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    Slayer - Episode 4x06 - Rainy Day
    By Ben


    BEN sits on a bench near one of the roads of the graveyard. He’s using a knife to sharpen his wooden stake.

    RIVER stands in front of a grave looking down and twiddling with his wooden stake in his fingers.

    River: Does it always take them this long?

    BEN nods his head.

    Ben: It doesn’t hurt to be at the right grave, though.
    River: What do you mean?
    Ben: Think about it.
    River: I can feel there is something under here.
    Ben: Well yeah, there is, but nothing that will rise.
    River: You know what I meant.
    Ben: So?

    RIVER turned his focus back to the grave. He knew himself he was right.

    River: So what was up with you and Para the other day?
    Ben: Oh, nothing.
    River: Generally she’s not on top of you fully clothed in the middle of the day.
    Ben: That’s none of your business…and you’d be surprised when she’s promiscuous.
    River: Oh?

    The GROUND beneath RIVER started to loosen and rumble. A VAMPIRE popped his head out from the ground BEHIND RIVER.

    RIVER turned around.

    Ben: I told you –
    River: Don’t finish.

    THE VAMPIRE pulled himself from the ground. He started charging toward RIVER. RIVER put his hand in a fist, enwrapping the wooden stake. The VAMPIRE walked right into the stake. The VAMPIRE burst into dust.

    River: They’re so stupid sometimes.
    Ben: Yep.

    RIVER walked over to BEN and put his stake in his bag. BEN got up. The TWO brothers started to walk away from the graveyard.

    Ben: You know what, why don’t you just go ahead of me?
    River: Why?
    Ben: I need to visit with Ice real quick. Alone.
    River: Okay. See ya at home.
    Ben: Okay, bye bud.

    RIVER walked out of the GRAVEYARD

    BEN found himself at ICE’S Grave. He sat down.

    Ben: I know you’re not really there, and that you’re in some other dimension. I just wish I could get a chance to talk to you again, because that brief half hour didn’t cut it with me. I miss you, and Becky, and Dan. Things are going great though and I asked Para to marry me, and she said yes, and I’m just very confused.





    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases and hits a VAMPIRE and they explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by two of his friends. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [Aussie Embryo] Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [And Carna as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    Windex...Make it Shine!


    PARA sat at the DINING ROOM TABLE. RIVER sat across from her doing his homework.

    [Special Guest Star Brad as Bradley Giles]

    Para: Where is Ben?
    River: Same place I just told you.
    Para: Yeah, but it doesn’t take an hour to get at peace with someone.
    River: I say we don’t worry about it. He is the Slayer…and a big boy.

    PARA laughed.

    [Guest Starring Samfan as Samantha/Sam]

    River: What?
    Para: You’re so much like him it’s uncanny.
    River: Only he’s not as cute as me.
    Para: That’s debatable.

    RIVER slammed his book shut.

    [Beck_why as Becky]

    Para: I’m guessing you’re either so excited that the homework is done or you’ve given up.
    River: It’s done.
    Para: I remember High School.
    River: Typically people do remember High School. I hear it’s forgetting it is the trick.

    [Icebreaker as Ice]

    PARA laughed.
    River: Seriously though…you remember high school? With Ben?
    Para: No, I didn’t go to Dansville.
    River: Where did you go?
    Para: I went to Sienna Heights High School in Sienna Heights.
    River: Oh. Why did you move to Dansville?

    [Mr. Goodbytes as Mr. Layne Hunt]

    Para: The Elite. We saw so much supernatural stuff on the radar we had to come.
    River: Oh, not to sound uninterested but I have a few tests tomorrow so I need my rest.
    Para: Okay. Good night sweetie.

    [PunkNerd as Joey]

    RIVER walked over to PARA and kissed her on the cheek.

    Para: What was that for?
    River: Well, I figure I’ve lost my mom and I don’t feel comfortable giving Ben kisses, so you can settle for the ‘son to mother kisses.’

