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    In "The Hunt for Red October" (1990), Sam Neill tells Sean Connery's character that he would 'love to live in Montana' -- where Dr. Alan Grant lives! (From: Jay)
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    A Constant Pounding
    By Angry_Raptor

    He ran. He ran even though his legs ached. For he ran for his life. The raptors would find him, he knew it. They would track him down, hunt him down. He would try to run and they would follow. He would try to climb and they would follow. He knew he could not get away. He had been on the run for several days. He remebered the beginning, although only pieces of it reamained. He had been marooned on the island. They had shot him down, the enemy. He had run. He had tripped. He did not remember anyhting else but pain. Pain and the eggs. The eggs surrounded him, he had landed in a nest. He fleed, for he knew the animals would be angry. And so he ran, knew he would die, but ran none-the less. Then he saw it. The building. Like an omen it beckoned him towards it. He jogged up to it and pounded on the door. It opened easily and he fell down. He climbed the staircase, trying to find a way to escape. When he heard the raptor. It was a rumbling deep in it's chest turning into a screech. It was but one floor below him. He knew death was coming. That screaching, was the sound of death. Death leaped up at him, trying for a feed. But he resisted, knew he would die, but resisted. He found a small metal beam. The raptor leaped up onto the deck, knocking off a loose bit of the railing. It tried to sweep Jim off his feet with it's tail. But he jumped up and let fly the beam, it took the raptor in the side of the head. It looked very angry as it fell backwards on itself. Jim knew it was his only chance. He began to run. By the time the raptor began chase, Jim was already nearing the other side of the compound. It began to speed up. Jim leapt over a weak peice of flooring. The raptor did not take this as a warning and tried to leap on him, from this flooring. But it collapsed and the raptor fell with it. As it stood up it suddenly perked it's head. Snorted loudly. Then ran off. Jim did not understand until he heard it. Faint, but audible. The sound of a helicopter. A constant pounding. And he knew he was safe.

    6/25/2003 10:54:25 PM

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