Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    Besides being TLW's writer, David Koepp also supervised the direction of some scenes as the "2nd Unit Director". (From: SeanArcher)
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    By AlanGrant5

    GENESIS – Jurassic Park///

    Complete Version – January 14, 2001

    ***The Helicopter Ride***

    Alan stared out the window of the helicopter and contemplated his decision; it was official, Alan was apart of this highly secretive case whether he liked it or not. Across from him were Rick Sampson, Scott Larson, and Mark Shepherd. To the left of him was a man by the name of Chris Cooper.

    “All the attacks have been occuring up and down the Costa Rican coast. Some attacks are relatively close to each other, but then others are a great deal away from each other. Now, I’ve done a bit of research on the entire area, and found out that a company by the name of Ingen purchased a three thousand square foot building, located smack dab in the middle of all these attacks...so I think our questions have been answered if we had any to begin with. I’ve contacted Laura Hughes and she is on her way to speak to the old man as we speak, so if we have anymore remaining questions I’m sure they’ll be answered in a matter of hours,” Scott Larson said lighting a cigarette.

    “Good job Scott...I don’t think we had any doubt about Ingen being involved in some way, shape, or form. Do we have any other reports of missing persons, that occured in the last twenty four hours?”

    “Not that we know of,” Cooper replied.

    Alan just sat in his seat listening to the conversation.

    “Dr. Grant, I don’t believe I gave you your assignment,” Rick said handing him a folder.

    “What is this?” Alan asked.

    “Those are the photos we took of the attacks. We’d like you to profile them if you can. We took pictures of everything...footprints, dead carcasses, teeth marks, the whole nine yards.”

    “I’ll try my best, but...”

    “I think you meant to say you WILL do your best,” Rick said and smiled.

    Alan nodded and gave his attention to the photos that laid on his lap. The first picture he saw, was that of a cow that had been torn to shreds...as if it had gone through a meat grinder. This remined Grant of the time he saw the raptors being fed back in ‘93. It was truely an intriguing yet frightening sight.

    He continued to turn the pages, until he came up to a photo of a foot print...a three toed foot print...one he recognized, but wished he hadn’t. It was a velociraptor, Alan was certain of it. Images of a velociraptor began to flash in his mind, like a light being turned on and off.

    “Velociraptor,” Alan whispered just loud enough for the rest of them to hear.

    “What was that Dr. Grant?”Scott asked leaning forward.

    “Velociraptor...that is what attacked this cow, I’m absolutely certain it is,” Alan said wiping sweat from his forehead.

    “What is that?” Scott asked. “Oh no wait, I have a guide here somewhere.”

    Scott pulled out his so called guide, which was really a dinosaur pop-up book, and flipped a couple of pages towards the back, looking under the letter “V”. “This thing?” he asked.

    Alan took the book from him and nodded, although the picture looked nothing like the real deal. “That’s the one,” Alan confirmed.

    “That is one ugly mother fucker,” Cooper added.

    “You see, this cow was most likely just grazing an open field, minding his own buisness. The raptor was probably stalking it, not for a long time, but maybe just for a while. It wasn’t alone either, it was most likely hunting in groups,” Alan said picturing the situation in his mind. “Then as the cow had its back turned, a raptor lept onto the cow, tearing its back open with a six inch retractable claw. It is very likely that the cow was paralyzed and in shock...after the first attack a couple of more raptors joined the feast, ripping away at its flesh. And maybe...just maybe, they took some back to feed their infants.”

    All of their faces grew long and stared at Grant.

    “Infants?” Rick asked.

    “That is just a possibility you should consider. I mean if you’ve been keeping this under wraps for eight months and they have been out in the wild for eight months...anything is possible,” Alan said.

    “Let’s just hope your wrong,” Scott said leaning back in his seat. Scott was probably in his early forties, with short brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. Alan was going to ask him about his encounter with the stegosaur, but he could tell Scott didn’t want to talk about it.

    Alan looked out his window again, staring at the undulating blue ocean that stretched out for miles beneath him. This reminded Alan of the helicopter ride back to the mainland after going through the horrendous ordeal at Jurassic Park.

    “Alan?” Rick asked.


    “Did you ever encounter that... species of dinosaur back on Nublar?”

    “I’m afraid I have, yes. They caused a great deal of trouble for us. Ellie and I barelly...” Ellie and I, Alan thought, there’s something I haven’t heard in a while.

    “Ellie? Ellie who?” Rick asked.

    “Ellie Satler,” Alan replied quickly.

    “Wife of yours?”

    “Could of been, but the ultimate answer would be, no.”

    “Ah, I see. I’ve had plenty of those back in my prime,” Rick said giggling.

    “After the incident at the park, we both looked at life in a whole new way. She wanted to write a book about the events that took place, while I just wanted to forget it. I was more dedicated to my work, than I had ever been before, trying to prove to myself that what I saw on that island was nothing but an illusion. She wanted a house with a white picket fence, a family, a husband who would be there night and day; ultimately she wanted what I thought only existed in fairy tales. We both went our seperate ways...and now we’re just FRIENDS,” Alan said smiling trying to hide his emotions.

    “That is the most depressing shit I ever heard,” Scott said, his cigarette now the size of his pinky.

    Alan smiled once again at Scott’s witty remark. “So how about you? Any wife, kids?”

    “I have two kids, minus the wife,” Rick said.

    “Gonna get engaged as soon as I get back,” Scott said putting out his cigarette.

