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By Michael Crichton
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    The infamous "rippling water puddle" from JP has been copied in everything from Disney's "Dinosaurs" to "The Simpsons" and "Deuce Bigalow". (From: 'jurassiraptor')
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    SLAYER - Episode 4x04 - Halloween - Part 2
    By Ben

    Previously on Slayer…

    CHARGER CITY – 1802
    A YOUNG WHITE GIRL wearing ripped clothes RUNS. Every few paces she turns and looks behind her, only running faster.

    A MAN with a LONG BLACK CAPE follows after her, at a fast stalking pace.

    ANOTHER GIRL leapt from the side bush and attacked the man. She drove a wooden stake into his heart…but he didn’t turn to dust. The GIRL looked around…shocked. She pulled a knife from her waist and slit it across her throat.


    MAJESTIC walked through the doors.

    Brad: Majestic? What are you doing here?
    Majestic: I just came back from Dansville. Got a few of your things from the Magic Box.
    Brad: Oh? That’s wonderful.
    Majestic: I also needed to talk to Ben…is he around?

    SHANE, RIVER AND MARTY were knocked to the ground. ROOTS from the ground rose up and tied them together. The ROOTS rose high enough and suspended the boys by their feet.

    GABLE picked up the KNIFE. He held RIVER by his neck, holding the blade near his throat.

    GABLE backed up into his house with RIVER. The DOORS slammed shut.

    The ROOTS swung back and forth and then launched SHANE, MARTY, and MR. HUNT into the mansion through window. The window was shattered, but it re-animated itself and sealed.

    Brad: Where are they?

    ~~~** NEW EPISODE **~~~

    BRAD got off the BUS. He looked at MAJESTIC.

    Ben: In the Mansion…

    BEN appeared being followed by PARA and TARA. TARA had a book in her hands.

    Tara: According to this, Ralph Gable’s ultimate goal was to make an army of vampire children.
    Ben: And he’s going to succeed if we don’t stop him.
    Falcon: Getting into the house is going to be impossible.
    Ben: Not impossible…
    Majestic: Ben and I can use our powers to bust down the doors.
    Brad: You saw what the windows did; it would do us no good.

    RICK’S SUV pulls up.

    RICK and RYAN got out.

    Ben: Rick probably has enough firepower to get the door down permanently.
    Tara: I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re not understanding this…It’s magic. The house is surrounded by it.
    Ben: Then why don’t we try something with magic? You’re the witch here…Abracadabra the damn door down.
    Para: Ben, this isn’t like you.
    Ben: My little brother is in there…he needs my help. I leave him for two days with someone who’s supposed to be my watcher and protector, but that person seems to be stabbing me in the back. Then I leave him with the head of a government-funded agency out to attack demons…you tell me where I need have no concern about my brother.
    Ryan: Perhaps you underestimate him. Since you’ve been training him, he’s actually developed a lot like you.
    Ben: I don’t care…I want him out of there. We don’t know what’s inside that place…River is strong, that’s very true, but he’s not ready.


    RIVER is thrown against a wall.

    GABLE appears.

    River: What do you want from me?
    Gable: Just you…

    GABLE kicked RIVER in the stomach as he was on the ground. RIVER moaned in pain.

    Gable: Perhaps I can find a weakness as well…perhaps in your friends?

    GABLE waved his hand and MARTY, SHANE and MR. HUNT appeared.

    The FOUR of them suddenly found themselves chained to a BRICK WALL. They appeared in the basement.

    GABLE hovered back and forth, starring at his victims, as we could see the rest of the students were encaged.


    RICK walked up with the PLASMA CANNON.

    Rick: I love this baby!

    RICK fired the PLASMA CANNON at the walls of the house. TARA channeled her powers through the CANNON. The WALL caved in.

    Tara: Hurry!

    BEN and MAJESTIC dove into the castle, followed by PARA and FALCON.

    The wall started to come back together; BRAD rushed in with a bag of weapons.


