Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Crichton wrote about a 'Dr. Felicity Hammond' and an 'Irving Levine' in his novel 'Congo'. Are these characters related to the ones in JP and TLW, or does Crichton just like the names? You decide! (From: 'Troodon')
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    The Death of Muldoon ,Final chapter.
    By AlienvsPredator

    The Helicopter had left without him."god damn it!"he yelled,and turned to walk to the VC.he saw a battered service jeep and opened the door,he got in.

    Tired and Confused he thought of a way of getting off the island,the visitors center was wrecked and would probably attract a lot of carnivorous dinosaurs,so that was not somewhere he could go.

    He started the jeep and drove down the main road,towards the VC.
    ofcourse! the workers village! there must be a cell phone or something there.He took a right after the Dilophosaurus penn,the tyrannosaur had left the visitors Center.

    It was getting late and sunlight faded and the overwhelming heat turned to freezing cold.
    after 3 in the dark he turned on his headlights,he must be past the Tyrannosaur paddock,as he saw the clear yellow letters of the sign "Tyrannosaurus Rex".He wanted to drive off,far far away from this part,but the sleepiness took over,and he nodded off.

    Lightning stuk and heavy rains fell,The mud felt cold to his skin as he woke up,his body twisted and the jeep on its side,he heard loud roaring and the thumps of the creature he never hoped to have to deal with.The tyrannosaurus rex.

    The rex had rolled the jeep on its side and was now tearing pieces from it ,muldoon layed in the mud next to the car,but his hand was stuck underneath.

    He tried to pry it free but it hurt so goddamn much!
    he heard snarling,the rex roared and footsteps were heard,lot's of them,6,7,8 different he heard.Raptors.

    The jeep shielded Muldoon from seeing what was going on on the other side,the rex was being attacked by 8 raptors and managed to get 3 down.but the remaining 5 jumped on him and sliced and diced their way until one of them cut the rex' belly,spilling the intestines over the muddy road.the tyrannosaur slammed into the car,causing it to roll over and crush muldoon's agonized body.

    The rex fell on its side,a warm nousiating smell arose from the carcass as the raptors started eating the dead tyrannosaur , and light once again creeped over he mountains of Jurassic Park.

    7/24/2004 9:22:58 AM

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