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    In college, Michael Jeter (Udesky3) gave up his career in medicine to become an actor. (From: Green Mamba)
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    Slayer - Episode 4x11 - The Host With The Most
    By Ben

    Previously on Slayer...

    Dac: Yes. We are the DEMON HUNTERS.

    PARA laughed.

    Para: You aren’t in charge of me anymore…you’re in my quadrant and I’m at full legality to kill you.
    Dac: In that case…Kill her.

    The TWO troops opened fire in the office. PARA dived behind RICK’S desk.

    Dac: You see I am much more powerful than anyone could ever imagine. Do you know why? Of course you don’t. You never would. I am everything you aren’t. The air I breathe is giving my life. I am pain and happiness rolled into one. But do you know why?

    A VOICE from behind,

    Voice: Why?

    STARTLED, DAC responds.

    Dac: Because I am human.
    Voice: So am I.

    The VOICE’S FIGURE steps towards DAC and we can see that it’s BEN, looking FURIOUS at his former friend.



    BEN stares at DAC, FURIOUS.

    Dac: Well, well, well. Look who’s finally come around to the ball game. Care to see my new world order?
    Ben: You are pathetic.
    Dac: Pathetic, you say? I am not the one who is dating a decoy, my friend.
    Ben: What are you trying to say?
    Dac: It’s not like I really care much about my hay-day with The Elite, but Para, we made her love you.
    Ben: Typical Dac. Changing the subjects when it’s not necessary.
    Dac: How did you get in here?
    Ben: I took out your guards. I set up two Vampires on my way back from Sunnydale and purposely sent them to cause chaos sending your troops. Figuring you would stay behind, I would sneak in and find this out all for myself.
    Dac: Scary isn’t it?
    Ben: No, not really. I’m not surprised by any of this.
    Dac: Why?
    Ben: You were always a small man, trying to act like the leader, but in the end, you’re still who you are, the small man for you.
    Dac: And what for you?

    BEN looked at DAC.

    Ben: I’m the Slayer.
    Dac: And as the Slayer, you can’t harm me because I am a human. I have no superficial powers or anything like that. You harm me, and you can go down.
    Ben: I have no intentions on hurting you, Dac. I’m just here to warn you.
    Dac: Of what?
    Ben: Things are coming. Things you can’t comprehend and when the time comes, your ally won’t be who you think it is.
    Dac: What is that supposed to mean?
    Ben: You’ll find out.
    Dac: I hope you like steel, Slayer.

    DAC lunged the KNIFE from inside GLASS’ BODY at BEN. The KNIFE hit BEN right in the HEART. DAC kicked BEN in the GUT, and then PUNCHED his face, but his fist KNOCKED his HEAD OFF.

    SPARKS flew off from BEN’S BODY.

    Dac: Damn robot. It’s not as good as the real thing. SAM!

    SAM opened the door.

    Sam: Yes sir?
    Dac: Repair the Slayerbot.
    Sam: Yes sir.
    Dac: Any new news with Rick?
    Sam: I haven’t seen him lately.
    Dac: Is he still in love with you?
    Sam: I think so.
    Dac: Like a boy to a puppy. The Elite will bow down to us.
    Sam: Yes sir.

    SAM picked up BEN’S HEAD and DRAGGED his BODY to her OFFICE. She THREW them down and grabbed her coat.


    SAM opened her PHONE. She pressed SEND.

    Male Voice: Hello?
    Sam: Listen, I know we aren’t supposed to talk, let alone see each other, but I need to talk to you, it’s important, it’s about your friend that’s the Slayer.
    Male Voice: Where do you want to meet?
    Sam: Somewhere safe.
    Male Voice: Meet me at my house.
    Sam: Thank you.

    SAM closed her phone.


    RICK sat down looking at his phone. He turned it off. PARA walked in.

    Para: Who was that? Because I wasn’t able to get a good trace.
    Rick: That was Sam.
    Para: What the hell did she want?
    Rick: She has information about Ben, and something Dac is planning.

    PARA looked coldly.

    Rick: Why do you show no emotion for him now?
    Para: I love him very much, and I would die for him, but I can’t have my mind being two places at once. I owe this to you Rick, so I’m 110% yours.
    Rick: I appreciate it.


    A WHITE VAPOR emerges. A TALL, YOUNG, THIN MAN walks out of the VAPOR. He shakes his Head.

    Man: Charger City…Home sweet home, for the Host with the most!


    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA walking down a hallway.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    BRAD throws an AXE in a GRAVEYARD, missing the VAMPIRE, but sending it the other direction.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHT CLUB. PARA and BECKY roll on the ground, PULLING each other’s hair. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.


    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.


