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    Two scenes that were cut from TLW (including a bar fight with Tembo and a inGen boardroom scene with Ludlow) are included on the TLW DVD.
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    Jurassic Park IV;Evolution-Reissued Part 4
    By Carnotaur3

    Stay there! I’ll be there in 10 minutes.


    Hanging up his cell phone, Stuart saw the trees around him move strangely. No wind was blowing. Something has to be in those trees!

    Feeling uncomfortable, he decides to load his rifle. He made his way to the table with all the gun ammunition and supplies. In a way of swiftness, the first carnivore came from the tree he had looked at just before.

    More came out.

    They were a pack of VELOCIRAPTORS.

    The first raptor looked up at the tower just as Stuart looked downward at the creature. He said “Shit” under his breath, and shot at the dinosaur.

    Quickly, it moved out before the bullet could hit anything.



    Two jeep wranglers speed past the green leaves and lush foliage of the Costa Rican jungle.

    JEEP 1:
    Barron is at the wheel. Thorne is in the front passenger seat with Thompson and Billy in the back. Thompson is loading Barron’s rifle and getting ready to put it in his (BARRON’S) bag. Billy, on the other hand is studying the map of the jungle.

    JEEP 1 cuts left, making a sharp turn.

    JEEP 2 does the same.

    JEEP 2:
    At the wheel is Ben Potter. In the front seat is Dr. Grant. In the back Ellie sits with Donnelson.

    Your theories about the Compsygnathus being hunters are absurd. Compys are scavengers.

    Correction: Can be scavengers. They have a lethal poison that weakens the body. Then, the compys take feast.

    Ok, InGen’s dinosaurs might have varied from the real life version.


    GRANT’S POV- Jeep 1 stops, then his jeep stops.

    What’s going on?

    CUT TO:

    JEEP 1- Billy leans over to Barron.

    What’s wrong?

    I hear something.

    Billy, Barron, Thorne, and Thompson sit there for a while listening.

    That’s a jeep! Another jeep!

    You sure!

    Pretty sure. Look!

    Thompson points to a plain. The plain is a long distance away. On the left side of the plain, a black jeep appeared, speeding through. It was going to a road on the right.

    That’s our road.

    JEEP 2:
    Ellie looked over Grant’s shoulder.

    Why the hell would there be anybody else out here?

    CUT TO:
    BLACK JEEP- Dodgson was at the wheel with Guiterrez. He saw the two jeeps stopped over at the distance. He knew they could see them. He had to get the out of there.

    Lewis, the jeeps are starting back up.


    CUT TO:
    Two of the jeeps are now moving back into the jungle road.

    JEEP 1:
    Who ever that is better get off our trail.

    Dodgson’s jeep stopped in front of the two other ones.

    GUITERREZ climbed out fast throwing his arm in the air.

    (YELLING) Seniors, this is unauthorized area. Move your vehicles back at once.

    (YELLING) You heard him, move that shit out of here!

    GUITERREZ came to a dark spot still yelling at the men in the jeeps.

    In the dark spot, the jungle moved. It was sudden. The jungle had been misplaced and out of no where a gigantice jungle looking reptile (or so everyone thought) moved over towards the Mexican man. Guiterrez looked back with a horrifying scream.

    It was Carnotaurus sastrei. A mid-cretaceous carnivorous dinosaur.

    It’s bull dog head snatched up Guiterrez by the neck, lifting up in the air. His screams turning to gurgling sounds.

    Dodgson jumped back in his jeep turning on the ignition quick. His jeep ran in reverse down the hill.

    CUT TO:
    Carnotaurus is still eating on Guiterrez.

    JEEP 1 and JEEP 2 start driving down the same hill. But the Carnotaurus stops them in mid-way.

    It flung its body on the side of JEEP 1, sending it to turn on its side.


