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    Jurassic Park: Muertes Ch. 9
    By CarnaRaptor

    Location: Isla Muertes

    Hussein strolled through the winding dirt road chains of the island. It's been a hell of a boring day. To him at least. He's been slacking in the housing for the last couple hours or so and he wanted to go and check out some of the dinosaurs. He knew it it was risky business, but all the major threats were impounded and safety wasn't much of an issue. He decided to go back to the area where he had seen those awesome stegos and apatosaurs. He just wanted to do a little observing, and take a couple pictures of course. God it seems longer than he expected, he said to himself. After a little bit more walking he then noticed a strange shape in the foliage to his left. He clawed his way through cautiously until he reached a little clearing with the creature in the middle of it. It looked like a newborn, although Hussein noticed a distinct club-shaped ending at its tail. Most likely an ankylosaurus, he said to himself. He took a snapshot and then had gotten close enough as to touch it. At that moment a rustling was heard in the bushes. He slowly stepped away from the animal increasing speed. The figure abrubtly arose from the foliage, it was an adult ankylosaurus. Another one roared and came down Husseins other path. He had begun to run now. It wasn't long, though, before one of the ankylosaurs whipped its tail and slammed its club into the side of Husseins head, sending him sprawling into the ground

    Location: Coast of Isla Sorna

    The shady little boat rustled to shore. Robert Muldoon and a select few that he had chosen to assist him on his plan walked up the beach, legs still wobbly from the boat ride. Amongst the recruits were Darnell Walker, who he had previously met back on the other island. Also along with him were artillery extrodinaires Jacob Montross and Durango Wiley. Both were trained extensively in the arts of combat and self-defense and Muldoon knew he needed those type to survive here. Alas, he also charmed world-reknown paleobotanist Ellie Sattler into coming along also. She had been with him back in Jurassic Park, and they've built a pretty strong friendship since then.

    "Okay, now we'll be setting up base about a mile ahead, shouldn't be too much disturbance around these hea parts" said Muldoon, glancing at an Isla Sorna directory he printed out the day before.

    They proceeded to do so and after a couple hours everything was on schedule.

    "Rob, you never exactly told us what we doing here" said Darnell.

    "Yes, I mean you really only informed us that we'd be doing this for the sake of manys welfare. Whatever the hell you mean by that" said Ellie, obviously frustrated by the intense heat.

    "Well ol' chaps, the purpose of all this is to obliterate as much of the inhabitants of the island as possible"

    Jacob cocked his gun, "I've got no complaints"

    Ellie than put on a serious face and started questioning furiously at Muldoon about his "absurd" plan.

    "Well, I thought you would have gotten the hint that we would be doin something bad around here with all these weapons" said Durango.

    "Listen Ellie, if we don't destory Hammonds little toys around here we are all in deep sh-" Muldoon was cut off by a thunderous roar inside the jungle.

    "What was that?" asked Durango

    "What in the bloody hell do you think think it is? Don't mind it, it sounds pretty distant"

    A minute of silence was broken by the rustling of some bushes near Jacob. Everyone moved back, although the unsuspecting Jacob caught on late. He was grasped into the grip of...what seemed like...nothing.

    "What the hell is going on Mul? He's practically floatin" shouted Darnell, picking up his shotgun.

    "He's not floatin, mate" said Muldoon. All of a sudden a distinct cracking sound was heard. It was the sound of broken bones. Blood began to dribble down Jacobs chin.

    "H-heeellll-" Jacobs cry was cut short, because another invisible shape ripped off his head. And as soon as it began, it ended. The figures walked back out into the foliage. Everyone was struck clueless.

    "What...the...hell...just happen?" said Ellie, catching her breath.

    "Why didn't you fire off you bloody fool" pouted Muldoon, towards Durango.

    "There was nothing to shoot at Muldoon! Jesus what was that?!"

    "Yes there was something to shoot at, you could have shot Jacob, his death would have been alot more pleasant"


    1/7/02 5:15:52 PM

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