    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    SETH REX starts throwing SHOES from the shoe store at BEN inside CHARGER CITY MALL.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. RICK thrusts his ARM out at an oncoming VAMPIRE. The VAMPIRE turns to dust as a WOODEN STAKE goes back into RICK’S sleeve. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a VAMPIRE into a BONFIRE.

    BRAD blows a dust which begins to GLISTEN in mid air. BRAD stands on a stage holding a microphone. BRAD, BEN and PARA run down a hallway [And Brad as Bradley Giles] BRAD and DAC engage in a sword fight.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    If I had a million dollars...I'd probably die and be happy...but it's okay, I don't have a million dollars, but when I stay at Holiday Inn Express, I feel like a million bucks no matter what!


    THE HOST walks around the sidewalk of Charger City, just gazing around.

    [Guest Starring Mandee as Mandy]

    Host: Gee, this place has changed over forty years.

    BEN walked down the other side of the SIDEWALK, starring at his feet as he walked.


    The HOST pushed himself into BEN. BEN looked up, with a sympathetic face.

    Ben: Sorry, I guess I didn’t see you there.
    Host: No, I actually bumped into you.
    Ben: Oh.
    Host: What year is it?
    Ben: 2002.
    Host: Wow. I’ve been gone for over sixty years; I thought it was still in the 80’s here.

    [SamFan as Samantha/Sam]

    Ben: No, you’re way off.
    Host: Isn’t that weird?
    Ben: What? That you’ve been missing for sixty years and look so young?
    Host: Yeah.
    Ben: No. I’ve seen weirder.
    Host: Oh?
    Ben: Yeah. Well nice meeting you and all, but I need to get home.
    Host: Oh, I don’t think that’s going to happen.
    Ben: Are you going to stop me?

    [Aragorn as Shane]
    [JP Junkee as Marty]
    [Mr.Goodbytes as Mr. Hunt]

    The HOST cracked his neck and then cracked his knuckles.

    Ben: I don’t want to fight you.

    The HOST punched BEN into a wall. BEN fell to the ground but quickly got to his feet and got in the HOST’S face.

    Ben: I said ‘I didn’t want to.’ I didn’t say I wouldn’t.

    [And introducing The Host as himself]

    BEN flip-kicked the HOST into a TELEPHONE BOOTH sending him crashing through it. BEN picked up THE HOST and gave him an upper-cut that sent him into POWER LINES. The HOST grabbed onto the POWER LINES, as soon as he did, he started to get a jolt of electricity and he flew into the air.

    [Episode written and directed by Ben Smythe]

    Ben: Buffy was right…

    BEN looks at the POWER LINES.

    Ben: …it is about power.


    SAMANTHA knocks on the door repeatedly. RICK opens the door and hurries her inside. The two exchange looks and then kiss passionately.

    Sam: You’ve got to get me out of there. He’s brainwashing me.
    Rick: How do you know?
    Sam: I’ve set a few cameras up and I have it proved.
    Rick: Join us.
    Sam: Not that easy…I have to leave there.
    Rick: Maybe not.
    Sam: How?
    Rick: I have some of the most skilled engineers, we can build a life-like robot of you and it will take your place and we can set it up to…

    RICK formed the idea.

    Sam: To what?
    Rick: To explode when needed.
    Sam: Seriously?
    Rick: Seriously.
    Sam: Okay, well what I know is that Dac is kidnapping all sorts of demons and stealing their powers, then he splices their powers with his human troops and himself making them half-demon half-human.

    PARA walked by.

    Para: Those are called vampires.
    Sam: But they can walk in daylight.
    Para: This is trouble. Rick, I’m going to my office, see you in the morning.
    Rick: Yes, ma’am.
    Sam: Goodnight.
    Para: Oh yeah. Welcome to the Elite and stuff.

    PARA walked out. RICK and SAM started to MAKE-OUT.


    UPN Tuesday - An All New Holiday Episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Tuesday at 8 EST.


    RIVER turned around the block, looking exhausted. SHANE and MARTY caught up to him.

    Shane: Good morning!
    River: Something like that.
    Marty: You ready for that exam?
    River: As ready as I’ll ever be.
    Marty: Did you study?
    River: No.
    Shane: Why?
    River: Patrolling.

    SHANE and MARTY looked at RIVER.

    River: Someone had to do it.


    MR. HUNT handed out the EXAMS. RIVER lied his head on his desk, SLEEPING. MR. HUNT hovered over RIVER.

    Mr. Hunt: River?

    He tapped him.

    Mr. Hunt: River, come on, it’s exam time.

    THE DOOR to the classroom swung open. BEN walked in.

    Ben: Excuse me, Chris?

    MR. HUNT turned around.

    Mr. Hunt: Yes?
    Ben: Can I see my brother, please?
    Mr. Hunt: Sure. Hey, by the way, I like the hair. It’s similar to the way you used to have it.
    Ben: Thanks, I didn’t do it.

    MR. HUNT looked at BEN in a questioning form.

