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    Slayer - Episode 4x21 - Trying To Do My Own Thing
    By Ben

    ***NOTE!! Anything that appears in THIS COLOR is a music que from the music page on the website! http://flooder_slayer.tripod.com/>Slayer[Online]***

    Ryan: This is what happened this year…

    BEN plopped down on his couch. RIVER followed in behind him.

    Ben: So how was the first day?
    River: Aside the giant demon and vampire fight? I’d say okay.
    Ben: That’s good. Got any homework?
    River: Yes…
    Ben: Those evil trolls…

    BRAD was sitting in his kitchen, talking on the phone.

    Brad: No, I just need to talk to someone who’s available.

    A pause.

    Brad: Sure. City? It’s Charger City. Yep. Reason? Oh, I need a new watcher to report out here…Why? Because I don’t think I’ve been fulfilling my role.

    A pause.

    Brad: Roughly two to three weeks? Okay.

    He TURNED OFF the phone.

    Majestic: I need to talk to him.
    Para: About what?
    Majestic: Is this a quiz? I need to apologize to him for stuff.
    Para: Oh, this didn’t seem like a good idea a few months ago?
    Majestic: I fought along side you.

    BEN falls into the DIMENSIONAL VORTEX in the GRAVEYARD.


    Becky: I think you were called here to help…
    Ice: You’ll have to talk to our leader.
    Ben: Who is in charge?
    Joan: I am.

    BEN looked on with tears in his eyes.

    Ben: Mommy?

    Dac: Yes. We are the DEMON HUNTERS.

    PARA laughed.

    Para: You aren’t in charge of me anymore…you’re in my quadrant and I’m at full legality to kill you.
    Dac: In that case…Kill her.

    The TWO troops opened fire in the office. PARA dived behind RICK’S desk.

    BRAD, still engulfed by the RED LIGHT is CHANTING a spell. MANDY’S body rises from her casket into mid air, as if it were being REANIMATED.

    RICK looked at BRAD.

    MANDY’S BODY glowed with light. AN EXPLOSION of LIGHT burst into HER. MANDY touched the ground gently. She looked AROUND.

    RICK, SAM, and BRAD looked in awe. MANDY looked around.

    Mandy: Tara?

    TARA turned the lights on. TARA SCREAMED. MANDY’S BODY lies on her couch. TARA passed out.

    PARA folds her clothes and throws them into a suitcase. BEN stands by and watches.

    Para: I don’t like this idea any more than you do Ben, but we’re limited. With Dac’s new forces out there, I haven’t a clue what can happen. I have to be on full alert now and I can’t live here.
    Ben: Why?
    Para: I will not put you and River in danger and you know that.
    Ben: Why is this any different from what I do from day to day?
    Para: It isn’t.

    River: Don’t let it hit your ass on the way out.

    PARA turned around, shocked.

    Para: You should be in bed, River…and I won’t get into this argument with you either.
    River: No, I get it. Ben was happier when he was back wherever he was with Mom, he just won’t admit it. Yet accidentally because of him being pulled into that dimension someone else takes over his body and treats you wrong in which case you knew wasn’t Ben and throw this? That’s weak. I can’t believe I loved you like I did.
    Para: River, listen to me. I am not leaving because of something between Ben and me or even you and me. Dac is serious. He wants us all dead and he’ll stop at nothing. You have to trust me. I will be back. I promise.

    The HOST pushed himself into BEN. BEN looked up, with a sympathetic face.

    Ben: Sorry, I guess I didn’t see you there.
    Host: No, I actually bumped into you.
    Ben: Oh.
    Host: What year is it?
    Ben: 2002.
    Host: Wow. I’ve been gone for over sixty years; I thought it was still in the 80’s here.
    Ben: Yeah. Well nice meeting you and all, but I need to get home.
    Host: Oh, I don’t think that’s going to happen.
    Ben: Are you going to stop me?

    BEN flip-kicked the HOST into a TELEPHONE BOOTH sending him crashing through it. BEN picked up THE HOST and gave him an upper-cut that sent him into POWER LINES. The HOST grabbed onto the POWER LINES, as soon as he did, he started to get a jolt of electricity and he flew into the air.

    RYAN threw the DUFFLE BAG on his shoulder and started to walk out of the house.

    RYAN’S CELL PHONE started to ring. RYAN pulled it off the waist of his belt. He threw the phone up in the air.

    He pulled a gun from inside his COAT.

