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    Adam Jones, guitarist for the rock band 'Tool', worked on makeup and set design for several big films, including Jurassic Park and Terminator 2. (From: 'Rancor')
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    Getting to Know You 2
    By AlanGrant5

    Written by Devin Da Graca

    CUT TO:


    JIM’S cell phone sits in the passenger seat, silently vibrating against a loud backdrop of stereo pumped music. JIM is singing along to ATTITUDE by ALIEN ANT FARM, while driving 50 mph in a 35 mph zone.

    Quickly approaching a red light, JIM decides to take a short cut through the parking lot of a restaurant, to avoid the light. Speeding through the parking lot, JIM finds his exit, and quickly, without looking, makes a right hand turn. This maneuver cuts off a van behind him, to which the van responds with two loud honks of the horn.

    JIM, startled, turns down the music and looks into his rearview mirror.

    (waving his hand)
    Oh, shit! Sorry, sorry!

    JIM keeps looking back, noticing that the van is following him.

    (to himself)
    Fuck, please don’t go to my school, please, please, please.

    Reaching a four way stop, JIM feels confidant in losing his tracker. By the time it’s his turn to move forward, two different vehicles stand between him and the vengeful minivan.

    (again to himself)
    Thank you Jesus.

    JIM pulls into the school entrance. A sign at the entrance reads: VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. Driving past a pearly white gate, JIM speeds into the back lot parking area of the campus and quickly parks himself in his designated spot. Two of JIM’S friends, NICK and RYAN, greet him in his rearview mirror. They are headed over to JIM’S car. JIM sees them and unlocks his doors, pulling his backpack up front with him.

    (opening the back door)
    Good to know I won’t be the
    only one in detention today.

    NICK and RYAN both hop into the backseat.

    I still have five minutes until
    class starts.

    JIM pulls out a sheet of paper from his backpack, placing his yet-to-be-finished homework on top of an opened math book. He quickly begins to jot down random numbers that aren’t the correct answers, but look as if they could be… from a distance.

    (busily writing)
    I think I’m only on my third tardy.

    You get a detention on your third.

    (looking at RYAN through the rearview mirror)
    I thought you get one on your fourth
    and they warn you on the third?

    Naw, man, it’s on the third. They
    warn you the first two times.

    Don’t you have a first period Ry?

    Yeah, but Mr. Harris let us out ten
    minutes early cuz he said he
    had an emergency or somethin’.

    (staring out the window)
    Oh, yeah, some emergency all right.

    The camera pans in on NICK’S point of view, only to find a large man, presumably MR. HARRIS, walking down a hallway with a box of breakfast snacks in hand.

    NICK, RYAN, and JIM chuckle as they watch the nearly obese educator waddle his way back to class, munching on a bear claw.

    Hey, if I were as big as him, I’d define
    an empty stomach as an emergency too.

    Empty? Are you kidding me? If we were to
    gut him open right now, I guarantee you
    that at least four to five missing persons would turn up; a piñata for cannibals.

    Well, at least he’s walking and eating.

    Burning carbs Pac-Man style.

    NICK AND RYAN laugh, while JIM smirks at the remark, continuing work on his math assignment.

    Oh, dude, you hear about Brittney’s
    party tonight?

    Naw, didn’t hear anything about it.

    Yeah, dude, she’s turning eighteen.
    You know what that means? Means she’s

    So? What are you gonna do about it?
    Bone her? Just because she’s legal
    doesn’t mean she’s gonna give it up
    to you.

    What’s that supposed to mean?

    You’re acting like age is what’s
    been keeping you from hookin’ up
    with her.

    Yeah, and? Unlike Michael Jackson,
    I don’t like pickin’ my bitches up
    from day care.

    First of all, Michael Jackson doesn’t
    pick up bitches, he picks up the sons
    of bitches. And second, doesn’t matter
    if Brittney were eighteen or twenty-six,
    you still wouldn’t have the balls to go
    up and talk to her.

    Oh yeah? Shit, that’s what parties are for. You’ll see.

    Yeah, I’ll see your ass get dismissed, that’s what I’ll see.

    JIM begins to shake his head at the quarreling friends, still persistent with his homework.

    Dismissed? I have a better chance at hookin’ it up with Brittney than your ugly ass does.

