up and down excitedly.

    “Not yet.” Kyle said.

    Baron felt uncomfortable. Like, something was watching them. Watching their every move. Like a lizard waiting for an attack. A presence was truly felt. But where was it. He took a look around the jungle, till he saw something that looked out of place. It looked like foliage but it wasn’t. Maybe if he had a better look, he could tell what it was.

    Kyle jumped off the rock and ran to where he thought the river might be. Baron decided to go and check on what that misplaced thing was beyond. He jogged to it, but when he came closer, it managed to change into some kind of solid form. It was not greenery. It was something else. Before he knew it an eye appeared in the solid object and looked right at him. Baron knew it wasn’t a good idea, and now he was too late. He ran for it, back to the others. The carnotaur raced after him, snapping at his legs. It couldn’t get as close as to grab one though. Baron had the advantage. Ferns and trees could block the gapping mouth. He ran full force towards Kyle and Anne who were now drinking from the river. Baron called to them.

    “Run, it’s right behind us.”

    They had no where else to go but in the river. Kyle and Anne jumped into the river, splashing to the other side. Baron followed with the carnotaurus still on his tail. He jumped in as the dinosaur snapped and only caught air. Baron’s body fell into the water with a splash. The carnotaur hesitated, looking around franticly for the helpless human. Soon enough, Baron’s head was seen bobbing in the river. The carnotaur made another leap to him, jumping in headfirst. Baron noticed before it could actually happen, and he swam fast to shore. The carnivore snapped water and arched himself up, roaring in agitation. It shook its head from side to side and then swam to shore to run after the humans again.

    On dry land, the group of three ran to find somewhere to hide. Searching franticly as they heard the footsteps enter right in their ear. Kyle looked up to see the bloodthirsty dinosaur roar then it stomped its foot in front of him, nearly smashing him. Kyle leaped out of the way. Anne took off and tried to climb a tree, reaching up on the thick vines for support. The carnotaur simply strolled over to her and snap the vine with his gapping mouth. He then proceeded to grab Anne with his bloody teeth. Something unexpected hit the dinosaur’s eye with an object. It was a rock, coming from Kyle’s hand. He had thrown it at the creature, and it was now pissed off!

    It threw itself toward Kyle, but he leaped out of the way into the long thick grass. He looked up to see the carnotaurus hit the ground followed by a loud thud. He meet up with the others as it got itself back up slowly. The three ran back into the dense jungle. It was a raging locomotive with only one thing on its mind…Food. And it was heading their way again picking up more force. The three helpless humans ran till they saw a round cylinder shape protruding out of the ground. Baron figured it was a pipe leading to ‘who knows what’. They ran for it, thinking only for a way out of this dangerous situation. Racing like hell toward it, they made the last leap for survival into the dark hole. The carnotaur snapped at air once again, as they went out of view in the dark pipe. It roared again with furious rage and backed up to kick the pipe. With one ton of pressure onto the pipe with its leg, it pinched shut the hole, making no way for an escape if he had left. The group watched as the circle shape of light faded quickly to darkness.


    Bakker’s jeep was making lots of noise through the dangerous Brachiosaurus paddock, he didn’t much care right now. If the facility was still operational then Greg would have been on his case all day.

    The radio crackled in the dash board, “Colburn, answer the damn CB.”

    Colburn couldn’t tell who it was, so he answered it. “What!”

    “It’s Greg. I’ve just seen something pass the motion sensor in your area. It was big.” Greg said.


    “No, carnotaurus. It was roaring at some kind of pipe. I’m not sure if I saw Dr. Baron or his friends…not even one of our employees.”

    “We found the employee’s body an hour ago. Nothing left but some of his shirt and bones.”

    “Jesus save us.”

    “Ain’t that the truth. What’s the deal with the phones? They back up?”

    “Yes, our friend FBI agent is taking care of business. He’s calling the Costa Rican government, they are probably gonna get a chopper out over here in a couple of hours.”

