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    Jurassic Park IV: Costa Rica (Part7)
    By Carnotaur3

    PART 7


    Baron squinted his eyes over at the hill in the far distance. He was hearing some kind of engine roar coming from there. He wasn’t sure though it was an engine from a vehicle but he kept looking. Anne tapped him on the shoulder.

    “You hear it too?” She asked.

    “Yes. It’s somewhere around the hill.” He said taking out his handkerchief and wiping the sweat off the back of his head.

    Anne looked around the hill and saw some sort of a fence.

    “That’s a fence down there,” said Anne pointing just below the hill.

    “It is. Maybe it’s the perimeter fence.” Baron said.

    “Has to be.” Kyle said running down their hill.

    Anne chased after him.

    “Race you to it.” Anne yelled.

    Baron watched as a jeep drove very fast across the hill. It was a vehicle all right, but why the hell is it going so fast? He noticed something up there was chasing them. Ah, hell, he might as well just run for the fence before more trouble came. He dashed down the hill to catch up to Anne and Kyle.


    “Shit, Bakker let me drive. You take the gun.” Colburn yelled switching seats with him.

    “Why did you have to enter the jungle. There are no paddocks around here. We’ll get lost.” Bakker shouted taking the rifle.

    “Would you just do what I say and shoot the damn thing.” Colburn pushed the gas harder and they were now going about 90 miles per hour. The raptor fell behind a couple of feet. It snarled with agitation.

    Bakker cocked the gun, pointed it at the raptor and….hesitated.

    “What he hell are you waiting for, Bakker? Put a hole in it!” Colburn shook his head.

    With gun in hand, Bakker was becoming nervous. He closed his eyes for just a sec and when he opened them, the raptor was face to face with him. He fired at the face, blowing off the lower jaw and the velociraptor fell to the ground dead.

    “Not bad, Bakker. But next time do what I say.”

    “Whatever you say.” Bakker said, clenching the rifle tighter at his chest.


    Anne and Kyle jumped on to the fence and climbed it quickly, they were in no mood to stay out in this jungle. They needed to be rescued. Baron came down to meet the fence and saw their bodies climbing up it.

    “Guys, there’s a jeep up there, hurry up. We can get rescued.”

    Baron grasped the nearest wire above his head. A loud screech came near.

    The two of the farthest up looked at each other and then to Baron.

    “What was that?” Kyle asked.

    “I don’t have a clue.”

    They continued climbing. Baron was now up in the middle of the fence, while Anne and Kyle were just now getting over it when the first raptor jumped out of the jungle foliage. It screamed at Baron and tried to leap at him. Baron could see the fire in its eyes. It was really hungry.

    Baron took another climb up trying to escape the raptor’s jaws. That’s when about when six more came out roaring at Baron.

    On the other side of the fence, Kyle watched in horror as the viscous carnivores were attacking his fellow paleontologist. Kyle searched through his pockets and found the switchblade. He took it out and looked at the wires. They weren’t thick at all, about two inches wide. He took the switchblade and started to saw on the wire in the middle, just below Baron. Baron moved up more. The raptors were now trying to attack Kyle from the other side. They snapped at his arm when he was sawing. Kyle backed away then proceeded to saw the wire. A few seconds later the wire came free and swung through the air. The alpha female raptor decided to climb up the fence. Kyle went to saw the next wire. Down below, Anne was screaming at Kyle to hurry up. He was getting no slack today so he said, “Shut up, Anne.”

    She shut up sure enough and just watched the raptor climbing up the fence. She jumped up excitedly. Kyle managed to saw the next one after that and the next one after that. The female raptor had climbed all the way from where the first wire was cut and it screamed at Kyle and Baron. By now, Baron had climbed onto the other side to meet Kyle. Kyle gave him the thumbs up and together they jumped off the fence and ran off into the dark jungle. The raptors snarled and hissed. They then decided to find another place to climb.


    Harrison sat at his computer and talked through the radio at one of the employee’s name Dan.

    The radio crackles, “I’ve got no signal coming from the back up system to the fences,” said Dan.

    “How many times have you been processing it,” Asked Harrison.

