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By Michael Crichton
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    The "raptors in the kitchen" scene in JP was filmed on Joseph Mazzello's birthday. During one take, Joe ran into one of the raptors and was injured. (From: 'jurassiraptor')
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    Slayer - Episode 4x09 - The Initiative of The Elite
    By Ben

    DANSVILLE – 1999

    A GIRL with LONG RED hair flees inside of a GRAVEYARD.

    The FLOODER was approaching fast onto the girl, when suddenly the FLOODER is kicked to the ground.

    A TEENAGE BOY with BLACK hair flipped up from the ground. The FLOODER did the same, but was met with several punches.

    The FLOODER pushed the boy back away from him. The BOY pulls a wooden-stake from his belt.

    The BOY flip-kicked the FLOODER to the ground and rammed the stake into it’s heart turning it to dust.

    The LONG RED haired girl stops, out of breath.

    Another TEENAGE boy sits up from behind a tombstone, holding his arm and groaning. It was ICE…a very youthful ICE at that.

    Ice: I almost had him…I was that close.
    Tara: Poor Ice…so close, yet so not.

    TARA pulls her long RED HAIR back.

    Tara: Gee, that’s the third flooder this week…Ben; do you think something is up?

    The BOY with the black hair picks up his STAKE and focuses at the question.

    Ben: Something up? Are you kidding me…it’s only Dansville for Pete’s sake.

    TARA and ICE looked blankly at him.

    Ben: It was sarcasm!
    Ice: Not funny sarcasm.

    The THREE of them start to gather their stuff.

    Ice: Oh…midterms tomorrow. We can’t go home until a Flooder kills me. I completely forgot about that.
    Tara: Come on, Ice. We’ll study some more. You’ll do fine.
    Ice: What about the Slayer, huh? You can’t just stake some flooders and get out of this one.
    Ben: Sure I can…I’ll kill the teaching staff and then poof, no midterms.
    Tara: I’m sensing that was more sarcasm.
    Ben: A little laughter wouldn’t hurt.

    FROM the BUSHES – THREE figures hide wearing ARMY FATIGUES. TWO MEN, with shorter trimmed hair and a GIRL with long dark brown hair. They STARE on with their binoculars.

    Man: Definitely could use him for the team.
    Woman: I agree one hundred percent. I say we get back to the HQ and finalize our plans.
    Man: Agreed.


    A HUGE brown DEMON attacks TWO VAMPIRES. The DEMON has many horns and is quite scaly.

    Ben [On phone]: And there was nothing at the high school other than to get to the cemetery? Well that doesn’t make sense.
    Rick [On phone]: I know
    Ben [Phone]: Okay – well I’ll see you around.

    BEN shut his phone ending the call. BEN started running.

    BEN jumps off a headstone and DROPKICKS the DEMON. The DEMON pushes the VAMPIRES away.

    The VAMPIRES fall to the ground. From BEHIND two tombstones, RIVER and RYAN rush out ramming WOODEN STAKES into the VAMPIRES, turning them to DUST.

    The DEMON holds BEN by the NECK. The DEMON throws BEN into RIVER and RYAN. The THREE fall to the ground.

    THE DEMON starts running off.

    A MAN and A WOMAN wearing ARMY FATIGUES and holding futuristic weapons, run after the DEMON.

    THE TWO chase the DEMON into what looks like a CAVE. LIGHTS fly on and the TWO COMMANDOS run up and push the lid of the TRUCK closed. A TRUCK pulls out from where the DEMON ran into. SEVERAL military men come from behind the bushes.

    Dac: Nice work…

    DAC walks out followed by TWO of his men. The TWO commandos that were chasing the DEMON take their face masks off. It’s RICK and PARA, only their uniforms aren’t matching the others.

    Para: See Rick? I told you he was bad!
    Rick: You traitor.
    Dac: Me? A traitor? I’m doing it for research. You don’t even have control of The Elite, let alone your girlfriend.

    Two of DAC'S TROOPS step forward.

    Dac: We’ve been tracking him for two weeks. And you deliver him to us.
    Para: West…I told you, to make it go west.
    Rick: Sorry.
    Dac: Samantha, cut these two a check for their find. We won’t let them walk away empty handed.

