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By Michael Crichton
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    SLAYER - Halloween Special
    By Ben

    Previously on Slayer,

    CHARGER CITY – 1802
    A YOUNG WHITE GIRL wearing ripped clothes RUNS. Every few paces she turns and looks behind her, only running faster.

    A MAN with a LONG BLACK CAPE follows after her, at a fast stalking pace.

    ANOTHER GIRL leapt from the side bush and attacked the man. She drove a wooden stake into his heart…but he didn’t turn to dust. The GIRL looked around…shocked. She pulled a knife from her waist and slit it across her throat.

    Tammy: He?
    Brad: Yep. The prophecy.
    Tammy: It came true?
    Brad: Yeah.

    Tara: Tahtarae Liem.

    The CANDLE sparked on fire.

    Rick: Neat.
    Tara: You’ve known I could do this.


    With the light, they could see DEAD BODIES hanging, some laying on the ground, and some floating.

    BEN flung the knife at TAMMY. The KNIFE spiraled towards her. She caught it and formed a fist. GABLE got to his feet.

    TAMMY looked at BEN.

    Tammy: Thank you.

    TAMMY rammed the knife into GABLE.

    GABLE and TAMMY shook closely together as beams of light came through them and out of them. THEY were lifted higher off the ground and then exploded into light.

    SHANE and MARTY walked up to RIVER. SHANE was dressed up in all black with a cape and VAMPIRE TEETH. MARTY wore a ROBE with a WIZARD HAT on.

    Brad: Nice costume.
    Marty: You too! Hey River, what are you doing after this?
    River: Oh uh…I don’t know yet. Did you guys have something planned?
    Shane: Yeah, we were going to TP Joey’s house.

    *~*~*~NEW EPISODE~*~*~* *~*~HAPPY HALLOWEEN~*~*


    THREE FIGURES dressed in ALL BLACK With BACKPACKS leapt over a FENCE.

    They individually took their masks off revealing it was SHANE, MARTY and RIVER.

    Shane: That was mad hot when you put that pie in his face earlier.
    River: Can I trust you guys on something?
    Marty & Shane: Sure.
    River: Have you noticed anything-weird going on…like the whole field trip thing and stuff?
    Marty & Shane: Yeah…why?
    River: My brother is The Slayer.
    Marty: What’s a Slayer?
    River: The Slayer is one selected by The Powers That Be and sends a Watcher to train The Slayer to destroy Vampires and Demons and their spread of evil.

    MARTY and SHANE looked at RIVER very confused.

    Shane: So your brother is some sort of super-hero.
    River: Yes, and he’s trained me, that’s why I could take care of that stuff on the field trip.
    Marty: We just thought you were spazzing out.

    SHANE hit MARTY’S shoulder.

    Shane: We didn’t mean it like that…just we thought it was weird…and when I touched Joey…I used a magic power.
    River: You do magic?
    Shane: Yeah…a little. I’m not perfect at it, but I can do some spells and what not.
    River: I’ll have to introduce you to Tara. She is very intelligent about Magic.
    Shane: I’d love that.
    Marty: Guys…let’s get back to what we were doing…
    River: Oh...
    Shane: Right.

    THEY reached in their BACKPACKS and pulled out TOILET PAPER. They started streaming it all over JOEY’S FRONT yard and in the trees.


    TWO hooded figures in CLOAKS roam towards a huge boiling CAULDRON.

    Hooded Figures: Double, double, toil and trouble, witches brew and fashion stubble. We summon the dark forces to wreak havoc on anyone who dares to oppose us. Send us a demon with large horns and long piercing fingernails. A demon with full accuracy, and the strength of a Slayer. So mote it be.
    The CAULDRON started bubbling fast releasing smoke and vapors, as it was changing colors. The TWO HOODED FIGURES were laughing evilly. THEY pulled their hoods back revealing themselves…



    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases and hits a VAMPIRE and they explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by two of his friends. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [And Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    **Dan’s Store…for all your Dan’s JP3 Page needs! Halloween Sale Now!!


    PARA sat handing out CANDY to last-minute Trick-or-Treat kids. BEN walked out and sat next to her.