    “About fifty thousand times. It’s no use to us, Mr. Harrison. No use at all.”

    Harrison sighed, “Come on back, kid, we’ll need you here.”

    Dr. Kingsbury entered the room, looked at his watch and spoke.

    “We have about three hours and thirty minutes till the choppers arrive. Gather up all the men and put them in the safe house, I’ll deal the with computer and watch over the motion sensors, see if our friends show up.”

    “What about Colburn and Bakker?” Harrison asked.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll guide them.”

    Dr. Kingsbury sat down at the computer console and took the radio into his hands.


    Meanwhile, Knox was on the phone with a soldier from the Costa Rican army. He had called him for a reason he didn’t know yet.

    “Tell me what it is your calling for? Are the choppers going to be here faster than they were?” Knox asked.

    “No senior’,” said the soldier. “They aren’t coming.”

    “What do you mean, they aren’t coming?” Knox yelled.

    “They are going to blow up the area. They’ve had so many of these incidents that they are fed up and they just want to kill off anything or anyone. Let me tell you now, that I’m against it and I’ll try to get some choppers up their as soon as possible, but in the mean time, stay safe.”

    The soldier hung up the phone and Knox was left with an open jaw.


    Knox entered the cold dark control room and yelled at Dr. Kingsbury.

    “Tell Bakker and Colburn to get the hell back here! Tell them that Baron and them are probably dead.”

    Dr. Kristen was asleep on the sofa at the back wall and she was awoken by Knox’s shouts. She looked up to see what they were talking about.

    “Knox, their CB is not working. They won’t talk to us, I tried.” Shouted Dr. Kingsbury.

    “Knox, you can’t do this, they aren’t dead I know.”

    Knox looked at the computer.
    “What’s their current location,” asked Knox.

    Dr. Kingsbury checked the screen.

    “They are just outside the perimeter fence. They have stopped their, maybe for a break or something. Take the cart outside and follow the cart trail, you will come to a gate and all you have to do is push it over and you drive about four miles in the cart and you’ll find them. You want a map just in case?”

    “Yeah, I’ll take one.”

    Dr. Kingbury handed him a folded map and radio, then an assault rifle.

    “I’m going with you, Angent Knox.” Kristen said.

    “No you aren’t, it’s too dangerous.”

    “Look, my friends are out there, if they are around there we might just find them. I want my friends back, they are the only family I have.”

    Knox just sighed and hooked the radio to his belt.

    “Fine, come on.”

    “I still don’t know what this is about.” Dr. Kingsbury said.

    “They are planning on blowing up the area. Not save us. We better hurry and find Colburn and Bakker,” said Knox.


    Through the dense foliage, there had seemed to be a break, a noise of ducks and birds. Ducks were the key factor. Where there are ducks, there is water. Baron pushed away the leaves revealing a glittering lake. On the lake were dozens of boats and yachts, beside them a boat dock. The boat dock lead to a building, possibly where you could find the keys to the boats. The only problem was… nobody was around. It was a… ghost town, as you might call it. Anne and Kyle looked around.

    “What do you think happened, Dr. Baron,” asked Kyle

    “I don’t know.” Baron said pushing onto the boat dock. “Seems something ran the people off.”

    “Let’s see if we can find some kind of boat. We could travel the river up stream. Wasn’t there some kind of river near the lab,” asked Anne.

    “I think so. It’s our best chance anyway.” Baron said.

    They walked on the wooden path to the boat dock building when Kyle gasped and pushed backward. Kyle and Baron looked over to the side and saw a carnivorous Baryonyx. It was sticking it’s head out of the lake with a fish in it’s mouth. It took a look over at the three people, gobbled the fish up, then, proceeded to catch more with its crocodilian mouth and thick thumb claws. It sniffed water out of its noise and dunked its head back down into the murky water.

    “It’s ok, guys. Baryonyx…fish eater. It won’t bother us.” Baron said walking to the door of the building.


