The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    In the boardroom scene in TLW (cut from the theatrical version, though on the DVD's), Ludlow mistakingly calls Ray Arnold "John". (From: 'Malcolm')
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    V a m p i r i c
    By CarnaRaptor

    I slowly opened my eyes, staring only into darkness. This was an all too familiar feeling. Why shouldn’t it be? I did it every night, and tonight was no different. I slowly uncrossed my cold, dead arms from my chest, and in one seductive moment, I pushed the sarcophagus lid off. I came into a sitting position, looking directly ahead. I could hear my mortal slave moving around already. He was probably getting everything in order for his master. In a distance, I could hear wolves howling. That must have been my favorite sound in the whole world. I loved to sit in a tree and watch as a pack of wolves surround the pray. And then at the final moment the attack. A couple wolves would lunge, while a few hung back. Waiting to see if it got away, was my only guess.

    Finally I left the comfort of the sarcophagus. All that was left was the door that led to the rest of my house. I preferred the sarcophagus to a normal bed. It reminded me that I wasn’t human. I knew of some immortals that slept it a bed, in a normal room and ran the house themselves. I could never see myself doing that. It seemed almost sacrilegious. There was just something about the sarcophagus. I can’t explain it. I pushed past the door, staring right into the face of my mortal slave.

    “Your horses are ready master.” He lowered his head. This boy was afraid of me, although I could never figure out why. But that was fine. I always liked fear, especially the smell and the actions upon it. Many things could be discovered by fear.

    “You may go.” Was all I said. No thanks or anything. I saw the child’s shoulder sag in relief. That was my thanks and he knew it.

    I tore my cloak off the wall and wrapped it around my neck, in preparation of the hunt. I then tied a green ribbon around my coal, black hair. It swept my hair from my eyes in the hunt.

    The night air was cool against my face as I mounted my horse. The scent in me had awakened sharply. My prey was a mile or so to the north. They will run most likely. I loved it when they ran, pumping the fresh blood to all the important arteries and organs.

    A raging desire kindled within me and I kicked the horse so it would run faster. When I was finished with my kill I will go into town and wander the dark streets aimlessly. Few people knew me there. Or what I was for that matter.

    My scent had been right. A boy of about sixteen was lost in the woods a mile from my home. About fifteen yards away from him I dismounted my horse and moved silently through the trees surrounding us.

    “Who’s there?” He yelled. Beads of sweat dripped from his face. The boy gathered himself like a man and stood with power.

    “Show yourself! I will not harm you if you show yourself!” He ordered. I laughed within myself. Even a human would have been able to see the lies in that statement.

    Harm me? A deep chuckle rose from my throat. I moved in position right in front of him, but he still could not see me.

    “Coward! Come out here and face me like a man!” The tears started to drip from his eyes.

    I let out a growl, which would have made a grown man wet his pants.

    “I do not have to face you, little one!” I yelled. The blood in his heart pounded. I could feel it. I could almost taste it.

    “Who are you?”

    “Well, I am not an animal, if that’s what you are afraid of,” he relaxed slightly as I stepped into the moonlight, “But neither am I human.” I opened my mouth and barred my fangs.

    “Mother of god!” He whispered before breaking into a sprint. It was only a matter of a mere second before I caught up to him.

    My hand almost entirely encircled his neck. Veins thudded against my palm and I sighed in pleasure. I nearly lost all my control. It was all I could do not to bite into the throat and tear it out. I slowly allowed my fangs to puncture his skin and I started to drain the life from him.

    He cried out in extreme torture. I had groaned in pure ecstasy. This was heaven to me. I felt the heart begin to skip. The first sign that he was about to die. His breath was soon after. He started to sputter and a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead. His eyes were closed and his skin was deathly pale. Finally he was dead. He was stooped over into my arms. I dropped him to the ground, staring at him. A wave of pity passed over me. These humans never stood a chance. They were mere defenseless babes to me.

    How could god create a beast like me? God? What God? No God would ever be this cruel! But this is my life, or hell, if you will. To survive I must be the creature of the night.

    With these thoughts in my head I mounted my horse once again. The town was about an hour’s ride and there was still a lot of time before sun up.

    Standing before me was a man of quite some height. His clothes were covered in filth and his breath reeked of alcohol. His eyes were streaked with red from some drug. Speed, I believed it to be. He pulled back his cracked lips to from a threatening smirk. His eyes looked into mine, and then began to lower. They wavered at my lips and lingered on my breasts.

