Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Slayer - 5x15 - Oracle
    By Ben


    BOB stood inside the CROW’S NEST – reading from a book. He started to read the spell – and as he did – a blue ORB appeared next to him – but flew outwards and EXPLODED over the OCEAN forming a portal.


    BEN watched – as he saw the explosion.

    Ben: It’s started.

    THE SCRAPPY GANG stood behind BEN.

    Ben: Matt, what will happen once the he goes to where he’s going?
    Matt: I’ve told you several times already.
    Ben: Well, you’ll tell us again.
    Matt: Once he opens and sails through the portal, he’ll be in the 1800’s and when the original Slayer line became vulnerable.

    River: How did it become vulnerable in the first place?
    Ben: The Powers That Be determine who a Slayer will be and how long they will live. This Slayer killed herself after she realized she killed a man and not a vampire – but the man was of higher power – some sort of vampire warlock thing.

    Para: Clark Gable.
    Ben: Yes…
    Para: I feel something else is up.
    Becky: She’s right. Bob has something brewing in the hold of his ship…something that spells certain doom for us.
    Ben: Becky, certain doom happens everyday for us – not too worried about it.
    Becky: Right. Forgot about that. I’ve been out of this realm for a while.

    MICHELLE cleared her throat as she spoke.

    Michelle: Wasn’t Clark Gable the actor?
    Ben: Yes, but not that one. Ever see the movie Office Space?
    Michelle: Oh, the Michael Bolton/Michael Bolton thing. Gotcha.

    BEN’S SHIP was now alongside BOB’S.

    Ben: Oh shi-

    CANNON FIRE started from BOB’S SHIP.

    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER and PARA all armed with stakes, facing down some vampires.

    BEN ran after BOB and started to pummel him. BEN leapt off the ROPE and landed on top of CLARK. He took the AXE end of the SCYTHE and rammed it through CLARK’S NECK – CLARK exploded into DUST.
    [Starring Ben] BEN dives through a window and pulls out a crossbow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explodes into dust

    BRAD is thrown forward by an explosion.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHTCLUB. PARA and DAC face each other down. [Para girl] PARA glares in rage at BEN.

    SHANE and MARTY begin to whisper a chant.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER punches DAC in the face, knocking him backwards. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    RIVER dives at some UberVamps in rage.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara fires an electric blue beam at a DEMON.

    BOB KLINE laughs uncontrollably.

    RYAN lifted his leg and swung across connecting to the VAMPS faces. In a desperate move, RYAN staked one and turned it to dust. RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a DEMON onto a pike.

    FALCON pulls JOEY up from the GROUND, as a HUGE SNAKE whips by. FALCON spin kicks at THE HOST and follows through with a punch [Labyrinth]

    FIRE FORMED in her eyes and channeled all the way down to her hands, forming two balls of fire. THE BALLS expanded. MANDY released the balls at BEN’S VAMPS setting them ablaze. The VAMPS turned to DUST. [Mandee] MANDY and TARA hug.

    FALCON threw a fist at the BACK of THE HOST releasing MICHELLE.
    THE HOST snapped around fast and RETALIATED with a PUNCH sending FALCON through the ROOF! [And Matt McGuire as The Host]THE HOST picked up the SLEDGE HAMMER and started to ram it into MAJESTIC.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes. On the screen - [Series Created by Ben Smythe]



    Payne: Keep firing at them until that ship is destroyed.

    BEN’S SHIP – a few moments before the attack –

    MICHELLE cleared her throat as she spoke.

    [Special Guest Star Bob as Mayor Bob Kline]

    Michelle: Wasn’t Clark Gable the actor?

    TARA looked at BEN. She used telepathy.

    Ben: Yes, but not that one. Ever see the movie Office Space?

    Tara: Bob’s ship is beside us…I sense something bad.

    Michelle: Oh, the Michael Bolton/Michael Bolton thing. Gotcha

    BEN’S SHIP was now alongside BOB’S.

    [Guest Starring Aragorn as Shane]
    [JP Junkee as Marty]
    [PunkNerd as Joey Russo]
    [RickArnold as General Rick Arnold]

    Ben: Oh shi-

    CANNON FIRE started from BOB’S SHIP.