    Para: And what are you supposed to be?
    Ben: You tell me what you’re supposed to be.
    Para: I’m a princess. See, I don’t need to be in my fancy gowns, or have my hair done any special way. I’m a princess. And you are?
    Ben: Well I guess if you were a Princess I’d be a Prince…a Prince that slays dragons…and vampires and demons, but a Prince nonetheless.
    Para: So why is my Prince sitting out here with me all lonely?
    Ben: Because he’s afraid something is happening…somewhere else.
    Para: …and it’s not Friday…oh my goodness. River’s trip was a week ago…as was that party…
    Ben: Where is River?
    Para: He went out with Shane and Marty.
    Ben: To TP?
    Para: Yeah. He took the eggs this time too.
    Ben: Sometimes like that – he isn’t my brother. I don’t think I would ever do that.
    Para: But my Prince is getting worried…and worry face doesn’t work too well for this Princess…

    BEN and PARA kissed quickly. They kissed quickly again and then locked themselves in kissing.

    JOEY appeared on the front lawn of BEN’S HOUSE.

    JOEY started to throw TOILET PAPER, but it didn’t get too far –

    TARA stepped out from the house.

    Tara: Sachs Tomb!

    JOEY’S pants fell down. TARA raised her hand up and JOEY was given a HUGE ATOMIC WEDGIE.

    BEN and PARA pulled away from kissing at the command of TARA’S voice.

    JOEY ran off.

    Ben: Although it’s understandable why he does it.

    BEN looked and saw THREE HOODED FIGURES dressed in BLACK walking down the sidewalk. They were walking at a faster pace.

    Ben: I think they’re a little old to be Trick-Or-Treating, don’t you?
    Para: Yeah.
    Ben: Call Brad and the Gang…get River back here. Scrappy Meeting in a half an hour…Tara, come with me. We’ll follow them.
    Ryan: Mind if I follow?
    Ben: Sure.

    RYAN threw BEN his BAG.

    BEN, TARA, and RYAN walked down the SIDEWALK, following at a DISTANCE.

    Ryan: Vampires?
    Ben: No…their human…I think. I don’t sense any Vampires. They’re actually behaving and staying in tonight.
    Tara: Why is that?
    Ryan: Yeah…why don’t they attack on Halloween? You’d think that it’d be a bigger feast for them.
    Ben: I don’t know…it’s kind of like Christmas…nothing is open, no one works…minus me…Halloween is my Christmas.
    Ryan: Merry Halloween.

    BEN smiled and released a chuckle.

    Ryan: You remember that one Halloween back in our senior year at high school?
    Ben: I try not to.
    Tara: Yeah…I had Ben’s powers…Ice had my powers, Ben had Becky’s powers…whoops.
    Ben: It’s okay Tara. I’ve gotten over Becky.
    Ryan: Where did she go?
    Ben: Heaven, I guess…I hope.
    Tara: She is…she’s protecting Mandy.

    BEN looked at TARA. He KISSED her forehead.

    THEY continued on following the FIGURES.


    RIVER looked around at the TOILET PAPER mess on his yard.

    River: Very nice guys.
    Marty: Someone’s coming! Get in the bush!

    THE THREE OF THEM dived into the BUSH.

    JOEY came running up his sidewalk, still with the ATOMIC WEDGIE.

    Joey: RIVER! Where are you? GET OUT HERE NOW!

    RIVER popped up from the BUSH.

    River: Hey Joe. Nice night for a stroll isn’t it?
    Joey: You piece of crap. You’re worthless.
    River: Worthless? I’m worthless and you’re the one with an Atomic Wedgie.
    Joey: Are you still going to be wagging that jaw when I’m punching it off?
    River: Bring it.

    JOEY charged at RIVER. RIVER leapt into the AIR and OVER JOEY. He landed and SPUN JOEY around, punching him in the stomach many times.

    HE brought his knee up and SMASHED JOEY in the face. JOEY’S body FLEW straight into the air. On the way down, RIVER JUMP-KICKED him in the face sending JOEY back a few feet.

    RIVER got over top of JOEY.

    BRAD appeared walking down the sidewalk and watched the fight.

    Brad: River. Get away from him.
    River (to Joey): You’re lucky.
    Brad: River! We have to go.
    River: Hold on. (To Joey) You see what happens when you run your mouth? You get your ass kicked.

    RIVER walked away. SHANE and MARTY caught up with him. BRAD walked ahead of the boys.

    Brad: River, come here and walk with me. You two should go home.
    River: They’re coming with me.
    Brad: Excuse me?
    River: They’re staying the night.
    Brad: We have a Scrappy Meeting right now…do you know that?
    River: Yeah, and my friends can help. They know that Ben’s the Slayer and all that other hoopla.
    Brad: Fine. But I’m not finished with you.
    River: What?
    Brad: You can fight like your brother and take down anything in your way. Never again do I want you to beat up a human like you just did.
    River: He had it coming.
    Brad: You do not get to decide that River.
    River: Fine.
    Brad: But…I’m quite proud of you. You are improving. Now who are your friends?
    River: This is Marty…he doesn’t do much, but he can order one hell of a pizza.
    Marty: Aren’t you the creepy librarian at our school?