    Tara: Rick come here and hold onto me.
    Rick: Why?
    Tara: I’m going to channel to River’s vision and then we’re going to teleport to where he is.
    Rick: Oh, sounds cool to me.

    TARA’S eyes filled with whiteness.


    BEN looked at BRAD.

    He pulled a sword that was lying on top of the bag out. He swung it a few times.

    Ben: Brad and Para, go to the top, Majestic, Falcon and I will head to the basement.

    BRAD and PARA headed off, as BEN, MAJESTIC and FALCON started too.

    Falcon: What are you trying to accomplish here?
    Ben: We have to find River and his classmates and save them…you know, doing the good thing?
    Falcon: Right.
    Majestic: What will we do when we find them…this evil that’s here…it will come back after us.
    Ben: I think you are right…it seems to be after us.
    Falcon: What sense of ‘us’ are you using?
    Ben: I think this thing is after the “Slayers.”
    Falcon: Why?
    Majestic: Legend has it that a rogue Slayer accused this guy of being a Vampire, but he wasn’t – he was human, but he drank blood, anyway, she staked him in the heart but he didn’t turn to dust and somehow Gable was able…heh…err, Gable preformed some ritual trapping their spirits here, but for some reason their spirits are like eternal beings…they can harm, and touch…making them very tough.
    Falcon: That made no sense whatsoever, but I will help.
    Ben: Why?

    The three of them stopped walking.

    BEN looked at FALCON face to face.

    Ben: Why do you want to help us? And now?
    Falcon: I’ve been cursed…I can’t be evil so I have to be good.
    Ben: To quote you, that made no sense whatsoever.
    Falcon: I’m sure you find this quite funny, but I’m very serious…I want to cause some damage, so be it if it’s to the demon side.
    Ben: I’ll be watching you, Falcon…the first time you slip, I will be right there.
    Falcon: Fine…I’ve changed, just a little warning for you.

    MAJESTIC felt the floor.

    Majestic: There is energy buzzing below us…in the basement…I think that’s where they are.

    THE FLOOR collapsed and the three of them fell to the basement.

    Gable: Welcome to the fun house.


    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER, PARA, RICK, RYAN, and TARA.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a cross bow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases and hits a VAMPIRE and they explode into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN, BECKY, and ICE attack dozens of DEMONS.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN. [Para girl] PARA looks at a map with RICK.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by two of his friends. RIVER runs at a wall of lockers and flip kicks himself over a bully. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] Tara throws herself into a portal and it seals.

    RICK spars in a ring with BEN. RICK pulls his crossbow out and fires. [Rick Arnold] Rick embraces SAMANTHA.

    RYAN is held at Gun Point. RYAN spars with BEN. [And Dark Hunter as Ryan] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes.


    **Dan’s Store…for all your Dan’s JP3 Page needs! Big Sale Now!!


    [Special Guest Star Brad as Bradley Giles]

    PARA and BRAD walk cautiously.

    Brad: He’s still mad at me I take it.
    Para: Oh yeah.
    Brad: He seems to dealing fine now that Falcon’s here.
    Para: He doesn’t care. He’s concerned that you couldn’t confront him face to face about it.
    Brad: I would never do anything to hurt him and he knows that.
    Para: Maybe he’s forgotten.

    [Guest Starring Aragorn as Shane]

    PARA was thrown into the wall. BRAD was thrown through a door.

    A GIRL appeared.

    [PunkNerd as Joey]

    GIRL: Who are you?
    Para: I’m Para and this is Brad…we’re here to help.
    Girl: What kind of a name is Para?
    Para: A very pretty name, thank you. And what’s yours?
    Girl: My name is Tammy.
    Para: Oh. That is pretty.
    Tammy: Thanks.

    [Mr.Goodbytes as Mr. Hunt]


    Tammy: You’re with the Council?
    Brad: Excuse me?
    Tammy: Your tattoo.
    Brad: Oh, yes, I’m a watcher.
    Tammy: Is this your Slayer?
    Brad: No, he’s on the bottom half.
    Tammy: He?

