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By Michael Crichton
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    Crichton wrote about a 'Dr. Felicity Hammond' and an 'Irving Levine' in his novel 'Congo'. Are these characters related to the ones in JP and TLW, or does Crichton just like the names? You decide! (From: 'Troodon')
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    JP4 Fans Told Not to Panic
    More rapidly developing news this morning on last night's disappointing news that JP4 is apparently on hold. Following his late night messages about JP4, "digital asset manager" Todd Smoyer deleted his tweet saying "we were all let go today", replying to others that JP4 "is still gonna happen" and he has "complete faith in the project." According to fansite Jurassicpark4-movie.com, who received some info from a "reliable source", JP4 fans shouldn't panic. "Simply put," the site says. "The studio doesn't necessarily see eye-to-eye with some of those involved in the film's development and this has lead to some conflict." The source claims Colin Trevorrow is still helming the picture and the employees let go today were "about 80% of JP4's Art Department". Despite JP dino consultant Jack Horner's comment below that the script was the issue, apparently "the script is fine". The original thread at Neogaf, where this all originated, has been modified, removing the original tweets and adding that "Colin was crushed by this tonight, apparently."

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