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    While Ariana Richards (Lex) will not run from dinos again in Jurassic Park 3, she will run from worms again in 'Tremors 3', to be shown on TV in 2001. (From: 'Utahraptor')
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    Slayer - Episode 4x001 - Slay Ride - Reduex
    By Ben


    The snow fell lightly on the downtown area, where local merchants were having an absurd sidewalk sale for Christmas. Oddly enough, many citizens were out purchasing last minute Christmas gifts. Among them, was a young man and a young woman, whom were holding each others hands?

    BEN SUMMERS picked up a sword handle and examined it.

    Becky: Oh! You could attach a wooden stake to this and River would have one just like yours.
    Ben: How much are you asking for it, sir?
    Vendor: $132.85

    BEN and BECKY looked at the man, SHOCKED.

    Vendor: But for the man who saved Dansville countless times, it’s free.

    BECKY smiled.

    Becky: Cool beans!

    BEN looked a little disappointed.

    Becky: What’s wrong honey?
    Ben: I hate being known as the one who saves this place and getting all this crap free. I just want to actually BUY my son something.

    They stop and face each other face to face.

    Becky: Don’t worry about it. He’ll understand. He is your son after all. He’s just like you.
    Ben: That’s what I’m afraid of.

    BECKY looked up. She saw mistletoe.

    Becky: Look up, baby.

    BEN looked up. Then he looked at his wife. The two began to kiss passionately.

    ON the other SIDE of the DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK SALE – a man wearing all BLACK ran in between people, pushing them down and scattering gifts and tables galore.

    BEN looked off to his right with his eye. Reaching his hand down into his coat pocket he grabbed a wooden stake. He flung it at the on coming flooder. BECKY used her magic to guide the STAKE.

    BEN and BECKY were still kissing under the MISTLETOE.



    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA walking down a hallway.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explodes into dust. BEN is in the middle of TWO VAMPIRES. He thrusts his arms out and TWO WOODEN STAKES fly from his sleeve and expose themselves, he rams the stakes into the VAMPIRES. They turn to dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    BRAD throws an AXE in a GRAVEYARD, missing the VAMPIRE, but sending it the other direction.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHT CLUB. PARA and BECKY roll on the ground, PULLING each other’s hair. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.


    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.


    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    SETH REX starts throwing SHOES from the shoe store at BEN inside CHARGER CITY MALL.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. RICK thrusts his ARM out at an oncoming VAMPIRE. The VAMPIRE turns to dust as a WOODEN STAKE goes back into RICK’S sleeve. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [And Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a VAMPIRE into a BONFIRE.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    Dan's got DSF members patrolling the boards to make sure the mysterious purger does not strike again... But Dan himself is gone too.

    Agent Khan: He's off to see that Ruddy Harry Potter! Your mission is to investigate the mansion of a certain Dark Hunter fellow. He is a crook, but very powerful, try to avoid confrontation.
    But do not try negotiations either. Stay out of his way and see if you can find any proof leading to this "Disturber of the Boards"

    Shows AgEnt Compy jumping off of a banister that is 5 stories up.

    All this on the next
    AgEnt Compy___

    ONLY on the DPFF Tuesdays! (An Administration Moderated Productions!)


    RIVER sits on the couch in the living room watching whatever was on TV, which was “Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown.”

    [Guest starring Beck-Why as Becky]

    BECKY and BEN are in the kitchen making final preparations for the party that was about to begin.

    Ben: I just don’t understand why we’re having it this year.
    Becky: Well, uh, we decided it when you, uh, well weren’t among the living.
    Ben: Oh.
    Becky: Yeah. Sorry.
    Ben: I sometimes forget that I was killed in that battle but was revived.

    [Icebreaker as Ice]

    BECKY just looked at him.

    Ben: I’m sorry. I’ll stop talking about it.

    A KNOCK on the door.

    Ben: I’ll go get it.

    [JurassicChic31 as Anya]

    BEN walked to the front foyer of his house, to see that RIVER answered the door.