    He OPENED FIRE on the falling CELL PHONE. The PHONE gave a small explosion.

    RYAN got in his CAR and sped off.

    A WELL DRESSED MAN walked throughout the WAREHOUSE. Looking at many of the dead demons on the ground. He found DAC lying on the ground UNCONCIOUS. He pulled DAC up.

    Man: Come on, Dac. Snap out of it.

    DAC started to come around, only he didn’t look the same. He looked less evil.

    Dac: Get away from me!
    Man: Come now Dac is that how you talk to The Master?
    Dac: Yes! I have to call Rick! You’ve been holding me captive! God, where are we?
    Man: You’re warehouse. Whoever knocked you out must’ve knocked you out of my spell.
    Dac: I don’t care. Stay away.

    THE HOST appeared behind DAC. He GRABBED DAC and held onto him tightly. THE MAN reached his hand out and a purplish light flew from his hand and absorbed into DAC’S BODY.

    DAC snapped his head a few times.

    Dac: What the hell happened here?

    The MAN laughed. The CAMERA panned around to show his face. MAYOR BOB KLINE smiled.

    Bob: That’s my boy…

    THE SCRAPPY GANG rushed outside – as they could see that the MOON was now in a total eclipse.

    Ben: We only have a few more minutes…get to my house and let’s prepare for the longest night of our lives.


    RICK walked into SAM’S OFFICE

    Rick: Are you ready?
    Sam: Almost. Where is Para?
    Rick: She’ll be along any minute now.
    Sam: I’m shaking right now.
    Rick: Why?
    Sam: I’m scared because we are facing the end of the world. Right here it is, and there isn’t anything anyone can do to help us.
    Rick: I’m here.
    Sam: I finally realize that, but I realized it too late.
    Rick: You were under a mind control spell by a demon Dac had in his possession. That’s all he was doing. Capturing these Demons and using their powers for his own. He brain washed you…nothing more.
    Sam: And now that’s he has their essences inside him, he is going to be impossible to stop. His troops are no longer human. Trained demons, they are.
    Rick: I realize that.
    Sam: And I am more nervous than you could ever be.
    Rick: Care to take a wager?

    RICK opens up a RING BOX exposing a RING.

    SAM looks in shock, but NODS her head “Yes.” SAM jumps up from her chair and kisses RICK passionately.


    PARA sat in her chair, lightly crying. She flipped the page in her scrap book and examined more pictures. The pictures consisted of herself, BEN, RIVER, RYAN, TARA, MANDY, BRAD, BECKY, ICE, ANYA, RICK, SAM, FALCON, SHANE, and MARTY. She released a few laughs.

    BECKY appeared in PARA’S OFFICE.

    Becky: Para…
    Para: Hello Becky.
    Becky: I know you and I didn’t always get along, but I want you to know, he has been in misery without you. He needs you.
    Para: And I need him, but I can’t go to him until this war is over.
    Becky: I understand that, and I think he does too, but contacting him wouldn’t hurt. You haven’t even bothered to call him since you left.
    Para: I’ve made my calls and visits, thank you. I’m just –
    Becky: You’re just what?
    Para: I’ve been focused, for the first time in a long time, I’ve been focused.
    Becky: He hasn’t been at all. He found out the truth about you.

    PARA’S eyes moved up at BECKY.

    Para: What truth?
    Becky: When Rick and Dac hired you to fall in love with him to get more information, he knows about it.
    Para: But I love him now, I mean, I’ve always loved him.
    Becky: You need to get to him. Perhaps you should forgive him for a mistake he made too Para. Just because he is The Slayer doesn’t make him any less human. He can make mistakes just like you.
    Para: I can’t.
    Becky: This war is tearing you two apart and he will see you again, even if the world ends.
    Para: Then the last thing I want him to see is me protecting him.

    BECKY vanished.


    BECKY looked at ICE and JOAN.

    Becky: They need higher powers, Joan. They need myself and Ice.
    Joan: I know.
    Becky: How do we manifest ourselves?
    Joan: Ice has nothing to worry about because he never died, he’s just been residing here until his powers were mastered, and you feel you are ready?
    Ice: Yes. I’ve learned that not only can I freeze things, but I actually have some wicked cool witchcraft powers.
    Becky: How do I manifest myself?
    Joan: You don’t.
    Becky: Huh?
    Joan: You are a God, Becky. You always have been. I had to clear your memories of it so I could keep you here to help me.
    Becky: I guess I know how Ben felt when we just pulled him.
    Joan: Go, be with them. I’ll be fine here. Not in a mean way, but I’m anticipating a lot of people to be coming here if that war is really going to start.