    SAMANTHA, RICK’S SAMANTHA, walks out from a bush wearing COMMANDO CLOTHES walks forward.

    RICK looks on in disbelief.

    SAM looks up and realizes it’s RICK she’s cutting a check to.

    Dac: On second thought…let’s kill them.

    THE COMMANDOS appear from behind


    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA walking down a hallway.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    BRAD throws an AXE in a GRAVEYARD, missing the VAMPIRE, but sending it the other direction.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHT CLUB. PARA and BECKY roll on the ground, PULLING each other’s hair. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.


    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.


    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    SETH REX starts throwing SHOES from the shoe store at BEN inside CHARGER CITY MALL.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. RICK thrusts his ARM out at an oncoming VAMPIRE. The VAMPIRE turns to dust as a WOODEN STAKE goes back into RICK’S sleeve. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a VAMPIRE into a BONFIRE.

    BRAD blows a dust which begins to GLISTEN in mid air. BRAD stands on a stage holding a microphone. BRAD, BEN and PARA run down a hallway [And Brad as Bradley Giles] BRAD and DAC engage in a sword fight.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


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    Tara: So did you guys find a date for the prom?
    Ben: Well we know who I’m taking.
    Tara: That was a gimmie. Did Becky find a dress yet?
    Ben: Nah. I don’t think she’s that concerned about her appearance anyway.
    Tara: What about you, Mr. Masterson.
    Ice: I’d be taking good ol’ Demon Anya.
    Ben: You’re taking Anya?
    Ice: Yes…you’re not the only one that can date the un-dead.
    Ben: Becky’s not ‘un-dead.’ She’s like a higher being or something.
    Ice: So is Anya.
    Tara: Boys! Boys! Stop.
    Ice: Who are you taking, Tara?
    Tara: I don’t know yet. Ryan asked me…but I just don’t feel like going with him.
    Ice: Ryan Hawkins? Mr. I’m too cool for you all Hawkins?
    Tara: Yeah, he sort of just goes by Ryan now.
    Ice: Oh.

    DAN walked up.

    Dan: And of course I will be stuck their chaperoning…wasting another moment of my life away.
    Ben: Come on, Dan…you know how much you want to dance with us.
    Dan: As much as it doesn’t pain me to say, no.
    Ben: I bet you never had one stitch of fun in your hay-days.
    Dan: I’ll have you know I was quite a rebel back in my ‘hay-days.’
    Ben: Oh really? What’d you do?
    Dan: I stole…
    Ben: Books from libraries don’t count.
    Dan: Can we get back to what’s been going on?
    Tara: What’s been going on?
    Dan: The military commandos kidnapping these demons, sometimes killing them.
    Ben: I’m all fine if they want my job.
    Dan: Ben…please stop.
    Ben: Well, come on. Majestic was just sent back to England, I thought I was home free.

    THE BELL RANG. BEN moaned.

    Ben: Psychology test.
    Dan: Good luck. Meet me in the library as soon as it’s over.
    Ben: Yes, sir.

    BEN walked off with TARA and ICE.


    BEN flies back into a tree. A HUGE DEMON stands before BEN, ready to charge. The DEMON starts to charge but is thrown out of the way by an oncoming force.

    BECKY pushes the DEMON to the ground and starts to punch it. BEN runs to his BAG and grabs a SWORD. Ready to ram the sword into the DEMON, BEN is startled after a gunshot forces the sword out of his hand.

    FOUR MEN IN ARMY FATIGUES come out from behind a CRYPT. BECKY pulls herself off the DEMON. BEN and BECKY back up starring at the men.

    Ben: Who are you?
    Man: We work for the government, this is our scene now. You’re quite brave, you know that?
    Ben: Excuse me?
    Man: You’re taking on these things. My name is Dac, by the way. General Dac Armstrong.
    Ben: My name is Ben, the Flooder Slayer.

    The FOUR MEN stop right in their tracks.

    Dac: Slayer you say? Rick, have you ever heard of The Slayers?
    Rick: No.
    Ben: Slayer. One and only, chosen.
    Rick: Really.
    Ben: Yup. It’s kind of like destiny and fate rolled into one.
    Dac: Listen son, I want you to forget that you saw this demon. Forget all about this. You’ve never seen a demon.

