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    JP Star Joseph Mazello (Tim) originally auditioned for the role of the young lead in another Spielberg movie, "Hook". Spielberg found him too young for the role, but promised Mazello personally that he would use him if the right role came up. (From: Matt)
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    Potential JW Sides Posted Online
    A Jurassicworld-movie.com forum member has posted 2 pages of potential JW "sides" (small snippets of the movie used by actors when auditioning). The two scenes feature a smart-alecked kid-character named "Zach" talking to a "Concierge" after arriving at some sort of hotel or, uh, theme park... The other takes place in an "observation tower" where two characters named "Dr. Sourian" and "Hamada" watch dinos grazing and ruminate on keeping animals for show. (Thanks Ashton)

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