    TARA looked at a computer screen. MANDY was right next to her, looking over an ancient text. RYAN continued examining an ancient book. JOEY and RIVER gathered weapons from the WEAPON CABINET. SHANE looked on a LAPTOP next to TARA, trying to find more information. MARTY sharpened WOODEN STAKES.

    BEN stood outside, next to FALCON.

    Ben: This is going to be Hell, you know that right?
    Falcon: I’ve imagined worse case scenarios and this is the one I want. Fighting with you would be an honor.
    Ben: You protected my brother for me. That is something I’ll never forget.
    Falcon: Just doing what I was told to do.
    Ben: Huh?
    Falcon: You’re mom, she was the one who cursed me, well more or less made me see straight. She told me that since she wouldn’t be there to protect River, that if you didn’t I should.
    Ben: Surprises lay around every curve.
    Tara: I’ve got it!

    BEN and FALCON darted into the living room, leaving the front door open.

    Ben: What do you have?
    Tara: The Host is pretty much going to be hard as hell to beat, but we can do it.
    Ben: Well, ever since we returned is when he gained all that power, how was that possible anyway?
    Mandy: When you guys passed through a vortex the barriers between the dimensions are weak, so someone like The Host could easily break through one and steal power.
    Ben: So how do we kill him? If he gets to the peak at the right time, not only will he end the war, but he’ll end life.
    Tara: I know, I know. Just give me some more time, we’ll find a way to penetrate through him.

    A HAND tapped BEN on the back of the shoulder. BEN turned around and to his surprise; PARA was standing right behind him.

    The TWO exchanged looks.


    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text.

    BEN ran past the DRUMLINE. He took one of the DRUMMER’S sticks and BROKE it across the DRUM. He started running towards the VAMPIRES and staking them left and right. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    BRAD throws an AXE in a GRAVEYARD, missing the VAMPIRE, but sending it the other direction.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHT CLUB. PARA and BECKY roll on the ground, PULLING each other’s hair. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.


    RIVER picks up a desk and throws it at the window. The DESK shatters the window. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    ROWS of TOMBSTONES start to shake. The ground starts to rumble. HANDS fly up from GRAVES. VAMPIRES pull themselves out. They all walk towards a CRYPT. They open the door and file in. A passage way allows them to gain access to an underworld.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. TARA’S eyes started to change into different colors.

    RICK, BRAD and FALCON GLICK walked through the graveyard. RICK carried an AXE, BRAD carried a CROSSBOW and FALCON carried a SWORD.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. RICK thrusts his ARM out at an oncoming VAMPIRE. The VAMPIRE turns to dust as a WOODEN STAKE goes back into RICK’S sleeve. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S CELL PHONE started to ring. RYAN pulled it off the waist of his belt. He threw the phone up in the air. He pulled a gun from inside his COAT. He OPENED FIRE on the falling CELL PHONE. The PHONE gave a small explosion. RYAN got in his CAR and sped off. RYAN throws a VAMPIRE into a BONFIRE.

    THE HEAD of the DEMON rose up to FALCON. FALCON pulled his sword back and sliced the HEAD in HALF.

    BRAD blows a dust which begins to GLISTEN in mid air. BRAD stands on a stage holding a microphone. BRAD and RICK looked at each other and sighed. [And Brad as Bradley Giles] BRAD and DAC engage in a sword fight.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes. PARA, RICK, and SAM fall in behind them FULLY ARMED. TARA and MANDY fall in behind them with SHANE, MARTY, JOEY and FALCON.



    DAC’S DEMON TROOPS were suiting up and arming themselves for the oncoming battle. DAC sat in his office starring at THE HOST.

    [Special Guest Star Mandee as Mandy]

    Dac: And so you mean to tell me, that if you get to this peak out there in the Grassy Knoll, you can end this war?
    Host: Yes.
    Dac: How?
    Host: By killing you, and everyone else. I’m talking about ending it, pal, ending the bloody world.

    DAC looked intrigued.