    “Damn straight.” Colburn announced, tapping his gun with his fingertips. “I haven’t seen a single brach yet. You think they might be hiding from the carnotaur?”

    “Possibly. Tell me when you see the carnotaurus.”

    “Sure thing.” He said switching off the CB.

    Colburn took out his hat and set it on top of his head. He closed his eyes thinking only of just some little sleep. He needed it, he couldn’t think that clearly. Bakker paid attention too ever rock and crevasse on the road. He suspected that if the carnotaurs had made it this far then it wouldn’t be farfetched that the three missing people were somewhere in this paddock. He wondered some more as he drove on the narrow-winding road.

    He heard another roar coming from outside the jeep. He stopped the vehicle immediately, knocking Colburn out of his seat and onto the dashboard. His forehead hit, and he looked up to Bakker in a pissed off mood.

    “What the hell…” Colburn was cut off.

    “There’s something heading this way.”

    By now they could tell the roaring and rumble was something big.

    “Stampede, hurry, take the jeep out of here!” Colburn shouted.

    Bakker hit the ignition and drove the car in reverse when about a dozen animals with long necks, which stood about fifty four feet tall, running as fast as they could. They weren’t fast at all but each time their leg took a step it was about ten feet. The brach’s long gape made it impossible to outrun with by foot. Bakker’s jeep kept driving in reverse avoiding each foot to come down on them. The next instant, they all moved to the side. Bakker stopped the jeep, and then another surprising event happened. A carnotaurus came crashing from the jungle and leaped seven feet off the ground and onto a brachiosaurus, pinning the poor thing on the ground. The brach couldn’t do a thing, but wait till the carnotaurus had taken a chunk out of its left side torso.

    Colburn sat tense in his chair watching the carnivore rip apart the herbivore, taking in the bloody flesh and chomping on it. He reached for his gun, which was in the back seat. This was way bigger than the one Greg and him tried to catch last week. It was at least five feet more taller. And wider too.

    Colburn reached for the CB

    “Greg?” Colburn said into the radio.

    A few seconds passed…then a few more. Colburn kept getting nervous watching the carnotaur eat. Then, it came.

    “Yeah, Colburn, what is it?” Greg asked.

    “Turn on the jeep’s screen.” Colburn said adjusting the camera which was on the side of the jeep to the carnivorous dinosaur.

    “I’ll be damned. You know what you have to do, Colburn. Capture it.”

    Colburn’s eyes looked up.

    “Capture it? Are you fucking kidding me?

    “No, I’m not fucking kidding you. Tranq it and get it back over here. You might have to come back here first and get the crane.”

    Colburn sighed.

    “I understand it now, Mr. Palmer. Your greed for money is more than you can imagine. You care nothing for the lives of every single human being in Costa Rica. You care about your facility more than me and my companion’s safety. You think animals are yours to keep, when they belong out in nature. These things were never supposed to be here and capturing them and keeping them in a cage is still not helping. These things can do more damage to anyone than an elephant or rhino. You have totally underestimated the situation. Give my regards to hell. Over and out.”

    “Fuck you, Col…” Colburn cut off the CB and took his gun into his hands.

    “That pansy ass son of a bitch.” Colburn said loading his rifle.

    Bakker looked at Colburn doing this.

    “What…what are you going to do?”

    “I’m going go kick some dino fucking ass!” Colburn shouted standing up and opening the canopy to the jeep.
    The carnotaurus kept eating on the brachiosaur, and was about to take a hunk of the leg when it saw the man come up from the canopy in the corner if its eye. It dropped some of the meat that was hanging from his jaw and looked up. Colburn was aiming the rifle at the carnotaur and he fired. It missed it when it had turned its head. Now the carnotaur was alarmed and ready an ran back out into the jungle.

    “Quickly…Bakker, drive,” shouted Colburn trying to get another aim.

    Bakker hit the gas immediately.

    “May I ask why you are doing this?” Bakker yelled through the roar of the engine.