    River: Dan!! Dan’s here! Did you bring me anything special back?
    Dan: Why don’t you head back to Charlie Brown…it’s not present time yet.
    River: Oh fudge!

    [Dan Finkelstein as Dan]

    RIVER walked hastily out of the FOYER to the LIVING ROOM. He looked out the WINDOW. He saw SNOW starting to fall.

    BEN and DAN looked at each other.

    [Episode written by beno_yo]

    Dan: Good news, I think.
    Ben: From you? That’s a laugh.
    Dan: You’ve been declared as the Active Slayer.
    Ben: Oh. Well if that’s the good news I guess I’m looking forward to the bad news.
    Dan: Oh, there is no bad news. Just better news.

    [Re-written and edited by Ben]

    DAN pulled out a BAG from behind him.

    Dan: Gifts for my favorite Slayer and his family
    Ben: Great! More freebies!

    BECKY walked out from the KITCHEN.

    [Produced by Vader]

    Becky: Ben, stop it.
    Ben: Sorry.

    BECKY hugged DAN.

    Becky: Welcome back home.
    Dan: It’s good to be back.

    DAN hands BEN and BECKY their boxes.

    BEN and BECKY look at the boxes, not very well wrapped.

    Dan: Well?
    Ben and Becky: Well what?
    Dan: Open them!
    Ben: Oh…of course.

    BEN and BECKY tore through the paper and opened the boxes.

    BEN got a look of surprise on his face.

    Ben: Oh Dan!

    BEN pulled out a pair of ZEBRA-PRINT UNDERWEAR with a MATCHING BRA.

    Ben: It’s so frilly and lacey!

    BECKY pulled out a book that read “VAMPYR.”

    Becky: I’m going to go out on a limb and say we should switch our gifts.
    Dan: Yeah, that’d be it.
    Ben: No! I like the underwear…it’s Zebra-Print.

    BEN looked at the underwear mesmerized.

    BEN handed BECKY the underwear and BEN took the book. BEN scratched his head thinking to himself why DAN was buying his wife underwear.

    The PHONE rang.

    Ben: I’ll get it.

    BEN ran to the phone and picked it up.

    Ben: Hello?
    Ice: Ben! Hey man, what’s going on?
    Ben: Not a stitch of things, yourself?
    Ice: Anya and I are getting anxious, mind if we come over now?
    Ben: Sure, come on out.
    Ice: Okay. See you later man.
    Ben: All right.

    BEN hung the phone up.


    ICE was rushing around his KITCHEN finishing the cookies.

    Ice: Anya, hurry up! You said you were ready and no you’re not!
    Anya: You always rush me and then I don’t know what to do!
    Ice: This man got me to where I am today; I want to make a good impression on him.
    Anya: Like Dan does his wife?
    Ice: Huh?
    Anya: Oh Nothing.
    Ice: Anya….
    Anya: Nothing. Honestly. Becky and I were just merely gossiping the other day. I guess Ben’s not ‘Doing it for her’ anymore.
    Ice: Hey! That is their personal business. That’s not for you to discuss. Besides. Ben probably doesn’t even remember how he came to be with Becky. His heart belonged to a sorceress before it ever did to Becky.
    Anya: Oh do tell!
    Ice: As I can recall, it was a few years ago. She saved his life through her magic and he fell in love with her. Para. She was gorgeous.
    Anya: More gorgeous than me?

    ICE was tempted to say what he felt.

    Ice: No. She couldn’t compare to you. Even though you’re lovely. Are you ready?
    Anya: Yes. Let’s go.

    The TWO left their house and walked through town. A HEAD popped up from behind a bush in their front yard. The figure had a black trench coat on and had long, fine and dark hair. The figure pulled out what looked to be a blaster.

    The GIRL put her watch towards her mouth.

    Girl: Rick, come in.

    She waited.

    RICK ARNOLD’S voice came over on the wrist-watch.

    Rick: Go ahead, Lieutenant Harris.

    The CAMERA paned around to reveal PARA HARRIS standing outside of ICE’S house.

    Para: They’re en-route.
    Rick: Roger that.
    Para: Out.

