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    Escape From Isla Sorna ( The Next Chapter Of Creation Of Jurassic Park ) Chapter 3: The Corruption
    By BIOGEN8

    Author's Note: Since no one commented, it's evident that you don't know who the cast is. Read Chapter 2 to find out.

    2nd Note: Sorry for cutting it so short, I just had to get to bed school ( insert rolleyes icon here. ) Oh, well, here's the update!

    Isla Sorna, The Next Day 10:00 A.M.

    A loud whirring of helicopter blades marked the arrival of a group of tourists, while David, Diana, Thomas, Joe, Lars, Pierre, & Jack stepped out, taking in the area around them. It was a flat field, with mountains in the distance. There, 2 tour cars were awaiting.

    " It was a long flight over here, " David said, " But, it feels good to smell the salty air again! "

    " Well, whatever we're doing here, let's get it over with. " Jack griped.
    " I've missed the Superbowl for nothing but an island visit so far! "

    " Well, " said Jerry Hernandez, a tour guide. " You'll find it to be very interesting, Jack. Just be patient. "

    Diana took in the air, while the cars started driving down a gravel road, going under the huge skeleton of an Electric Fence.

    " CAUTION! "

    It said.

    Then, the cars went offroad, going into a field, where everyone, especially Jack, was stunned. There, 2 kinds of dinosaur, one, smaller than the other, greenish, having a crest on their head, &, a duck bill, Parasaurolophus Walkeri,
    and, a bigger, heavy, long - necked one, grazed. It was,

    " Brachiosaurus Alithorax. " David said in awe.

    " Nobody told me that there'd be dinosaurs here! " Jack said.

    " Yes, " John Hammond said, pulling up in another car. " And, you'll tell no one, until the opening. " He smiled warmly.

    The cars went to a building, the Visitors' Center, where there was a big paddock, &, a garage on it, as well. A lake was adorned, on the front lawn.

    Inside the paddock, was 65 small, chicken - like dinosaurs, Compsognathus.

    " It's feeding time, my little babies. "
    Hammond said. Then, he & Jerry put about 8 Ostrich Eggs into the pen.

    " What are you doing? " Diana asked.

    " They, " Hammond snapped, " were botched eggs. Since they died, we have no further need of them. "

    Everyone watched, while the Compsognathus fed on the white gems.

    " Well, let's begin the tour. " Jerry concluded.

    Inside a massive building, covered with vines, where a sign hung,


    Inside, they walked down some metal steps, took a right, then, using a keychain, Jerry unlocked 2 huge, metal, sliding doors, while the group entered.

    " First, over here, " He began, " Is the Mussasaurus, or " Mouse Lizard. " "

    He pointed to 3 mouse - like dinosaurs, all juveniles.

    " Once fully grown, they can reach over 10 feet in length, usually feeding on baby goats, or, again, botched eggs. "

    They ventured forth, finding something on the left. Pachycephalosaurus.

    " These dinosaurs' skulls, " He pointed to 2 dinosaurs, ramming their heads together. " are 45 times thicker than that of the human skull. "

    " They're even less hardheaded than Jack. " David joked.

    " Take that back! " Jack scowled.

    " Hey, just jokin!' " David said.

    On down, they seen 3 Stegosauruses, 1 grazing, while the other 2 played.

    " Their spikes could pierce a tree trunk, easy. "

    Advancing, they came to a place, where a dinosaur, with a long snout, & small sail looked at the tourists.

    David instantly recognized it. " Baryonyx. "

    " Right, David. " Jerry said. " This dinosaur is related to the crocodile, hence the resemblence. It used that sail for thermal regulation, &, to attract mates. "

    Passing on, they found another dinosaur, with yet another sail, &, a long snout.

    " Ornithosuchus Palaeocontus. " Pierre said, astounded.

    " If you guys keep this up, " Jerry joked, " I'll be unemployed. Like the Baryonyx, its sail was used for maiting, &, thermal regulation. "

    The next containment room revealed 5 Ankylosauruses, dinosaurs with clubs on their tails.

    " Although the Ankylosauruses are herbivores, " Jerry rambled on, " During the Summer, they have been known to be carnivorous. "

    " Creepy. " Lars said.

    At the next room, they seen 8 Psittacosauruses, beaked plant - eaters.

    " These relatives of the Triceratops are actually harmless, toothless, & guileless. They use their beaks to chop plants off, to eat their meals. "

    " Coming up next, is... " Jerry began as they passed through the security doors, to the next room. " David? "

    " Carnotaurus Sastrei, " David said, " With the ability to change their color like a chameleon, allowing them to sneak up on herbivores. "

    Then, they came to a big pair of doors, which opened, revealing a track, with 2 painted Ford Explorers, the Tour Jeeps, waiting.