    “You’s one pretty lady.” He said in a wheezy voice.

    I let out a deep-throated laugh. I had no time for this. Deciding to let him live, I turned on the spot, my cloak swirling around me. As I was about to walk away, I felt a heavy hand grab my arm. He spun me around in towards him.

    “ Leavin’ so soon?”

    I stared him in the eyes, but he was too inebriated to understand the danger he was in.

    He raised his hand to grab hold on me around my neck.

    “ How ‘bout we go find someplace cozy?” He asked.

    With only a fraction of my power I grabbed his arms and twisted it behind his back. I let out a giggle.

    “ You stupid…”

    “ Finish that sentence and you’re arm will be dangling from my hand,” I gave a sharp tug, forcing him to yelp in pain, “ understand?” I demanded.

    By now the guy was beyond speaking. His breathing was labored from the pain and tears rolled down his cheeks.

    I gave one sharper tug, because I loved to torture, and released his arm. I gave another laugh.

    He gathered himself up and rubbed his arm.

    “ You’re one crazy bitch!” He yelled.

    The smile slipped from my face. I was suddenly very, very hungry.

    I took a step back, feeling hurt.

    The guy’s face softened.

    “ Don’t cry! If you want another chance, I’ll give it to you.” He said softly.

    I laughed to myself. Like I would cry in front of my prey. Trust me, if I did, it was purely strategically planned.

    I nodded my head, feeling my hair bounce.

    He took a step towards me. I lunged. I grabbed him by his shoulders and shoved his neck beneath my mouth.

    “ Kinky.” He muttered. He was so out of it. He didn’t realize he was about to die.

    Greedily, my eyes searched for the jugular. I let out a smile and barred my teeth. Finally I sunk them in, listening as he screamed in terror and pain.

    Immediately the blood flowed into my mouth. I could taste the alcohol flowing in his bloodstream. If I had let this man live tonight, he would have died in a matter of a couple of months. He was an alcoholic and a drug addict. His liver was already dead.

    Images of a wife and children passed before my eyes. But only a certain one caught my eye. I gasped and shoved the man away from me.

    Almost immediately he started in convulsions on the ground. His heart was struggling to pump blood. He began to choke on the blood in his throat.

    I needed him to live. I looked around, wanting to yell for help but realizing that I was unable to. How would you explain this?

    I leaned down beside him.

    “ Stay alive!” I ordered.

    With one violent shudder, he lay silently and still on the ground. He actually looked pretty peaceful. His breathing was very labored and his pulse was thready but he was alive.

    I leaned over and pressed my lips to his and sucked the blood from his throat, once again receiving the picture of his house, family and the one that I was interested in.

    I rose and stared at the sky. The moon was nearly beneath the horizon. I needed to get back to my castle. The man would have to stay there until the first person found him.

    I gave a shrill whistle and watched my black mare gallop over to me.

    I grabbed onto the reins and swung myself up onto the horse. With a sharp kick, I sent her screaming into the night, back to the castle I slept in during the day.

    As I rode across the countryside the image from the drunken man flashed in my mind over and over. Could it be? Had I finally found him again? I kicked the mare to go faster. I was racing the rising sun. But who would win? I was laying odds on me.

    Soon the stone tower came into view. Tree limbs scratched my face, but I didn’t care. All I knew and cared about was that I had to get back to that castle before the sun got a hold of me.

    I flung the reigns at my slave boy, then practically sailed off the horse and into the door leading to the lower level. The sun was beginning to appear through the windows. Beads of blood sweat dripped down my face in the fanatic run to my sarcophagus.

    The door broke against the wall in my mad attempt to open it. At last, in all its glory, sat my sanctuary with the lid open. It was almost as if it knew I was coming. In I jumped and slammed the lid behind me.

    Darkness welcomed me in the sarcophagus. When I next wake I will seek the drunken man again and learn the truth. That was if he was alive. Only he knows what I have been searching for the last three years of my eternal life.

    Then I closed my eyes and dreamed off all things that haunted me over my life.

    “ Where is he?” I demanded of my slave boy. I had sent him in only moments ago to find out any information that was found about my drunken man.

    His legs were shaking as he opened the door to my coach. He then turned to face me to answer the question.