    [And Kristine Sutherland as Joan Summers]

    PARA laughed.

    Para: Well thank you.
    River: Goodnight.

    RIVER walked upstairs and went into his bedroom, stripping himself to just his boxers. He crawled into his bed and pulled the covers up and closed his eyes.

    ["Rainy Day" written and directed by Ben Smythe]

    PARA walked from the DINING ROOM to the LIVING ROOM.

    SHE looked out the window starring for BEN.

    [Produced by Administration Moderated Productions]


    RICK ARNOLD sat at a TABLE FOR 2 with SAM.

    [Executive Producer Rick Arnold]

    Rick: …So I told him, ‘Do you want a detention?’ and he just got lippier with me. These kids need to learn discipline. Maybe I should have them meet my friend Ben…
    Sam: Now have I met Ben?
    Rick: Not yet, but you will. He is one of my best friends. He’s such a good guy.
    Sam: Why is that?
    Rick: He was orphaned, then raised by his Watcher, and then found out…uh,
    Sam: Watcher? What’s a Watcher?
    Rick: Guardian, you know, someone who is like your parents but aren’t.
    Sam: Oh, go on.
    Rick: Anyway, he goes on to find a girl, Para, whom you’ve met, and then takes care of his younger brother after his mother, whom he just got reacquainted with, died of cancer.
    Sam: Oh my God. He’s persevered through a lot.
    Rick: Yeah, I look up to him.
    Sam: Role models are very important. I still have mine.
    Rick: Who are they?

    SAM blushes.

    Sam: I can’t say.
    Rick: Why?
    Sam: It will sound really cheesy.
    Rick: No, trust me.
    Sam: She-Ra.

    RICK looked at her.

    Rick: As in He-Man’s twin sister?
    Sam: Yes. I told you it was bad.
    Rick: No, that’s very admirable.
    Sam: Here we go with the comfort. I know She-Ra was a cartoon for girls, but when I watched it, I thought, ‘My God, I wish I could have power like that.’ I’ve even dabbled into the black arts, or Magic. I put a spell on me that seems to be permanent.
    Rick: What was the spell?
    Sam: To have super strength.
    Rick: I should definitely introduce you to Ben.


    RYAN and TARA lay in bed together starring at the ceiling.

    Ryan: Where do you think Ben is?
    Tara: Why are we wondering where Ben is?
    Ryan: I just sometimes wonder if he’s out patrolling or doing something.
    Tara: Are you trying to stalk him?
    Ryan: No. You don’t ever wonder where people are?
    Tara: Yeah.
    Ryan: Who?
    Tara: Mandy…and you. But mainly Mandy.
    Ryan: You miss her a lot don’t you?
    Tara: You have no idea. I wish I could have her come back, but I don’t know how I would explain any of this to her. I don’t know if she’d understand and hate me, or what.
    Ryan: Do you ever wonder where she is?
    Tara: Sort of. I know she’s in Heaven, but where at, I don’t know…

    TARA cuddles closer to RYAN

    Tara: I love her, but I love this too.

    SHE rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. RYAN started to rub her hair.


    THE SKY was ORANGE, and the tree lines were BROWN.

    BEN fell from the SKY and landed in a LAKE. HE plunged to the bottom of the lake where he landed on top of a huge water snake (‘Anaconda’ size). BEN pushed himself off the snake and got to the surface, he gasped for air, but was taken back down by the SNAKE.

    THE SNAKE had BEN’S LEG caught in its mouth. The SNAKE pushed itself to the surface, dangling BEN. The SNAKE held his position.

    BEN yelled in pain.

    Voice: Hold on!

    The SNAKE turned his attention to the voice. The MAN was standing on the edge of the water. He PLACED his HANDS UNDERWATER and a white light submitted from his hands. The LAKE started to turn to ICE. ICE formed around the snake, locking him in place, with BEN still dangling.

