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By Michael Crichton
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    JP author Michael Crichton wrote the forward to Philip J. Currie and Kevin Padians "Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs" book. (From: Raptaur)
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    --Home Sweet Home-- Part 9
    By Carnotaur3

    78 INT. BEN’S BEDROOM – DAY 78

    He woke up from his long nightmarish dream. His
    head aching like someone was pounding a hammer on
    his head.

    He looked over at the clock.

    12:38 P.M.

    Then, he heard the banging at the door.


    Jumping out of his bed, he ran fast to the front
    door of his house.

    He opened the door, and as he did, Gabby fell into
    his arms. Her breathing was very harsh and slow. He started waving her with his hand.

    80 INT. DAN’S BEDROOM – DAY 80

    Dan Henderson looked coldly at the ceiling of his bedroom. He started taking his fingers and making
    shadow puppets.

    He made one quite amusing too. It was an elephant. He laughed at the sight of it.

    He took a sip of his coke.

    She isn’t coming back! That witch!

    He drank another sip of his coke. Then, he felt a
    bony hand grab him by the shirt.

    The hand turned his body over to the side.

    As he did, he faced the skeleton once again. This
    time, it took matters into its own hand.

    Your ready!

    Dan screamed as the skeleton grabbed him and pulled
    him under the bed. Dan’s body twisted on the ground.

    He reached quickly and grabbed a post. His fingers
    were wet from the heat. His fingers loosing grip,
    he screamed his last as he was pulled completely
    under the bed.

    Dan went OUT OF SIGHT!

    81 INT. CAR – DAY 81

    Robert Hardy drove his car on the street. He was nervous.

    What happened?

    She whimpered in her seat.

    ROBERT (cont’d)
    Be strong and tell me what the hell

    They’re real! I never knew they were

    Of course they are. What did you
    think was happening at your house
    those months ago?

    She didn’t say anything about it, instead changed the subject.

    He saved me. He helped me out! Now,
    I must do the same.

    What I want you to do is wait until
    I get in the house before you, ok?

    She nodded. Robert concentrated more on the road.

    82 EXT. HOUSE – DAY 82

    Speeding up the road was Robert’s vehicle. The
    car’s speed slowing down a little as it took a
    right into the driveway of the house.

    Gabby was the first to leap out of his vehicle and
    stare blankly at the house.


    Home sweet home…

    Her expression was sad, Robert could see this.

    He jumped out of the car just as Gabby ran for the
    front door.

    No, Mrs. Henderson. Wait up!

    He ran for her but it was too late, she opened the

    83 INT. HOUSE – DAY 83

    She pushed the door in and screamed:

    Dan! Are you here?

    A shadow appeared in front of her.

    GABBY (cont’d)

    The shadow stepped forward. Gabby’s eyes opened wide
    as she saw Dan appear before her. She knew it was
    Dan, but he was COLD. He was…

    He leaned forward with an evil smile.


    He grabbed her and pulled her into the house.

    84 EXT. HOUSE – DAY 84

    Robert ran up the steps when he saw Dan pull in

    Gabby! NO!

    He leaped forward into the door, his arm and leg
    going into the house as the door slammed in.

    He got caught. The door was putting even more
    pressure on his arm and leg. He screamed in pain and
    the door flung back opened and pushed him down the stairs.

    He tumbled all the way down.

    85 INT. HOUSE – DAY 85

    His evil smile tortured Gabby. She pulled away from
    him screaming, but he wouldn’t let go. He dragged
    her to the kitchen.

    86 INT. KITCHEN – DAY 86

    He pulled her in and cupped her mouth.

    How could you? You left me here to
    die! What were you thinking? Some
    wife you turned out to be.

    He dragged her to a drawer. He pulled the drawer
    open and took out a long sharp knife.

    DAN (cont’d)
    Maybe it’s time I taught you a

    She screamed even more and started to kick around.

    She managed to kick his groin area and pulled away.
    He let go instantly, holding his crotch.

    She ran for the staircase. He ran too, only not as
    fast as he could have, and grabbed her

    87 INT. STAIRCASE – DAY 87

    Without thinking she turned around and punched him
    in the head causing his anger to be even more
    fierce. She ran up the staircase and he ran up as

    Turning the corner, she raced to the bedroom and immediately closed the door, locking it.

    Dan bumped into the door.

    You better open up this door!

    88 EXT. WALKWAY – DAY 88

    Blood dripped down Robert’s arm and leg. He was
    hurt real badly, but he was not giving up! He
    pulled himself up and started to waddle to the side
    of the house.

    89 EXT. RIGHTSIDE – DAY 89

    He managed to get into the side of the house by
    opening up the gate to the back. Before turning the corner he fell to the ground, his breathing became harsher. He started to stare blankly at the clear
    day sky.


    At the bedroom door, he smiled his evil smile once
    more, then muttered:

    I guess we’ll have to do it the hard

    He paced backward and, with a running start, he
    began to race toward the door. The door opened immediately as he ran to it and a chair was in
    sight. He couldn’t stop himself in time and slammed
    into the chair toppling him over to the ground.

    Looking up, he managed to see his wife’s body
    scamper away.

    Dan grunted and raced back and caught her at the staircase.

    91 INT. STAIRCASE – DAY 91

    He managed to tear her shirt on the shoulder, but couldn’t pull her back to him. He decided to reach
    down for her legs. He did and they both tumbled
    down the stairs.

    She kept kicking as he kept grabbing.

    When I get done with you, your gonna
    wish you were never born!

    She took an object from a corner of the staircase
    and WHACKED him on the head with it. His stare went blank and his eyesight went black in a matter of seconds.

    His blurred vision returned though, and Gabby was
    soon left with a rush.

    She ran to the front door again, waiting for Dan’s
    head to pop up.

    IT DID!

    And he started to wonder where the hell he was.
    Then, he remembered.

    (Almost sounding like he’s drunk)

    Hey, what the hell?

    He leapt up as she went out the door.

    DAN (cont’d)
    Oh, shit!

    92 EXT. HOUSE – DAY 92

    She paced down the stairs of the front porch and to
    the car. Her body looked exhausted, and he was, but
    she kept running. She found herself at the driver’s
    side door of the car. She stuck the key in the hole
    and started twisting it. That’s wasn’t the key.

    She switched the keys around.


    Dan was fast walking to her, his smile was faded
    and he now very angry.

    Gabby saw him coming and immediately decided to test
    out the NEXT key.


    The door opened and she dove into the seat and shut
    the DOOR.

    Dan reached the door just as she locked it. He
    pounded on the window.


    Gabby. Gabby, sweetheart. They’re
    coming after me. Help me. Open the
    door, they’re coming!

    She kept swaying her head from side to side.

    DAN (cont’d)

    Please, honey, open the door.

    She just stared at him. Now he had to take force.

    DAN (cont’d)
    (Turning mad)

    Open the door!

    4/14/2002 12:20:22 PM

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