    BRAD sighed.

    Brad: Why do I give off a creepy vibe?
    Marty: Sorry…no offense, sir.
    Brad: None taken, no doubt.
    River: This is Shane. Shane has dabbled into Magic.
    Brad: Oh. How far?
    Shane: Just a few spells. I can make pencils float and some other stuff.
    Brad: A Warlock…Ben will be impressed.
    River: See…it’s all for the better.
    Shane: What are we doing?
    River: Scrappy Meeting…it’s when my brother’s friends come together and do research on a new bad guy in town.
    Shane: Oh. Fun.
    River: It is, and Tara will be there. She’ll love to meet you.

    BRAD, RIVER, SHANE, and MARTY continued walking down the sidewalk to BEN’S HOUSE.


    The THREE HOODED figures walked into the WAREHOUSE. BEN, TARA and RYAN looked ahead.

    Ryan: Do we go in?
    Ben: Why not?

    The THREE of them started to walk but TARA clinched her stomach.

    Ryan: What is it?
    Tara: There is something inside…dark…using Magic…Dark Magic…
    Ben: Can you see it?
    Tara: No, I can feel it. You two go ahead, I’ll stay here and put a protection spell on you two.
    Ben: Okay. Ryan, let’s hurry.

    BEN and RYAN snuck around the building. THEY climbed up the stairs and got to the ROOF.

    They STARRED down to see a CAULDRON bubbling madly. BEN looked at the two THRONE CHAIRS.

    Ben: Is that…?
    Ryan: Martha Stewart and Sissy Chrissie?

    MARTHA and CHRIS looked up and saw BEN AND RYAN

    Martha: Intruders on the roof! Intruders on the roof! Get up there and get them down here!
    Chris: They both looked kind of cute…
    Martha: Not now Chris.

    BEN and RYAN started to run down the STAIRS they came up, but VAMPIRES were standing at the base.

    TARA looked on.

    Tara: Ordtay.

    TARA produced a HUGE BALL of FIRE in her HAND and lunged it towards the building. The FIREBALL took out the VAMPIRES on the ground.

    BEN and RYAN jumped down to the sidewalk and JUMPED through the ongoing flames.

    THEY ran to TARA and when they reached her, they continued on RUNNING.


    BRAD and PARA look over a few books. SHANE was scrolling through sites on the INTERNET. MARTY was reading a book. RIVER paced around, fiddling with a sword.

    River: Why would someone attack on Halloween?
    Brad: That’s what we’re trying to find out, and if you wouldn’t mind not hacking away, you could help us.
    River: Where is Ben?

    BEN opened the FRONT DOOR at that exact moment.

    River: Where is one million dollars?

    HE looked to the sky. Nothing.

    Ben: River, is Brad here?
    River: Yeah, they’re researching.

    BEN walked to the STUDY.

    BRAD looked up.

    Brad: This him?

    BRAD held up a picture of a DEMON with fangs and a tail.

    Ben: No…let me give you a description.

    TARA walked to her computer surprised to see SHANE sitting on it.

    Tara: Who are you?
    Shane: I’m Shane…one of River’s friends. You have a lot of cool witchcraft sites…
    Tara: Off.

    SHANE got out of the seat and sat down next to her.

    Tara: Go away…you shouldn’t be looking at this stuff…it’s very powerful.
    Shane: You’re Tara.
    Tara: Very good.
    Shane: River said I should get to meet you because I practice witchcraft.
    Tara: Boys aren’t witches.
    Shane: No, we are warlocks or sorcerers.

    TARA looked at him blankly.

    Tara: So?


    BRAD was drawing what RYAN and BEN told him.

    Para: Wait, wait, and wait.
    Ben: What is it?
    Brad: You found something?

    PARA pulls out a copy of “GOOD HOUSEKEEPING” with none other than MARTHA and CHRIS on the COVER.

    BRAD pulled the MAGAZINE away from PARA.

    Brad: These are the people who are in charge?
    Ben: Yep.
    Brad: Hold on.

    RIVER walked over to PARA. PARA was still skimming for other information in a book.

    BEN walked over by RIVER and picked a book up.