    PARA walked away.


    The holidays are approaching, and are you ready for all the guests wanting something to munch on? Nabisco is proud to re-present Holiday White Fudge Oreos!! Get them now! CLICK!

    You know that window River looked out in the beginning? Guess what? Windex – made it shine!


    MANY citizens of DANSVILLE were in the TAVERN eating and drinking. Just having a good time and enjoying each other’s company.

    The DOOR swung open. VADER walked in. His long black trench coat sagged on the ground as he approached the bar. The room was silenced. His footsteps could have been heard miles away it seemed.

    Vader: I’d like a Bloody Mary.
    Dino-Snore(Bartender): We don’t serve your kind here.
    Vader: I’m human. What more do you want?
    Dino-Snore: I’m not going to tell you again. Get outta’ here.
    Vader: You refuse me a drink?
    RAPTOR HUNTER was sitting right next to the scene. He got up and grabbed VADER’S coat at the chest.

    Raptor Hunter: Get lost.
    Vader: Make me.

    RAPTOR HUNTER grinned. He paused, and threw a punch at VADER.
    VADER blocked his punch and thrust his palm into RAPTOR HUNTER’S nose.
    RAPTOR HUNTER screamed in pain as blood gushed from his nose.
    DINO-SNORE pulled a wooden baseball bat out from behind the bar. He smashed it against the bar top, and the handle shattered into a sharpened edge, forming a wooden stake.
    DINO-SNORE lunged the stake at VADER’S heart when a blast shot was heard from the doorway.
    The blast knocked the wooden stake out of DINO-SNORE’S HAND. The FIGURE walked in with the blaster drawn and ready to do damage. The FIGURE had a helmet on.

    Dino-Snore: Who in the hell are you?

    The FIGURE took the helmet off and the long dark hair flowed down. It was Para.

    PARA moved her gun toward the door and back at VADER.

    Para: Come on. I need to talk to you.

    The two headed for the door.

    Dino-Snore: Bitch.

    PARA’S head snapped around. She looked at DINO-SNORE and grinned. Pulling a canister off her belt, she pulled a tab and threw the can. The can exploded and smoke filled the room.

    PARA ran into the smoke and punching sounds and moans were heard.

    PARA runs out of the smoke and walks out with VADER.

    After the smoke clears, DINO-SNORE is seen tied down to the bar, gagged with an apple.


    The Summer’s household was alive that night. The snow started to glaze the ground and fall innocently.

    RIVER and BEN are in the kitchen talking.

    Ben: This party is adult oriented….
    River: I know.
    Ben: So you don’t mind patrolling to night?
    River: Not at all.
    Ben: This is a big responsibility. You know I would never send you off by yourself.
    River: I’ll be fine.
    Ben: Okay. Thanks.

    RIVER walked out the back door and headed off with a wooden stake in hand.

    ICE rushed into the kitchen.

    Ice: Hey!! Now that Anya is with your wife in the other room…look what I’m going to give her!
    Ben: What is it?

    ICE popped out a box from his pocket. It was a small box. ICE got on his knee.

    Ice: I’m going to practice on you, if you don’t mind.
    Ben: Uh…sure go for it.

    ICE opened the box and the ring glistened like a glassy lake.

    Ice: We’ve been together for so long and I just want you to know that I love you.

    At that moment EVILGRINCH walked into the kitchen silently. He watched intently.

    Ice: And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

    BEN blushes purposely.

    Ice: Will You Marry Me?
    Ben (in southern female voice): Why yes, I would you hunka-hunka man!
    EvilGrinch: Okay! I’ve seen enough! Ben, you’re married…and Ice, aren’t you TRYING to get with Anya?
    Ice: Yeah…Just practicing.
    EvilGrinch: Oh…okay.


    Walking down the snow filled sidewalk, RIVER just thought to himself about things. He though about how DAN was going to train him to be the new slayer and how much he wanted it. He thought about his father coming back and how odd it is. The sidewalk led him to his friend DARK HUNTER’S home. DARK HUNTER’S bedroom light was on. RIVER made a snow ball and chucked it at the window. THUD! DARK HUNTER ran to his bedroom window only to see his friend in the cold. RIVER motioned for him to come out. DARK HUNTER threw his clothes on and ran outside to RIVER. They walked together.