    THE SCRAPPY gang hit the DECK.

    Ben: Tara…hit them with something.

    TARA stood up – CANNON BALLS flew around her.

    [SamFan as Samantha / Sam]
    [JesterP as Lieutenant Jester Pocus]
    [Yvonne as Michelle]

    MANDY and SHANE looked at TARA.

    TARA used her magic to pull them next to her. SHE absorbed MANDY and SHANE’S MAGIC – the MAGIC FLOWED inside TARA, bringing out her dark side.

    TARA waved her hand at the approaching CANNONBALLS. They all stopped in mid air and turned around – heading back towards BOB’S ship. TARA controlled each CANNONBALL – and they didn’t hit the ship…but the PIRATES controlling them.

    Payne: I smell power…

    PAYNE looked over to see DARK TARA redirecting the CANNONBALLS.

    Payne: The little witch is quite powerful now.
    Bob: Get the rest of them and get over there and kill them now, Payne!

    [Icebreaker as Ice]
    [Beck-Why as Becky]
    [Dan as Dan Finkelstein]

    PAYNE whistled and the other members of BOB’S SINISTER SIX appeared.


    As if they counted together – they all leapt from BOB’S SHIP right onto BEN’S.

    THE SCRAPPY GANG divided as they were faced to fight former enemies.

    RYAN, JOEY, and MARTY faced off against the demon of MIKEYMIKE.


    [And Sarah Michelle Gellar as The Oracle]

    TARA used her magic and forced MANDY and SHANE out of the fight. PAYNE approached her.

    RICK, SAM, JESTER and TOBY all fought against MULDOON.

    BEN looked at CLARK GABLE. THE HOST stood by BEN’S SIDE.

    An all out war started on BEN’S SHIP.

    FALCON looked at GLASS.

    [Episode Written and Directed by Ben Smythe]

    Glass: Well, well. The creator and the creation. And why is it that you’re on this ship anyway?
    Falcon: People change.
    Glass: Have you forgotten what you are? You’re no person.
    Flacon: Part of me was.
    Glass: You were a vampire that I found. A vampire that was frozen in time and separated from the demon. I took the demon, the body, and even dinosaur parts and made you what you are.

    Falcon: Yes. And when the dinosaur in me died I was left with the vampire self of me. Then I got a soul.
    Glass: You poor thing. Been trapped by a soul. You need to be free of it.
    Falcon: No. I went looking for my soul.

    GLASS was disgusted.

    Glass: You are no demon. You don’t deserve to be called a vampire.

    GLASS punched FALCON.

    FALCON stepped back after the punch connected.

    Falcon: I’m glad you did that.
    Glass: Did what? This?

    GLASS flip-kicked FALCON – but FALCON caught GLASS’ legs in mid air and threw him to the deck of the ship. FALCON threw him down so hard that GLASS fell through the deck of the ship.

    Falcon: I never did like you.


    The 3 men managed to make their way into BEN’S CABIN of the ship.

    BEN clinched his SCYTHE.

    Clark: My, my. I haven’t seen that weapon in decades.
    Ben: Get used to it…because it’ll be the last thing you see.

    CLARK looked at the HOST, sensing an evil edge to him.

    Clark: Isn’t that just like a Slayer? Always wanted to end their problems by sticking things with sharp objects?

    THE HOST glared at CLARK.

    Host: I don’t know you... I know him. And I trust him.
    Clark: Slayer, have you gone gay since our last encounter?
    Ben: No. Just keeping my enemies closer.
    Clark: You can’t stop the master. He’ll destroy you.
    Ben: And why is that?
    Clark: Because he has an alliance aside us. He’s got some higher power working with him. A darker higher power.
    Ben: I doubt it.

    CLARK used his magic and quickly vanished from in front of BEN and THE HOST and before they could blink, he appeared behind them and knocked them both on their heads.

    BEN spun around and started swinging his SCYTHE at CLARK.

    RIVER, BECKY and ICE sat below deck and plotted.

    Ice: We’ve got to do something fast.
    River: As long as Ben has the Scythe we’ll be okay. Something about it, when I hold it, a flow of energy just comes through me.

