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    TLW screenwriter David Koepp has tried his hand at directing several times, helming 1996's "The Trigger Effect" and 1999's "Stir of Echoes".
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    More Angry Scientist Comments on JP4's Non-feathered Dinos
    You've got to guess that new JP4 director Colin Trevorrow certainly didn't think the first thing he said about his new directing gig would cause so much controversey. Obviously he did not factor in the nerd anger possible when you combine JP fans, dinosaur fans, palaeontologists, and the Internet. This article from the New Zealand Herald has rangled up a few more choice quotes on the subject, including one from palaeontologist Darren Naish, who says he is "pissed off" about Feathergate 2013 and hopes Trevorrow will reconsider. "It helps perpetuate the notion that dinosaurs were all scaly dragons, alien and unlike modern animals," he said.

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