    [Special Guest Star Dac as General Dac Armstrong]
    [Special Guest Star The Host]

    Dac: Does the Slayer know about this?
    Host: I’m quite sure he does, but what do you mean?
    Dac: Like does he know how serious the ritual is?
    Host: Just what I’ve let him know, my predecessor, Payne left me very simple and direct instructions.
    Dac: Indeed. I’ve read a lot about this Payne.
    Host: He was like a father to me. Leave me to my bidding. Torture the Slayer before I kill us all.

    THE HOST disappeared.

    DAC’S troops started forming on the outside of his headquarters, ready for THE WAR.

    [Special Guest Star Kristine Sutherland as Joan Summers]


    BEN and PARA starred at each other.

    Ben: Is there something I can help you with Lieutenant?

    PARA starred at BEN.

    [Guest Starring Labyrinth as Falcon]

    RIVER walked by, reading through a book, and without looking up says,

    River: Don’t strangers knock before entering a house?

    PARA grabbed RIVER by the ARM, stopping him.

    Para: I am not a stranger and you know that.
    Ben: That’s debatable.
    Para: We need to talk.
    Ben: We are right now.
    Para: In private.
    Ben: Fine.

    BEN and PARA walked to the backyard.

    [Aragorn as Shane]
    [JP Junkee as Marty]
    [PunkNerd as Joey Russo]


    Para: Ben…
    Ben: Lieutenant Harris?
    Para: Stop calling me that, my name is Para, you know that.
    Ben: Oh, I don’t know how much I know about you anymore.
    Para: What? Oh, right. I was young and following orders then.
    Ben: And that’s different to now because?

    PARA sighed.

    Para: This is exactly why I didn’t need to see you.
    Ben: You walked into my house, I’m sure you can find the exit.
    Para: I wouldn’t have come here if it weren’t for you’re freaking ex.
    Ben: Becky…playing matchmaker again.
    Para: No, playing guilt trip maker.
    Ben: Serves you right. Para, I was in love with you…I still am, I just don’t know if I can trust myself with you again.
    Para: Ben, I still love you. I will always love you. This is the work that I have to do, I am part of this war and I must fight.
    Ben: This isn’t a typical war. I’m as much a part of it as you are.
    Para: According to Rick, you’re not supposed to help us; your orders are to take on The Host.

    [SamFan as Samantha / Sam]
    [JesterP as Lieutenant Jester Pocus]

    Ben: So? What’s stopped me from doing two things at once before, Para? Answer me that. It just so happens I have two pretty skilled guys in my living room who put together your birthday present to me.
    Para: The Ben-Bot?
    Ben: Yes. It’s my back up plan.
    Para: Good for you and your strategy.
    Ben: I can’t promise that we’ll see each other again. If I fail, I know I won’t see you again, and if I succeeded and die in the war, I won’t see you again. I just want you to know that the last thing I would ever want you to see is me protecting you, but I can’t.

    PARA started to cry.

    Ben: I’m sorry. I love you so much and I never wanted anything to happen to you.
    Para: And I’m sorry that I had to ever be assigned to you by them.

    BEN dropped his jaw.

    [Majestic1 as Majestic]

    Ben: This is supposed to be our reconciliation moment.
    Para: I’m sorry that they assigned me to you because I don’t deserve you. I’m such a mess.
    Ben: No you’re not.
    Para: And I’m sorry that they assigned me to you because the plan was for me to act like I was in love with you, but I’ll be damned if any of it was acting.

    BEN and PARA embraced each other tightly and KISSED PASSIONATELY, but pulled away fast as they heard screams and glass breaking from inside the house. They RAN inside.

    [Icebreaker as Ice]
    [Beck-Why as Becky]



    THE COUNCIL OF WATCHERS primes up some weapons and stands by.

    Brad: I should get back to Ben. I am his watcher.
    Dan: Yes. Do not let anyone know of us. We will emerge when we feel it. Take the Slayers-In-Training with you.
    Brad: Yes. Girls?

    The SEVEN GIRLS followed BRAD to a HOVERCRAFT.

    [Dan as Dan Finkelstein]
    [Malcolm_Admin as Malcolm]
    [Amber as Ashley]

    Ashley: Aren’t we really far from Charger City?
    Brad: No, Charger City is 32 miles north of here.

    The HOVERCRAFT started moving towards a portal.

    Ashley: And what are we going to do when we get there?

    The CRAFT went into the portal.

    [“Trying to do My Own Thing” Written and Directed by Ben Smythe]

    Brad: Do what Ben does every day…

    The scene changes to a picture of EARTH – THE WORLD…

    Brad: …Save the world.