    Hey, I might be an ugly ass, but at least chicks know what they’re dealin’ with up front, unlike you.

    Unlike me? What’s that supposed to mean?

    Means you’re just an exterior. You’re like a Ken doll; the chicks dig ya, ‘till they start diggin’ through them drawers and find out you ain’t got no dick.

    I got a dick and you can suck it.

    JIM laughs.

    No thank you, I’m a vagina-tarian.

    A knock on JIM’S window disrupts the laughs. NICK and RYAN silence themselves and sit quietly, while an OLDER WOMAN stands at the driver’s window. JIM sets his homework aside and proceeds to roll down his window.

    And you go to a Christian school.

    Excuse me?

    You know, my daughters didn’t want me
    coming up to you and making a scene-

    JIM begins to realize that this was the woman in the van, the one he had cut off earlier. The minivan is parked directly behind him.

    Oh, my God, I’m so-

    Don’t you dare bring God into this.

    JIM stops himself from speaking and pays attention to the woman. NICK and RYAN sit in the back, enjoying the show.

    You know, I saw you driving down
    Hollywood Way and I thought to myself,
    ‘Wow, what a handsome young man. I
    hope one day, my daughter will find
    a man as well-dressed and nice looking
    as him.’

    JIM’S eyebrows begin to curl up, uncertain with where the woman is going with her scolding, confused with what she meant by ‘well dressed’ and ‘handsome’. The two friends in the back seat restrain themselves from laughing by looking in different directions.

    And then you go and change that in
    the blink of an eye, literally.

    I’m sorry, I didn’t see-

    It doesn’t matter. Had I been the
    only person in my car, I would have
    let you slip on by, but I wasn’t. I
    had my children in the car. My
    children. I don’t appreciate anyone
    endangering the lives of my children.

    Endangering the lives of your children?
    I think you’re blowing this a little bit
    out of-

    The WOMAN’S eyes begin to dig into JIM’S suddenly unapologetic speech. JIM cowers down and resorts back to his apologetic stance.

    ` JIM
    I’m sorry. Honestly I didn’t see-

    You didn’t see because you didn’t look.

    JIM shuts up again, his third attempt at an apology shut down by the zestful Christian mother.

    You’re right, I’m sorry.

    The WOMAN grunts and looks behind JIM. She sees NICK and RYAN in the back seat.

    And you drive like a maniac with
    two passengers of your own?

    Oh, no, they weren’t-

    I told him to slow down, but he
    wouldn’t listen.

    JIM looks back at NICK viciously, then back at the WOMAN. RYAN coughs out a chuckle.

    (smiling detestably as she leans back out of the window)
    All of you teenage boys drive the same.

    No, they weren’t with me-

    What’s your name?

    Jim, my name’s Jim.

    Jim? My name’s Dana. I’ll be praying
    for you Jim.

    (Unsure of how to respond)
    Oh… okay, thanks.

    You go to a Christian school Jim. It
    wouldn’t hurt to ask yourself what Jesus
    would do before pulling a stunt like that.

    DANA walks back to her van. The moment she gets into the vehicle, with the slam of a door, she quickly pulls out and speeds out of the parking lot.

    NICK and RYAN burst out laughing once the coast is clear.

    (mockingly patting JIM on the shoulder)
    I’ll pray for you dog.

    NICK and RYAN continue with another wave of laughter.

    (a bit stunned by DANA’S words)
    Ask myself what Jesus would’ve done? There weren’t any cars in Jesus’ day, he would’ve probably killed a few pedestrians before reaching the parking lot.

    Geez Jim, don’t drive like such a maniac. My life nearly flashed before my eyes.

    (pissed off)
    Yeah, and fuck you very much for that by
    the way.

    NICK and RYAN both laugh themselves out of JIM’S car.

    Gonna be late for class.

    (to himself)

    JIM packs up his books and rushes out the car. The three friends disperse, each going their own way.

    (calling out)
    See you guys at nutrition.



    JIM runs up a flight of stairs and torpedoes down an empty hallway. Just three classrooms away, the bell rings, as does the subliminal message of his future detention. JIM stands in the hallway, sighs, and walks down to his class.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks for readin~

    2/1/2005 5:57:43 AM

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