    BEN raises his hand.

    Ben: Hi? Killing them for four years and running.
    Dac: Oh, that’s right, Slayer. How silly of me.
    Ben: Don’t you patronize me!

    A FIGURE walked out of the CRYPT. He SILENTLY picked up two of the COMMANDOS from behind by the neck. The FIGURE wore ALL BLACK, with a black leather trench coat.

    RICK and DAC turned around. They PULLED their guns out and aimed at the creature holding their men.

    Ben: Hold your fire!
    Dac: Why?
    Ben: Vader, release them.
    Vader: As you wish.

    VADER through the commandos twenty-five feet away from him. BEN looked at VADER.

    Vader: I was just on my way out and figured you needed some help.
    Ben: We’re fine; you can go along your business.
    Vader: Okay.
    Ben: Thanks.

    THE DEMON got up to it’s feet and started running off.

    Dac: Look what you did Slayer!
    Ben: Huh?
    Dac: You let the demon get away!
    Ben: Me?
    Dac: Yes you!

    BECKY looked at BEN.

    Becky: Let’s not get into anything with them…

    DAC threw his gun to the ground and RAN at BEN. BEN spun around and on his way to his return position he placed his leg in the air. BEN’S FOOT connected right into DAC’S face. RICK took his gun out and started to open fire. BEN and BECKY started running away. They DOVE behind a row of TOMBSTONES.


    DAC looked at PARA and RICK.

    Dac: Well? What are you guys waiting for? Kill them.

    The SOUND of GUNS being loaded.

    Dac: Fire!

    BULLETS started to fly towards PARA and RICK. Both of them closed their eyes. A FAST FLASH knocked PARA and RICK to the ground. The SOUND of a BULLET connecting to a person is heard. BEN MOANS in PAIN.

    BEN lies on top of RICK and holding PARA by the back of her shirt. BEN’S RIGHT SHOULDER is bleeding as a stray bullet hit him there. BEN looks up at the stars. Not showing any response whatsoever.


    Yep…you guessed it…Did you see how shiny those Guns were? Windex made them shine!


    RIVER clinches his stomach. He falls to the ground wallowing in pain. RYAN and TARA rush over to him.

    Tara: What is it?
    River: Its Ben…something’s happened to him…
    Tara: Are you sure?
    River: Yes very…I felt connected…hurry, we must find him. Something’s not right.
    Ryan: Let’s go!

    The THREE of them get up and ran out of the HOUSE.


    BEN lies looking up at the stars MOTIONLESS. PARA hovers over him, applying pressure to his hound, crying. RICK pulls out his NEXTEL. He scrolls through a few names and presses the button on the side of his phone.

    Rick: Sergeant Costello, are you there?

    A pause

    Pete: This is Costello, what’s your twenty, General?
    Rick: Charger City graveyard, I need backup immediately, I have a man down.
    Pete: Roger, sir. We’ll be there as soon as we can.

    RICK closed his phone and looked around. PARA, RICK and BEN were under heavy gun fire all around.


    DAC paced around as his troops continued to open fire.

    Troop: Sir, we’ve got them on the run or we’ve killed them because we aren’t hitting anything out there.
    Dac: Good.
    Troop: Also, sir, Control would like you to get back with them, they’ve discovered something in the lab.
    Dac: Wonderful. Soon, this town will respect us and what we stand for.
    Troop: Very soon, indeed.

    DAC hopped on his MOTORCYCLE and sped off.

    The TROOP DAC was talking too walked over to SAMANTHA who was looking through binoculars.

    Troop: Find anything Lieutenant?
    Sam: No.
    Troop: Any orders?
    Sam: Keep firing. We’ll find the rebels.

    SAM looked through her binoculars again, switching HEAT SEAK on. She LOCATED three bodies lying in the bushes. She pulled her hand gun out and waved for them to stop firing as she walked out.

    SAM cautiously walked out to the bushes. She placed her gun inside the bush.