    [Dino_dude as Marty]

    Brad: Yep. The prophecy.
    Tammy: It came true?
    Brad: Yeah.
    Tammy: Do you know how to kill Gable?
    Brad: Not really.
    Tammy: That knife that was used outside earlier…do you know where it is?
    Brad: No, but what about it?
    Tammy: That knife has to go into Gable’s heart. Once it does, he’ll be banished.
    Brad: Right. Para get to Ben, warn him.

    GABLE appeared.

    [Amber as Tammy]

    Gable: Why not join them?

    The FLOORS shattered and BRAD, PARA and TAMMY appeared in the BASEMENT next to MAJESTIC and BEN.

    FALCON was encaged.

    [Jerm as Gable]


    [And Labyrinth as Falcon Glick]

    TARA felt the walls of the mansion.

    Rick: What are you doing?
    Tara: Looking for a weakness in the walls.
    Rick: You really think they need us?
    Tara: Yes.
    Rick: Okay…what can I do to help?
    Tara: Hold my hand.

    [Halloween Parts 1 and 2 wrote and directed by Ben Smythe]

    RICK gripped onto TARA’S HAND.

    THE WALLS of the MANSION started to separate like they did earlier.

    [Produced by Rick Arnold]

    TARA and RICK walked into the mansion.

    THE WALLS sealed. TARA lifted a candle from the wall.

    Tara: Tahtarae Liem.

    The CANDLE sparked on fire.

    Rick: Neat.
    Tara: You’ve known I could do this.


    With the light, they could see DEAD BODIES hanging, some laying on the ground, and some floating.

    TARA screamed.


    Gable: More guests? I must greet them.
    Tammy: Not so fast.

    TAMMY, BEN and MAJESTIC were on their feet, a little dazed, but they were standing.

    Gable: Why if it isn’t the bitch that killed me. What are you doing here?
    Tammy: I’m here to kill you…again.
    Gable: Really?

    The STUDENTS inside the huge cage looked on in shock.
    Sally: Isn’t that River’s brother down there?
    Ryan: Yeah…isn’t that the Librarian, too?
    Sally: River, your brother is here.
    Mr. Hunt: Kids, stay back.

    RIVER focused on JOEY’S knee. He placed his hands on the wound. JOEY thrived in pain.

    River: Hashatay domina.
    Mr. Hunt: River, you’ve caused him enough pain today, stay back.

    RIVER’S hands released green energy onto JOEY’S knee. JOEY’S body flashed with the same green color.

    River: He’ll be fine now.
    Mr. Hunt: Why is your brother here?
    River: I can guess.

    TAMMY, MAJESTIC and BEN stepped forward.

    Tammy: Gable, this is between you and me…let the others go.
    Gable: Those two behind you are Slayers…I want them.
    Tammy: Why?

    MAJESTIC pushed TAMMY out of the way.

    Majestic: Get me.

    GABLE kicked MAJESTIC onto the side of the CAGE where the students were.

    Majestic: River…the knife…I need it.
    River: I don’t have it…
    Majestic: Who does?
    Mr. Hunt: I do.
    Majestic: I need that knife, sir.

    MR. HUNT agreed. He handed the KNIFE to MAJESTIC.

    Gable: One down…
    Ben: Me to go.

    BEN flipped over GABLE and KICKED him in the back.

    GABLE flew into TAMMY. TAMMY met him with three PUNCHES. GABLE fell to the ground.

    Majestic: Ben! Catch.

    MAJESTIC flung the knife to BEN. BEN caught in his palm.

    BEN looked at TAMMY.

    BEN flung the knife at TAMMY. The KNIFE spiraled towards her. She caught it and formed a fist. GABLE got to his feet.

    TAMMY looked at BEN.

    Tammy: Thank you.

    TAMMY rammed the knife into GABLE.

    GABLE and TAMMY shook closely together as beams of light came through them and out of them. THEY were lifted higher off the ground and then exploded into light.