    Dark Hunter: So how’s the party?
    River: I wouldn’t know.
    Dark Hunter: Well why are you out here?
    River: My night to pa…to walk the dog.
    Dark Hunter: You don’t have a dog.
    River: I like to pretend I do.

    The two reached the graveyard.

    Dark Hunter: Why are we here?
    River: The dog’s going to the bathroom. Shh! Don’t disturb him.

    They were right outside of the hell-mouth, where all the evil rises. The hell-mouth was nothing more than a crypt. The crypt’s door creaked open. DARK HUNTER ran behind RIVER.

    Dark Hunter: Okay. I want to go home right now.

    The doors flew open and SGD emerged. He was deformed into his natural FLOODER style. He looked at RIVER.

    River: Round 2, jerk.
    SGD Ran towards River, RIVER leg-swept the flooder. SGD fell down to his face. He rolled over and flipped to his feet to only be met with a kick to the face by RIVER. DARK HUNTER watched on in awe.

    On the other side of the graveyard, PARA and VADER were talking.

    Vader: Why are you back?
    Para: My love. Ben Summers. I love that boy so much, Vader. You’re his best friend.
    Vader: Was.
    Para: What? What happened?
    Vader: It won’t be easy so here you go.

    VADER’S face morphed into the face of a flooder. PARA starred in disbelief and horror.
    VADER’S face morphed back to normal.

    Vader: See. I’m a flooder.
    Para: A flooder with a soul.
    Vader: Yeah. And I’m trying to make up for my sins. I just can’t seem to do it.
    Para: It will happen. He is a forgiving man.
    Vader: Yeah, right.

    In the background they hear the sounds of a fight. The both of them run toward the Hell-Mouth crypt.

    VADER couldn’t believe that SGD managed to come back to life. VADER’S face morphed and he ran at SGD. He punched the flooder and knocked him down. PARA yelled a magic phrase.

    Para: Cladita.

    SGD glowed red. He looked up and down. SGD ran off.

    RIVER got up from the ground with the help of VADER. He looked up at VADER and screamed. He kicked VADER in the shin.

    River: Back off!
    Vader: River! It’s me!

    VADER’S face morphed to human again.

    River: Oh. I’m sorry!

    RIVER helped VADER back up.

    River: Who’s the lady?
    Para: My name is Para. Who are you? You look so much like a friend of mine.
    River: You haven’t any idea how many times I hear that.
    Vader: What did you do to SGD?
    Para: Put a heat spell on him.
    Vader: Ah.
    Para: Yeah. So we won’t see him for a while.

    SGD was off at the entrance to the graveyard and looked at his glowing hands.

    SGD: Cladita!

    His hands flew into the air and lighting bolts touched the ground around him. For some reason, the reversal of the spell also summoned a creature.

    Giant footsteps are heard off in the distance. SGD turned around to see a SPINOSAURUS standing on the street corner. It was very much alive and breathing.


    Christmas is still coming fast...looking for that genuine Jurassic Park or Dan’s Jurassic Park Page gift? Head over to http://www.cafeshops.com/cp/store.aspx?s=dansjp3page and check out the Christmas Sale!!!


    Back at the Summer’s Household, the party was starting to die off. BEN and BECKY were walking the remainder of the guests out. EVIL GRINCH, ICE, ANYA and DAN stayed.

    Ben: So Tradition time guys?
    Evil Grinch: Oh, I think so!
    Ice: I’ll get the Egg-Nog!
    Dan: I’ll get the cookies.
    Becky: I’ll get the movie.
    Anya: I’ll get the…uh…


    Anya: I’ll get the phone!

    They broke off and did what they said they would do. ANYA answered the phone.