    “ In…in t-the top window.” A small finger pointed to the highest window on the third floor of the hospital.

    “ Wait here.” He nodded and waited for me to step down from the coach and then went to attend to the horses.

    Being the middle of the night they would never allow me to just walk into his room. Left with no other choices I grabbed a hold of some of the bricks from the wall and began my short climb to the mans room.

    Only moments after I had begun, I was staring into the window of the drunken mans room. He was asleep on the bed, looking quite defenseless. I could see his blood flowing through him again. I shook my head, clearing my mind. I hadn’t fed yet. I had been in too much of a hurry to get here.

    Honestly, I was quite surprised to see him alive. I had left barely any blood in him.

    With one hand I shoved open the window. I slid in and positioned myself above him.

    He was already quite healthy. It surprised me. Normally it took a couple weeks to survive one of our attacks. That is, depending if we left you alive. Which didn’t happen too often.

    I nudged him gently. His eyes fluttered open.

    Once his eyesight focused on me, he began to struggle. I clamped my cold, lifeless hand over his mouth before he could scream.

    “ I am not here to hurt you,” I said, “ however if you make one sound, I’ll break your neck.”

    He nodded. Slowly I released his mouth.

    “ You…you…”

    I smiled.

    “ I’m only here for one reason. There is a man that you know which I must see.”

    “ Who?” He asked.

    “ Well when I knew him, his name was Hunter…”

    “ MacKay.” He finished for me.

    “ So you do know him!”

    “ He was my brother.” The man sagged in the bed.

    “ Was?”

    “ He died about ten years ago.”

    I sighed. It was him! I’d found him! My only Child of the Blood.

    “ No one is exactly sure what happened to Hunter. His body was never found. All that was found was a puddle of blood. Which was mixed with several other DNA patterns. They said there must have been many men there and they all must have been injured. But they made it quite clear that they would never be able to clarify which person had murdered my brother.”

    I started to remember that awful night.

    “ Why do you wanna know?” The drunken guy had snapped me out of my trance.

    “ Its just I knew him a long time ago.”

    The man glared at me through half open eyes.

    “ You knew him ten year ago?”

    I nodded.

    “ Lady, you look to be about twenty years old. Give or take a few years,” it was true. I did, “So ten years ago would only make you about ten. However ten years ago my brother was only twenty five.”

    “ Oh, don’t play this game with me! You know I am not human!”

    He pushed himself further up on the bed.

    “ Not human?”

    “ Oh my god! You know I drank your blood last night! I am very strong and I somehow know about your brother! Don’t play innocent! I have no time for it!”

    I grabbed him around the neck, his veins pulsing against my palm. I loved the feeling.

    “ Vampire.” He muttered.

    I smiled a sadistic smile and released him.

    “ There! Now was that so bad?”

    “ What do you want with my brother?”

    I frowned. Now it was his turn to show me up.

    “ Like you said, you aren’t human. And I am quite sure we both know neither is he.”

    “ You know?” I asked.

    “ He’s come to see me.”

    “ Please, tell me, where is he?”

    “ Why should I tell you? You tried to kill me last night and now you expect me to help you?”

    “ Yes.”

    “ First tell me what he means to you!”

    I was silent. But he stared at me, waiting. Never had I been ordered to do anything in my life!

    “ I created him!” Was all I said.

    The guy went still, all the blood rushed to his face.

    “ So you’re the one who murdered him!”

    I grew quite tired of him. I reached down and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him about six feet in the air.

    “ Tell me where he is before I break your neck!”

    “ Even if I knew where he was, I would never tell you!” He yelled.

    With all this commotion I was surprised no one was entering our room to see what was going on. A hospital is normally a quiet place.

    This angered me though. I shook him roughly, tightening my grip on his neck. He sputtered for air.

    “ Where was the last place you saw him?”

    “ Go to Hell!” He choked.

    Biting my lip, I lowered him and punctured his skin with my fangs. He gasped in pain and I sucked only a little out. I released him, watching the punctures seal instantly.

    His face was distorted in pain. He gasped for air.

    “ Where was the last place you saw him?” I repeated.

    He sat on the bed, his face paling. He shook his head.

    “ I won’t tell.”

    “ Very well. Consider your warning gone.” I took a tentative step forward.

    “ Wh…What are you going to do?”