    River: What are you looking at?
    Ben: Possible demons.
    River: Can I see?
    Ben: You think you can handle this?
    River: I’m 16!
    Ben: Okay.

    BEN let RIVER look into the book.

    River: That’s a really weird place to put that big of a horn.
    Ben: That’s not a horn, River…
    River: Oh.

    A BEAT.

    River: Ew! Why are you showing me this?

    BEN looked at the cover of the book. The TITLE read “KARMA SUTRA.”

    Ben: Oh…uh, well, Para?
    Para: It’s not mine.
    Ben: I don’t recall purchasing one.

    FROM The Computer

    Tara: That’s mine…Mandy and I…well uh…never mind.


    RICK ARNOLD sat down with SAMANTHA. SAMANTHA was a brown haired girl with blond streaks. She was unbelievably gorgeous.

    Rick: So you work at the High School?
    Sam: Yeah…
    Rick: What do you do?
    Sam: I’m a guidance counselor.
    Rick: Oh. I teach.
    Sam: What do you teach?
    Rick: Psychology
    Sam: Really? That’s cool. I loved Psychology.
    Rick: I love you.
    Sam: Excuse me?
    Rick: I’m sorry…I’m rambling and just looking at how gorgeous you are and you look really familiar.
    Sam: Well, picture me with blond hair, no brown.
    Rick: Okay?
    Sam: I saw you at that work out spa downtown, the one where your friend kicked you in the face.
    Rick: Oh. Yeah…

    RICK’S PAGER went off.

    Rick: Excuse me for one second.

    RICK started to walk away mumbling.

    Rick: It never stops to amaze me…something goes good in my life and the friggin apocalypse comes or something worse. Maybe I should just nuke this damn town and be done with it too…

    HE pulled his cell phone out and DIALED but was interrupted as TWO VAMPIRES attacked him and drug him away.



    Brad: Now I want you to pay attention, Ben. This is not going to be an easy task. You, Para, Ryan and Tara will go to the factory warehouse and take out the decorating demons.

    BEN laughed. BRAD looked at him seriously. BEN stopped.

    Ben: Sorry.
    Brad: I suppose you find this funny?
    Ben: I’m killing Martha Stewart and that one annoying guy.
    Brad: So?
    Ben: No humor.


    RICK was strapped onto a large SACRIFICING TABLE. He was still unconscious.

    Chris: Do you think the Slayer will find him?
    Martha: I think so, but I want to get this spell taken care of immediately.

    MARTHA’S FACE morphed into that of a VAMPIRE’S. CHRIS’ did the same.

    Martha: You understand what to do, right?
    Chris: Superdy-duper!


    SAM looked around. She pulled out her CELL PHONE. She started to walk out as she was talking on her phone.

    Sam: Sorry sir, he left and there is no trace of him at all.

    A PAUSE.

    Sam: Yes sir, I understand that we need to find out all that we can about him and his group.

    Another Pause.

    Sam: Right sir, reporting in as soon as possible.

    She closed her phone and walked away.


    BEN pulled out an axe. RYAN loaded his crossbow. PARA, in MILITARY GARB pulled a gun from her holster.

    Ben: What the hell is that going to do? Bullets don’t hurt Vampires.

    PARA pulled the magazine out.

    Ben: Well I’ll be…
    Para: They’re the same size, and the pressure on the wood sends them further…

    The MAGAZINE was loaded with small wooden bullets. PARA pulled off a red magazine from her belt.

    Ben: Let me guess, those are highly concentrated with fire.
    Para: You heard about it?

    BEN smacked his forehead.

    TARA’S eyes went black.

    Tara: Show time guys. Remember the plan Brad said.
    Ben: Kill them?
    Tara: Well that, but to keep an open eye for weird things.
    Ben: These are former celebrity icons famous the world over for making it ‘pretty.’ You’re telling us to keep an eye out for weird things. This ranks highly on my weird list.

    BEN and RYAN led the way. TARA and PARA followed behind. They looked through a crack in the door. They could see RICK strapped to the table.

    MARTHA and RICK were tossing things in the air signifying that the RITUAL had begun.

    BEN pulled his AXE up.

    Ben: 1…

    RYAN readied his bow.

    Ryan: …2…

    PARA cocked her 9mm.

    Para: …3…

    TARA’S eyes flashed from white to black.

    Tara: Exclamation mark!

    BEN, RYAN, and PARA all starred at her.

    Tara: 4 just doesn’t work…

    TARA waved her hand and the crack in the door flew wide open allowing them in. RYAN and PARA started firing right away.

    BEN charged at many of the VAMPIRES swinging the axe and decapitating them.