    The KIDS screamed.

    TARA and RICK looked around. THE BODIES vanished. RICK held onto a shaken TARA.

    Rick: It’s okay…it’s over they’re gone. They’re all gone.
    Tara: That was like way creepy.
    Rick: Yeah, but Ben must’ve taken care of the situation because they are all gone.
    Tara: Good old Ben.

    A DOOR flew open. TARA and RICK screamed.

    BEN and PARA led the way up the stairs from where the door swung open.

    Ben: You guys missed one hell of a party.

    RYAN kicked open the front door.

    Ryan: Is everyone okay?
    Mr. Hunt: I think all but one of the students is okay.

    JOEY hobbled to MR. HUNT

    Joey: No sir, I’m fine. River saved my life…
    Mr. Hunt: Odd how the people you think are geeks or less important than yourself can surprise you, isn’t it.
    Joey: Yes sir.
    Mr. Hunt: But you have detention. As do you too River…
    River: But I –
    Mr. Hunt: You two still need to work your differences out.
    Joey: Jerk.
    River: Son of b-
    Ben: River!
    Ryan: I called public transportation; they’re sending another bus out here.
    Brad: Very good, Ryan.


    The STUDENTS are dressed up in HALLOWEEN COSTUMES and are dancing with each other, listening to the loud music.

    OUTSIDE of the GYM

    BEN and PARA held hands as they walked with BRAD. BEN was dressed in all BLACK as PARA had her hair braided with two ponytails with a red cape and a Farmer Girl dress. BRAD had a blue robe and a blue wizard hat on.

    Ben: I’m sorry for flying off the handle like that Brad.
    Brad: No, it’s not you who should be apologizing. It’s me.
    Ben: No, you we’re right. You’re my Watcher, I shouldn’t argue with what you tell me.

    BRAD looked at him.

    Brad: Yes.

    The THREE of them reached the GYM doors where RICK was talking to RYAN and TARA. RICK was dressed up as a PIRATE, RYAN wore ARMY FATIGUES, and TARA dressed as a MEDIEVAL PRINCESS.

    Tara: It’s kinda cool that Mr. Hunt asked us to chaperone this dance. I haven’t talked to him since…
    Ben: Since the good old days, when it was just me, you, Dan, Becky and Ice. Those were the salad days…

    BEN looked and saw PARA’S face. She was upset.

    Ben: …but these ones are nice.

    PARA smiled.

    Brad: Yes, I read Dan’s journals. Quite a bit of fun you guys had, indeed.
    Ryan: Shouldn’t we be out patrolling? I mean, the vampires are just roaming around out there.
    Ben: No, its Halloween, my one night off…and I’m stuck here – chaperoning.
    Brad: Don’t make it sound like it’s so much of a drag.
    Rick: Yeah. Some of us require this for payroll.
    Ben: Oh, yeah. Money. Definitely have a lack of that right now.
    Brad: Don’t worry about it.

    The SCRAPPY GANG walked into the GYM where the DANCE was very active.

    RIVER walked up. He was wearing blue jeans, a red t-shirt and a black leather trench coat.

    Ben: River…you’ve got that ‘homeboy looking for drugs look’ down. You’re just missing the cap sideways.
    River: No, that would require my boxers to be exposed and my pants at my ankle.
    Tara: You wear boxers?

    RIVER looked at TARA

    River: Yes…
    Tara: Good, because briefs just aren’t flattering…

    TARA noticed the GANG was starring at her.

    Tara: Not like I really check guys out anymore, anyway. What am I saying?

    The Scrappy Gang chuckled.

    SHANE and MARTY walked up to RIVER. SHANE was dressed up in all black with a cape and VAMPIRE TEETH. MARTY wore a ROBE with a WIZARD HAT on.

    Brad: Nice costume.
    Marty: You too! Hey River, what are you doing after this?
    River: Oh uh…I don’t know yet. Did you guys have something planned?
    Shane: Yeah, we were going to TP Joey’s house.