    Ben: Uh, my girlfriend did it.
    River: Actually, Payne did-

    BEN punched RIVER in the ARM and drags him out of the CLASSROOM. BEN closed the door.

    Ben: Sorry I didn’t come home last night.
    River: No big.
    Ben: I’m glad you got yourself to school.
    River: I’m a big boy now.

    RIVER and BEN looked at each other.

    River: Did she really leave?

    BEN looked down, and nodded his head.

    River: Do you want to go home?

    BEN nodded.

    Ben: Go get your things.


    Notice how shiny the doorhandle was on the door to the classroom? Or even the glass on the door too? Yup. You guessed it - say it with me - WINDEX - MADE IT SHINE!


    PARA sat at her office, starring at the PICTURE of herself and BEN sharing a KISS, with RIVER making a disgusting face in the background.

    RICK knocked on the door.

    Para: It’s open.

    RICK walked in. He noticed the entire set of LUGGAGE.

    Rick: Checking in?
    Para: It’s focus time, Rick.
    Rick: Well, That’s a good thing to hear.
    Para: You assemble the High Ranking team yet?
    Rick: So far it’s just me and you.
    Para: Oh, that’s always good.

    RICK paused.

    Rick: Are you mad at me?
    Para: For what?
    Rick: Samantha.
    Para: Of course not…well as long as you’re truly in love with her.
    Rick: I am. It’s like Vanessa and I shared moments, but Sam and I…it’s just breathtaking.
    Para: “For never was there a tale of such woe, than that of Juliet and her Romeo.”
    Rick: What’s that supposed to mean?
    Para: In this case you are Romeo, she is Juliet, enough said.
    Rick: Oh, star-crossed lovers, eh?
    Para: Exactly. Well, I’m glad we got the info from her and that she’s on our side now and everything.

    RICK kissed PARA on the forehead.

    Rick: You know I love you like you’re my daughter.
    Para: I know…and you’re only like 10 years older than me, but that’s okay, Pops.


    RIVER put his bag down by the door. BEN dragged himself in and plopped down on the couch. RIVER came in and sat by him.

    River: So where were you last night?
    Ben: Sunnydale.
    River: Why on earth were you there?
    Ben: A girl.
    River: Wait, isn’t that Slayer chick from Sunnydale?
    Ben: Buffy, yes. She needed my help.
    River: Well where is she now?

    BEN patted RIVER on the head.

    Ben: You’re a good kid. Don’t fall in love River…

    BEN started to CRY.

    River: Ben, don’t cry. Uh…gee.

    BEN put his face into RIVER’S chest wailing.

    Ben: I miss her so much.

    RIVER held BEN’S head onto his chest, rubbing his head.

    River: I know.
    Ben: But not just her…she was Mom to me.
    River: Huh?
    Ben: Having her around was like having Mom around, and I don’t have that anymore, and River, I just don’t know what we’re going to do anymore.

    A KNOCK on the door.

    BEN was still crying. RIVER got up and looked out the peep hole.

    Ben: Who is it, Riv?
    River: You wouldn’t believe me in a million years.
    Ben: Para?!
    River: No…Mandy.
    Ben: Mandy…as in Mandy Rosenberg?
    River: Yeah, no offense, didn’t die because of you?
    Ben: No, because of Becky.

    BEN walked to the door and rubbed his eyes. He opened the DOOR.

    MANDY looked in shock.

    Mandy: Thank God I haven’t lost my powers!

    MANDY hugged BEN and RIVER.

    Ben: Mandy…you have a lot of explaining to do.

    MANDY stepped in the house.


    RYAN stood over his bed stuffing a duffle bag, sobbing a little.

    The PHONE rang. RYAN refused to answer, so he kept packing the bag.

    The ANSWERING MACHINE picked up.

    Ryan’s Voice: Hey, you’ve reached Ryan Hawkins. Sorry I’m not available right now, if you think you can catch me on my cell phone, call it, other wise leave a message.


    TARA’S VOICE came over as she was crying.

    Tara: Ryan, I know this is the seventeenth time I’ve tried to get a hold of you, and it’s only been a day since this all happened, but you have to believe me, I had no idea this was going on. I love you Ryan, and I really hope you aren’t going to do anything crazy. Just because she’s back doesn’t mean I’m going to change my ways back to her liking. I love you, and I will always love –

    RYAN picked up the phone and slammed it down again.

    RYAN threw the DUFFLE BAG on his shoulder and started to walk out of the house.

    RYAN’S CELL PHONE started to ring. RYAN pulled it off the waist of his belt. He threw the phone up in the air.

    He pulled a gun from inside his COAT.

    He OPENED FIRE on the falling CELL PHONE. The PHONE gave a small explosion.

    RYAN got in his CAR and sped off.


    12/13/2002 10:58:04 AM

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