    Sam: Get out. Place your hands on your head, and get to your knees.
    Para: We have a wounded man down here.
    Sam: Hazard of the trade. Show yourselves.

    RICK pulled BEN up and PARA helped pull him out. They did as SAM said. SAM shined her flashlight on them.

    Sam: Rick?

    A VAMPIRE attacks SAM, knocking her down.


    TARA, RYAN and RIVER reach the gates, but stop as they see FOUR CARS pull forward, releasing many troops. The TROOPS run around to the back of their CARS and get weapons.

    The TROOPS start to run in. DAN gets out of the passenger side of one of the cars.

    River: I’ve already sent Falcon in to take out who he could.
    Dan: I thought you said he was cursed.
    River: Tara and Shane performed a spell that would release his curse for a short while. He knows he’s not to hurt Rick, Para, or Ben.
    Dan: Well, The Watcher’s Council wanted nothing to do with this, but we sensed something happened to Ben.
    River: You felt it too?
    Dan: You’re connected to him because you are of the same flesh he is. We are connected to it as he is the Slayer. It’s confusing, mainly stuff we never touched up on when I took you in for training.
    River: Oh.

    RIVER and DAN walked into the GRAVEYARD. TARA followed but RYAN stopped and pulled two HAND GUNS from the back of one of the cars. RYAN turned around to TARA to only see a GUN in his face.

    JESTER POCUS stood there, holding him at gun point.

    Bounty – the quicker picker upper.

    Jester: So you’re one of the fake troops.
    Ryan: No…I’m here with Ben…the Slayer?
    Jester: He’s here now?
    Ryan: He’s been here…now please remove that gun from my head.

    JESTER put his hand down.

    Jester: I picked up a call on the scanner from Rick to his boys. It will take them a long time to get here.
    Ryan: Why is that?
    Jester: Dac has got them all locked in. He’s sealed all the Elite headquarters and is really going to capitalize on this.
    Ryan: I’m sorry, who are you?
    Jester: Jester Pocus, a former Lieutenant for The Elite. I left because my methods of demon hunting were “unorthodox.” I’ve been trying to help you guys out by taking these demons out by not being seen.
    Ryan: You’ve either been doing a great hiding job or you’re just not helping.
    Jester: It’s a mix of both, actually.
    Ryan: Look, we’ll talk when this is over.

    RYAN and JESTER walked into the graveyard.

    FALCON GLICK held SAMANTHA by the NECK, ready to bite her.

    Rick: Falcon, don’t!
    Falcon: I’m not taking orders from you tonight, sir.
    Rick: Then who are you taking –
    Dan: Hold it right there.

    DAC’S TROOPS focused onto the oncoming ARMY of WATCHERS. TARA ran over to BEN. USING her magic, she lifted the bullet from his shoulder and pressed firmly on the wound. BEN moaned, but the moan suddenly disappeared as the pain was completely gone.

    Tara: Good as new.
    Ben: What would I do without you?
    Tara: Probably die.
    Ben: That’s very true.

    RIVER stood next to DAN armed with a crossbow.

    Dan: Falcon, release her after they all leave.
    Falcon: Yes, sir.
    Dan: Okay. I want you to leave Charger City –
    Sam: We can’t do that.
    Dan: You didn’t let me finish. I want you to leave Charger City for a short while so you all can re-group.
    Rick: What? What are you doing? They outnumber us for sure.
    Dan: Rick, this is out of your control, let us handle this.

    RICK shut himself up, frustrated.

    Dan: You will regroup and attack when you are better prepared.
    Sam: Fine. [To the troops] MOVE OUT!
    Dan: Nice doing business with you, Lieutenant. Falcon, release her.

    FALCON picked her up by the throat was going to throw her out, but RICK jumped up and pulled FALCON’S arm back.

    Rick: Release her and let her walk. She is of higher class. We harm her, they harm us. Got it?
    Falcon: Sorry.

    FALCON released SAM. SAM and RICK exchanged glances. JESTER stepped forward.

    Jester: General Arnold, Lieutenant Harris, may I speak with you?
    Rick: Jess?
    Jester: Yes, I need to speak with you.

    JESTER, RICK and PARA separated to speak.

    FALCON helped BEN up.