    Anya: Merry Christmas, and thank you for calling the Summer’s Household. This is Anya. How can I help you?
    River: Merciful Zeus, Anya…Can’t you just say hello?
    Anya: Hello.
    River: Get my father!
    Anya: Okay. (Pause) BEN!! YOU’RE SON IS ON LINE… (She looks down) ONE!!
    Ben: Thanks Anya. I sometimes forget that I have more than one phone line.

    BEN picked up the phone.

    Ben: Hello?
    River: A real answer! Dad!
    Ben: River? What’s wrong?
    River: SGD escaped and summoned a huge dinosaur.
    Ben: A dinosaur?
    River: Yeah…it’s huge!
    Ben: Okay. Where are you?
    River: No bother. Vader and Para are with me.
    Ben: Para? Huh?
    River: Bye dad! (Click)
    Ben: River!!
    Becky: Honey, just don’t worry about it.

    BEN hung the phone up.

    As soon as he hung the phone up, it rang again.

    BEN answered it.

    Ben: Hello?
    Bob: Hey!! What’s going on tonight?
    Ben: Everything. Listen, Bob, it’s almost ironic you called…
    Bob: I know. I’m leaving my house right now. I’ll be there to pick you up in a sec.
    Ben: Bob…thank you. You’re the one person I can trust here.

    BEN hung the phone up again.

    He looked at what he was wearing. Black Dockers and a Christmas Sweater. He ran upstairs to his room. He threw his clothes off and opened a huge drawer in his closet. He pulled a hangar out which held a pair of black pants, a black t-shirt and a black button up shirt. He took his sweater off and put the black t-shirt and button up shirt on, but left the button up shirt un-buttoned. He walked into his closet and pulled a long black trench coat down. He threw it on.

    Handling himself, he tapped on his armpit.

    Ben: Stake.

    He shook a pocket.

    Ben: Keys.

    He put his hand in a different pocket.

    Ben: Phone.

    He grabbed another wooden stake from his closet and put it on his belt.

    DAN had walked upstairs to go to the bathroom and walked into Ben’s room.

    Dan: You don’t have to do this…
    Ben: Do what? Do you even know what’s going on?
    Dan: Yeah…
    Ben: No, no you don’t. Something unexpected has happened.
    Dan: River can handle himself. I trained him.
    Ben: That’s another thing.
    Dan: What?
    Ben: That is MY son. He was NOT to be trained as a slayer…
    Dan: I needed him to help us…It was an idea that was right at the time, but I see the mistake now.
    Ben: No you don’t. My son is now risking his life. And he doesn’t even know his destiny. He is the key. He’s not a typical son.

    Dan: I’m sorry.
    Ben: I am too.

    BEN kicked open his bedroom window and jumped out.

    He ran around to the front of the house where BOB was waiting in his car. BEN got in the car and they took off.

    In the living room, they started watching “The Grinch.” DAN sat down next to BECKY and cuddled with her.

    ICE had a worried look on his face because he knew he had to tell everyone and ANYA that he wanted to marry her, but he wanted his best friend there.


    Bob: So Para is back?
    Ben: Yeah…I wonder why.
    Bob: You, man! It has to be you!
    Ben: I wish.

    BEN smiled and laughed.


    PARA, VADER and RIVER stood around.

    Para: Where is he?
    Vader: I don’t know. It’s not like him. He usually is out.
    River: No…he has a huge Christmas party where he can forget his son and make his own flesh and blood go out and risk his neck.
    Vader: Don’t say that. You’re father would NEVER put you in harm’s way.
    River: Well, he’s going to slip up one time and I will be there to take him out.
    Vader: River! That is your father. Being The Slayer is not what you think it is. It’s hell. Once you die, you die. Your father is lucky he had friends with magic that could resurrect him. You need to grow up.

    A MONSTROUS roar is heard.

    Para: What in the hell was that?

    SGD and The SPINOSAURUS came around the corner.

    Vader: Holy Shit.

    VADER’S eyes grew wide as he, PARA and RIVER started to walk backwards, away from the beast.


    Special Edition of The Grinch – Now Available!

    Who da man? Yoda man! – Buy Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones on Special Edition DVD and VHS!