    “Got a girlfriend back home,” Cooper said looking out the window.

    “One wife, one kid,” Mark Shepherd replied.

    Alan stared back out the window again, realizing he had no one to come back home to. The rest of them continued to talk about both their personal lives and the case. Alan just sat in his seat listening to bits and pieces of the conversations that were being held. Just as he was about to close his eyes, Alan saw land ahead of them. They were going to land in a matter of minutes.

    *********Author’s Note******************************
    We learn why Ellie and Grant aren’t compatible in a way
    which I think is believable. In the next scene we will see the
    darker side of John Hammond, aka Walt Disney.

    ***Interview with John Hammond***

    Laura Hughes approached a large mansion, that was surrounded by pine trees, giving the mansion a look of seclusion from the outside world. Two black Cadillac Sedans trailed behind her as she parked next to a water fountain made of marble. Laura exited the car, removing her sun glasses. Laura was an attractive woman, standing at a height of five foot ten, not including her high heeled shoes of course. Her shoulder length blonde hair, turned into gold when the sun hit it. She quickly put her hair in a bun as she approached the large wooden doors that towered above her. Laura rang the door bell twice, until an old butler answered the door.

    “Yes, madam?” he greeted.

    “Hi, my name is Laura Hughes, I work for the government...may I speak with Mr. Hammond?”

    “I’m sorry madam, but he is very ill at the moment. I’m afraid I cannot allow you to speak with him...at least not today.”

    Laura smiled, “Maybe you didn’t hear me very well, and judging by the wrinkles on your face and God knows where else, you were probably too old to hear me in the first place. My name is Laura Hughes and I work for the GOVERNMENT, MAY I SPEAK WITH MR. HAMMOND...PLEASE?”

    The butler was startled by her improperness. Typically Laura didn’t talk like this, but she had been under a lot of stress lately and saying no to her was like trying to stop a frieght train at full speed. The old man glanced at the men behind her, and finally took her seriously.

    “You’ve made the right decision...now where is he?” Laura asked a bit more kindly than her other remarks.

    The butler pointed to the stair case, “The last room at the end of the hallway.”

    Laura smiled and walked up the stairs. It was really dark in the hallway and she could hear coughing in the distance. The door was slightly cracked, allowing her to peek in the room. There were three windows, two with the curtains shut, and one where the curtains were open. Hammond was in a wheelchair staring outside at his wonderfully structured garden. The room had cathedral ceilings, reminding Laura of a church she once attended as a little girl.

    “Miss Hughes?” Hammond asked with his back turned.

    “Yes... how did you know my name?” she asked setting her brief case onto Hammond’s bed.

    “I might be old Miss Hughes, but I assure you my hearing is in tact. I heard you state your name twice downstairs...so you work for the government?”

    Laura sat next to Hammond, staring at the same view in which he was looking at. “Yes I do.”

    “The Costa Rican government?”

    “I have affiliations with them, yes.”

    “Ahh, I see. I was wondering when you would catch up with me... I was just hoping I’d be dead by the time you did,” Hammond chuckled, spitting phelm into his cup of spit. The sight made Laura cringe.

    “So you know why I’m here?”

    “I’m not naive...old yes, but not naive. This wouldn’t have to do with the strange occurances happening in Costa Rica, would it?”

    “Bingo. So, you want to tell me just what in the hell is going on down there Mr. Hammond?” Laura asked taking out a yellow pad for notes.

    “I don’t suppose I have a choice, now do I Miss Hughes,” John asked.

    “No... no you don’t.”

    “Well then let’s get started shall we. I’ll go in chroniological order, just so I don’t confuse you. After the accident in 1993, the employees of Site B were ordered to evacuate the island. We thought all was lost; Jurassic Park, Site B, our very own company for that matter. We were being hit left and right with law suits due to the deaths that occured on the island... it was just a complete fiasco. Then when we were just about ready to file for Chapter 11 in 1995, a man by the name of Lewis Dodgson, approached us with an offer we couldn’t refuse.”

    “When you say ‘we’ you really mean ‘you’, don’t you?”

    “You catch on quick Miss Hughes. Anyway he offered us to merge into ONE company. It seemed like a good idea at the time. With their money and ours, we were able to start from scratch. So we bought a facility in Costa Rica, a new breeding grounds for the animals... I guess you could call it our Site C,” he said giggling. “So in late 1997 I gave them the permission, to go ahead and ship the animals back to Nublar.”

    “Wait, a second. Nublar? I thought you sent a team to dismantle the park after the incident in ‘93?”

    “Dismantle?” he began to laugh and cough at the same time. “Dismantle is hardly the word... reconstruction is the word you were looking for Miss Hughes. Did you think I would watch my dreams be torn down piece by piece? I think not! They weren’t sent there to dismantle it, my dear Miss Hughes, they were sent there to rebuild what was damaged of it. So when the park was ready, they were SUPPOSED to ship the animals back to the park... and well something went wrong as it always does. Apparently their security systems weren’t as advanced as they thought it had been. As to what happened from that point on, I have no idea. I lost contact with the operation back in November of 1997.”

    “So you’ve known about this for over three years?”

    “Now seemed like a good of time as ever to tell you about it... this is not my fault. If you want to blame anyone blame Lewis Dodgson. He is the one who had the security slip up, not me. Now, if you have any further questions you can ask Mr. Dodgson... if he’s still alive.”


    1/3/02 10:38:20 PM

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