    Martha: Stop them!

    TARA’S wrath of fire took out many approaching vampires.

    Tara: Goddess of night hear my plight, for 10 simple seconds restore daylight.

    The SKY burst with RAYS of light. The LIGHT came in through the windows of the factory and turned all the Vampires into dust…except MARTHA and CHRIS. They were in a darkened area.

    The SKY turned back to night black.

    Martha: You think you’ve gotten us Slayer…but you’ve lost everything.
    Ben: How do you figure?
    Martha: Chris and I have already set the trap. We needed you here.
    Ben: Why me?
    Martha: Because you are the Prophecy Slayer.
    Ben: Yeah?
    Martha: You walked through the Gates of Hell.
    Ben: Not really walked, floating works though…

    MARTHA rolls her eyes and sighs.

    Martha: The point is, with you here, I can open up all of the dimensions…and no one can stop me.
    Chris: Yeah…oh, and Martha, I told you those two cute boys would be here.

    RYAN and BEN looked at each other.

    Ben: Ryan, take your shirt off.
    Ryan: Me? Why?
    Ben: I’m taking mine off too…just trust me on this.

    BEN and RYAN pulled their shirts off. CHRIS’ face changed back to normal.

    Chris: You two boys are so cute.

    CHRIS started to walk towards BEN and RYAN.

    BEN closed his eyes and concentrated.

    Ben (Voice over): Tara…I need a wooden stake…quietly and fast…float it to my hands.
    Tara (Voice over): Why did you guys take your shirts off…not like I don’t really mind, and that I’m totally straight as it is…
    Ben (Voice over): It’s a diversion…would you hurry it up already…my nips could cut through glass…it’s freezing in here!
    Tara (Voice over): Oh…sorry!

    TARA looked around and saw where a VAMPIRE was pushed into a crate. A small wooden part was broke off. TARA’S eyes turned white and the STAKE went invisible. She moved her head so she was looking at BEN’S hands and the STAKE appeared in his hands, which were behind his back.

    CHRIS was standing in front of BEN and RYAN.

    Chris: Is it cold in here, or what?

    RYAN covered his chest.

    Ben: Hey…I’ve got a long wooden shaft for you…
    Chris: Oh baby!

    BEN pulled the stake from behind him and RAMMED it into CHRIS’ chest.

    CHRIS turned to dust.

    Martha: Okay…didn’t see that one coming.
    Ryan: Can I put my shirt back on?
    Tara: You don’t really have…I’m speaking out loud again…oh God!
    Ben: Give it up Martha…you’ve lost. Release him and I won’t kill you.

    PARA switched magazines on her 9mm. She loaded the RED FIRE magazine in. She cocked it.

    Martha: You promise?

    GUN SHOTS filled the air and MARTHA was struck down with bullets hitting her.

    Ben: I thought she would’ve been on fire by now.

    MARTHA’S body erupted into FLAMES.

    BEN cut RICK free from the table.

    Rick: Where am I?
    Ben: You’re new house.
    Rick: Ben? Why are you not wearing a shirt?
    Ben: It’s summer.
    Rick: Oh. And this is my house?
    Ben: Come on Rick…time to get you to sleep.
    Rick: Okay…


    BEN, PARA, RYAN and TARA walked in.

    Ben: Rick will be better once he gets some sleep.
    Ryan: I’m just glad we got him home.
    Ben: Yeah.
    Ryan: Now why did I take my shirt off for a gay vampire again?
    Ben: It was a diversion…it worked.
    Para and Tara: We didn’t mind.

    The two girls giggled.

    Ryan: I think Tara and I are going to go home…I’ve had enough fun for one Halloween.
    Ben: I hear ya on that.
    Ryan: Hey Ben?
    Ben: Yeah?
    Ryan: Back in high school…If I ever was a complete ass to you, which I know I was, well, I apologize.
    Ben: That’s all in the past bro. No worries from me.
    Ryan: All right man. Good night.

    RYAN walked to the door where TARA was waiting.

    TARA and RYAN walked out of the house.


    Ryan: So, I’m wondering…
    Tara: Yeah?
    Ryan: You want to go see a movie tomorrow?
    Tara: Sure! I’d love to go see a movie with you.
    Ryan: Super!

    RYAN and TARA Continued walking.


    A MAN stepped out of the TERMINAL. He looked around. The CAMERA pans around to his face…

    DAN FINKELSTEIN walks towards the exit of the AIRPORT.



    10/31/2002 11:36:43 AM

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