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    Slayer - Episode 4x03 - Halloween pt. 1
    By Ben

    CHARGER CITY – 1802

    The beautiful CHARGER CITY is only lit with STREET LAMPS with FLICKERING FLAMES. The PAVED ROAD glistened from the dew.


    A YOUNG WHITE GIRL wearing ripped clothes RUNS. Every few paces she turns and looks behind her, only running faster.

    A MAN with a LONG BLACK CAPE follows after her, at a fast stalking pace.

    The GIRL runs through the end of town, reaching the woods. She stops and catches her breath to only see the MAN closer. The GIRL sees the BRIDGE ahead of her. She runs toward it.


    The GIRL stops in the middle of the bridge. She looks over the edge. She starts to climb over, but is stopped by the MAN with the CAPE. The man sinks his teeth into her neck. He pulls back, relishing in what he just preformed. The girl’s body smacks the surface of the CHARGER CITY BAY.


    The MAN walks to his front door. He looks around and lets out a huge sigh.

    Man: That’s the third one within a month. Pitty…

    The MAN stopped talking to himself as he heard footsteps hitting the fallen leaves of autumn. He turned around to see the GIRL, soaking wet, and bloody.

    Girl: Aren’t you going to invite me in?

    The MAN starred at her. He nodded his head, but as he did, he pulled a wooden stake from his belt and flung it into the girl’s chest. The girl turned into dust.

    ANOTHER GIRL leapt from the side bush and attacked the man. She drove a wooden stake into his heart…but he didn’t turn to dust. The GIRL looked around…shocked. She pulled a knife from her waist and slit it across her throat.


    Mr. Hunt: The luxurious Gable Mansion was the home of Ralph Gable, a psychologist that dabbled in medicine. Many people would visit the Mansion for regular check ups and such, but when the night fell, not many people were around. Legend has it that Ralph Gable did very creepy things in the evening.

    MR. HUNT turned and FACED his STUDENTS. A few girls released an “Eww,” sound. RIVER SUMMERS looked on, intrigued and wanted to hear more. STEVE and MARTY hung back with RIVER.

    Mr. Hunt: River, you’re into this occult stuff…what do you think Mr. Gable did or was.
    River: Huh? Me?
    Mr. Hunt: Well, if you don’t want to, it’s okay. I love this time of year – Ghosts, Goblins, Witches with warts…
    River: Mr. Hunt, witches do not have warts on their nose. Some of them are quite beautiful…
    Mr. Hunt: Is that so?
    River: I believe Mr. Gable was a vampire.
    Mr. Hunt: Why do you think that?
    River: Well he preyed on young female victims, or so I hear, and he went out at night.
    Mr. Hunt: That is what I thought you would say. I consider him a cannibal.

    RIVER walked towards his teacher. He looked at a placque in the yard.

    River: No, look, this even says “Although many girls that were found dead were linked to Ralph Gable, the oddest thing about their bodies was that the blood was drained.” Cannibals eat flesh and blood…not just suck it. Thus, he’s a vampire.

    Joey: And we all know how to take care of vampires right? Just wish them away…or maybe WAKE UP! Oh, I got it…maybe get a LIFE!

    JOEY’S friends gave him a high-five. RIVER glared at him. He so badly wanted to ram a stake through him, but he thought about the explination to his brother… “Seriously Ben, I thought he was a vampire…he was under a blanket and I just pushed it into him, but he wasn’t…my bad.”

    STEPHANIE walked to JOEY.

    Stephanie: Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't
    have much.

    JOEY looked at her.

    Joey: I’m sorry baby…I don’t even know why you stick up for this new looser.
    Stephanie: Maybe because he doesn’t treat people like crap. Maybe because he saved my…

    RIVER shook his head.

    Joey: Saved your what?
    Stephanie: …my dog from traffic.

    MR. HUNT coughed loudly to regain control.

    Mr. Hunt: Let’s continue on, shall we?

    The CLASS moved towards the front steps.

    MR. HUNT stood on the front porch entrance.

    Mr. Hunt: They say this is where he was murdered by some girl carrying a knife…which was never found.

    JOEY walked back towards RIVER, SHANE and MARTY.

    Marty: Here comes the cool one.
    Shane: Yeah, he looks hell-bent on something…
    River: Maybe he just needs to get bent.

    MARTY and SHANE chuckled at RIVER’S COMMENT.

    Joey: So you’re into all this shit?
    River: No, if I were into shit, I’d be a poopologist.
    Joey: You know what I meant.
    River: Of course I did.
    Joey: You think you’re so smart and cool, but have you noticed, when it comes to popularity, your on the short end of the stick?
    River: I don’t care.
    Joey: You don’t care?
    River: Is there an echo?