    BEN looked at RIVER.

    River: Can I?
    Ben: You’re asking my permission to be a delinquent? Don’t get caught…and carry your…uh…you know.
    River: Oh…yes. Definitely.

    JOEY walked by RIVER. He was wearing a WHITE BUTTON UP SHIRT with a LOOSE TIE and BRIEFS and SOCKS, ala TOM CRUISE

    Joey: River, can I talk to you for a minute?
    River: Sure.
    Ben: Have fun…and don’t stay out too late.

    JOEY placed his arm around RIVER with a smirk and the two boys walked off.

    BRAD looked at BEN

    Brad: Now I want to focus on Seth and what his plans are here in Charger City. We can’t be certain of anything.
    Ben: It’s so weird that he helped fight with us and now he’s against us.
    Brad: Well, according to Dan’s Journal, he wasn’t always on your side.
    Tara: No…we actually had many bad run-ins with him.
    Ben: Well I’ll have Para drive us to school tomorrow and we’ll work on that while we train.
    Brad: Sounds fine to me.

    TARA watched over the crowd and could still see RIVER with JOEY. They were walking to a far dark corner.

    JOEY threw RIVER into the wall.

    Joey: If you ever…and I mean EVER try to embarrass me again, I will beat you to a bloody pulp.
    River: Why wait?

    JOEY pulled his fist back. He released as RIVER dodged over to his right. JOEY’S fist went right into the concrete.

    Tara: Hey!
    Ben: Tara, what is it?

    TARA looked at a TABLE near RIVER and JOEY. A HUGE PUMPKIN PIE sat next to the FRUIT BUNCH BOWL

    TARA used her MAGIC and made the PIE fly over to JOEY and RIVER. JOEY got a tapping feeling on his shoulder and the PIE SMEARED into his face.

    THE MUSIC stopped. EVERYONE was starring at the back corner. The STUDENTS laughed at the messy JOEY.

    BEN looked at TARA

    Ben: You don’t like practice throwing pies in your spare time do you?
    Tara: No…I was just watching out for River…something you do.
    Ben: Good eye.

    JOEY ran out of the GYM humiliated.

    MARTY and SHANE were smiling from ear to ear. They gave RIVER high-fives.

    Shane: Awesome man!
    Marty: I didn’t think you had it in you.
    River: Me either.


    BEN walked out of the LIVING ROOM turning the light off.

    PARA walked up to BEN. She put her hands around him, holding on to his neck.

    Para: I’ve been missing this.
    Ben: Missing what?

    PARA leaned in and started to KISS BEN on the LIPS.

    BEN pulled away real quick.

    Ben: I’ve missed that too.

    THEY embraced in kissing again.



    Narrator: The one night a Slayer is supposed to have off is going to be interrupted…

    BEN and RIVER look at a BOOK that BRAD is holding.

    River: That’s an odd place for a horn.
    Ben: That’s not a horn.
    River: Oh.

    SILENCE – a beat.

    River: Gross! Oh goodness!
    Brad: That’s okay it was the wrong book.

    BRAD grabbed a MAGAZINE.

    Narrator: And he will face his deadliest opponent to date…

    BRAD: These two are leaders of an evil cult.

    PARA looked at the picture.

    Para: That’s Martha Stewart and Christopher Lowell.
    Brad: Yes, I realize that…but they are leaders of an evil cult.
    Ben: This should be interesting.
    Rick: I say we nuke ‘em.
    Falcon: Can I feed off them?
    Ben: Hey! We do not joke about feeding off living people in this household! It’s not taken lightly!
    Falcon: Sorry.

    Narrator: Don’t miss the episode that’s so funny it’s scary…


    Chris: Hmm-mmm.

    Narrator: An all new SLAYER on a special DAY! Next Thursday – HALLOWEEN!

    10/25/2002 12:08:51 AM
    (Updated: 10/25/2002 12:15:46 AM)
    (Updated: 10/25/2002 12:38:48 AM)

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