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    A line performed by the late Notorious B.I.G. in Puff Daddy's song "Victory" goes: "trying to make dough like Jurassic Park did." (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Resident Evil: False Hope (Chapter 1)
    By AlanGrant5


    I. A Presidential Summon

    It was 5 a.m. and the streets of Washington were tranquil and barren. The street lights caused the road to glisten, as it had rained the night previous. Traveling at a moderate speed, Scott Harris made a left on Liberty, watching a black Sedan through his rearview mirror. With Capitol Hill to his left, Scott continued to head south, with the black car trailing behind him. Furthering his journey, he found himself in the Washington suburbs.

    “Where am I going?” Scott asked, speaking into a communications piece, connected to his cell phone.

    “Straight, until you hit the next light. Once you make a left, head into warehouse 2057,” a voice muttered from his ear piece.

    Following the direction in which the man had told him to go, Scott pulled into an abandoned warehouse. Parking his 1978 Monte Carlo inside the building, he stepped out, leaned on the cars window, and awaited for his guest to arrive. Soon enough, the Sedan pulled in, parking next beside the Monte Carlo. Exiting the vehicle, came a large man, dressed fully in black. With his hair slicked back and sun glasses placed firmly on his head, the man fit the part of Secret Service Agent well. Opening the back door, another man came out. Dressed in a brown trench coat was the President of the United States, gently slamming the car door shut.

    “Mr. Harris, I’m glad you could make it,” the President stated with a hand shake.

    “I don’t suppose I had a choice, now did I Mr. President?” Scott replied.

    The president chuckled, “No... no I don’t suppose you did, but I’m glad you were cooperative nonetheless. Shall we get down to business?”

    “By all means,” Scott said.

    The president, followed by two secret service agents, stood beside Scott, folding his arms into his chest.

    “Let’s get one thing straight Mr. Harris, the only reason your not in jail or buried six feet under is because I’m preventing that from happening. Having been apart of the Umbrella Corporation, you should be executed on the spot. But I am keeping you alive and will allow you your freedom if you are willing to cooperate with any task that is given to you. And indeed, there is a task I need you to fulfill.”

    “If you had done your research Mr. President, you would have known that I resigned from Umbrella, far before the Raccoon City incident even occurred.”

    “But you were aware of the T-Virus, were you not? You were aware of what the virus was capable of? Am I right?”

    Scott gazed at the floor and back at the country’s leader, “Yes.”

    “Than why keep quiet? Why wait to tell the truth until hundreds die?”

    “Because they threatened to kill me and my family if I were to expose them publicly, for what they were.”

    “Well, better a few lives rid from the world than hundreds, wouldn’t you say so?”

    Scott looked at the man coldly. “What do you want from me?”

    “You worked at Umbrella’s Atlantis facility, correct?”


    “The outbreak is turning into a massive epidemic, spreading along the western coast of the United States and God knows where else. The number of infected persons far outnumber the amount of anti-virus left to help them. I sent an elite task force to the Atlantis facility to infiltrate the base and retrieve a satisfactory amount of the vaccine. Unfortunately our efforts failed, as there is a five digit number code needed to enter the facility. That is where your assistance is needed.”

    “That’s it? All you need is the five digit–”

    “Not so fast. You will also need to lead my men to the vaccine and that involves your physical intervention. I’d ask a fellow employee, but it would appear as if they are either dead or undead. You, Mr. Harris, are the only one left that we know of, that can successfully pull off the operation.”

    Scott shook his head in disbelief. “If I refuse?”

    “Then you’ll spend the rest of your life behind bars. Refuse now and you’ll never be able to see or be apart of your own family, ever again.”

    “Then you have left me with no choice.”

    “Do you accept or decline the task Mr. Harris?” the president asked for confirmation.

    “I accept.”

    “Good. Go home and act as if this meeting never happened. We will call you when all is ready,” the president said, as one of the secret service agents opened the car door for him.

    “What am I going to tell my wife?”

    “Tell her anything you have to, to keep her from knowing the truth.” And with that, the president entered the car. Watching the Sedan pull out of the warehouse, Scott sighed.

    “SON OF A BITCH!” Scott shouted, slamming his fist into the cars hood.

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    3/23/2002 10:56:45 PM

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