    JOEY went to punch RIVER, but RIVER grabbed his fist in his hand and held him back.

    River: I wouldn’t try and start anything with me, if I were you.

    RIVER pushed him to the ground, one-handed.

    JOEY’S LEG hit something on the way down. He released a huge WAILING SHRIEK.

    MR. HUNT looked up shocked. He dashed to where JOEY and RIVER were.

    Mr. Hunt: All right. What’s going on back here?
    Joey: That jerk pushed me down…
    Mr. Hunt: River? No offenses, but he’s puiny…nice try Joey.

    RIVER noticed JOEY’S LEG. There was blood.

    RIVER got close to his leg.

    River: Hold on.

    RIVER pulled out a KNIFE from JOEY’S LEG.

    JOEY looked at the knife, and fainted.

    Mr. Hunt: River! You’ve found the knife! Do you know what this means?
    River: I have something I can cut my sandwich with?

    The CLASS laughed.

    Mr. Hunt: We can trace the murder back!
    River: Not with Joey’s blood…way to go Joe…ruined the fun for everyone.

    RIVER looked at JOEY’S Body. He shook him.

    River: Joey? Joey? Wake-up.

    JOEY didn’t respond.



    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases and hits a VAMPIRE and they explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by two of his friends. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [And Carna as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    The DIMENSION FILMS logo appears, then fades out.

    A mod (cop), Aragorn, is looking through some rubble
    when a werewolf suddenly bursts out of the rubble
    beside him and bites his arm.


    A quick series of flashes of scenes from this CRIMSON MOON is now seen- A flashlight beam falling on the face of a werewolf. A werewolf in a jail cell, swinging a body back and forth against the wall and the bars.
    A mod firing two pistols. Another mod flying
    backwards through an interrogation room's window/mirror.
    Blood spraying all over a paramedic. A dead mod being pulled up through a hole in the ceiling.

    Cut to- A scene in a hallway. A Mod is standing in
    the hall, staring up at a hole in the ceiling, his
    two pistols pointed at the ceiling. The scene is
    completely silent.

    The silence is broken when a ceiling tile falls to
    the floor at a point where the hall turns.

    The Mod looks down the hall.

    There's a few more seconds of silence, then another
    tile falls to the floor a couple feet from the last
    one. Another tile falls a few feet down from the last,
    then another a few more feet. This continues to
    happen all the way down the hallway, coming closer
    and closer to the mod.

    Cut to black, The title appears:

    CRIMSON MOON 2: The New Howl




    BEN, RICK and RYAN walk in carrying their duffle bags.

    [Special Guest Star Brad as Bradley Giles]

    Rick: This is going to be great…a day with the guys.
    Ryan: Rick, you say that any time we go out…
    Rick: Yes, I know, but I’m glad you guys won’t turn on me and become Vampires and just try and kill me.
    Ben: Man…you are still on Vanessa?
    Rick: I was in love with her.
    Ben: And I was in love with Becky…what’s your point?

    [Guest Starring PunkNerd as Joey]

    The three of them walked to an empty SPARRING RING.

    Rick: Well how did you forget about Becky?
    Ben: You don’t forget about her, you just let her go.

    RYAN pressed play on the CD player in the bottom corner.

    Ryan: Ben, go first.

    [Mr.Goodbytes as Mr. Hunt]

    BEN hopped around RICK. RICK paced himself.

    BEN started to throw punches at RICK.

    Rick: But what if that’s not enough?
    Ben: What are you talking about?
    Rick: Like putting her in my heart isn’t good enough.
    Ben: Dude…just let it go.

    RICK jabbed BEN in the stomach.

    [Aragorn as Shane]

    BEN flipped over RICK and held him in a full nelson.

    Rick: When were we doing stuff from wrestling?
    Ben: Since you never can shut up about this chick…you’ll find someone else.
    Rick: But I’ll never be happy. Not like you and Para.
    Ben: Para and I are happy, that’s true…but we fight.
    Rick: I want to fight.
    Ben: Ryan…I’m tagging you.

    [JP Junkee as Marty]

    RYAN comes towards BEN, but punches RICK in the face twice as BEN is holding him.

    BEN walks away and RYAN and RICK start sparring.

    Ryan: And just like Tara and me…

    RICK backed off.

    [Amber as Tammy]

    Rick: Tara’s gay.

    RYAN swung his body around and got his foot to connect with RICK’S HEAD.

    RICK fell.

    [Jerm as Gable]

    Ryan: Well that may be true, but I’m all for it if she wants to show me sometime…

    RYAN’S FACE was met BEN’S hand.