    " Now, this is where I leave you. " Jerry said.
    " Just step into the cars, &, it'll give you the rest of the tour. "

    Inside, Richard Kiley's voice said, " You are now going to see the more dangerous dinosaurs of the park. They have been seperated, due to Security Reasons. "

    Passing down the track, through some foliage, they came to another Electrified Fence. Numerous ferns shaded a river which passed by it. In the cage was,

    " Dilophosaurus Wetherilli. " Richard said. " It
    was originally thought that this carnivore was a scavenger, judging from its weak, lower jaw bone, but, through the miracle of cloning, we now know that they spat a blinding poison, which would eventually paralyze its prey, so, it could make the kill. "

    Then, taking a right, the group saw about 8 3 - horned dinosaurs, Triceratops. They were on a piece of land, seperated by a dug trench, next to the road, with an Electrified Grating on the other sides. In the background was pure forest.

    No one listened to Richard's talking. They watched while the Triceratops fed their young
    ( There were about 10 of them. ), while 2 juveniles had a play fight.

    Then, coming to a high - tech pen, the cars stopped, allowing the group to get a look. There were Electrified Fences on both sides, along with Barbed Wire at the top, completely flooded with Decidious forest. Then, they seen something come up. A cage, operated by hydraulics, came up, with Electrified, Steel Bars, containing a Maiasaurus, or, " Good Mother Lizard. " The bars lowered, while it ran into the new territory. Then, 3 6 - Ft. - Tall, very fast dinosaurs sped out, instantly jumping onto it, slashing it out of commission, with deadly, razor - sharp claws on their feet. Velociraptors.

    " Quick lil' devils, ain't they? " Joe asked.

    Everyone had to agree. Then, advancing, Richard uttered, " Now, you'll meet the king of all dinosaurs, the ruler of its time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. "

    Jack immediately sprung forward.

    They watched for a long moment, but, nothing happened. Nothing at all. After staring, Thunder clapped, &, rain poured down.

    " Now, we will take you back to our original destination. Thank you for taking the tour. "

    Then, John Hammond's voice came over the intercom.
    " When you get back, we'll show you all how we did it. "

    The cars turned around, via a roundabout, while everyone got a view of the natural beauty of the Waterfall, which dropped off of the cliff, right next to the track.

    Then, back at the Control Room, Jerry was there, rapidly stroking keys on the Keyboard.

    " What are you doing, Jerry? " Hammond questioned.

    " Well, since it's my Evening Breaktime, I'm just playing " Jack O'Malley's FastType! Challenge. "

    Hammond looked at him, wondering. Then, without answering, he accepted.

    Then, a red box appeared in the center of the screen, saying, " Execute Ordered Operation
    ( System Shutdown? )? "

    Jerry clicked " Yes, " then, said, " I'm gonna' go direct the Tourists to their next destination, okay, John? "

    John, who was looking at the giant console of Security Camera Screens, seemingly not wanting to be interrupted, said, attentionlessly, " Okay. "

    Then, Jerry headed out, but, not to meet the Tourists, but, to the Embryo Cold Storage Room.
    Back in the Control Room, no one noticed it, but, 2 screens went out. Then, 3 more.

    Jerry noticed that the rotating Security Camera stopped, while there was a sound, kind of like a stopping engine. Jerry slid open the door, then, headed in, &, raised up 2 racks of dinosaur Embryos. He pulled out a jar, with slots, for each of the Embryos. He pulled them out, one at a time.









    And, on down:





    Then, he headed into the Garage, getting into a Jeep, with a leathery roof, hoping that the Door hadn't went out. It hadn't. Then, he raced out, fishtailing through the mud, &, splashing water everywhere. He was heading for the South Dock.

    Then, back at the Tour Cars, Richard's talking voice had slowed down, then, died. Back at the Computer Room, the Electricity Flow Sensor read that all of the dinosaur Paddocks had went off, then, that screen went out.

    John growled, " Check the Tour Car Garage! I want to know what Jerry's did! "

    At the stopped Tour Cars, everyone felt heavy vibrations, in the ground, because of violent jars, exactly in sync with a BMBB! sound...


    2/7/02 10:03:25 PM
    (Updated: 2/8/02 7:53:10 PM)
    (Updated: 2/8/02 7:55:13 PM)

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