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    While the male T-rex seems to be bigger than the female in TLW, in reality scientists believe the female was the bigger of the two. (From: 'Rancor')
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    The Death of Muldoon
    By AlienvsPredator

    The raptor snarled in his face,he butted it with the back of his gun and the creature was stunned for a moment ,Muldoon pushed the beast of his injured body and tried to stand up ,but the raptor grasped his leg between his teeth ,biting firmly. Muldoon screamed in agony and fell on his knees.

    He took the gun,muttered"yippe ki yee mutha fucker"and shot the raptor in it's lower body. The raptor let go and screamed,muldoon took the gun and hit the raptor one last time.before it's growls softly faded.

    Muldoon pried the raptor's claw from it's foot and stored it on his belt."this might come in handy " he whispered to himself,meanwhile,the blood was pouring out of his right leg and he ripped a piece of his sleeve and bound it over the wound.

    he remembered the raptor he was trying to shoot before he got attacked and turned when he heard a soft thumping to his left . He turned backwards and Ran ,towards the Visitors Center.

    he entered through the personnel's entrance and walked through the cold kitchen.he heard something in the cold-storage room,he peered through the window to see a raptor staring back at him. not moving ,but watching him in the eye.

    for a second or 5 nothing happened,they raptor stared at muldoon and muldoon a the raptor,then the raptor leaped towards the door with immense speed muldoon was thrown backwards by the slam,the chain broke.

    The door cracked a jar and it was silent.Muldoon thought that maybe the raptor was knocked out by the massive blow to the door.but then ,he heard snarling.the raptor pushed the door open with its snout and looked at muldoon,he could swear he saw a smile upon the raptors face.

    the raptor leaped through the air, muldoon grabbed the claw and thrusted it forwards ,silence. The raptors jaw was caught by the claw and blood sipped down muldoons hand.The raptor fell on the ground.

    Muldoon ran through the building looking for the others,but couldn't find them. He looked around the corner of the main hall and saw the rex,eating off the remains of 3 raptors scattered through the hall.

    he sneaked past the rex and looked outside,he ran towards the heli pad,but saw the helicopter take off.

    7/23/2004 3:07:14 PM

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