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    John Williams apparently personally recommended Don Davis to provide the score for JP3. (From: 'Vader')
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    Jurassic Park: Muertes Ch. 8
    By CarnaRaptor

    Location: Isla Muertes Boating Docks - The next morning

    Robert Muldoon had accepted John Hammonds proposal. He didn't do it because he needed the money or because he liked being around dinosaurs. He came here because he had a plan...

    "Ah Mr. Muldoon, I can't begin to thank you enough for coming along" Hammond joyously said waiting in the jeep with Hussein and Thorne.

    Muldoon walked over to the car. He was dressed in his usually safari clothing with a rifle draped over his shoulder.

    "Uhh, what's this hea Hammond?" said Muldoon pointing to Hussein.

    "That's a young family friend, his names Hussein. Hurry up and get in the car now why dontcha?" Muldoon rolled his eyes and got in the car.

    "Here we go again" he said aloud.

    Location: Dilophosaur Paddock

    Henry Wu began running as fast as he could through the dense jungle. He knew he didn't have much time to live. He only had one good leg for chrissakes. Surprisingly, he had not heard any footsteps or noise except for his own. He had to stop for a second to regroup himself. He then heard the growl again. He sucked it in and began running again. He then heard a roar coming from behind him. Yes! Henry Wu said to himself. There was a lake up ahead with a fence over it. If he could dive in and get under there he'll have gotten to safety. The roaring now seemed to have come from different spots. Henry Wu leaped up into the air and dove towards the lake. Just then a dilophosaur burst out of the foliage and grasped his torso. Another came from the other side and clamped down on his thighs. He let out an excruciating cry but never got to finish it because the dilophosaurs ripped him in half.

    Location: Road to InGen Command Center

    Robert Muldoon looked out onto the plains and saw the same beautiful dinosaurs as Hussein had seen before.

    "Haha, them bloody things is still lookin beautiful" chuckled Muldoon.

    "We have many more Muldoon. More than the last park"

    "I bet you do mate" Robert just stared off until they reached the Command Center.

    "Well Mr. Hammond I mus' say, you done a bloody good job ova hea"

    "Go on Mr. Muldoon im sure you know how to get around. Check the facility out if you'd like.

    "Dont mind if I do" Muldoon strolled through the facility. It was much like the one back on Nublar. All the basics, with a couple extras here and there. He then reached a sleek stainless steel door with the words "Authorized Personal ONLY: KEEP OUT" written on it.

    Naturally he invited himself in. Inside the room were rows of lab tables and equipment with eggs on all the tables except for one. Odd. There were no personnel in the room so he just looked around and noticed a computer on. He sat down and clicked his way through the rubbage. He wanted to know what they were raising on this island. He reached a screen with a list of queries.

    "Hmm, ah this should be it"

    He clicked on the "Inhabitants and W.I.P." icon. He knew what inhabitants meant but was puzzled by "W.I.P". Anyways, he was shown a list of dinosaurs. He scrolled on through...

    "Hmm well nothing out of the ordinary. Except for maybe that Spinosaurus, whatever in bloody hell that thing is." he said to himself

    He then scrolled down to the W.I.P. section...

    **the elasmosaurus escaped from its aquarium...one casualty...shipman...returned o.k...still a W.I.P.***

    **utahraptor...didn't workout...disposed of it...no longer a W.I.P.**

    **isla nublar...all W.I.P.s...there***

    ** the large 'vores...still ok...killing too many...tho**

    Muldoon quickly shutdown the computer at the sound of footsteps. A worked came inside and headed to a lab table. He waved hello.

    "G'day" replied Muldoon, nodding his head. Muldoon then headed towards the door. He turned the knob of the door, but then stopped, turned, and asked the man..."Excuse me mate, but would ya happen to know what W.I.P stands for"

    The man was hesitant but then replied "Yeah, it means Works In Progress"

    "Thank you" Muldoon walked out the door and laid up against the wall. "Damn, he's doing it again.


    1/1/02 10:30:25 PM

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