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    Jurassic Park IV: Hostile Territory
    By Carnage142

    *Note: This story takes place right after the first movie. I started this story once before called Dark Secrets but was unable to finish it due to personal reasons but now I am back as Carnage142 this time insted of Carnge141 it has been reworked some so i hope you enjoy it.

    CH 1. Fatal Mistake

    Henry Wu swiped his key card and the electronic lock released and the large steel door marked with a large biohazard logo slowly opened. He entered a large open room with steel walls and no windows. In the center of the room is another room also made with steel walls only on each side of the room there are what look like large observation windows.
    “Good evening Dr. Wu.” says a man taking notes from a computer screen.
    “Good evening Joey.” He replies. He stops and looks through one of the windows.
    The room has a thick jungle environment growing inside of it. He peeks around a bit more unaware that what he can’t see; can see him looking through the glass.
    Henry taps on the glass with a pen. “How are they today?” He asks.
    “Well, they’re hiding again.” He said as if it was nothing new.
    Henry looks through the glass again puzzled. “Hard to believe there are five of them in there.”
    “I know, I think about that all the time. Their ability to camouflage themselves is amazing.”
    “Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe it. It’s absolutely incredible.” Henry says as he picks up a clip board. He makes some notes. “How long have then been hiding?” he asks.
    “Oh I’d say since around two this afternoon.”
    Henry makes a note and looks at his watch. “Eight hours today. They’re staying hidden longer. I wonder why?”
    “Who knows.” says Joey as he pulls out some change from his pocket. “I’m gonna go get a soda, you want one?”
    “No thanks. I’m fine” He replied.
    Joey swipes his card and heads out the door. Henry was now alone. He hated being alone in this room. Maybe it was its size, the cold steel walls, or maybe it was because the most fearsome and deadly predator to ever live was in there with him. Hell it was probably all three.
    Henry stepped up to the observation window again and looked around inside. Still he saw nothing, not even any movement of the plants. He looked towards the other end of the room and froze in fear. The large steel door to the room was open. Henry turned away from the window and back at the door Joey had left out of hoping maybe he was back. Not that Joey would be of any help. He turned back to the window only to see a raptor staring at him through it. Actually it was very raptor-like but different in ways, about a foot and half taller than the velociraptor and much more menacing looking if you can even imagine that.
    Had the raptors gotten out? He didn’t know. More importantly, how did the damn door get open? He began to walk towards the open door but the raptor walked right at his side. Henry stopped and so did the raptor. He couldn’t risk the raptor seeing the door open. These things were smart and would surely know an exit if they saw one. He took another step forward and so did the raptor. Henry looked over his shoulder and ran in the opposite direction of the pens open door. The raptor screamed and ran to catch up to Henrys side. Just as the raptor caught up Henry spun around and took off towards the open door. The raptor slid as it stopped to turn. Henry rounded the corner to the door his heart about to explode with fear. As he reached the door and began to shut it he looked up to see the raptor leap into the air legs extended. He pushed harder and the door slammed shut. He pushed the electronic lock just as the raptor slammed hard into it. Exhausted he rested his fore head on the door. The steel was cool and seemed to calm him a bit. He closed his eyes let out a deep breath an turned around only to open his eyes and see another raptor staring down on him inches from his face. The raptor opened its jaw wide and hissed at him, its mouth full of razor teeth. The raptor let out one final yell and slammed its jaws down on his… Henry jumped up from a deep sleep to the phone ringing. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and eyes and fumbled around for the phone.
    “Yeah?” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
    “Henry, It’s Ed. How soon can you be in my office?” said a man on the other end of the phone.
    He looked at his clock and sighed. “Ed it’s three in the morning.” He said.
    “How soon Henry? He asked again.
    “I don’t know an hour and a half maybe.”
    “Make it forty-five minutes.”
    “Ed, what the hell is going on?”
    There was silence for a moment.
    “There’s been an accident in the park.”
    “What?” he said alarmed.
    “I’ll explain later. Just get here fast. We’re in a lot of trouble.”

    2/12/2003 1:03:40 AM

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