    A GIRL from a HILL looked on with her binoculars. SHE turned and looked at the TRIBESMEN next to her. She apparently was some sort of higher rank as she wore regular everyday clothes and they wore loin cloths. The TRIBE pushed off from the hill SLIDING down on BIG LEAVES. The TRIBE appeared on the ICE and started shooting ARROWS and throwing KNIFES at the HEAD of the SNAKE.

    The SNAKE weakened his grasp on BEN. BEN started to fall. The GIRL snapped her fingers and appeared underneath BEN. SHE CAUGHT HIM.

    The GIRL ran off to the SIDE where the other MAN was. The OTHER MAN was wearing JEANS and a t-shirt. The GIRL wore a black pair of leather pants and a red tank top.

    The girl laid BEN down on the ground.

    Girl: That Venom could be in his system…we have to hurry.
    Man: Already on it.

    BEN looked up. The figures around him were fuzzy, but he could tell who they were.

    Ben: Becky?

    BEN passed out.


    BECKY looked at BEN.

    Becky: Ice, hurry up…freeze him so I can get the venom out.
    Ice: Alright, just chill.
    Becky: Now is not a good time for puns…
    Ice: I wasn’t aiming for one.

    ICE placed his hands on BEN, freezing his body. His FLESH turned a light blue tint. BECKY took BEN’S shoe and sock off his right foot. She took her fingernail across the SOLE of BEN’S foot and blood started to flow, but a green gooey substance followed. BECKY opened BEN’S mouth. SHE put her lips on his and blew into him, forcing more of the ooze out. The breath also started to warm BEN back up. He was slowly coming too.

    BEN started to cough as he faintly said,

    Ben: Becky?

    BECKY grabbed his hand.

    Becky: Yes, I’m here.


    RIVER walked downstairs and placed his shoulder bag by the door. He walked into the kitchen where he saw PARA drinking coffee.

    River: He didn’t show up last night did he?
    Para: Not that I saw. I’ve been up all night.

    PARA yawned.

    River: You should get some sleep.
    Para: I will…after I get you to school.
    River: No, I can get there by myself, you sleep.
    Para: You’re sure?
    River: Yes…a sixteen year old can walk to school by his self.
    Para: Okay. Good luck on the tests.
    River: Thank you.

    PARA walked into the LIVING ROOM and collapsed onto the couch.


    RICK ARNOLD opened the doors to the library and walked in excited, holding a piece of a paper.

    Rick: Brad? Brad, I’ve got the best news!

    BRAD stepped out of his office.

    Brad: What is it?
    Rick: Your spell you were looking for.

    BRAD looked at the paper.

    Brad: This is what I was looking for.
    Rick: It’s a restoration spell…what are you restoring?
    Brad: For as long as I can remember, Tara has always helped Dan and Ben and I feel my place as Watcher to satisfy her, just as much as Ben.
    Rick: What are you going to do?
    Brad: Bring the one thing that she loved back…

    RICK looked on in awe.


    BEN woke up on a couch. He looked around. His surroundings were different. Was it a dream? Was he still dreaming?

    BEN walked to the door.

    BECKY opened the door.

    Becky: Oh! I didn’t think you’d be up yet. You’re sleeping patterns have changed.
    Ben: Becky, what’s going on?
    Becky: You’re in the spirit world.
    Ben: But I haven’t died.
    Becky: No, you haven’t. Neither did Ice. This is an alternate dimension for Demons who need to train and harness their powers.
    Ben: So what am I doing here?
    Becky: You’re a Vampire Slayer now aren’t you?
    Ben: I think.
    Becky: Well, we’ll test your skills out.

    ICE walked in.

    Ice: Hey bro.
    Ben: Ice?
    Ice: Yeah.
    Ben: Is this real?
    Becky: Unfortunately it is. And a bad side effect is your split personality.
    Ben: Huh?
    Becky: When you teleport into this realm, your alternate being is sent back to your original point of origin to fill in for you.
    Ice: Only thing is, they don’t know what’s been going on, what’s right from wrong, and the difference between good and bad.
    Ben: So there is a ‘Rogue Ben’ running around?
    Ice: Yeah, no more different from the good old fashioned ‘Ben Bot.’