    “ I am gonna kill you…exactly like I said I would.”

    This time when I raised him to my lips, he began to cry.

    “ The graveyard!” He yelled.

    This only angered me more. I held him at the distance.

    “ You would lie to me?” I demanded.

    “ I’m not lying!”

    “ Vampires don’t go into the graveyard! It’s not exactly favorite place. Hunter despised it there! All we can smell is rotting flesh!”

    “ But…”

    “ Lie to me again, and I’ll leave you alone, however, you’re children and wife will not be so lucky!”

    He gasped.

    “ Yes, I know of your family. One more lie and I’ll rip their hearts out!”

    He sighed, staring into my face.

    “ There is a memorial home, outside of town. He told me that is where he spends his days.”

    I stared at him in confusion.

    “ He took a coffin and hid it in their basement. He said no one ever goes down into the basement. He is perfectly safe.”

    “ Perfectly safe? He’s living among mortals who could easily expose him to the sunlight!”

    The guy shrugged.

    “ Idiot!” I yelled to myself as much as Hunter.

    The guy cringed.

    “ I should kill you, just for the trouble you put me through!” I reached up, placing one hand on his neck and the other on his head.

    As I was about to break his neck, a voice from my past came from behind.

    “ You were always so cold-hearted.”

    Without turning around, I acknowledged him.

    “ Hunter.”

    “ Drop him.” He ordered.

    “ My, my, my. Aren’t we the feisty one?”

    I released my hand and the man dropped onto the bed.

    “ Get out of here!” He growled.

    “ As you wish,” I smiled then hopped out onto the windowsill, “ My sweet.”

    I shrieked a laughter that would make any mortals skin crawl, then jumped down the three stories to the pavement. My boy was sitting there with the coach. A fear swept over him and his eyes grew wide as I fell from the sky.

    Hunter would come for me. I knew it the minute I looked into his eyes. His voice was music to my ears, to know that he still exists.

    So I yelled at the boy to go back to the castle.

    “ I will join you there!”

    “ But miss…” He seemed shocked.

    Then a huge heavy weight smashed me to the ground. For a second or so the world was dark, then I heard the words.

    “ After all these years, you’re still looking for me.” I opened one eye and there he was, sitting on my chest, smiling.

    “ How could I forget my only child of the night?” Some of my blood spilled over my lips.

    His dark eyes held mine then his gaze slowly dropped to my lips. I could tell the excitement was rising within him. Two large hands grasped my shoulders and I gave a shudder in slight pain. He gave a low laugh the lowered his face so it was an inch from my own.

    “ I wonder if you still taste like a raging fire?” Silence, then excruciating pain as his fangs sank into my lower lip.

    My nails sank into his lower back but he still kept sucking the force from me. Hunter had grown stronger since I last saw him. Not enough to out beat me though.

    I was about to fling Hunter away, when he let go and I heard him scream in pain. At first I didn’t know what had happened then I bolted up to see a sight that amazed me greatly.

    My boy was standing with his back to me and a bat in his hands. He was shaking all over and I could see why. Hunter was kneeling three feet away from me with blood trickling down is forehead. I thought the boy would run but he stood still and even spoke.

    “ Stay away from her you evil thing! Leave! Go crawl back from where you came from.”

    Even Hunter was surprised to see the courage arise in the boy. Soon it quickly turned to anger. I watched as he stood up and went to grab the boy.

    “ Touch him Hunter and you’ll regret it!” I grabbed the boy and positioned him behind me.

    His gaze went from the boy to me.

    “ I will return Ambrosia. And as for you,” he stared down once more to the boy, “ She can’t protect you. In the end she’ll kill you and make you one of us. Before she sucks the life out of your puny little body, you’ll think of me and wish I had killed you now.”

    “ You always did talk too much Hunter. We will resume this another night!” Hunter turned to me, sizing me up. He then let out a growl and scaled the wall back up to his brother’s room.

    It seemed an eternity for the boy and I as we stood on the street corner, not moving, not speaking. We were just…there.

    “ Thank you.” Came the tiny little voice.

    I stared down at the tiny red haired child. He couldn’t be more than eleven years of age. For three years this child had worked hard for me. He never fooled around or told anybody about me. I didn’t even know the poor child’s name. All I knew was that fear struck him as soon as I ever entered the room.

    5/11/2002 3:31:58 PM

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