    Ben: That’s my friend, thank you.
    Ryan: I’m just saying…

    [And Labyrinth as Falcon Glick]

    A GIRL walked by. RICK got to his feet. BEN and RYAN are still sparring. RICK is in awe. The GIRL winks at RICK. RICK is off in “La-La Land.”

    BEN kicks RICK right in the face.
    The GIRL walks away.

    [Halloween Parts 1 and 2 wrote and directed by Ben Smythe]

    Ben: Oh! Rick! Sorry! Didn’t realize you were back up yet.


    [Produced by Rick Arnold and Aragorn]

    JOEY’S body remained still. SHANE used his lightning power to shock JOEY. JOEY jolted up.

    Shane: He’s okay!

    RIVER pulled him up.

    Mr. Hunt: River, take him to the bus.

    MARTY examined the knife.

    Marty: This is ancient…but it hasn’t seen like any rust or anything. The KNIFE started to vibrate.

    RIVER sat JOEY in the back of the bus and laid him down. RIVER pulled a small knife from his pocket.

    Joey: Haven’t you hurt me enough?
    River: I’m not going to hurt you…that’s really odd that a knife just appears.

    RIVER shoved the knife into jeans, around the cut area. He pulled the cut part off and examined the wound. The wound had some white foam and a small green vein was exposed.

    River: Oh geeze!
    Joey: Is it bad?


    BRADLEY GILES dusts a few books. PARA and TARA organize opposite sections.

    MAJESTIC walked through the doors.

    Brad: Majestic? What are you doing here?
    Majestic: I just came back from Dansville. Got a few of your things from the Magic Box.
    Brad: Oh? That’s wonderful.
    Majestic: I also needed to talk to Ben…is he around?

    PARA walked over and got very defensive.

    Para: He’s sparring.
    Majestic: Where?
    Para: Some gym. Why do you want to know?
    Majestic: I need to talk to him.
    Para: About what?
    Majestic: Is this a quiz? I need to apologize to him for stuff.
    Para: Oh, this didn’t seem like a good idea a few months ago?
    Majestic: I fought along side you.
    Brad: Para, you could go help Tara.
    Para: Fine, Giles.
    Brad: I don’t know where Ben is at, but his brother is out on a field trip.
    Majestic: I do need to talk to him too.
    Brad: River’s field trip is at Gable Mansion.
    Majestic: The Gable Mansion? The one where Ralph Gable was murdered?
    Brad: Something wrong?

    MAJESTIC glared at Brad.

    Majestic: I know you just moved here and maybe you weren’t too concerned with things at Dansville, but while I was in my training and studying, I read about a slayer who though this Ralph Gable was a vampire and tried to stake him.

    BRAD’S JAW dropped.

    Brad: Oh my God! The class is in danger.
    Tara: Must be Friday…



    SHANE and MARTY looked at RIVER.

    River: Thunder…Lightning…Eerie knife found at eerie mansion…yup…it’s Friday.
    Shane: What are we going to do?
    River: Hopefully we won’t have to do anything.
    Mr. Hunt: Okay guys, we’re going to cut the tour short. Everyone back on the bus.

    The CLASS started to walk to the BUS. SHANE and MARTY walked towards RIVER.

    Shane: So what was it?
    River: That knife…where is it?
    Marty: Mr. Hunt has it. Why?
    River: That puncture in Joey’s leg…it’s weird. There is blood, but white foam and puss and a green vein.
    Marty: Ew.
    River: Yeah…
    Shane: So what does it all mean?
    River: I think that knife is some sort of talisman or something.
    Shane: Talisman for what?

    SHANE, RIVER AND MARTY were knocked to the ground. ROOTS from the ground rose up and tied them together. The ROOTS rose high enough and suspended the boys by their feet.

    Mr. Hunt: Oh my goodness!
    Kid: There is some creepy ass shit that happens in this town!
    Mr. Hunt: There is no need for that language.

    MR. HUNT gets off the bus and walks towards the three boys, hanging by their feet.

    River: Mr. Hunt! Get the knife!
    Mr. Hunt: Why do you need it?
    River: It’s what’s behind this.

    The MAN with the BLACK CAPE appears.

    Ralph Gable: Welcome to my house…


    Shot of the two moons...

    From the author that brought you The Scarlet Spider...

    Shot of a 14 year old boy being chase by a scopion type Zoid.

    A boy will discover a secret...

    Shot of a blond girl naked lying in a pool of liquid.

    Shot of a silver small tyrannosaurus type Zoid.
    Zoids: Chaotic Century

    Coming soon.

    (c) A Spider-Man fanfic. Zoids is a TM and (C)Tomy.

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    PARA and TARA are pulling books left and right and start reading them.

