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    According to the JP3 DVD, the movie had the biggest jungle set ever created for a movie. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    Spider-Man 3 Sneak Peak 1
    By Aragorn

    Over the course of the next month or so, I'll be realesing 5 or 6 Sneak Peaks at Spider-Man 3. This is the first one.


    The tall and lanky bald Usher opened the doors to the gigantic performing arts theater for Peter and Mary Jane. As they entered through, a long line of eager people was walking behind them. The room was huge, with a gigantic stage at the front, and literally hundreds of seats all lined up, going up towards the back. The floor tilted in a way so that the viewers could always see over the head of the person in front of them.
    While Peter was amazed at the size of the theater, Mary Jane was too excited and giddy to feel anything except anxiousness. She looked down at the ticket stumps and then back up.
    “We’re over there.” She pointed to a couple of seats in the distance. They started making their way to the seats, muttering and saying ‘excuse me’ more times then most people scratch their nose.
    They finally reached their seats and sat down. “Maybe we should have gotten a drink before we sat down.” Peter stated as he loosened his collar and wiped some sweat from his head. “It’s hot in here. Shouldn’t these places have a fan or something?”
    Mary Jane replied, “Depends on which theater you go to. I don’t find it so hot… probably because I’ve been in them so long.”
    “Is it ok if I go get a drink?”
    “No, Pete, if the show starts while you’re gone, you’re not allowed back in.”
    Peter remembered an instance that happened roughly a year before when he tried to watch one of Mary Jane’s plays, but the usher wouldn’t allow him in because he was late by a few minutes.
    The memory of that day, and what followed after, made Peter sit up straight and turn to face Mary Jane. He gulped, closed his eyes for a second, and then opened them.
    “Mary Jane…” He began. Mary Jane turned her attention from the empty stage to Peter. Peter just stared off into space.
    “What is it?”
    Peter swallowed again and continued. “Mary Jane, we’ve…”
    Peter was cut off as the lights dimmed and went out, his voice being droned out by the loud clapping coming from everyone in the room. Mary Jane giggled with joy as lights turned on over the stage, and she turned to watch the play.
    “…been going out for awhile now and…well….” Peter stopped for a second and then continued with confidence. “Will you marry me?” Peter finished, although he knew that Mary Jane was not able to hear him over the clapping, nor was she even paying attention to him anymore. He had pictured this differently, and well… he had expected more out of this. Peter sighed and turned to face the front to watch the play.

    8/28/2004 7:37:32 PM

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