    Falcon: Are you alright.
    Ben: I’m fine. River, are you okay?
    River: Strangely. I felt connected to you.
    Ben: How?
    River: How long ago did you get shot?
    Ben: About a half an hour, why?
    River: That’s when I felt pain.
    Ben: Are you becoming one with your senses finally?
    River: Finally?
    Ben: It’s a family thing. I’ll explain it sometime later.

    DAN walked to BEN.

    Dan: The council is here.
    Ben: I can see that.
    Dan: You aren’t quaking in fear.
    Ben: No, I’ve gotten over them. I’m wondering who called for them?
    Dan: Oh? Brad called us sometime ago. Said he could feel something brewing.
    Ben: That’s not like Brad to not talk to me about this sort of thing? Where is Brad anyway?


    BRAD sat MANDY down on the couch.

    Brad: You’ll be fine here. She’ll come to you soon. I have to go. You rest, regain your strength.
    Mandy: Will I be safe?
    Brad: Of course you will.

    BRAD started to walk away.

    Mandy: Brad?

    BRAD turned around.

    Brad: Yes?
    Mandy: Thank you. I was trapped…somewhere bad and you saved me.
    Brad: You’re welcome. Now get some rest.

    BRAD walked out.


    RICK walked in, followed by DAC.

    Rick: I don’t think you should be so hard on the Slayer. After all, he knows this so much better than us.
    Dac: Why should I take orders from a rank, arrogant amateur like him?
    Rick: In this case, Commander, we would be the rank arrogant amateur’s. He is far more experienced in this field. I say we follow him, and learn from him. He could still further our research purposes.
    Dac: What if we set someone up with him? To get him closer to him, it’s worth it, you know.
    Rick: What’s worth it?
    Dac: Giving one of our own to him as a tool.
    Rick: That’s evil.
    Dac: But you know you want the inside scoop, and without this person, we won’t have it.
    Rick: Very well.

    RICK picked up a phone and his voice came over a loudspeaker in the HEADQUARTERS.

    Rick: Would Private Para Harris please report to General Arnold’s office, immediately? Private Para Harris to General Arnold’s office on the double.

    RICK opened the door to his office. DAC followed at sat in front of the desk as RICK took his place behind the desk.

    PARA knocked on the door.

    Rick: Come in.

    PARA walked in and saluted her higher ranks.

    Para: Sir, you wanted me?
    Rick: We have a very special assignment for you…


    DAC sat in his office starring at SAMANTHA.

    Dac: So what did you learn from the dates with him?
    Sam: Not much, I didn’t even gain access to the base.
    Dac: Yes, I apologize for that.
    Sam: For what?
    Dac: For stepping in earlier than I should have. I was getting antsy.
    Sam: That’s fine sir.
    Dac: Well, if you’ll leave me, I have research to do. Keep an eye out.
    Sam: Yes, sir.

    DAC used a keycard and a HAND PRINT scanner to open a door behind his desk.

    DAC walked into a room where there was a ROBED MONK lying on a table, strapped.

    Dac: So what’s today’s catch?
    Doctor: This is a monk we caught somewhere around a museum. He was a little crazy, said he was looking for a guy named Falcon. He carries with him very powerful magic powers, in which we’ve located and are able to remove.
    Dac: Do it. Take these powers and whatever else we have to give more. I will create an army of my own demons…an army that The Elite can’t stop…and an army that The Slayer and his little pathetic band of friends can’t stop.

    DAC looked down on the monk, whom we can now tell is the monk that created FALCON, GLASS.


    Narrator: Next week on all new Slayer...

    TARA turned the lights on. TARA SCREAMED. MANDY’S BODY lies on her couch. TARA passed out.

    Tara's former love returns to her from beyond the grave.

    BEN’S eyes turned white. FLASHES occurred in his head.

    Becky: Go to her. She needs you. We’ll take care of River.

    Narrator: But when Ben has a vision, he is forced to leave Charger City and help the one who got away...

    BUFFY was thrown back a few yards by the DEMON’S super powers. The DEMON focused on DAWN. DAWN released a whimper.

    All that and more on next week's Slayer.

    11/30/2002 10:54:50 AM

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