    Tara: Isn’t this going against what we just did?
    Para: Yeah, we’ll make Brad clean it up.
    Tara: No…he’ll find someway to make us do it. Just watch.
    Para: That’s true.
    Tara: Where is Ben?

    PARA pulled out her NEXTEL.

    She found Ben’s name and pressed the two-way button.

    Para: Ben?


    BEN’S PHONE beeps and then Para’s voice comes over.

    BEN gets out of the shower and wraps his towel around his waist. He picked up his phone.

    Ben: Go ahead.
    Para: Majestic has been looking for you…something has gone wrong on River’s field trip.
    Ben: Must be Friday.
    Para: We don’t know the full story, but we’re researching it right now.
    Ben: Okay…he went to that Gable Manor or whatever right?
    Para: Gable Mansion…it’s on the edge of town.
    Ben: Gotcha. We’ll be there in like 10 minutes.

    BEN put his phone down and started to dry off. From his shower, Rick asked,

    Rick: River?
    Ben: Yeah…Gable Mansion…see you guys there.

    BEN slid his boxer shorts up. He looked at his feet and then saw his socks on the bench next to his jeans. He threw his jeans on, and quickly placed the socks on his feet. He then got his shoes on and started to leave with his duffle bag in hand. He reached for his shirt and threw it on sloppily over his body.

    RICK and RYAN stepped out of their showers.

    Ryan: Where did he go?
    Rick: He’s probably halfway there now.


    RALPH GABLE looked at the four men hanging by roots in his yard.

    Gable: I wasn’t a bad guy…I really wasn’t. I was just trying to make my living in the world. Vampires have to get food too. And so I broke the tradition, I went out on Halloween, our night in, but I was really hungry.

    SHANE and MARTY have now passed out from the blood rush. RIVER is dazing out. MR. HUNT is out cold, apparently from a punch to the face, as he has a black eye.

    RALPH GABLE walked in front of RIVER.

    Gable: The world was unfair to me…so I will be unfair to the world.

    RALPH GABLE flew backwards as a BLACK BALL OF ENERGY hit him.

    The BLACK BALL of ENERGY hovered around RIVER. The ball sliced through the roots holding RIVER up. RIVER fell on to his back and slowly got to his feet, shaking his head.

    The BLACK BALL formed a being.

    Voice: Listen kid, you can take him.

    FALCON GLICK appeared as the being.

    Falcon: You took out that schmuck I summoned in Dansville, what’s stopping you from a vampire?
    River: Incase you didn’t notice, I experience a little bit of a blood rush. Why don’t you be useful and cut them down.

    The SCHOOL BUS watched in AWE as RIVER walked towards GABLE.

    GABLE leapt to his feet and punched RIVER down. GABLE then spin-kicked FALCON into the BUS knocking it on it’s side.

    GABLE picked up the KNIFE. He held RIVER by his neck, holding the blade near his throat.

    GABLE backed up into his house with RIVER. The DOORS slammed shut.

    The ROOTS swung back and forth and then launched SHANE, MARTY, and MR. HUNT into the mansion through window. The window was shattered, but it re-animated itself and sealed.

    MAJESTIC and BRAD got to the BUS. They pulled FALCON off. His body indented the side of the BUS.

    Brad: Majestic, we need to get this bus back over.
    Majestic: Easier said than done…

    MAJESTIC walked to the other side of the BUS and lifted it back up.

    BRAD kicked the door of the BUS open but saw no one inside.

    BRAD got off the BUS. He looked at MAJESTIC.

    Brad: Where are they?

    Ben: In the Mansion…

    BEN appeared being followed by PARA and TARA. TARA had a book in her hands.

    Tara: According to this, Ralph Gable’s ultimate goal was to make an army of vampire children.
    Ben: And he’s going to succeed if we don’t stop him.
    Falcon: Getting into the house is going to be impossible.
    Ben: Not impossible…
    Majestic: Ben and I can use our powers to bust down the doors.
    Brad: You saw what the windows did; it would do us no good.

    RICK’S SUV pulls up.

    RICK and RYAN get out.

    Ben: Rick probably has enough firepower to get the door down permanently.
    Tara: I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re not understanding this…It’s magic. The house is surrounded by it.
    Ben: Then why don’t we try something with magic? You’re the witch here…Abracadabra the damn door down.
    Para: Ben, this isn’t like you.
    Ben: My little brother is in there…he needs my help.
    Ryan: Perhaps you underestimate him. Since you’ve been training him, he’s actually developed a lot like you.
    Ben: I don’t care…I want him out of there.



    10/18/2002 2:25:00 PM
    (Updated: 10/18/2002 2:26:08 PM)
    (Updated: 10/18/2002 2:26:37 PM)

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