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    Ben The Flooder Slayer - Episode 3x03 Villains
    By Ben


    BEN SUMMERS adjusted himself from the ground. He looked to see TARA MCCLAY standing there, starring at her some-what twin, FAITH.

    Ben: Tara?

    FAITH sat up, patting her clothes of the dust and dirt.

    Faith: Uh-oh. Big sister’s back. I’m in wicked trouble now.
    Tara: You have no idea. You have to stop what your doing.
    Faith: Sorry, Can’t do that. Not finished yet.
    Tara: Neither am I.

    Faith stood up…

    Tara: Stay down.

    Faith fell as Tara’s fingers waved. Her magic power took Faith down.

    RYAN looked on.

    Ryan: How’d you do that?
    Ben: She’s an…it’s a long story.
    Ryan: But that’s Tara right? Tara from the high school with us? Why is she there and evil and there and good?
    Ben: We’ll just keep it at a long story, and I’ll fill you in later.

    Faith looked on.

    Faith: Your power is not as strong as mine.
    Tara: I’m here to help you.

    Faith looked at Tara in disbelief.

    Faith: Thanks, but I can kill a couple geeks all by myself. But hey, since this doesn’t concern you…
    Tara: You concern me. You’re me.
    Ben: Listen to her Faith…I don’t want to fight you anymore.
    Faith: I don’t want to fight you anymore, either. I want to fight her.

    Faith raised herself up.

    Tara: Stay down…

    She waved her hand, but Faith waved hers and blocked.
    Faith: No.

    She looked at Tara.

    Faith: Remember that little spat we had before we split? You doubted all your power that you could never amount to anything. Amateur, or anything…Well buckle up Tara…

    Faith’s eyes turned black.

    Faith: ‘cause I’ve turned pro.

    Tara looked at her.

    Faith: So what do you bring forth?
    Tara: Sanctus.

    Tara thrust her arm at Faith and green energy circled around Faith. It trapped her. Faith tried to use a spell, but the green turned black and knocked her out.

    Ben walked towards Tara.

    Ben: What did you do?
    Tara: Contained her and her powers inside a binding field…Puts her in a coma, sort of…your back in college…

    Ben looked at her, and then he hugged her.

    Tara walked towards Faith.

    Tara: I’m very sorry about Mandy, as well…
    Faith: This won’t hold me forever…


    Tara: I teleported here shortly after she did. She and I split out of nowhere.
    Ben: Is there a merging spell?
    Tara: Yes, but it is very powerful and dangerous.
    Ben: Maybe Brad might know a way to work a spell.
    Tara: We can check.
    Ben: Were you okay?
    Tara: In England? Yeah. I think.
    Ben: You miss her, don’t you?
    Tara: I’ll always miss her.


    Ryan starred at Faith’s floating body. He waved his hand over her eyes a few times.

    He walked away, but was stopped by Faith’s voice inside his head.

    Faith: Ryan…
    Ryan: Tara?
    Faith: That’s right…I need you Ryan. Just like I did a few years ago.
    Ryan: I know what your doing…and you have super powers that I didn’t know of…and mind control won’t work on me.
    Faith: Shut up and listen to me.
    Ryan: Okay.
    Faith: I need you to break this spell…
    Ryan: I can’t…I don’t know how.
    Faith: I do.

    Ryan started to walk towards the Psychology Room.

    Faith: Don’t call out to them.

    Ryan stopped and turned around.

    Ryan: I don’t know how…
    Faith: I do…you want me to tell you how?


    ANYA bursts in the doors.

    Anya: Giles? Giles?
    Brad: Anya, what is it?
    Anya: It’s Tara…well, Dark Tara, Faith…she’s at the college.
    Brad: Where’s Ben?
    Anya: He’s at the college too.
    Brad: Get there as fast as you…

    Anya teleported using her demon powers.

    Brad: …can.

    MAJESTIC burst in through the door.

    Majestic: What are you waiting for old man? Let’s go!

    Brad ran towards the door. Right by the door was a bench that had a drawer. He pulled the drawer and grabbed a leather bag that was inside.

    Majestic: What is that?
    Brad: Spell books, stakes, other weapons. I guess your training was never complete.
    Majestic: Not really…

    Majestic and Brad left the Magic Box.


    Tara: So how have you been?
    Ben: I guess I’ve been okay.
    Tara: Did you and your mom get to spend a lot of time together?
    Ben: Yeah.
    Tara: That’s good. How’s your little brother?
    Ben: Rivvir? Oh he’s fine…I think. Oh god!
    Tara: What is it, Ben?
    Ben: I was supposed to pick him up from school!
    Tara: Well go pick him up?
    Ben: And leave THAT out there? I don’t think so.
    Tara: It won’t be so hard…

    The doors to the Psychology room flew open as Ryan’s body landed by Ben and Tara. Faith emerged from the hall.

    Faith: Oh I wouldn’t say that…


    FAITH walked in towards them. Ben charged at her, but was pushed off to the side with her awesome power.

    Faith: Fool me once…

    A bunch of sharpened pencil’s fly up by Faith’s head. They float, waiting for the signal.