    “So we won’t have to worry about this big boy later. Shit, I can’t aim up here.”

    Colburn bent back down into his seat.

    “Chase him into the open field and get along side of him. I’ll have a better shot.” Colburn said.

    Bakker started to beep the horn to get the carnotaur running faster. He pushed the gas harder this time and they entered the grassy plain. Colburn took the rifle and stuck it out of the side window and aimed for the carnotaur as they drove faster and were directly beside it. The carnotaur roared in frightfulness and just when Colburn was about to shoot, the dinosaur rammed his body at the jeep. The jeep bounced back with Colburn hitting the dash board. He shook it off and aimed again. The carnotaur stopped immediately.

    “He stopped, turn around!” Colburn shouted.

    The carnotaur looked up in agitation and roared, making his lips raised up showing off his gums.

    Colburn shot off the rifle hitting the dinosaur in the neck. Blood streamed from the carnivore’s mouth an it bellowed again, then ran full force towards the jeep. Caolburn shot once more, this time it had come in right in the top of the head. The carnotaur stopped running and cried out in pain. Colburn cocked the file and open fired on the head once more. The huge dinosaur fell to the ground moaning.

    Colburn threw the gun back in the back seat and took out a cigarette. Bakker watched the carnotaur dying in amazement. This guy was better at this than he ever thought. He was sure glad he was here.

    “How did…”

    “I do that,” said Colburn lighting up the cigarette. “I’m asking myself the same thing.”


    Knox sat in one of the computer chairs tackling the phone trying to call the Costa Rican government. Had done this so many times and each one was a busy signal. He sighed again and phoned once more to see if any hope could be given.


    At the computer was Greg, there was mechanical parts all over the desk and a broken radio. He was really angry from what James Colburn had said on the radio that he had broken the CB. It could not be fixed and they could not contact the two anymore. They were on their own now. Greg rubbed his eyes. Drinnan sat beside him.

    “He’s right you know.” Drinnan said.

    “I don’t give a shit,” whispered Greg.

    “You take things for granted…even lives.”

    Greg blew a sigh and lay back in his chair. From in the back of the room, they heard Knox’s shout for joy.

    “They are coming… in four hours!”


    In the Costa Rican military room, a few army soldiers stood by talking. The lights in the room weren’t very bright; they were dime. A soldier saluted the general that stood by.

    “Senior’,” said the soldier.

    “Mission, men!” The general shouted.

    Everybody in the room stopped talking simultaneously.

    “Men, you have four hours to reach this area.” He hands them a sheet of paper. “Your fighter jets will have drop missals attached under, you will drop these in that area as well as 20 more miles from it in order to kill off every living creature there, even human beings. You got that?” The general shouted.

    “Yes, senior’.” Everybody yelled.


    Baron could see a bright light straight ahead about eight or nine yards away. He kept pushing in the dark, sticky pipe and now it was paying off. They heard many creatures above when they crawled through and they were getting worried for a moment, but this cleared it up for sure.

    “Just up ahead, guys, keep moving,” said Baron coughing a little each time he moved.

    At one point in the pipe their oxygen was getting really low and it caused them all to cough and then their was a point where they couldn’t get any oxygen at all and they panicked for a couple of minutes. It got better after a while.

    Just one more crawl and they had reached their objective. Baron placed his hands in front and grabbed onto the edge pulling himself out. He fell right into a swampy area. Kyle and Anne showed up later, doing the exact same thing. The swamp stunk in all aspects. Bugs flew around their heads, buzzing in their ears. Anne looked over to see that they weren’t alone. In front of them was a group of Ouranosaurs. Their duckbilled snout stuck in the swampy water and then they raised their head back up again and snorted it out. They had a weird looking sail that went up diagonally and then it curved over and down to the tail. It’s skin color was very dark green with black blotches all around. Purple strips ran over each little bone in the sail.