    Dr. Kingsbury sat at the console watching everything Dr. Kristen and Knox saw. The camera was looked to be hooked on the top of their running cart. Kingsbury watched as they drove on the concrete path and saw the long grassy plain ahead. The plain was full of herbivores. Brachiosaurs, ankylosaurs, and corythosaurs. The ankylosaurs were the most unque; they had a very hard shell with spikes protruding out of their sides. That armor was connected to a hard clubbed tail. The corythosaurs were tan with yellow blotches across the body, they had a round fan that went from the top of its head to the back of its neck.
    The dinosaurs roamed the plain, searching for greenery to grab and devour. As the cart came to an abrupt stop, Kingsbury became worried.

    Kingsbury clicked the radio, “Agent Knox, what happened?”

    A low growl was heard. He couldn’t tell what it was at first and panicked.

    “Shit, get out of there now…Dr. Kristen…Agent Knox?” Yelled Kingsbury in the radio.

    The cart had been resting at the same spot for over seven minutes by now and Kingsbury was starting to think they were dead. Now a voice came up in the radio and he picked it up immediately. The voice came, but it was low and he couldn’t make out was saying what. Minutes later it became clear.

    “A jeep—coming—who—get them.” It seemed to have been Kristen. She wasn’t screaming either.

    He watched as the camera screen went black. Something was wrong, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.


    “Turn off the fucking radio before he gets us killed,” whispered Knox.

    Kristen switched it off quietly and watched as a gigantic foot plop down in the mud next to their cart. Knox shuddered, his gun was in the back and he was too frightened to even pick it up.

    “It’s fucking scary…” He whispered; Kristen noticed his feet shaking.

    From up ahead, the roar of a jeep came crashing through the plain. Kristen mouthed out the words, “Get out of here.”. Over and over again she said this till the foot finally turned towards the oncoming jeep.


    Up ahead, James saw the carnivore coming up to them and the cart in the shady area of the cart path. Bakker shuddered with fright.

    “It’s a tyrannosaur!” Bakker exclaimed.

    “No shit!” Colburn said sarcastically.
    Colburn took the jeep off to the right letting the rex follow close by. The rex took speed behind them, it’s jaws hanging open with saliva flapping in the wind. He drove into the bumpy jungle.

    “Hold on to something…quick.” Colburn yelled.

    The jeep sharply turned to the right knocking into trees. The tyrannosaur stopped in the jungle looking around for the jeep. Somehow it lost its prey. It bellowed and moved into another direction in the jungle. The jeep roared back into the valley and to the cart on the path. Kristen and Knox sat in the cart dumbfounded. They finally found Colburn and Bakker.


    Kingsbury didn’t take his eyes off the monitor; his breathing was harsh and his heart was beating at a rapid rate just waiting for a voice to come back. The screen was still black when he heard the radio click.

    “Were fine… Dr. Kingsbury, we found them. I repeat we found them,” said Knox.

    Kingsbury smiled.


    Inside the dock building, Baron, Anne, and Kyle looked around the rooms, searching for anything that might be of some use. There were keys hung up near the bar and register. Boat keys. Something that seemed like a way out of here and back to the lab. They kept hearing the screeching of the barynoyx herd. They were fishing for a while and they were near heading back to the jungle. “Only a couple remain,” observed Kyle looking out the window.
    Anne shook her head, then took a walk towards the gift shop. Stuffed animals of all sorts were on shelves at the right side of the wall. To the left were guns. Guns. Rifles, glocks…everything they needed.

    “Why is there no one here?” Anne asked.

    “Probably the dinosaurs ran them off.” Baron said.

    He looked at the key that he randomly picked up, then the numbers.

    Aisle 3/boat 7

    “Well this looks good enough, I suppose.” Baron said.

    With a sigh of relief he shoved the door open and motioned for them to come on. Anne looked back towards him.

    “Dr. Baron, there are weapons here.”

    “Where?” Baron asked.

    “Here.” She pointed over at the guns on the left side wall. “Bullets too.”

    Baron looked out towards the boats, then back at the guns. He looked at his watch.

    3:46 P.M.

    Time was running excessively short, and it was apparent that with the guns, their chance of surviving was higher.

    “Grab all you can, I’ll get the boat.”

    7/29/2002 11:45:15 PM

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