    Faith: Shame on you…
    Tara: Rise!

    A table rose right in front of Tara, shielding her. The pencil’s fly off and get stuck into the table as if darts onto a dartboard. Faith pulls the table down using her magic and walks towards Tara.

    Faith throws lighting at Tara knocking her down.

    ANYA appears right next to Tara.

    Anya: Dolce!
    Anya threw a ball of energy at Faith knocking her through the wall.


    PARA tried and tired to get the door open.

    Para: Rick, I think she’s using a magic spell or something, we can’t get out.
    Rick: We’ll try the other way.
    Para: What other way?
    Rick: The tunnels. They’re bound to get us out of here.
    Para: Yes, sir.


    Faith is on the ground, knocked out. Ben and Tara stumble out. Anya is behind them.

    Anya: Okay, I have to get back to the shop.

    Anya teleported.

    Ben: Well that was nice of her to just drop by…

    FAITH leapt to her feet.

    Faith: Is that all you’ve got?
    Tara: Ben…Take Ryan and leave us.
    Ben: Why?

    Faith’s power grew and darkness fell over DANSVILLE.

    Faith: Because you’ve got flooders to slay…slayer. Run along now.

    Ben looked at Tara. He helped Ryan up and the two walked out of the college.


    FLOODERS were running wild and terrorizing the innocent lives of students.

    ICE ran towards the flooders. He pulled out a spike. He started staking flooders left and right.

    BEN and RYAN ran out of the college.

    Ben: Ryan, there isn’t much time…
    Ryan: What in the hell is going on?
    Ben: I’m a Slayer.
    Ryan: A what?
    Ben: Into every generation, the Slayer is born. The one with the knowledge of supernatural darkness and fights it. Why do you think that back in high school the whole pirate thing was like it was and how I stopped it?
    Ryan: Oh my god. I just thought you were on drugs.
    Ben: Great…anyway…

    Ben pulls a wooden stake out of his bag. He gives it to Ryan.

    Ben: The heart…aim for the heart.
    Ryan: I can’t do this…
    Ben: Yes you can.


    The lid to the sewer flies off. PARA and RICK come out from the ground. They look around. FLOODERS and DEMONS are running all over the place.

    Rick: Shit! We needed some weapons.

    Siren’s blare and as if out of nowhere PARA and RICK are circled by police cars.

    Para: We sure could use help…


    DAC sat at his desk going over some papers. He heard a small buzzing sound and looked at a map of DANSVILLE on his wall. A light was blinking at the location of the college.

    Dac: Rick! Ben!

    Dac threw his papers up and ran out of his office.


    The door opens as a mother and two kids come running in.

    ANYA looks.

    Anya: It’s okay. Come on in here…this is the safest place you can be.

    Anya walked to BRAD.

    Anya: What are we going to do? It’s almost as if the Demon world has declared war on earth.
    Brad: I think it has. Well…in times like this, I’m left with nothing else to do.

    Brad walks towards his office and grabs a few weapons. He brings them to the front counter and then picks up the phone. He dials a few numbers and waits.

    Girl Voice: Hello?
    Brad: Hello…I’m looking for Buffy Summers.
    Girl: Hold on a second.

    Brad waits.

    Buffy: Hello?
    Brad: Buffy…this is Brad Giles…Rupert’s cousin…


    Joan clinches her stomach. She is in no condition what so ever to go into battle. She puts on a pair of black pants and a blue top. Then she put a black coat on. She grabbed a stake, a sword, and her cross bow. She walked out of her bedroom and then down the stairs to exit her house…only to find flooders waiting for her.


    BEN shoots his crossbow and takes out a few flooders. Ryan looks around. A flooder appears in front of him. He rams the stake in his heart. The flooder turns into dust.

    Ryan: Wow. Ben! Did you see that?
    Ben: Yeah.

    ICE ran to Ben and Ryan.

    Ice: Sweet fancy Moses! They just won’t back off.
    Ben: Ice, what time is it?
    Ice: 2:47, why?
    Ben: Shit.

    Ben gave Ice his crossbow. Ben strapped his bag of stakes on his shoulder.

    Ben: Take them out. I have to go protect Rivvir.
    Ice: Okay.
    Ben: I’ll get back here as soon as I can. Get more people…make stakes…

    Ben ran off into the fray of Demons. He took a couple flooders out.


    Cop: Put your hands above your heads!
    Para: We didn’t do anything!
    Cop: Do it!

    Para and Rick raise their hands.

    BEN flips into the circle where Rick and Para are.

    He pushes his hands out and all of the cops fly into the air.

    Ben: Rick, grab a car and save anyone you can. Para come with me.
    Rick: Yes sir.

    Ben and Para run off with a police car.


    Rivvir walks out of the school. His friends POST GRANT and RANCOR follow him.

    Grant: So what are you doing tonight?
    Rivvir: I’m probably going to be with my mom all night. Ben never takes me out anywhere.
    Rancor: It’s not that big of a deal buddy.
    Rivvir: It is to me. He’ll probably forget to come and pick me up.