    Becky: It’s the weapon of the Slayer. It’s designed for you and others like you.
    River: Becky, you’re way strong, right?
    Becky: Yeah?
    River: Okay, if Ice could make an Ice bridge from this ship to Bob’s, we could easily take out what pirates Bob has over there and take Bob out. We have the opportunity to end this war right now.

    ICE and BECKY looked at each other, a little shocked, then looked at RIVER.

    Ice: I remember when we would come over for Christmas and you’d be so fascinated that Snoopy and Charlie Brown were on…and you can plot battles better than your big brother. Go figure.

    Becky: Hey, don’t forget who helped raise him.
    River: Let’s do this.

    The 3 of them grabbed weapons and ran up to the deck. As they stood by the edge of the ship, ICE threw his hands out and an ICE bridge appeared (kinda like ICE-MAN).

    The 3 of them ran across the bridge and leapt onto BOB’S ship.

    BOB appeared right in front of them, with his PIRATES facing away.

    Bob: I thought someone would show up. Of course, you do realize that I’m not that stupid. My pirates aren’t just men…but…well, you might remember them River.

    The PIRATES turned around – they were DAC’S UBERVAMPS.

    River: Holy shnikies!

    The UBERPIRATES started to charge at the 3 of them.


    As the UBERPIRATES charged, RIVER and ICE started battling them as they came.

    Becky: You two hold off the vampires or pirates or whatever they are. I’m going for Bob.

    BECKY punched her way through the mass of vampire/pirates and found BOB.

    Bob: Well, well. It’s come down to this has it? Are you going to go all homicidal again and claim to be possessed?
    Becky: No. I just wanted power. That’s what this is about, [Her voice changed to River’s voice]isn’t that right Bob?

    Her body changed into RIVER’S.

    Bob: No…I don’t understand.
    River 2: Of course you don’t understand. He’s just a boy. Slime, snails and puppy dog tails, and everything else that goes with boys. I’m more than that. I’m more than flesh.

    RIVER’S BODY changed back into BECKY’S.

    Becky 2: I’m more than blood. You know, I honestly don’t think there is a human word that’s fabulous enough for me. Oh my name will be on everybody’s lips, that’s if they’re lips haven’t been ripped off. But not just yet…

    BECKY now became RICK ARNOLD.

    Rick 2: I can be patient. Everything is well within parameter. He’s exactly where I want him to be. So are you, Mayor Kline. You’re right where you belong.

    RICK now morphed into RYAN.

    Ryan 2: So you thought by me cutting off your hand and going all big bad pirate like would work? I mean, I should know, pirates are assholes. You probably thought you’d be your own man, and I respect that.

    RYAN became FALCON.

    Falcon 2: But you never will. You’ll always be in the dark. Just like me. Even with a soul, I’ve done things I wish I could’ve passed on, but that’s what happens when you’re reborn. And that’s what’s going to happen…

    FALCON morphed into THE HOST.

    The Host 2: Because we’re going back to the beginning. The very beginning. Not the bang, not the word, the true beginning. The next few days are going to be quite a ride. Everyone will learn something about themselves, as you’ll learn that this attempt for domination is pathetic. Look at you…trying be the big evil…but you still don’t get it. It’s not about right, it’s not about wrong…

    The CAMERA panned around as BOB huddled himself to the ground. As he looked up – The Host had morphed one final time to show who really was behind all the morphing…

    Ben: …It’s about power.

    BOB looked shocked, but within a few seconds BEN lifted his leg up and his shoe connected right with BOB’S CHIN, sending him flying.

    BEN ran after BOB and started to pummel him.


    BEN morphed into BECKY.

    Becky [telepathically]: Ben, catch.

    BECKY threw the SCYTHE in the air.

    BEN caught it on BOB’S SHIP, but the camera returned to BECKY as her NECK is snapped by CLARK.

    Ben saw this happen.

    Ben: NO!

    BEN ran to the edge of BOB’S ship, caught a rope and swung across carrying his SCYTHE.

    BOB looked at the portal – it started to open.

    Bob: Full speed!

    BEN leapt off the ROPE and landed on top of CLARK. He took the AXE end of the SCYTHE and rammed it through CLARK’S NECK – CLARK exploded into DUST.

    Ben: Everyone – get on Bob’s ship now!