    The WORLD EXPLODS as we can see a VAMPIRE is thrown through it.


    [“War of their Worlds” Written and Directed by Ben Smythe]>

    RIVER picks up the VAMPIRE he threw down through the GLOBE.

    MARTY rolled towards RIVER and LEAPT to his feet. He plunged the WOODEN STAKE into the VAMPIRES CHEST. The VAMPIRE disincarnated.

    River: Good hit.

    BEN swung his sword and sliced the head of the VAMPIRE off. The VAMPIRE dusted.

    [“Trying to do My Own Thing” & “War of their Worlds” based off ideas from Rick Arnold, Dac, Yvonne Bartha and Vader]

    BEN pulled PARA up from the floor.

    Para: That had to be from The Host. Dac would’ve sent demons, but he wouldn’t.
    Ben: Why?
    Para: Not so close to a war, he doesn’t want to loose his army to you, and he knows he could.
    Ben: Perhaps you should get back.
    Para: Yes. I will see you after this war is over.
    Ben: I pray for that.

    The TWO former lovers hugged. PARA backed away and left the house.

    Ben: Are we ready? I want to get this over with, and the sooner I can, I’ll be satisfied because I’ll be able to help The Elite.
    Tara: Understandably, but what happens if we loose?
    Ben: We won’t. With you and Mandy positioned on opposite ends I’ll be able to take the peak.
    Mandy: But that won’t be enough.
    River: That’s why I’ll be leading with the Ben-bot.
    Shane: And I’ll be on the opposite end with Marty and Ryan, Falcon and Joey will be there as well.
    Tara: Well then I guess we’re as ready as we’ll ever be.

    BECKY and ICE appeared.

    Becky: What’s a little extra help?

    BEN and RIVER looked at BECKY and smiled.

    Ben: A little help goes a long way.
    Ice: We felt that we owed you this.
    Ben: I’ll see to it that your trip wasn’t wasted.
    Becky: Well, we’ve been watching this situation very closely and we’ve came a little more prepared.
    Ben: Oh?
    Becky: But that’s another story.

    The SOUND of a HOVERCRAFT on BEN’S front lawn is heard.

    Ben: What the hell?

    BEN walked to the door to see BRAD with a lot of young girls.

    RIVER starred out the door with BEN.

    River: When did he become Hugh Hefner?
    Ben: Those girls are about your age River, in which case Brad would be considered a pedophile…wait, why are we talking about this?
    River: No clue.

    BRAD got up the STAIRS, followed by the SLAYERS-IN-TRAINING.

    Ben: You had better have a good explanation for this.
    Ashley: He is your watcher, treat him like his is.

    BEN’S eyes got wide.

    Ben: Is there something I can help you with, little miss?
    Brad: The Calvary is here, with your assistants.
    Ben: Barker’s Beauties?
    Brad: No, these are Slayers-in-training.
    Ben: Oh. Well another Slayer…or seven is nice.

    BEN looked around.

    Ben: Okay, this is it, we’re leaving. No more surprises, hopefully, and let’s go do what we do everyday.


    THE HOST walked around the base of the peak, talking to his MINIONS.

    Host: If anyone dares come up here, take them out, immediately. Once I get up there it won’t take much to start the ritual.
    Minion: Yes, oh Holiest Host of Hosts.


    The HOST started to make his way up the peak.


    The ELITE started to move out in MILITARY FASHION.

    DAC’S TROOPS did the same and within a few moments the two organizations were face to face.


    BEN and the SCRAPPY GANG, along with the SEVEN SLAYERS walked down a HILL and got to the base of the PEAK. The HOSTS MINIONS formed to one side.

    Ben: This is going to be easier than I thought. Tara, Mandy, ready?


    RICK looked on at his troops and then ahead at DAC’S.

    Rick: Remember…be strong and take them out by any means.

    DAC looked at his troops and then at RICK’S.

    Dac: Kill them. I don’t care how, but I want them all gone.


    A SWORD SLICES through the BLACK SCREEN taking us BACK to a SWORD wielding BEN.

    Ben: Did you really think we were going to leave you in suspense until next season? Besides, you have a part two to read!

    BEN refocused at the MINIONS.

    Ben: River, you and the Ben-bot get ready to go.
    River: Right on, and you’ll be right behind us?
    Ben: Yes. Tara, Mandy…NOW!

    TARA and MANDY put their hands towards each others and the MINIONS were pushed out of the way.

