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    According to the JP3 DVD, the movie had the biggest jungle set ever created for a movie. (From: SpinoJP3)
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    Resident Evil: False Hope
    By AlanGrant5


    I. The Summon

    Stepping out of a 1998 Ford Sedan, was Nathan Cross, a former Umbrella employee. With a black trench coat barely touching the finely trimmed grass, Nathan entered a gray building. Inside was vacant, with a single guard positioned in front of an elevator.

    “Mr. Cross?” the guard asked for confirmation.

    “Yes,” Nathan replied quickly.

    “May I see your I.D. for verification please?”

    Reaching into his pocket, Nathan flashed his Umbrella employee card. The guard nodded and continued to let Nathan through.

    “What floor do I push?” he asked as the doors began to shut. The guard turned as if he hadn’t heard what he had asked. Finally the metal doors shut. Looking for the key panel, Nathan became confused. There were no buttons to be pushed.

    “What the hell?” he asked himself. Suddenly he felt the elevator rising, with no indication as to what floor he was on or going to. With a gentle jolt, the metal doors slid open, revealing a large conference room, in which dozens of men with various dark colored suits, stood.

    “Mr. Cross, glad you could make it,” a man called out walking towards him. The man was most likely in his late thirties and had both a look of concern and tranquility on his face.

    “Your Agent David Dobbs?” Nathan questioned before setting foot in the room.

    “Indeed, as long as you’re Nathan Cross,” Dobbs said pulling him into the room.

    “Listen, I don’t know what this is all about. Your phone call was a little confusing–”

    “Does the Racoon City Incident ring a bell?”

    Nathan looked at David with blank eyes, not knowing how to respond.

    “I thought so,” Dobbs said, leading him into an office.

    Opening a door, Nathan found himself in an office consisting of a conference table and several men hovered around another. The room fell silent upon his arrival. A man at the far end of the table, turned to meet Nathan’s eyes. That man was the President of the United States.

    “We’ve been expecting you Mr. Cross. Please have a seat,” the man ordered.

    Nathan found himself unable to swallow. He was summoned by the President of the United States. What the hell does he want from me, Nathan thought to himself.

    “Tell me Mr. Cross, how long did you work for Umbrella?” the President asked.

    “Several, several years sir,” Nathan muttered.

    “Are you aware of the Racoon City Incident Mr. Cross or have you been cooped up in a small shack secluded from society?”

    Nathan smiled uncomfortably, “No sir... I am quite aware of what–”

    “A virus”, the President began as if Nathan had responded differently to his question, “was unleashed upon a once peaceful town, killing thousands. Are you aware that the death rate, Mr. Cross, is increasing?”

    “No sir. I was under the impression that the situation was under control. The city was quarantined and if I recall correctly you stated in a conference that you had enough va–”

    “Vaccine to save those infected? Yes, I guess I did say that, didn’t I. Well then let me tell you this Mr. Cross: we don’t have a vaccine at all.”

    “What?” Nathan asked, confused.

    “Sometimes, Nathan, I have to tell my country a little white lie, in order to keep a world wide panic from starting, at least until the situation is taken under control of course. And you, Nathan, you are the key to solving this problem,” the president said folding his arms into his chest.

    “Me? What are you talking about?”

    “You are a formal employee of Umbrella Corp. You had access to the Atlantis facility, did you not?”

    “Yes, but I don’t see where–”

    “Do not speak out of turn Mr. Cross,” the president said sternly. “We have tried to contact fellow employees from that particular facility and they have all either turned up dead or undead. You are the remaining survivor of the Umbrella Atlantis Facility Nathan. It is in my understanding that a cure for the T-Virus was abundantly produced at that facility, am I right?”

    Nathan nodded.

    “It is also in my understanding that the facility was abandoned just before the epidemic consumed Racoon City, am I right about THAT?”

    “Yes,” he replied solemnly.

    “Is there any reason for me to believe the vaccine is still in tact? Untouched?”

    “There could be a possibility that the vaccine has not been tampered with, yes.”

    “Good. Then it is you, who will lead my men into Atlantis.”

    “What? With all do respect...”

    “Respect? I have lost respect for your kind Mr. Cross.”

    “My kind? What is that supposed to mean?”

    “The Umbrella kind. The kind that take part in absurd activities such as yourself. The kind that bring the dead back to life... if you can even call it that.”

    “For your information President Hayes, I left the corporation long ago... before the virus even hit Racoon City. As soon as I found out what they were up to, I left–”

    “As soon as you found out? As soon as you found out, YOU should of notified someone! You could of saved an entire population from death!”

    “They threatened to kill me if I were to expose them to the world for what they were.”

    “Better the world be rid of one person, rather than hundreds of thousands, wouldn’t you say so?”

    “YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW IT WAS LIKE TO LIVE WITH WHAT I KNEW! Living with a secret that tore away at my insides. If I could of done anything to bring those people back I would,” Nathan said rising from his seat.

    President Hayes looked up at the tortured soul. “Well, then now is your chance. You have a chance to redeem yourself... you have a chance to save others that are near death. Are you willing to take that chance Mr. Cross?”

    Nathan, both enraged and embarrassed by his outburst, took a deep breath. “Anything, he said, anything to help.”

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    3/17/2002 10:23:37 PM

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