    RYAN ran JOEY and MARTY over to the side of the ship handing them both ropes.

    Ryan: When you swing – make sure you swing hard and hit anything that comes near you over there.

    MANDY ran over to RYAN.

    Mandy: Ryan I’ll go with them. I can protect them.

    RYAN nodded.

    MANDY, JOEY and MARTY swung across to BOB’S SHIP.

    As they landed, they engaged in battle with the UBERVAMPS.

    RICK, SAM, and JESTER swung across.

    PARA ran to BEN’S side.

    Ben: Para, go now!
    Para: No, I’m going to help you.

    BEN stood up and looked at her.

    As his back was turned – PAYNE threw lightning at him. BEN fell to his knees, dropping the SCYTHE.

    Payne: Hello little one.

    PARA threw her arm out and the SCYTHE flew into her hand.

    Payne: That scythe belongs to the slayer…you can use it…but it won’t have any effect…
    Para: It’s amazing what secrets can be kept for so long. I mean, even for working an underground, and under-funded government agency to rid the world of demons – do you really think they’d go on without a Slayer?

    PAYNE looked confused.

    Payne: It’s not possible…you…
    Para: Had to die? Yeah. It’s this whole living again thing that’s the real kicker.

    PARA charged at PAYNE, as if she’d been holding back all of her power and now unleashed her SLAYER Strength.

    SHE rammed the SCYTHE through PAYNE.

    PAYNE walked backwards, pulling himself out of the SCYTHE – and as he started to run away, he exploded into dust.

    SHANE GUPTOM, MIKEYMIKE, and MULDOON joined together.

    PARA threw the SCYTHE – it whizzed through the air and started to circulate. As it flew by the 3 remaining BIG BADS, 3 slices were heard…

    All of a sudden – SHANE, MIKEYMIKE and MULDOON’S heads fell off – turning them all to dust.

    FALCON looked around the ship.

    Falcon: Everyone is across to Bob’s ship. Para get over there.

    FALCON helped PARA drag BEN’S body to the side of the SHIP. PARA picked BEN up very lightly and threw him on her shoulder. She swung across. FALCON grabbed a rope – and started to leap – but another hand grabbed the rope and punched FALCON off.

    GLASS stood there.

    Glass: It’s gonna take more than that to defeat me.

    Para: Falcon, jump – hurry!

    FALCON leapt to his feet and started to slug on GLASS.

    BOB’S SHIP crossed through the PORTAL.

    FALCON exposed his arm and a WOODEN STAKE came from his sleeve.

    Falcon: It wasn’t clever of Bob to make you into me.

    FALCON rammed the WOODEN STAKE through GLASS…Glass exploded into DUST.

    FALCON looked and saw the PORTAL close.

    He looked around, noticing BOB’S ship was gone.

    Falcon: Bullocks.

    He then looked to see where BECKY’S Body was…it was gone.

    THE ORACLE appeared before FALCON.

    Oracle: Falcon Glick…you are a brave warrior. A noble and valiant dark knight. Loyal to his companions and protector to the innocent. The Soul that was placed back in you is yours. You have a conscience. With that, you now need to know your purpose. Not all of them will return, but of those who will return, you will take a few and move onward. I have work for you.

    Falcon: Who are you?
    Oracle: I am the Oracle of The Powers That Be. You don’t have to do what I tell you, it’s your destiny either way. You are the one that I select to go forward.

    Falcon: What about the Slayer?
    Oracle: What one?
    Falcon: Oh, I forgot there are 3 of them.
    Oracle: Four will return.
    Falcon: Four Slayers will return?
    Oracle: Yes. What Ben is about to do will completely change history. If he succeeds, it won’t just be the 4 that return to you, but it will anyone that was on the Chosen list.
    Falcon: You mean…?
    Oracle: Any boy or girl that was meant to be a Slayer will receive those powers.
    Falcon: And you want me to go off and start a new?
    Oracle: You will do what is necessary. You will have your allies and you will know your enemies. There are too many places of evil and two Slayers will be going to where I send them. The other two – the brothers, they will be together.

    The ORACLE stopped levitating around FALCON and stood next to him. She caressed his face.

    Oracle: You are The Champion.

    FALCON looked shocked.



    9/26/2003 12:59:42 PM

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