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    The infamous 'ripples in the water glass' in JP were created by a crew member plucking guitar strings attached under the dashboard. (From: 'tuomo')
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    Rise of the Dead: Intro
    By Cameron1


    It was a bright and sunny afternoon in Forest Lawn, Alberta. Forest Lawn was a fairly large city with about 200,000 inhabitants. There was a research facility near the central area of the city. It was run by the Camerica Corporation. The owner of the corporation was a man named Cameron Popplestone. Cameron hired people to do all his work, and as a result, had nothing to do with the company but the profits. This enabled a man named Devin Morrison to take control of the corporation without Cameron knowing it.
    Devin had created a virus to use as a weapon in war. He was planning to test it on Forest Lawn. fOrest Lawn was surrounded by ocean, and was at sea level. As a result, there were 75 foot high concrete walls surrounding the entire city. The only way in or out was at the gate at Darwin's Bridge.
    One day, the Camerica Corporation evactuated all members from the city except for Cameron. They then sealed the gate, trapping everyone inside. They left someone right on the other side of the gate with a megaphone to tell people what was happening. As the news of a city-wide lockdown was noticed, people began to go to the gate.
    The Camerica Corporation had taken about 10,000 people, only god knows how, and administered to them the X-Virus, the virus which they were testing. They dumped the infectedd people at the far end of the city. The corporation also blocked all communications within the city, so no word could spread. And on this day the horror that awaited the citizins of Forest Lawn would be unleased in the form of the living dead.

    Rise of the Dead

    Songs from the story

    Pain by Jimmy Eat World
    Duality by Slipknot
    Left Behind by Slipknot
    Bodies by Drowning Pool
    Slow Chemical by Finger 11
    Pretend that were dead by L7
    Ugly by The Exies
    Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson

    note: these songs do not actually appear in the story. If the story was a movie, this would be the soundtrack

    1/14/2005 1:05:04 AM

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