    Para pulled her blaster out. She set it for freeze.

    The SPINO opened its jaws. PARA threw the blaster in the SPINO’S mouth and the SPINO gulped it down.

    Pushing a button on her wrist watch, her gun fired on the inside of the SPINO.

    The SPINO roared in agony and fell to the ground. SGD rolled off.

    BOB’S car made a sharp turn and was nearly 30 feet from the scene. BEN kicked the door open and leapt out of the car.

    SGD started to flee, but was tackled by the FLYING SLAYER. BEN pulled the wooden stake out. He placed it onto the heart of the flooder.

    SGD: You can’t kill me. Put it through me. Come on! I’ll come back…stronger than before.

    BEN looked at him.

    He loosened his grip on the stake, but out of nowhere, RIVER smashed the stake down with his foot, sending it through the heart.

    SGD burst into ashes.

    Ben: River!! What was that for? I had him. We could’ve found a way to really get rid of him, and you killed him. Did you not hear him? Now he’ll be back and probably with a legion of minions.

    River: I did it to help you. I’m sorry dad! I’m sorry!

    TEARS started in RIVER’S eyes.

    Ben: It’s fine. Just forget about it. Let’s go home.

    BEN didn’t ever realize his former love was right there.

    River: Dad…Para?

    PARA perked up.

    Para: Hmm?

    BEN turned around.

    He looked at her. She looked at him. They stepped towards each other. They were in the same spot BECKY and BEN were at. Underneath the mistletoe.


    The Party ended with ICE and ANYA leaving. BECKY walked DAN to the door. They both looked up and saw the MISTLETOE.

    BEN and PARA kiss dramatically, as do DAN and BECKY.

    (Even though at opposite ends of town) Ben and Becky: Stop…stop. I can’t do this.

    DAM looked at BECKY.

    Dan: I love you. I always have, and always will.

    He kisses her once more and leaves.


    Ben: I’m sorry. It’s different now. I’m married, and just…
    Para: I understand.

    The SPINOSAUR roared, and got to it’s feet, only on all fours. PARA yelled into a MEGAPHONE.

    Para: Rick!! Now!

    RICK flew over with a helicopter and bombarded the dinosaur with machine gun fire from above. The dinosaur roared, and then vanished into thin air.

    PARA and BEN sighed for relief.

    Ben: I’m headed home. Are you here long?
    Para: Vader has offered me a place to stay.
    Ben: Okay. I will see you soon.

    PARA walked away with VADER.

    Ben: Para?

    PARA stops and turns around.

    Para: Yes?
    Ben: I love you.
    Para smiled. She continued walking with Vader.
    River and Ben walked home. Becky had already gone to sleep. Ben went with Rivvir, tucked him in and told him that he better not peek, or Santa would leave him coal.

    BEN went downstairs and looked at the ring he got for BECKY. He imagined putting it on her finger. Only when he looked up, it was PARA.

    BEN followed the tradition, eating cookies and watching “The Grinch.” He fell asleep and had a dream.

    BEN woke up to find himself in a cemetery. He was in his casket. He gasped for air and jumped up. He looked around the graveyard, only to see that he was surrounded by a huge cloaked figure.

    Ben: The Master??? I killed you!
    Figure: Oh really…I guess not.

    BEN looked in awe. The figure pulled the cloak down, revealing The REAL GRINCH.
    VADER popped out from behind a tree, hitting the GRINCH to the ground.

    Vader: Sorry about that. He slipped out.

    VADER winked.

    Vader: Oh…I owe you this.

    VADER kicked BEN several times. HE pulled out a wooden stake.

    Vader: Look familiar?

    VADER’S hand struck down to BEN’S chest.

    Ben woke up gasping for air.

    Ben: Whoa.

    HE sat there startled.

    While he was asleep, Jolly Old St. Nick dropped by. BEN looked at the presents he left. He peaked in his stocking. He pulled out a wooden stake. BEN examined it.

    Ben: Cute. Real cute.



    11/15/2002 2:39:43 PM

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