    Ben’s stolen police car pulls right up to Rivvir, Grant and Rancor.

    Ben: Get in the back! Hurry!

    The three boys don’t hesitate.

    Ben takes off in the car.


    Rivvir: What’s going on?
    Ben: All hell is breaking loose. You three are going to stay at the Magic Box.
    Rivvir: No. I’m going with you.
    Ben: Rivvir, don’t argue with me.
    Rivvir: Why don’t you let me do any of this?
    Ben: Because you’re my little brother, this is my job. Not yours. You lead a normal life…let me do this.
    Rivvir: No.

    Ben floored it.

    TARA starred at FAITH.

    Faith: You have no clue what I’ve summoned.
    Tara: Oh yes I do. And you have no clue what I’ve summoned.
    Faith: You? You couldn’t summon anything. Especially something that could hurt me.

    Faith threw a ball of energy at Tara; Tara pushed it back with magic, as did Faith. The tennis match of black magic went under way.

    Tara: Come on Becky…
    Faith: Who is Becky?

    A voice came from behind Faith…

    Becky: I am.

    Faith turned around. Becky punched Faith and she flew off into the air.

    Becky: Someone is coming to get you. I’ll keep watch here and protect Ice and the other boy.
    Tara: Becky, thank so much.
    Becky: No problem.

    A BLACK HUMMER busts into the hall of the college.

    DAC gets out of the Hummer.

    Dac: What are you waiting for? Let’s go!

    Tara got inside the Hummer with Dac.

    Dac spun the Hummer around and got them out of the building.

    Tara: You must pick up Ryan and Ice.
    Dac: What?
    Tara: Do it.
    Dac: I can’t…

    Tara took control of the car with her Magic.

    Dac: Fine, you drive.

    The Hummer pulled right up to Ice and Ryan. They both got in, not even looking to see who was in it.

    The hummer sped off.

    JOAN looked on and saw the flooders. There were way too many of them.

    MAJESTIC jumped onto the front deck from the side. He scared Joan.

    Joan: Majestic, what are you doing here?
    Majestic: I’m here to help.

    Another figure appeared from the same side of the deck.

    Majestic: This is another Slayer, Carna.
    Carna: Hello.
    Joan: Well I appreciate you boys coming, but I don’t think it’s enough.

    BECKY appeared next to Joan.

    Becky: How about 4?
    Joan: Shouldn’t you be away from me?
    Becky: All that has changed Mrs. Summers…I’m normal again.
    Joan: It’ll do for now, but you have some explaining to do when this is over.

    The BLACK HUMMER and POLICE CAR appear at the same time from opposite ends of the street in front of the house.

    BEN, PARA and RIVVIR get out of the POLICE CAR, as DAC, ICE, and RYAN get out of the Hummer.

    Para: Dac!
    Dac: Para!
    Ben: Can we do this later?
    Para: Yeah, sorry.

    Becky used her telepathic powers and got inside Ben’s head.

    Becky: I’m going to throw a sword to you. It’s a god’s sword…so be careful with it. When it touches a flooder, it makes them explode into dust…no matter where it touches them.

    Ben: Awesome.

    Para ran over to Dac and the both of them got weapons from the back of the Hummer.

    A sword flew from the air.

    Becky: Now!
    Ben flipped into the air. He grabbed the sword and landed in the middle of his yard…as well the middle of the flooders. He started swinging the sword left and right and the flooders fell into dust.

    Majestic, Carna, and Joan ran down from the deck and started staking the remaining flooders.

    Rivvir grabbed a long wooden staff from the back of the Hummer.

    He started swinging it around and took some flooders to the ground. He broke it across his knee and started to stake the ones he took down.

    All the flooders were gone.

    Ben: That was intense.

    Ten figures appeared from where the Police Car and Hummer were.

    GRANT and RANCOR run out of the police car and into Ben’s house.

    Two figures stepped up and they kicked the vehicles down the street.

    Ben looked on in awe.

    VANESSA stepped forward from the group. Her face was very pale.

    Ben: Vanessa…what’s going on?
    Vanessa: Oh, just us Vampires…roaming around.

    Vanessa’s face changed and it looked similar to a flooder’s, only with sharper teeth.

    The groups’ faces changed as well. Vanessa had become a vampire.

    A flaming bottle was thrown in the air and landed right in front of the Vampires. It exploded with flames. The vampires stepped back.

    Two other bottles smashed onto the road, giving them one way out…but there was a gang standing at the exit.

    Girl: You run through the flames, and die…or you can run by me…and die. Take your pick.

    Ben: Get out of here!
    Girl: It’s okay…I have everything under control.

    A vampire ran out towards the girl, but the girl stopped it and kicked his ass. She than rammed a wooden spike through it’s heart. The vampire exploded into dust.

    Ben: Holy shit.

    The girl drops her stake and we see going up that the girl is BUFFY SUMMERS, and she is accompanied by XANDER HARRIS, WILLOW ROSENBERG, RUPERT GILES, and DAWN SUMMERS.

    Buffy: Don’t mess with Buffy the Vampire Slayer…



    7/26/2002 12:29:27 PM

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