    BEN chuckles.

    Ben: Yeah.


    RIVER sat at his desk, circling in answers on his SCANTRON. The BELL RANG and classes were dismissed.

    Mr. Hunt: Put the Scan-Trons in the left bin and the tests in the right bin.

    RIVER walked up and put the TEST and SCANTRON away. HE walked out of the classroom to his locker, where JOEY stood waiting for him.

    River: What do you want Joe?
    Joey: Oh, nothing…just wanting to see if you’re up to ‘stake’ on things.
    River: What?
    Joey: ‘Wood’ent want to let anyone know about my nightlife.
    River: Oh. So you know?
    Joey: Oh yeah.
    River: Is your mom still okay with it?
    Joey: Yeah.

    JOEY stopped and thought.

    Joey: No. What are you talking about?
    River: You didn’t know?
    Joey: Know what?
    River: Neither did I.
    Joey: Huh? What are you talking about, Summers?
    River: I don’t know.
    Joey: I was talking about how you killed those big things with wooden stakes.
    River: Vampires?
    Joey: Yeah! See you admit to it. EVERYONE!! RIVER KILLS VAMPIRES!
    River: I never said that I killed vampires.
    Joey: Yes you did. You named them.
    River: I’m into that stuff yes, but I don’t kill vampires. Vampires aren’t real.
    Joey: Yes they are.

    People huddling around laughed at JOEY. RIVER slammed his locker and walked off.

    RIVER stopped and walked back. HE pulled a small CROSS out of his bag. He threw it at JOEY.

    River: Incase you see any Vampires tonight, let them know about God.

    The group started laughing at JOEY.

    Joey: I…HATE…THAT…KID…!


    BECKY was talking to BEN

    Becky: Ben, I feel you were summoned here by the Powers That Be.
    Ben: The whata-what-we?
    Becky: The Powers That Be. They are the source of all knowing in the universes and galaxies. They choose the Slayers.
    Ben: Oh, I can’t wait to talk to them.
    Becky: You can’t.
    Ben: Why?
    Becky: A human can’t endure their physical presence.
    Ben: But I’m the Slayer.
    Becky: So?
    Ben: Never mind.
    Becky: I think they called you here for the Vampire Legion that’s taking over this village we’re protecting.
    Ben: Wow.
    Ice: So are you going to help us overthrow them?
    Ben: Will I get to go back home?
    Ice: You’ll have to talk to our leader.
    Ben: Who is in charge?

    A FEMALE voice over throws the room as the WOMAN walks in the room.

    Voice: I am.

    BEN turned around, devastated.

    He glazed up from the black dress pants to the white blouse, and the long curly hair…he was staring at his MOTHER…

    Ben: Mommy?

    TEARS started to form in BEN’S EYES.


    Narrator: Next week on an all new Slayer...See the episode that launched it all.

    Becky looks up. She sees mistletoe.

    Becky: Heh. Look up, baby.

    Ben looked up. Then he looked at his wife. The two kissed passionately. In the background a man in a black leather trench coat can be seen running through the crowds of people. Pushing people over, scattering gifts galore.

    Ben looks off to his right with his eye. Reaching his hand down into his coat pocket he grabbed a wooden stake. He flung it at the on coming flooder. Becky used her magic to guide it.

    The stake flew into the flooder’s chest. POOF! He turned into dust.

    Ben and Becky still kissing.

    Narrator: Going back to a year ago Christmas, re-meet your favorite characters...

    Ben answered the door. DAN stood there.

    Anya and Ice sit at the kitchen table.

    Narrator: And some you don't remember...

    Ben: Oh hi Bob.


    Relive the 'Magic' from the Powers That Be! Only on the DPFF Fridays!

    11/8/2002 1:40:38 PM
    (Updated: 11/8/2002 1:47:39 PM)

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