    The ouranosaurs honked at the three visitors…or were they intruders. They were actually quite playful honking and bouncing around like they wanted them to be there. They started to munch on the leaves from the trees in the swamp. Kyle looked over to the side curiously. There was a large orange and tan body laying over next to the swamp.

    “Dr. Baron,” Announced Kyle pointing to the body.

    Baron looked up thinking something dangerous was happening but nothing did. Instead he found himself walking out of the swamp to the dead carcass. What lay there astonished him. It was kind of a tan color with orange stripes coming from its back. Blue splotches were on it underbelly. But that wasn’t all down there, the belly was severed and it’s intestines were dragged out. The face was half eaten on as well as the body. The length of it was about 15-20 feet. He couldn’t tell.

    “What is it, Dr. Baron?” Anne asked.

    “I think it’s a Tenontosaurus, but I’m not quite sure. It’s in the category of the Hypsilophodontids. The Ouranosaurs are related to the Iguanodons,” said Baron, looking around for any possible danger. He took a better look at the severed belly. “Hmm…Ok, there are many dinosaurs with six inch claws, either on their toe…or their thumb. I doubt any with a thumb could do this, maybe on for defense, but the fact still remain, they couldn’t reach under the belly of the dinosaur. The ones who had to do this had killing claws on their toes. And the only ones I can think that have those are the raptor family.” Baron said, still studying the carcass.

    “Raptor?” Anne asked.

    “Velociraptor maybe. Maybe even a Utahraptor. They are about the height that can do it.”

    “I think we should go now. I don’t want to hang around here anymore,” said Anne beginning to cry a little.
    Baron shook his head, “Ok, we’ll leave. Come on…let’s go.”


    Bakker parked the jeep next to the small fence for the baby dinosaurs. He patting his brow with a handkerchief, sweat rolling down the side of his face. It was damn hot now…for sure. He’d probably have to turn on the cold air in the jeep in a minute. Colburn was sitting on the rock next to the fence watching baby triceratops play in the little jungle area. They looked to be about a couple of weeks old. The fence was about four feet high.

    The radio crackled in the jeep, “Bakker…Colburn…pick up.”

    Bakker answered it, “What’s the problem?”

    It was Harrison on the other end, “Harrison here, we just picked up some human feet walking passed a motion sensor…”

    “What location?”

    “Hmm…it was in the Ornihododa and Ornithischia paddock.

    “We’re heading up there right now, over and out.” He said leaping into the driver’s seat.

    Colburn flicked his cigarette out and returned to the jeep. That’s when he heard the squeal. It was coming from inside the infant pen.

    “Bakker…rifle.” Colburn said.

    Bakker handed it to him calmly. He grasped it in his hands and cocked it, then he walked quietly over to the infant pen. He saw before him, some kind of carnivore eating on the infant trike. It stood six feet tall when it raised it head to swallow the meat. He aimed at it. The creature noticed and dodged the bullet.

    Bakker watched in horror as the carnivore came running straight at Colburn with it’s two sharp, cycle-shaped claws on it’s toes, reaching up into the air to only come down on top of him. It jumped over the small fence and onto the trail. He shot at it hitting it in the side of its ribs. The dinosaur fell to the floor, but it got up again, angry. It was built like a car! Colburn decided to run from that moment, jumping on top of the jeep and falling into the hole from the canopy.

    Bakker hit the gas quickly and in a matter of seconds they were off on the trail with the carnivor still behind them.

    Colburn took the CB, “Harrison…get Greg on for me.”

    Greg came on immediately, “What is it, Colburn?”

    “We’ve got some kind of animal chasing us. And it’s damn fast. We’re doing about 85 and this thing is doing 70.”

    “Aim the camera to it, let me see.”

    Colburn positioned the camera towards the creature.

    “My God, that’s a Velociraptor.” Greg said.

    “That’s a raptor? You weren’t kidding about how they were were you?” He said into the radio.

    “No, I wasn’t. Now hurry and get out of there.”


    7/3/2002 11:01:11 AM
    (Updated: 7/3/2002 11:13:38 AM)

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