    RIVER and the BEN-BOT ran towards the PEAK.

    Marty: He’s there Shane…now.
    Ben: What? What are you doing?

    SHANE’S eyes turned black and his hand emitted energy. The ENERGY circled around RIVER and the BEN-BOT carrying them to the top of the peak.

    Ben: What are you doing?
    Shane: Giving them time to attack the Host before he can reach it.
    Ben: Oh. Smart idea. Okay guys, we have some minions to take out.

    BEN and the rest of the group charged at the minions attacking them.


    Dac: Fire!

    DAC’S TROOPS opened fire on the ELITE. A BLUE circle of energy protected them from the laser blasts.

    Rick: I hope this spell of Tara’s last long enough. Fight back boys!


    Dan: GO! MOVE! MOVE!

    The WATCHER’S COUNCIL’S HOVERCRAFTS lifted off the ground and floated towards CHARGER CITY at TOP SPEED.


    A MINION sat on top of BRAD, punching him. BEN kicked the MINION off.

    Brad: Thank you.
    Ben: No problem.
    Brad: You get to the top, help them out.

    BEN lunged himself at the base of the PEAK and started to climb.

    RYAN pulled out his two PISTOLS. He STRAFFED to the right shooting at the MINIONS, taking out several of them. RYAN landed on his feet, but was pushed down by a DEMON. HE flipped up to his feet and the head of the DEMON flew off. MANDY stood there holding a SWORD.

    RYAN looked at MANDY. They exchanged a look to say “Thank You,” but knew they had to keep on the DEMONS.

    THE HOST got to the top of the peak.

    Host: How did you beat me up here?
    River: Blazing speed.
    Host: I’m going to enjoy killing you. You are a loud mouth.

    THE HOST charged at RIVER. RIVER fell to the ground and tripped THE HOST over him but grabbed onto the HOST and FLUNG him to the other side of the PEAK.

    THE HOST landed on his feet. He FORMED an energy ball and threw it at RIVER. RIVER flew back and lied on the ground, wallowing in pain. BEN-BOT came forward.


    Ben-Bot: I’m afraid you leave me no choice but to kill you.
    Host: Bring it.

    The HOST and BEN-BOT started to fight. The HOST punched BEN repeatedly in the face until his HEAD flew off. SPARKS flew from the neck.

    Host: Whoa! Did anyone else see that? The Slayer’s a freaking robot.
    Ben: Host, you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


    The HOST turned around to face BEN, very confused.

    Ben: Tabula Rasa.

    THE DEMON-GOD HAMMER appeared in BEN’S HANDS. BEN had used this weapon to kill SHANE GUPTOM.

    BEN swung the HAMMER at the HOST knocking him to his feet.


    MEMBERS of the ELITE were falling dead, but not as many of DAC’S TROOPS.

    DAC’S TROOPS surrounded RICK, PARA, SAM and JESTER.

    SAM checked the pulse of a few of the soldiers that had fallen.

    PARA and RICK had their blasters drawn, ready to fire. DAC’S troops formed a circle around THE ELITE.

    Dac: General Arnold. I’m very ashamed and disappointed in you. I would have never dreamt that it would be so easy to crush that organization. You didn’t even give me a challenge.
    Rick: I’m sorry that we couldn’t match you, because when this organization was started, the target wasn’t humans.
    Dac: Touché.

    DAC pressed a button on his WRIST WATCH.

    Dac: You didn’t really think I’d let you go out in a military death, now did you? God knows you were a screw up for the REAL military. No, dear friend, I’m giving you you’re demon slaughtering opportunities.

    ALL but 3 of DAC’S TROOPS fell DEAD.

    Dac: Now, my creations.

    THE STANDING 3 pressed a button on their WATCHES and their MUSCLES expanded as their BODIES grew a little.

    DAC pulled TWO SWORDS from his BACK.

    Rick: Do you always carry swords?
    Dac: Shut up.

    DAC threw the SWORD at RICK. RICK caught it with ease. The THREE SUPER-DEMONS charged at PARA, SAM and JESTER.

    Dac: Come on Rick show me what a real General is.

    RICK charged at DAC, as BOTH of their swords drawn to each other. Before the Swords could hit…..

    FINAL BATTLE – continues onto the next part – so just keep it playing ;)


    2/21/2003 10:36:19 AM
    (Updated: 2/21/2003 10:36:58 AM)
    (Updated: 2/21/2003 5:10:12 PM)

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