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    JP3: DR Chapter Two
    By AlanGrant5

    Jurassic Park 3: Dark Revelations

    CHAPTER TWO: Desperate Measures

    The BioSyn Corporation of Cupertino, California, had called a meeting consisting of its board of directors. Lewis Dodgson, a geneticist approaching forty six years of age, walked into the conference room five minutes late. In the room, there was a long narrow table consisting of four men on either side and Jeffrey Rossiter who sat at the end. Rossiter was the head of BioSyn and looked as if he were in a bad mood.

    “Glad you could make it Lew,” Jeff said, folding his hands together.

    “Well, don’t stop on my account... go ahead and continue,” Dodgson said, sitting at the other end of the table.

    “We were just discussing how rapidly our company is going under... any comments on your behalf Dodgson? Perhaps another idea that will send us back hundreds of thousands of dollars?” Rossiter said sarcastically.

    “Why must we bring up the past, Jeff? Especially when I hold the future to our companies success, right in my hands?” he replied, holding up a folder. Jeff rolled his eyes and gestured for Dodgson to slide the file across the table. Lewis passed the file to Rossiter and waited for a response.

    “What am I looking at Lew?”

    “That is a map of Isla Sorna... the key to BioSyn’s resurrection.”

    Rossiter sighed and tossed the papers aside. “Leave it alone Dodgson,” Jeff said before Lewis could even state his query.

    “InGen is far less a threat nowadays, Jeff. They’ve lost all of their rights to breed dinosaurs, to build a theme park... simply put, they’ve lost the right to revive their dream. They have dozens of law suits looming over their heads AND if it were a race to see who’d file for chapter eleven first, I’d place my bets on InGen. We on the other hand, WE are crystal clear. Do we have any lawsuits to dodge? Do we have a rap sheet jam packed with faulty errors which have caused numerous deaths? And more importantly, do we have anything to lose?” Dodgson said, rising from his chair.

    “What do we have to lose? Perhaps this whole God damn corporation Dodgson! We’re through with competing with InGen –”

    “Then let’s strike now, before some other genetics company snatches it from beneath our feet. Just hear me out first, THEN after doing so, you can rebuke my ideas with every nasty little thought you have brewing in that head of yours, okay?”

    Jeff nodded, the others giving Dodgson their full attention.

    Clearing his throat, Dodgson began, “InGen tried to build the greatest single tourist attraction in the history of the world and failed. We, however, can do the same IF we plan this out down to the smallest detail. Isla Sorna is our destination. Our goal is to retrieve the eggs of each dinosaur species and bring them back he –”

    “Wait a minute, wait a minute. Have you forgotten that InGen has tried to do the same and –”

    “Failed? Yes I am aware of that. It is obvious they weren’t fully prepared for the events that took place. But like I said, if we plan out every single detail down to a T, we should be able to successfully retrieve the dinosaurs. Think of the success BioSyn would achieve! Once we have the dinosaurs within our grasp we can go even further... further than InGen had ever dreamed of.”

    “What do you mean EVEN FURTHER?”

    Dodgson smiled, “Animal testing. For years we’ve been getting unnecessary press coverage of “exploiting” innocent animals and whatnot. Now, with dinosaurs, creatures that have been extinct for millions of years, imagine them taking the place of our modern day lab rats. Animals that have been extinct for millions of years have no rights... so naturally, if it exists, than it would only exist because WE MADE IT, WE PATENT IT, WE OWN IT. Simply put, it is a perfect research test bed. Then there are numerous other possiblilites for these creatures. Imagine with me, if you will, a specially stocked hunting preserve... possibly in Australia or Asia, where individuals could actually hunt these animals in a natural environment. There are numerous households with an elks head planted above a fireplace... but how many have the head of a tyrannosaur planted on their wall? How many have photos of themselves, resting their foot on the stomach of a deceased triceratops, with a gun slung over their shoulder?”

    “Your not serious,” Rossiter said, completely intrigued with the conversation.

    “Maybe not, but these animals are totally exploitable. If we ever obtain the creatures, we may do with them what we please. Start a theme park, use them for research, creating a hunting grounds... you name it.”

    Rossiter was deep in thought.

    “Just give me the okay and this corporation will be back on its feet.”

    “Okay... do it,” Jeff said. “But let’s be clear on one thing Dodgson.”


    “This is it. No more screw ups. If you ever wanted a chance to redeem yourself, this it it. Don’t expect to have a job if you come back empty handed. Got it?”

    “I don’t intend on failing this time Jeff.”

    “Let’s hope not Dodgson... for your sake and the companies,” Rossiter said, leaving the conference room.

    Please comment!

    3/3/2002 7:25:19 PM
    (Updated: 3/3/2002 7:32:27 PM)

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