    The jeep rolled to its side violently but abruptly stopped. Then the Carnotaurus snapped at the helpless humans. The closest was Billy and Thorne, who were now jumping out of the jeep and onto the road. The Carnotaur then decided to go for Baron and Thompson. Barron went for his bag and ejected his rifle out. But by then, he couldn’t get a clear shot because the carnviore was already close enough to snap his head off.

    Barron moved back. Thorne went with him heading to the second jeep.

    They all crammed into the next jeep. Ben pressed the pedal hard and by no time their vehicle was going extremely fast. But for a predator not as big, there was a good chance it could catch up to the Wrangler.

    As they speed the Carnotaurus gain speed. Gained it fast too. Within no time it had going to their speed witch was about 55mph. The carnivore ran on the side of the jeep looking in on it’s prey, but the jeep went faster. And in a moment the Carnotaur would give up.

    It did.

    Donnelson looked back as the dinosaur retreated back into the jungle, with a cry of defeat.


    The group’s jeep was sitting on the side of the road. The group not in it but hanging around it. A couple of them with their water jugs open pouring their H2O into their mouths.

    Grant was weary eyed. His gaze especially on Barron. Barron walked swiftly over at Grant.

    I guess we saw what we came for.

    We did!

    Ellie was trembling with fear.

    Alan, it was a dinosaur. They aren’t supposed to be here!


    Grant went over to the nearest log and sat down upon it. His gaze on the floor now. Billy was astonished. How could a dinosaur be here?

    I don’t know how this happened, but we need to get out of Costa Rica, and we need to get out now!

    I agree. The first thing that predator is going ot think in a couple of hours is food again, and then it’s going ot come after us. No need for a guarantee!

    And what kind of dinosaur was that, if I may ask.

    Carnotaurus sastrei. Mid-Cretaceous carnivore. Once thought to be a scavenger, but this proves otherwise!

    We were right about the skin though, Alan. It was camouflaged!

    Grant nodded.

    There’s bound the be more, guys. It can’t be just one!

    More of what? The Carnotaurs or the dinosaurs.

    Maybe both!

    Thorne looked up from the ground to Ellie.

    That means were food… That pisses me off!

    He immediately jumped up and walked around.

    (To Grant) What about that phone of yours?

    Grant looked in his back pocket.
    It was there!

    A sigh of relief overwhelmed him. He handed the phone to Donnelson.

    Oh, you have a shitty satellite phone. See, you can’t even get a descent signal.

    Ellie looked over to Donnelson.

    And how do we get a signal.

    I don’t know about phones. We will just have to wait, keep checking it.

    Thorne walked up to Donnelson and took the phone out of his hands. He put it in his back pocket.

    We can’t let it on too long. You’d run the battery out. What happened to that map?

    Billy checked his pockets.

    Oh no!

    What is it?

    I left it in the jeep before it got crushed.

    Barron hooked his rifle around his shoulder after putting a strap on it. Then, he proceeded to the jeep.

    I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to wait out here to see what else is out here.

    Everyone looked at each other, then, ran to the jeep to join Barron.


    Dodgson’s jeep sped through the open plain. He was still
    terrified at the moment.

    His cell phone rang; he took it to his ear.


    PEPIN (V.O.)
    I’ve got a real problem here!

    CUT TO:


    Stuart watched as the female raptor jumped up on the stilts that were holding the tower up. The tower was like a hut only very tall, supported by the stilts. These stilts, by the way that the raptor was working it way up, are probably easy to climb.

    DODGSON (V.O.)
    What is it?

    Raptors, I have them all surrounding the tower. You said you’d be here in…

    DODGSON (V.O.)
    I know, I’m coming.

    Stuart hung up the phone and started shooting at the female raptor that was climbing the stilt. The raptor fell to the ground, blood splattering in the mud.

    He stuck a cigarette in his lips.

    Don’t mess with Stuart Pepin, you’ll just get shitted up!


    3/23/2002 9:35:02 PM

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